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189 replies and 100 images omitted. Click here to view.
she was in marvel movie but she was only in it for 5 seconds
This thread can't get worse can it?
threads are what anons make them. this one started out strong but turned to shit because nobody contributed anything good.
Just like Marvel's movies.
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Clouds from the ISS
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flat earthers are seething


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The power behind the throne
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prefer low res images me
What part of Labour party did you miss?
fucking rich for tory scum to run their mouths after running the UK into the ground for the past 15 years
>John Major was the son of circus performers and went into banking and bureaucracy instead, and became the pawn of Thatcherites
So you're saying Major was Flappy Bob.
>Become more and more like Labour over 15 years
>Things get shittier and shittier
>"I know, let's vote for Labour"
Libtards and women should not have the right to vote.

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Actors, props, scenes, concept art, anything from movies/films.
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"Nothing personal, just business" edition

Previous thread: >>4871803
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Damn, so much care put into this (and it shows in the final product). Much respect.
>pregnant and had a kid
>already massive breasts grew even more
Chuckwagon... we need you
Hate to ask, would you at some point be able to do a youtube video tutorial of your exact work through on a collage?
Like the entire thing? Perhaps.

It would be going over the individual steps with sped up segments, a general showcase the workflow, thoughts and tools.

Breaking down everything in any amount of detail like >>4887038... would be dreadful
Since he apparently did most of his collaging while on meth, I can understand why he stopped after getting clean. Sucks though since he favored a certain body type that made his collages rather unique.

Post any infographics on spirituality, religion, metaphysics, occultism, philosophy or any esoteric subjects.

Let's start with Mormonism.
202 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anything on shinto stuff?
anything on eastern european folk magic?

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Good riddance to that stupid xray thread.

Cazzie is so sexy and i think she deserves way better than pete or john.
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what i wouldn't give to have her just scowl at me
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That is a man.
A beautiful, sexy man
He's much sexier than Hunter
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And way sexier than him

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The last one guys. It was fun.
If someone have High-resolution images, put them here too, they will be welcome!

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Give me your best wallpapers
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That's self explanatory but is there more of it or some extra lore around?
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better resolution
>>4798463 >>4754296
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guess most people forgot how pretty she was
Perfect ass
I bet they just threw those pants away...
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Thread for the Queen
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Do you think any freaky ancient romans ever busted a nut on the face of one of those marble sculptures they used to have everywhere? like a sort of hotglue fetish of antiquity.

idk why Sanna makes me think of these things
i'm sure they did and they would for sanna like we do

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Anything related to Studio Ghibli goes here.
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I don't get it.
It's in my top 5 and by far Goro Miyazaki's best work imo
Sounds like I should watch that anon
> >>4796345 valley of the wind
( ~ f a r t i n g ~ f o r ~ Jesus ~ )
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R.I.P. to Akira Toriyama, whose death was announced today on the 8th that it actually occurred a week ago on March 8th, 2024. Let's honor the creator of the best Shonen anime series in the genre's history by sharing some good highres images from (or inspired by) Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super and so on.
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rip to toriyama who's drawing in heaven now

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These are magical
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Wait that may be roads not water. I messed this one up.
I love this long exposure stuff you've posted. Thank you.

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