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File: _ra-refleja-cover.jpg (209 KB, 1000x1504)
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58 Pictures
+ Cover

Previous thread: >>4901271
63 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
That’s quite a meal, hope you saved your appetite.
That girl hasn't spent too much time in the Sun! Very cute, nevertheless! Thanks, OP!
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You're welcome. Here she is getting some sun.
Lmao she dyed her cunt hair. The roots are dark.
>he said, typing with one hand, clad only in his slightly dirty new balances

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184 replies and 171 images omitted. Click here to view.
I can post some manga pages but if there is more of this I don't want to take a slot.
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Not mine, i just found somewere.
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Absolutly amazing thread, thanks for taking the time to produce all of these!

Possibly the most beautiful woman who ever lived
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I think I'm in love

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Post your best A-bomb/Explosion High Resolution Images.
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What do they have against Brooklyn?
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No idea
Actually that was Queens. My mistake.
Pretty gay posting a sunset in a nuclear explosion thread

57 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
more like rosie huntington homely

192 replies and 183 images omitted. Click here to view.
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I just love this shit too much
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There is a version of this which seems to have been a special release poster that sold out long ago.
I wish I could find a high res version but I'll leave the link if I can
I admit if I had to sell Godzilla vs an unknown moth.
I keep seeing Godzilla files when I am not looking for them and then I cannot find it when I want them.
I will get this worked out this weekend.

128 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
Agreed. Very hard to find stuff above even single-digit MP on the internet. A good close-up photo at 44MP is a real treat. Zooming in makes me feel like I’m actually there.
they're out there just no one wants to pay for them
Holy based
looks like it
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>page 9

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These are magical
111 replies and 72 images omitted. Click here to view.
Wait that may be roads not water. I messed this one up.
I love this long exposure stuff you've posted. Thank you.
Glad someone likes it because it creeps me out.
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57 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
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86 replies and 49 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Well its an ethnographic map, you wouldn't in the first place.
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Castille, Catalonia/Valencia and Aragon I see.
But what's below? Brabant and?
A huge giant gator is what I see!

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Previous: >>4866370
223 replies and 168 images omitted. Click here to view.
Tried to post the other half of the list bur it thinks it's spam for some reason. grrrr
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Here's the second half
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26 replies and 26 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Looking for more hi res Frazettas
219 replies and 168 images omitted. Click here to view.
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no one care faggot

Kpop threads galore, but little love for the higher-brow stuff... let's change that.

> Minhwa, literally means "painting of the people" or "popular painting", were produced and popularized by anonymous painters of the lower class during the late Joseon dynasty of 1390s to 1890s. Folk paintings portray animals, beautiful flowers, trees, birds and even shelves with books, painting essentials or other daily objects in the live of ordinary Koreans. Though these masterpieces may differ in figures, colors and topics, they are all drawn to a specific plain, straightforward and naive style. Some even look quite childish and unrefined. However, the actual work is much more complicated than that. Minhwa is usually produced to decorate the main door of a house or can be done on folded screens and other furniture to bring happiness, luck, prosperity, wealth, fame, offspring, and even to ward off evil spirits. It usually takes a huge amount of effort, concentration and great skill to finish a Minhwa painting. Though they are roughly drawn, they express the philosophy of art of the Koreans: bold strokes, vivid colors, and unconventional layouts, combined with wit, humor, and an optimistic spirit.
86 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
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