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I love her milkers
Slut has giant tits
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i wish she'd breastfeed me
Yes, post more photos of this whore anon
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I have quite a lot of Salmas
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almost 60 and as slutty as ever, love this mommy
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Fucking Whore
Good, post anon
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She has amazing doctors
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and tits
I cum to her regularly
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I cum to her jugs
Attention seeking whore
Slut Mexican
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A Slutina if you will
This fucking Latina whore
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I just want to make mommy proud
I wanna bury my face in there so bad, my wife is flat chested and it gives me depression, i want to fuck some big mama jamas.
Best of luck anon, you'll still want more though
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Whore has really big tits
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fuck ya salma is amazing lets keep this thread rollin
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Come on Anon. I know you can do better than that.
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Look at those tits
Incredibly Indian posts
I've noticed there's some pajeet who's obsessed with Salma, Christina Hendricks, Lisa Ann and Sara Jay always making these autistic, hateful threads here and on /gif/. And you can tell it's one guy because he always posts exactly the same things, written in the exact same ways. Fucking lunatic
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His reddit username is nate8000, he's here cause they keep suspending his account there for being a retard
Oh and he's obsessed with Elvira as well. /tv/ has banned him a ton too
is this also the one who keeps trying to divert the thread to about his supposed mother?
No anon
Calling people out on Reddit, you must have no life anon
>Calling people out on 4chan, you must have no life anon

See how retarded this argument makes you sound?
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Yeah, this makes sense.
I've seen his particular weird, low effort, disgustingly ESL strain of posting in other threads on here. It's incredibly stupid.
That's a thing?
It's equal parts hilarious and deeply sad
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Perfect slut
Superior Mexican feet
Absolutely would let her use me
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Then either be a billionaire or a starving baby in Sierra Leone.
Kek. I've always noticed this too but thought I was being a schizo
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Her red carpet appearances tend to be pretty meh these days but at least she's a social media attention whore who posts all these bathing suit shots to show her titties and ass.
in her defense she started the 2020s off with a banger with her blue dress, so anything after is going to seem like somewhat of a disappointment
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fuck imagine her dressed like this and coming into the dungeon where you're chained to the wall and she gives you aggressive hand-relief while she calls you a slutty cumpig
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That sounds awful I would hate that lol
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each to their own. I usually prefer to be the one in charge, but occasionally a special kind of woman will bring out my submissive side: something about her in that dress with those heels and that hair, makes me wanna be her thrall
She has such huge tits
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I just really enjoy large breasts
I’d say she’s fairly rated.
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A woman after my own heart
Then why make a thread?
OP is a schizo
Tranny lover
More with this dress
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I'll post what I got
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that's it
Holy cow, those are some serious platform heels she's got on. I never pay attention to her feet but apparently they've become a staple of her red carpet looks.
Thanks you anon
And this bitch is 5'2
She's a whore nothing else
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Breastest press conference ever.
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One for the pantyhose fans. Or maybe she's wearing stockings here? Pretty rare for her either way.
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Slightly different angle with better booty shot.
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At this point that's pretty much all Salma is, a pair of nice big tits.
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they linked up
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Nothing but huge tits
>that one time she breastfed an african boy
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Even Salma's close friends can't help but scope out those jugs ... though I can't believe Penelope hasn't seen them naked many times over the years.
watch FROM DUSK TILL DAWN and say that again you massive faggot
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Penelope looking real fine
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New pics
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Mmm ... boots.
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More from her Tonight Show appearance. This pic needs better lighting.
This one has better lighting but her damn arm is in the way. Ffs Salma, everyone knows you're just there to show off your tits, so don't be coy.
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Forgot the pic.
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Thread's been pretty dead so I'll just dump the rest of Salma on The Tonight Show. Here she is with all her security mopes.
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Found some vintage HQ/UHQ, will post more when I get time.
Well, it definitely took way longer than usual but age gas finally caught up with her. At least from the neck up

'95-'05 I'd vote Salma all day, every day. never had much of a thing for Penelope, but imo is aging much better.
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It certainly seems that way.
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Damn she pretty
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Another one.
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And here's a third from a different set
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Really puts into perspective that she's basically a midget
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It's funny that her being so short makes her tits look bigger, but her tits being so big makes her look short when she's dressed that simply.

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