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Here's an example
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nta but i think that's solaris running an environment called SunView, a predecessor to CDE. What's also interesting is the Macintosh Application Environment, a fully featured 68k mac emulator released by Apple themselves to make it easier for developers to develop for the mac from a more serious workstation.
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Steel Giants at Sea.
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wizard hat ship
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This chick peaked in the late 2000s. Anyone agree?
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Still cute.
Did she get a nosejob? Looks different, more pointy.
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lone tree
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i think it is Parthenocissus tricuspidata

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Relieve your thirst a different way, simps
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lavender tea
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faroe islands national dish
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Cult film actress/musician, forever underrated.
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>there are women with "good proportions" but ugly souls, and you see an ugliness in their eyes.

for this reason I always found Amber Heard repulsive. she has an ugly and mean soul. or Meghan Markle (I'm not a fan of her physic type either - nor Amber for that matter - but I think Meghan has one of the most nakedly repulsive characters/souls... clawing, conniving, covetous egotism). Both of them look like leering demons peering through a skin suit. Whereas beautiful souls look a glimpse of an angel
*physical type
Fun fact: although Suzy is referencing a fictional street in this scene, a real Escher Straße station exists in Cologne, Germany. It should also be noted we later see Madame Blanc's office which is notably covered in Escher-inspired murals.
From the 35mm Fox scan.
(Synapse BR)

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Puppies and dogs, pour on the cute
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Anything related to movies, film, cinema.
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great movie
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No pics with implants or tattoo
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She's cute.
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>Gopnik Dua using the elevator as her makeshift toilet
Imagine the piss stench afterwards
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This one I took in Erg Chebbi, Morocco, at the border of Sahara desert.

One of the few pics where storing it as jpeg, no matter the quality, would actually completely destroy the picture as the smooth gradient of the sky would be gone.
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It's called a "light pillar" - from the Sun in your case. Has to do with the droplets or ice formations in the clouds. Happens with ice fog and street lights, too (pic related)
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the superior sister always
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Much appreciated. Here's a tweaked version I just made
Anyone ITT watch Hawkeye? Is it any good?
>that bump
Are we to assume Vera has a kid that will soon graduate high school? Where'd the time go bros…
Its decent if you lower your expectations from the usual cgi stuff. its street level crime fighting.

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Tomás Sánchez
Cuban painter and engraver, known for his landscapes.
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doing the good work

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