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...or other cosplay girls.

I just think she's neat.
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What you see is what you get. I don't have much, but I feel like sharing some of my favorite ones.
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Wait it's actually real? Was thinking it was AI/photoshop because of the buildings.
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>max res 10000
>max size 8MB
I fucking hate this board so much! /hr/ my ass

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4chan has been compressing uploaded images since last year.
Please read this thread for more information: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62965488/
I am bringing this to the attention of this board, because for those who are not in the know, you might not appreciate the compression. The further issue is that while other archives for other boards archive the correct, non-compressed versions of images from their threads, the archive for this board, 4plebs, archives the compressed versions (the wrong ones). For a board that deals with high resolution images, this situation is not ideal.
Take for example the OP image from this thread: >>4804513
In pic related, I saved the same image three times.
The first file is a save from 4chan, without modifying the image URL.
The second file is a save from 4chan, modifying the image URL.
The third file is a save from the 4plebs archive.
As you can see, the second file is the correct file, and can only be attained by modifying the image URL on 4chan.
If you care about this issue, I would contact the owners of 4plebs to have them change it so the correct, non-compressed versions of images get archived. That way, at least the archive has the correct images. You could also contact 4chan via their feedback form and ask them to turn off this Cloudflare feature, but I doubt it will result in reversing the changes put in place.
67 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
Unrelated, but how do you guys upload such high res images without hitting the file size limit?

Also any tips for uploading optimal webm would be appreciated too
Size limit varies by board moran.
I'd like to update this by saying this trick seems like it no longer works at all on /b/. I have saved several images from there as of late, and they are all a smaller file size than what is stated on the site at the time of download. Their archive also saves the wrong versions of files, so anything saved anywhere regarding /b/ is going to be the incorrect file. It's still working on other boards I visit (with occasional failures). Strangely enough on occasion I get a slightly larger file size than what is stated on the site at the time of download. This happened recently and is a first for me.

>and it turns out that smaller file size to save server space & bandwidth isn't the correct answer.
Then why would they do it, if it was not this reason?

>but nobody has provided proof of anything yet
This entire thread is full of proof. Are you genuinely retarded? Or too lazy to read? Or both?



Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>why would they do it, if it was not this reason?
That's the point of these threads. Why, indeed. Could be a real reason, could just be retarded fuckwits who think they are genius "programmers" and don't even qualify as script kiddies. Seen that stupid shit a thousand times.
It's Moron you fucking pleb

The world's hottest contortionist, Nina Burri (Thread #2)

Old thread: >>4823567

Sub-1000x1000 pics:
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random hi-res.
mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.
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maximo cozy, que vixca espanya
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/hr/ board is forever lost, Hiro abandoned it long ago
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>please create /cel/

No. The LAST thing we need is even more celebrity shitposting.

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The dyejob fave.
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i just wish i could confirm for myself.
gtfo of here you retarded kid and your stupid cheap apps
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>High resolution
it's like Hayley has a real life low-res filter that follows her everywhere

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young or old
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Post the largest image you have that you can upload to /hr/.

>Images greater than 10000x10000 pixels are not allowed.
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What’s next for her?

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>comparing Billie Eilish to Billie Fucking Holiday in any way
Stick to cooming, you don't know shit about music.
Is that the new album cover?
She saw Lorde's last album cover and had to one-up it
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Imagine the collab
It's nice that Lana lost weight, she looked great for her whole set

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get in line
>somehow, Palpatine has transitioned.
[obvious Star Wars joke here]
Well maybe not THAT obvious....
>running a train on Rebecca
Count me in desu
This is better.

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Be it Fantasy or 40k, fanart or high res screenshots from the video games, photos of minis, anything goes.
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Looking for more hi res Frazettas
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True. Wish I knew the artist though I think its still very good.
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Captive Princess
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An edit from /aco/

Kpop threads galore, but little love for the higher-brow stuff... let's change that.

> Minhwa, literally means "painting of the people" or "popular painting", were produced and popularized by anonymous painters of the lower class during the late Joseon dynasty of 1390s to 1890s. Folk paintings portray animals, beautiful flowers, trees, birds and even shelves with books, painting essentials or other daily objects in the live of ordinary Koreans. Though these masterpieces may differ in figures, colors and topics, they are all drawn to a specific plain, straightforward and naive style. Some even look quite childish and unrefined. However, the actual work is much more complicated than that. Minhwa is usually produced to decorate the main door of a house or can be done on folded screens and other furniture to bring happiness, luck, prosperity, wealth, fame, offspring, and even to ward off evil spirits. It usually takes a huge amount of effort, concentration and great skill to finish a Minhwa painting. Though they are roughly drawn, they express the philosophy of art of the Koreans: bold strokes, vivid colors, and unconventional layouts, combined with wit, humor, and an optimistic spirit.
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fantastic thread and subject
cheers to you
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Lunch time and Wrestling by Kim Hong-do from late Joseon period.
Scenery from Dano day (단오풍정) by Sin Yun-bok aka Hyewon from late Joseon period.
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Well she was home schooled. You know how home schooled kids tend to be.
Your grammatical embarrassment and racism aside, I'm white, a Democrat, and I've never "out there that" either of those things.
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But anon, liberals and leftists don't believe in Christ, only scientific evidence...
That would be like re-marketing a bad slogan to target easily fooled people, like if someone were to change Make America Great Again, to to something like Keep America Great, only to change it again to something like Save America, which totally never happened but would be embarrassing if it did, and even more embarrassing for the people who fell for it, amirite? What awful self-serving no accountability narcissist of a felonious con-man would ever do such an underhanded thing just to pick the low hanging fruit?
More successful on average? And better performing on standardized tests by 15 to 30 percentile points? You're right, they sure do tend to be
I'm sure you thought this was a clever post, but I don't like Trump or his cultists. Better luck next time.

Socially stunted.

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