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5th November we'll see if he learned a lesson
63 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
you know shit is bad when even Snopes starts to dismantle the bullshit lies that leftists have been running on
American here. Disregard that post by our under-educated Confederate house-prisoner.
At least Trump isn’t a faker like those DEI cucks on the pics. White men took that island!
We will, he can’t help it they told him propaganda, we have a immigrant issue but atleast they are not gangmembers but mostly victims of American paid bombs wars and drugs.
The possibility of bulletproof wigs

A 2,000+ year old 20 sided crystal die used for fortune telling in the Roman Empire
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Pella, Macedonia, 4th Century B.C.) Stag Hunt - Mosaic (view2)
Portonaccio sarcophagus, around 180 CE
Rare Roman boxing gloves found near Hadrian's Wall. Thought to be the only surviving examples. 120 AD. Hexham, Northumberland
>they had dungeons & dragons back then
Yes except it was a LARP.
They aren't Roman

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this is a dogshit board full of low quality porn spam, /b/ tier trash, and celebrity worship. you can do whatever you want

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It's Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
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OP, are you Australian? How did you get all these super nice pictures? I never imagined it could look like this, these threads are what /hr/ is for
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Alycia Debnam-Carey and Samara Weaving
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He's just trying to force Alycia to be famous. Probably her publicist. Or her.
You should've went for the trifecta and included Margot.
would be a W foursome desu
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doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, just what I personally use. I only have two that are /k/omfy, so the third will be another one I sometimes use.
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I think komfy pseudowave must be rather rare.
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Still alive?

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statue/sculpture thread anyone?
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well said
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Posting a few Van Haasteren posters that I have used as puzzles. If you have similar ones, please add! :-)
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Find Waldo
>>4819111 corporate heaven
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Just got two 4k monitors, and need some nice wallpapers. It's been hard to find nice landscape pics like pic related that are not blurry in this resolution.
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Good ones. Adding them to my rotation. Thank you.
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Post old technology from the 20th century and even the 2000s. Catalogs , advertisements, the whole shebang.
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old schooL >>4881805
~ Lesbian Gay ~ IBM
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Micro stuff
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We need a third type.
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I think it should.
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from any decade
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Does this count?
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I should take pics of my Star Wars figures...

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Since the last thread has been down, let's make it again
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Alas, what could have been...
It´s a pity her masturbation vid is so blurry =(

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