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I want her to scold me after she caught me posting misogynistic comments on an alt account on social media, while I'm on my knees completely nude and she towers over me while I hang my head in shame, and at the end she tells me to apologize and kiss her feet while she records the entire ordeal and shares it online with all her female friends.
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Based foot-chad femdom enjoyer

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So this shit is bots right?

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Since the last thread has been down, let's make it again
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I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
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i really need her to be my mom
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To lose it all so soon. Tragic

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Me, I had it
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Would hate to have to rely on that for navigation.

no special theme, only requirement 8+MP for images
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If God can't post some high resolution pictures he can fuck right off.
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There won't be another election after 2024.
There's no point in discussing future candidates.
it's george
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You're looking at the most important political image of the modern era. This photo will single handedly win Trump the presidency even if he had not already been on track to sweep. Weep, radical leftists and TDS having NPCs. Weep and hail to the king.
I'm guessing it's wallpaper on computers numbering in the millions already.

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Alycia Debnam-Carey and Samara Weaving
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Before the dark times...
Sam doesn't have any dark times.

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doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, just what I personally use. I only have two that are /k/omfy, so the third will be another one I sometimes use.
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It is /k/omfy my friend!
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I think komfy pseudowave must be rather rare.

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>Has that MtF vibe in all her pics.
Is she actually a dude?
Pose 6.3 is rather dull. Can we try post 4.7 or pose 11.2 perhaps?

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statue/sculpture thread anyone?
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depressive fear stuff... I prefer greek statues celebrating the beauty and physical health, it's motivational to be driven be eanting instead of fear
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well said

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Posting a few Van Haasteren posters that I have used as puzzles. If you have similar ones, please add! :-)
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This isn't one but some camo animals could be fun here.
someone should hide saddam hussein in one of these
Better than that, let me find a spider hole puzzle.
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Find Waldo
>>4819111 corporate heaven

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guess what? you're a human too, retard
Love these guys.
I wanna eat a zebra steak so bad bros
> >>4799105 ?

Just got two 4k monitors, and need some nice wallpapers. It's been hard to find nice landscape pics like pic related that are not blurry in this resolution.
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Post some commercial airplane pics bros.
Good ones. Adding them to my rotation. Thank you.

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