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Nice thread, dingus
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>Marilyn Monroe Thread
Droll, cliche, passe
Is she on Onlyfans?
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Like rotting bones and decayed flesh.
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Hnnnggg... Those fucking feet, calves, fat thighs and fat ass.

Def Leppard was right. Photographs are not enough.
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Some of my favorite shots of her fat, luscious ass,
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Are those her stockings lying next to her?
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In the afterlife women have to earn every drop of cum spilled for them - and swallow it before being granted entrance to heaven.
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I think that's from the movie Niagara one of the movies where she is shown wearing makeup in the shower and in bed.
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I found an article on her work as a live model for Earl Moran's pinups buried on my hard drive. I don't remember the magazine that ran it. I'll check to see if I have any of the pinups in high resolution.
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The sexiest woman ever to do it
She's so resonant of that late Hays Code, slightly pre Sexual Revolution era that it feels a little transgressive seeing her tits, every time
Perhaps eventually a sex tape will emerge from the FBI vaults
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I'm going to have that pic printed onto a waterproofed canvas and hang it in my backyard where I smoke. She looks so relaxed in that pic. 28 years old there.
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STILL the hottest actress in hollywood!!!!!!

Hotter than Sydney Sweeney!!!

Hotter than Margot Robbie!!!!!

Hotter than Scarlet Johansan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's true for the years that she was thin - her late 20s. But plump Marilyn, no, imo. As an icon of beauty and a legend... there's no one like her at any ago, tho. I like her candid shots most, when she's actually unaware of the photographer. Sometimes I search the Internet for just one pic that I've never seen before. Can take hours sometimes.
I don't get the appeal. I mean, I can see she has a sensual aura when she's on video (pics can't capture "it"). I get the whole bimbo pin-up meme. I understand she died young and became a myth for that. But hottest actress ever? Nah
>I don't get the appeal.

Its mostly women and gay men who like the independent women in the sexist 1960s meets a tragic end story. She grew up in poverty in foster homes in LA she was married off to her first husband at 16 but instead of doing what society expected and having kids while she drank herself to death she divorced him as soon as she was 18 and set off on her own. As she said in interviews she supported herself after that doing everything from working in factories to nude modeling. She transformed her looks patterning herself after the freakish artificial look of Jean Harlow a famous actress from the 1930s. She became the biggest movie star in the world for less than a decade and had failed marriages to sports celebrities and rumors of affairs with the Kennedy's then she was dead at 36.
>patterning herself after the freakish artificial look of Jean Harlow
Never get the appeal of her aswell. Or Clara Bow. It's weird but all these three sex symbols aren't my thing. I think they are mogged by a lot of other actresses from their same respective eras
>doing everything from working in factories to nude modeling

Hah. Yeah. I bet there was a lot more of one of those than the other.

Women lol. They never change.
Damn she looks incredible here
Sooo....she was killed off right?
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I dont think so. She took a fatal dose of pills herself. She had prescription for pentobarbital a drug used to euthanize animals also chloral hydrate another sedative. She had a prescription filled the day before she died IIRC and that bottle was next to her bed empty. She was in a bedroom locked from the inside. She had made suicide attempts before by taking pills and calling for help. When she was found dead the phone was in her hand. She may not have really wanted to die but she killed herself. One of the theories about her death is that she became depressed after the Kennedy's ghosted her, JFK was running for re-election and they may have been worried her affair with RFK might be used in the campaign.
god damn commie bastards got the whore of Babylon AND BOTH Kennedy's.
>captcha : KGPWNT
yeah sure
Is that meant to mean something, schizo?
Margot Robbie is not even in the discussion

She's hot is all. That's it. Only Scarlett Johansson comes close.
>She's hot is all
For you. She's bland
KG(B)PWN'T i.e. Ivan's to blame
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Wow, two letters in a five-letter string formed the beginning of a vaguely related three-letter acronym, but it didn't even complete. What are the chances!
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I'm also drawn to tragic females. Even Judy Garland, but I'm not gay. Could never get it up for a man's hairy ass. Just doesn't work, and not interested. But there's something about these tragic females, in particular the famous ones, that really interests me. I don't know what it is.
I don't find her sexually arousing, in any way in any pose. But I'm drawn to her in some romantic way. Not that I'm a fan or would fawn over her in real life if she was still alive, but there's something sympathetic that I feel. Probably cultural.
If I could find a woman who would look at me like this for forever, I think I would be content with that for forever.
>I don't find her sexually arousing
Generally speaking, same
>in any way in any pose
That's a bit too extreme
>there's something sympathetic
Yes, I think it's about her naive persona and the fact she didn't have an easy life. Also, even if she orbited the Kennedys she wasn't obnoxious politically, which is a plus for today standards
>That's a bit too extreme
I mean in the way the photographers often tried to bend her like a Barbie Doll for erotic appeal. I think many opportunities to highlight her other appeal was was lost in all of that, and she had such limited time.
It took me too long to find this little clip, about her appeal beyond sexuality. It happens in just one second. After she breaks her iconic smile and laughs briefly to herself. The moment is over by 2:53 when she pick up the camera again. That is her 'other' appeal, or at least what I'm trying to talk about:
I've read she manufactured her bogus smile to avoid showing her upper gum, so it's no wonder she comes off as artificial when posing compared to the rare moments in which she was genuinely laughing like that. The fact is that she was the prototype of the turbo fake artefact "bimbo" style in vogue today. If you like more natural girls like me you won't see the appeal (except when you look behind her mask like you do)
>except when you look behind her mask like you do
Usually that's when they have their hand on my wallet, also. Could also be why I prefer the dead ones ;-)
drugged and/or drunk? easy
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kill all pimps and pushers
Based thread.
Marilyn MIDroe is brutally mogged by random zoomer e-girls.
actually she just reincarnated into Belle Delphine
Is this real or ai made? I thought she didnt do any nudes?

its surprising how small her boobs were since her image was as a tit queen.They must have used padding.

They're also kinda saggy for one of the supposedly most beautiful women ever
They look way firmer and nicer in these other nude photos.
Are they just fake photos, or was the rose wilting when this pic was taken, so all she had left to show were these mediocre saggy sacks?

Those pictures are real and famous. She did them when she was poor before her big break in hollywood. Once she was a big star Hugh Heffner purchased those from the photographer to have nudes of hollywoods new big star for the first cover of his new girly mag. They were like the 1st leaked nudes of a major star. I dont think it bothered her since she did later nude photos after she was famous.
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Robo-Marilyn painted by Hajime Sorayama
They weren't exactly "leaked." The photographer, Tom Kelley, licensed the photos to a publisher that used them for pin-up calendars. Hef then sub-licensed a whole batch of pin-ups from the calendar company (not directly from Kelley) for his magazine (most of the early Playmates of the Month came out of that acquisition and weren't actually shot specifically for the magazine). The photos were therefore already in circulation before being featured in Playboy. However, I believe it was Playboy that first actually credited them to Mariyln, as Kelley had credited her under a pseudonym.

The thing that may have bothered Marilyn was that she never saw a dime from Playboy because models don't get residuals. Kelley paid her enough for her to pay off a car loan, but that was the end of it.
>tit queen
That was never really her image (that was more Jayne Mansfield). Also it was the era of bullet bras and tight sweaters.

>was the rose wilting when this pic was taken
IIRC, that pic is from the last shoot she did, shortly before she died.
>That pic is from the last shoot she did, shortly before she died.
Yep, six weeks before she died. From Bert Stern's 'The Last Sitting' photo shoot. He published more than 2,500 images from it.
how does she smell
She doesn't smell anymore, since she's dead since the 60s you know. When she was alive she used her nose as anyone else I guess
Her two favorite perfumes were Chanel No. 5 and Floris Rose Geranium, if that's anything to go by.
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Not even close dumbass.
kek! >90% of e-girls are ugly af with shit tons of makeup to hide their faces beneath with an added phone filter on top.

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