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the warning is the future of rock
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last one for today
>future of rock
rock died a long time ago
nobody showed interest in your last shill campaign. give it up and fuck off and die.
Mid as fuuuuck
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Long Ale best Ale
they dress like dorky retards are they russian or south american or something lol
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they are mexico
3 ugly skanks. wtf?
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They look like they eat each other out and take the virginity of young men.

Post moar
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checking them MY WIFE DANY trips
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thats a pretty fucking bleak future, I say this as a rock musician

there's nothing innovative about what they do aside from the fact that they are fuckable (I do admit to that) but I beg you, do not fool yourself with the bs you said
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>future of rock
futa cock
ngl i'd suck dany's cock if she had one and asked me to
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Musically void beaners being shilled by a wetback tard sitting in the shit he dumped last week.

Industry plants who never got the message that pointless hard rock died in the 80s.

Flush these talentless hacks.
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he ain't wrong.
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OP is a dirty greasy shitstain for shilling no-talent putas on 4chan.
Anyone playing a 5 string bass is either a virtuoso, or a poser.

Which one is she, anon?
She’s a poser. The whole whore band actually believe they are rock stars.
Cringe AF retarded wetback industry plants.
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So this is the next batch of popular young women that will infuriate the army of aging sexless stump chodes. I'm all in.
Z-grade bait.
Back to your troon festival, null.
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Dirty butt-rock mexi-mutt has zero talent, is titlessa nd talentless.
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Are you having a stroke, bro?
he was typing with one hand while gooning to this thread, you must excuse his retarded ways
"as a musician" lmao loser go kill yourself
ale should spit in my mouth
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i want dany to murder me and defile my corpse
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<3 Kanami
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>Astroturfing is the practice of hiding the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious, or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from, and is supported by, grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial backers.

>The implication behind the use of the term is that instead of a "true" or "natural" grassroots effort behind the activity in question, there is a "fake" or "artificial" appearance of support.
aka Industry Plant.

Anybody who isn't willfully ignorant of their surroundings knows from experience that nobody in a position of privilege is legitimate. Nepotism's chain of command is the ruling party in the military industrial complex.
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>>Oh No it's impossible that they have an anon fan on this aib that posts them once daily (sometimes once every other day). It must be a big corp.
i am in love with dany
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is the girl in the middle that trending youtube hermaphrodite intersex person?
blumekind or whatever the channel is?
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How are you? How do you like the new album?
I've been listening to it on repeat for 5 days now..
it's fucking great, i can't wait to see them in concert for a fourth time later this year
I've been focusing on the new 'after-record-release' songs, Apologize, Sharks, Six F D, all very good. From the previous ones I like Sick, Hycad and Automatic Sun a lot.
(One thing I notice, every single one of the songs grows on me after some repeats.)
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Anon from Canada? Glad for you

>I've been focusing on the new 'after-record-release' songs
Yes, me too. Sharks by the way is a funny mix of nu metal and k-pop

Waiting for the live versions of the songs
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Did you see the latest interview? What do you think about "hook up" question?
they lied. i have hooked up with all 3 last year
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Yet another drug trip

I just want them to break my heart. It will be quick and probably hurt. But it will get me off this addiction :/
i want paulina to choke me while ale pisses on me and dany stabs me
Yes, yes, I remember those fantasies very well, lol
what the fuck, gonna fap right now
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beat me up pau

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