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Looking for more hi res Frazettas
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no one care faggot

Kpop threads galore, but little love for the higher-brow stuff... let's change that.

> Minhwa, literally means "painting of the people" or "popular painting", were produced and popularized by anonymous painters of the lower class during the late Joseon dynasty of 1390s to 1890s. Folk paintings portray animals, beautiful flowers, trees, birds and even shelves with books, painting essentials or other daily objects in the live of ordinary Koreans. Though these masterpieces may differ in figures, colors and topics, they are all drawn to a specific plain, straightforward and naive style. Some even look quite childish and unrefined. However, the actual work is much more complicated than that. Minhwa is usually produced to decorate the main door of a house or can be done on folded screens and other furniture to bring happiness, luck, prosperity, wealth, fame, offspring, and even to ward off evil spirits. It usually takes a huge amount of effort, concentration and great skill to finish a Minhwa painting. Though they are roughly drawn, they express the philosophy of art of the Koreans: bold strokes, vivid colors, and unconventional layouts, combined with wit, humor, and an optimistic spirit.
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Hello /hr/.

I hate to be that guy, but im going to this kids birthday party and he wants a poster of an attack submarine.

I live in a country where Amazon wont ship, so i figured i make my own.

So im asking if anyone got any good pictures of attack subs?

Sorry again for begging
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> gay orgy room
>shis first thought is about gay sex
There's just so many trannies & fags on 4chan these days.
I thought every naval vessel had a gay orgy room, though.

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128 Pictures
+ Cover

Kelly Collins
Age: 24
Eye color: blue
Hair color: blonde
Height: 163cm
Weight: 43kg
Breast size: medium
Measurements: 86/61/81
Country: Russian Federation
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Previous thread: >>4900806
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Nice stuff, OP! Thank you!
No problemo!

120 Pictures
+ Cover

Age when shot: 18
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Height: 173cm
Weight: 47kg
Breast size: medium
Measurements: 89/58/89
Country: Ukraine
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Bio: Hi, my name is Rokki. I am funny, easy going. I am fan of Korean series. I watchall of them, what takes a lot of time :) But while watching, I draw. I am young artist.Studying in art college. My drawings main subject is a woman and water.I am obsessed with health eating. I read a lot of books about it and trying to and my way of healthy eating.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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A nice set, OP! Thanks!
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You're welcome!

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These are so fucking good
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im looking for a bitch with a wide back.
said no one ever

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>Natalie Portman/Hershlag
>also plays the roles of Rachael Leigh Cook and Keira Knightley
id love to
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She has good posture!
>get divorced
>start drinking in public

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>it's way more common to find brown sicilians than ones that look like her
She is part of the royal Norman elite. She's not called "Lady" Gaga for nothing, you know.
she is mega italian looking. Literally looks like a FOB italian women straight outta Naples.
>does she dom Ari for being brown and being a non-norman moor?
Yes. Ari is a brown Moorish slave girl, and Gaga is blonde Norman royalty.
they're both mutts and so are you
thats a man

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Moner sucking two cocks, stuffing both heads in her hot young mouth. slapping her face with our cocks. Sucking my balls while she strokes my boy's cock. Making us kiss her all over and suck on each little flat tit. Caressing and manhandling her. Double penetrating her tiny latina body. Our balls slapping. My cock is so creamy from her little brown pussy that her juices drip from my cock and balls down to my boy's balls. Lubing his cock as it slams into moner's young asshole. More guys joining. A cock in every hole. A cock in every hand. So much cock for a hungry little made for sex whore. Two cocks in her mouth. One cock in her pussy. One in her asshole. That one switching from her cock stuffed pussy to her asshole. Two cocks fucking her tiny stretched out latina cunt. She's so sweaty and drenched in cum after. Fertile little slut ready for more after. Pussy so pink and puffy ready for more cock.
shame she's doing that "hot girl pretends to be ugly by dressing like shit" crap
in english, doc
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Now I'm not 100% certain and could be wrong, I'm only somewhat conversational in Coomer, but from what I can understand, I think he meant:

But I could be mistaken. His is a unique dialect, spoken by few, and my knowledge of it is limited.
He could have just as easily been saying "hello".

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Ancient Egypt
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Is this the oldest depiction of copping a feel?
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Here's my true Queen. Too bad shes hooked up with the kikes.
Why would you do that?
It is surprisingly difficult to get nice Egypt hr
history is a myth

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Looks like an abduction photo.
Is he trans?
I guess that is what happens when you ask her to try to smile. Makes sense she never does.
Starring in the sequel to that horror movie Smile, eh?

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Last time I was here there was a thread but, I see it has reached bump limit and archived. I still have images to share.
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Everything from comics to pulps to blueprints.

The "Fallout" vibe.
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I dunno. Are they really having that much fun?
I know I have a Syd Mead folder somewhere...
That could almost be today

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290 replies and 166 images omitted. Click here to view.
That is not the face of someone who enjoys bumping.
Shes the cutest sexe monke. I wanna chimp out in her pussy
not that
I hope the last one is something decent!

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