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Karen Gillan
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Footpussy Supreme
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I love this gazelle of a woman!
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Is 3D allowed here?
This doesn't even look like her. Delete it.
too late now, friend
Only 38% likeness to her on starbyface. Work on it some more.
fuck off to the fakes thread!
Didnt see that. on my way
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Karen is not impressed.
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Love those cute faces, they dont get captured often in a decent resolution.
I wish I could eat this woman for all of my meals
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>hfw you make another ambrosia pee joke
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Rule of pee.
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I want to run my tongue up those legs
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Imagine if she was ticklish when a tongue runs up her legs and when you ran your tongue up her leg she started to chuckle but she had a full bladder so she wriggled and giggled even more because she was trying to hold it in but she couldn't and she started to pee a little bit and it ran down her leg and some got in your mouth and you tasted it and you liked it.
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Salvation in salivation.
That’s all I want
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>you have to drink all the waters
I wish I could happily drink up all her sweet, hot ambrosia
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And that's the way I like it.
So why is she the piss icon? Personally I'd rather see her chug a bucket of gooey cum after washing her hair in it
Because we all know that her sweet nectar so rudely labeled ‘piss’ is actually the fountain of youth and an all encompassing medicine that cures all.
is pisht ya fook
It is the nectar of the gods, mortal.
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Cute and sexy.
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why are you guys so obsessed with her pee? is it a meme? or you guys are just really into piss?
Is it even guys? I wouldn't be surprised if it was just one guy samefaging.
>one guy samefaging.
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It's definitely at least two, because I'm not the only one posting about her divine ambrosia.
Imagine dying of thirst and no Karen to sate it with her warm nectar. This life is hell.
One sip of her sweet, sticky secretion is worth living an eternity in Tartarus.
look like if hari nef and norafawn had a child
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She's well up the duff
this better be FAKE!
She's 36, anon. It's now or never.
Imagine how frequently she must be peeing now.
>Karen pissing a lot
>It's not on me
I want to be with pregnant Karen and be naked on the couch together with her sat in my lap, not fucking but passionately making out and then have her piss on my cock and balls and sit in the warm puddle while I pull myself off and cum with her tongue in my mouth

maybe i'm a fool, maybe i'm a dreamer
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>i'm a dreamer
But you're not the only one.
Karen getting pregnant was NOT on my BINGO card. DAMN.
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shes noot fookin avin that
post pics from selfie era please
Many of them are very poor resolution
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Bump from page pee.
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Let the ambrosia flow without cessation!
dear, your top has fallen.
i hope oneday there will be another coppermine gallery or fansite
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When you gotta go...
My mouth would always be ready for her sweet release
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To immortality, and beyond.
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thinkin bout them pits...
Shame it was some American Jew who knocked her up and not a fellow Scottish ginger

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