if it was huge there's be a bulge
>>4930537Always glad to see Yuja! Shoes, legs, booty, dresses, face ... alas it's an image board so the one thing we can't enjoy is her wonderful talent at the keyboard. Btw here's my Yuja collection as of about a year or two ago. I'm looking forward to getting some new pics from this thread! https://mega.nz/file/oKE1yDrA#qm_lnd7A0IFkqr3Xem8e0vmaJRzfV1ffk1SAmxvLzi8
>>4930627It's been too long since the piano queen had a thread.
>>4930627Thank you. Love her and her Louboutins.
>>4930977I can never decide if I prefer her gold Louboutins or her black ones.
>>4930979Black all day every single day no question for me.
>>4931056They are a bit more striking.
>>4930412Great profile action shot. That leg. >>4930977This is one of my favorite red carpet pics of any celebrity. >>4930979I like that she has a variety of colors, just like the different dress styles. But I agree, the classic black Louboutins with the bright red sole showing is my favorite.
>>4930957I love how playful she can be. >>4930627That booty. I don't how the photographer got this shot of her bowing (they had to be behind the orchestra?), but I'm glad they did.
>>4932952There's nothing quite like watching Yuja crossing the stage before and after her performance, her gowns and heels never fail to impress.
>>4933812I agree. As much as I love shots of her playing, or showing off her body, I also love pics like >>4931035. The last time I saw her perform live was just before covid blew up (and blew up my concert budget) but her entrance/exit and everything in between is fantastic to experience live.
>Chinese pro pianist with a high-heel fetishbased
>>4933824I love that she's fully aware of what she's doing with her outfits. It tends to cause the critics to kick up a fuss, and I have no doubt that Yuja gets a big kick out of it.
>>4933835The eye discipline in the orchestra is impressive - not one is checking her out as she struts by. I'd never be able to resist!
She has a nice cut, nice body. Her stylist has worked hard on her image and dress selection but little else. This is another Vanessa Mae situation.She's talented but I see little expression in her recitals. I cannot call it performance, they are recitals. I love a good Chinese girl but give her a different haircut, dress her different and she blends.I have more respect for the Ito playing qts on youtube in pantyhose (yes, even the ones with the guts) having fun in their performance, moving beyond raw technical prowess.She needs to get back to her roots, give her a nice high-end midi rig, perhaps an organ, strip her of the sexpot happy ending dress and see if she can compete with love of music.Recitation can only go so far after all.Also, as an addendum she does not wear enough pantyhose, stockings or even opaque legwear. She is tanned in nature so it is hard to get into her for appearance sake only.
>>4935632Chinese simply don't understand piano. They think it's like acrobatics where more is more. Case in point: Lang Lang
>>4933812>>4933824disgracegul clown
>>4933833Ugh, what are those shits tattoos all over her leg? Fucking dropped. Asians shouldn't get tattoos unless they're Yakuza, they have the best skin on the planet and ink just ruins it.
>>4935650It's literally just her pantyhose. Chill dude.
>>4935447Definitely an awareness that the cameras are watching, but it's always fun to catch the occasional member of the orchestra letting their eyes wander.
>>4935713This image has the appearance of an FSR reconstructed frame. I hesitate to push the frame gen title upon it but it is close.
>>4933801Holy fuck that's hot. Love it.
>>4938371posting ugly subhuman mongoloids should not be allowed on 4 chan
>>4930411me on the right
>>4938408Welcome to the thread, Mr. Dudamel. I still can't believe you're giving up LA for NYC. You are one lucky bastard to get to spend time with Yuja.
She always looks dazzling in green.
>>4939296I think she'd look even better in white. With those heels filled to the brim
>>4939312Not a bad idea, especially if she wears them for one of her performances.
>>4939296Before seeing this photo I would have bet Yuja and Danny Elfman had never met. LOL. Same with Bradley Cooper >>4939218.
>>4941512>>4941489Queen of Hearts
>>4933801I want to hire street meat Yuja for a cheap backseat bj
>>4941535just in time for halloween this year. lol.
Hot pants Yuja
>>4930977A few more in that outfit
>>4943670If anyone has these without the watermarks please post!
>>4943671At least Getty's watermark is so obnoxious as to ruin the whole photo.
>>4943674If anyone has either of these in HR please share.
>>4943676Those thighs. Damn.
Sexy in a backless dress.
>>4935632>ito playing qts on YouTube Who do you mean anon? I'm not into music idk what half of those words mean
I give her a lot of credit for taking fashion chances. Not just the super slutty minidresses but even dresses like this are pretty edgy for classical music.
>>4947449She must research how the dresses will look when playing before she wears them for a performance.
I love how playful she is. I wonder what she's doing here?
>>4947452I like the idea that Yuja takes her new gowns out for a test run before wearing them for her actual performance.
>>4949419The dresses are custom-fitted for her I'm sure, so I'd be surprised if she doesn't practice what she does on stage - walking on, sitting down, playing, standing up, bowing, walking off - not just to make sure the dress lets her do all those things ok but to check how it looks and what kind of exposure each brings. Kind of like Emma Watson's bikini tryout pics, just with couture dresses and Louboutin heels. Actually Emma's pics would be much better if she'd worn Louboutins for them too, lol.
>>4949439I always wondered whether she selected dresses knowing how high the risk of a wardrobe malfunction was. There have been a few occasions where some of her skirts have ridden dangerously high, and I have no doubt that the the angle of her standing on the stage has provided certain lucky members of the audience quite the spectacle.
>>4950735Given how conscious she is of her image, I'd be surprised if she doesn't fit check all of her clothing before wearing it in public.
>>4951262Yuja definitely loves to craft the image of her being the most risqué classical performer on the planet. One of my favourite recent quotes of her proves that she's fully aware of her sex appeal.>“I've done a little already and I loved it,” she says, then a cheeky smile pings across her face. “It was like doing it with the condom off!”
>>4951268Lol, she's such a flirty tease. She said that about conducting which I didn't know she'd done any. Would love to watch her conduct sometime, especially if she's in her usual minidress and towering heels.
>>4951628Oops, wrong pic. Too bad that's not better quality, that's one hell of a short skirt she's got on. Here's the one I meant to post.
>>4951628I'd love to see Yuja conducting instead of playing, just to get a full glimpse of her legs instead of having them hidden under a piano. And if her idea of conducting is akin to 'doing it with the condom off', then we absolutely have to see her in action.>>4951630We really need someone to attend her performances whose specific task is to capture crystal clear photos of her. It's a shame that some of her best photos are either too blurry or badly compressed by Instagram.
>>4951638Agreed on both counts. I've seen her in concert a few times, but either permitted photos but was so large I was too far away to get decent pictures, or the smaller venues don't allow photography during performances. I haven't seen her perform live since just before covid hit, tickets are way too expensive for poor old me.
>>4951668I'm surprised that Yuja doesn't encourage photography within reason, especially given how much effort she puts into selecting her gowns and mini-dresses. Her bows alone deserve to be captured from every possible angle.
>>4951628that dress is so fucking slutty, please tell me there's more in high quality
>>4951687Sadly, it seems like Yuja's more risqué outfits are also some of her least photographed.
>>4955838Yuja always looks great in her glittery outfits.
>>4955846>dismounts you can smell
>>4955846I have suddenly developed a deep interest in classical music
>>4955944Listen to & watch her Rachmaninoff concertos
>>4955846Wow. Thanks to you for posting that webm, and to whoever made it too. Just crazy sexy.
>>4958165>>4955846Utterly BASED Jacobtard thanking HIMSELF
>>4958165You're welcome. Pictures are great, but nothing beats seeing Yuja in motion
>>4955846Built for long sloppy rimjobs.
>>4958974And that's a good thing
>>4952326LOL at her signing autographs for young girls in this dress. Absolutely based Yuja. Btw go check out her Facebook page for a great video she posted Nov 21 of her making an entrance walking down some stairs to get to the stage. Shot from behind (and I do mean BEHIND if you know what I mean). Two different entrances, two different minidresses, same two great legs and butt cheeks. Vid is only 720 x 1280 so I cant post it here but it's well worth checking out and saving.
>>4960715No-one can make such an extravagant entrance quite like Yuja, and even fewer would ever dare to tackle those stairs while wearing six-inch heels.
>>4960733>>4962598Jesus, walking downstairs in those shoes should be an Olympic sport. >>4941489That's one way to get musicians to not complain about rehearsals. LOL.
>>4967685Another casual Yuja rehearsal pic.
>>4969606>>4970668She’s hot.
Just bought tickets for Yuja in concert. Hallelujah!
>>4972495Lucky guy. Do you reckon you might be able to get any photos for the thread?
>>4972495How much to sniff her seat?
I'd give her my wang if you know what i mean.
>>4977542Hmm, lovely hips.
>>4978225I think those are the highest pair of heels she's ever worn on stage.
>>4979986something about that room. I can't see what's behind the door but I'm getting a very strong sense that there's a low stool in there and the walls are full of holes for white guys to put their dicks through,
>>4978636I wonder how tall the highest heels Yuja's worn on stage? That previous pic has to be at least 5 inch heels since the shoe has a 2 inch platform (just a guess). >>4979986>>4979712Lol, the secret backstage gloryhole at the Hollywood Bowl. Who else other than Yuja would use it? And not because nightmare, I mean. Lol. Pic: damn. I hate to see her leave, but I love to watch her go. I think I have another of her in this dress. Lemme look for it.
>>4981313She usually prefers to wear Lady Peeps, and they're just short of six inches. Though I'm not sure if she's worn anything higher than that.>>4979993I have a feeling that she has a few kinky rituals that she goes through before her performances.
>>4981313I would drag my bare dick through a mile of broken glass to be able to smell one fart directly from her asshole
>>4978636They could be higher
Sorry that Yuja is so small here, but I really like the perspective of this one. Nice to see her playing for a big crowd.