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Kylin Kalani
File: GZf6TdRXYBkpFyF.jpg (161 KB, 1152x2048)
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post that this on /s/ or /b/ nigga
there less know women in /hr/, she is pretty and she is celeb
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Well clearly nobody cares
None of these pics are true /hr/ quality and you're posting a literal who on one of the slowest boards in existence, which will lead to even less engagement
You'll get actual replies on /s/ since there is higher traffic, as well as people with equally bad taste
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there sets who she is very sexy but i cant post them
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That candy photoset is absolutely fucked. Her brain needs to be studied
you'd get more by studying a rock
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why? these all suck so far
Please don’t be like that. Where at least?
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the what
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>why? these all suck so far
Because OP is a pedo obsessed with jerking off to "starlets" so she's underage in them.
that better be CAD
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good morning sir
rape you tomorrow
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It's over for us Sam's Club chuds
cute. whats her ethnicity?
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Polynesian of some sort. I am not certain.
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why is she asking me so many questions?
She’s retarded
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someone going to tell her spaghetti isnt a soup?
Just be happy she isn’t using a knife this time
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Holy FUCK. Who is this tiny butt goddess???

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