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The next big thing.
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wasian WHORE
She just radiates "mentally ill whore"

In a sexy way, but still
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Is it me or do an ever-increasing number of women have the massive eye-separation thing going on?
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Fetal microplastic syndrome
You don't see it so often in zoomer men, though.
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In men it causes broccoli hair.
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Anon, she's got a message for you
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I saw her boobies in Anora
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>The next big thing.
Nah, she's kinda fugly.
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fugly?! shes literally the spitting image of those jewish caricatures in ww2 era propaganda.
You're a virgin incel. You know nothing about desire and sex.
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She makes my thing big, if you catch my drift
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more like kikey madison
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What's wrong with your faaaaaaaaaace?
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Shlomo gaze
She's mid at best
Boobs = Awards
she's hot but there's no way I'm going to cum for someone called "Mikey"
>Mikaela Madison Rosberg
what an odd omission of the surname... probably coincidence.
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wheres your star?!

I knew she was actually a gargoyle all along, I tell you.
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>that ending
does she get on her knees and present her pusybutthole?
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She really isn't that attractive. Oh wait:
>plays a whore in a movie
Now I get it.
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She’s got no tits whatsoever ~ no amount of lacy crap covering those fried eggs will convince me otherwise
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bro this bitch looks Ike a grandma stop wasting your time trying to push her
She's more fuckable than any american POC actress.
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I would very much like to see a big brown momma sit on her face and watch her struggle
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Patrician fetish
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so flat
Trembling flesh
Carne Trémula
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Pamela Anderson being pushed as a Serious Actress recently is so funny to me. Peak PC zoomer brainrot
She deserves an Oscar for that
I've been in a cave for years. What movie is this again? Looks fapworthy
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Next to a poc she instantly becomes a 10
Is Anora actually worth watching /hr/bros?
>award bait
>about prostitutes abloo bloo
dont fall for /tv/ shills
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the movie sucked, but you can see her getting ass fucked
Yeah, it's one of my fav movies this year and Mikey is great in it and very hot.
>0% POC guaranteed
>sex scenes
Very watchable.
All I can see is her ass
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I watched it so you dont have to
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Very nice
Very nice indeed
Very very nice indeed, indeed
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I love her more . ..
The faces she makes here are super cute
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She's ugly AND beautiful.
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Emilia Pérez, what an horrible movie...
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Here she is with two random prostitute.
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Please don't call my jeet gf Charli a prostitute.
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Her voice...
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daddy look I'm acting!
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>>down syndrome ?
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She's jewish you cretin
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