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>Libtard I'd Like to Fuck
so basically every female celeb
Evanna Lynch, Jenna Ortega, and Dasha Nekrasova have said non-lib things. Snood is probably quietly non-woke and apolitical, as many zoomers are becoming
Also, Chloe Sevigny and Kirsten Dunst are crypto-non-woke at the very least. Possibly Jennifer Connelly too
Lillian Gish was a full-on reactionary. So was Nico of the Velvet Underground.

And Kate Bush and Joni Mitchell have distanced themselves from feminism
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>dude le libtard
Imagine having a brain and not kissing trump and musks boots
>Lillian Gish was a full-on reactionary
Mary Pickford and Ginger Rogers aswell
Lol, conservatives were shitting all over Musk when he expressed plans to bring more Indians. Unlike libs they actually push back. But you're probably assuming paleoconservatives are spineless and lacking principles like neoconservatives and establishment RINOs
Hell yeah

I'm non-ideological but I love a person who hates libs
get a load of the salty as fuck libtard, everyone. did ya hear? kumala lost! unlike you lockstep leftist hemorrhoids, people on the right routinely voice disagreement with their politicians, such as when Trump supported bump stock bans and when Elon supported H1B. you see, despite your deranged accusations of bootlicking, there is no bootlicking happening on the right. that's a problem you suffer from. you see, that's called "projection", which is something that the left left suffers from immensely, along with hypocrisy and outright hallucination.
yeah, libs freaked out if anyone pointed out that Biden was senile or anything else off-narrative. conservatives - or at least MAGA nationalist paleoconservatives constantly push back against their so-called representatives if they start to stray from their promises. they have no issue with openly criticizing them

a lot of them now hate or are at least very suspicious of Elon now, and Vivek is utterly done... nobody will ever take him seriously anymore
Lord please prevent my brain from becoming so broken that I have a running count of random celebrities vague political views
Saying shit doesn't mean anything. Evanna is just charitable but usually an apolitical person, the other two are empty-headed dumbfucks who don't have any idea about the things that they say, especially the former.
When pushed, all women are leftists
I would say women generally accept and maintain whatever the status quo is. They're the most scoldy conservatives when that's the dominant culture too.

The problem is that there is a minority subset of women that are actively subversive and left to their devices, they gradually move the overton window and the rest of the feminine hivemind follows, with the exception of religious conservative women.
Women are all about social cohesion. They agree with whatever the popular opinion is and they try to avoid confrontation and disagreements. Subversive women are all the result of being indoctrinated by feminist professors in college and having that world view reinforced by media and corporations. They perceive feminism/woke ideology to be the mainstream opinion held by 90%+ of people. Anyone who disagrees with them is an idiotic minority.
Exactly. Women wouldn't necessarily be inclined to go with that party line if not for the systemic emotional manipulation by these bad actors
This anon gets it. Women are naturally conservative (literally) as they follow society's rules. Our society is subverted therefore women are perceived as whores, but they're actually just doing what they're told. And before someone comes up with "women dumb because they follow the orders": doing so is in their own interest because they would suffer the most in an anarchy setting, so they gatekeep society. Again, in a normal setting (not weimar 2.0 clown world) their role is very important to keep a coesive community and enforcing rules. As an addition to your post I'd say that the subversive minority isn't only made of women, but an entire tribe
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Imagine railing her hippy ass.
>They perceive feminism/woke ideology to be the mainstream opinion held by 90%+ of people
The same as we do, but with opposite results. I'd say that cultural marxism IS the mainstream opinion nowadays
The only conclusion one can come to is that men really do have to lead and set the terms (which, whatever one's personal preferences), should at scale lean a bit more conservative/traditional and family/marriage-oriented

The alternative leads to soul-sucking nihilistic atomization. Which is so empty you can't even really enjoy the hedonism if you wanted to (degeneracy and kink has even lost its thrill and edge)
This is pretty much the exact conversation Id expect between a bunch of 4chan incels lol, nice job
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Boomer Emma was a hippie in her youth.
If you can't come to this conclusion by now you're completely hopeless and you will succumb to the emptiness of it all eventually

You kind in fact seems to end up committing suicide these days. Look at Europe and Canada
Emma? If that's anyone, it's Emilia Clarke.
>The same as we do, but with opposite results. I'd say that cultural marxism IS the mainstream opinion nowadays
If you define "mainstream opinion" as that the majority of people believe, then no. Trump won. The margins are even clearer if you discount the opinions of "bots" who really don't know or understand what they believe and are simply "liberals" by default. But if you think mainstream opinion is the opinion the broadcast on network TV or in corporate ads, then sure. Woke is "mainstream" because it's the ideology the system wants you to believe.
I consider myself non-ideological and deeply dislike what "liberals" have become (which I mean more designating a political in-group than accurately describing their values, since they're authoritarians now)... but I have a soft spot for hippies

People misunderstand hippies as necessarily being leftists but many were apolitical, or libertarians, or weirdly fascist even in some cases. The political left in the 60s was more its own thing around the protest movement on college campuses. Hippies were more back-to-earth societal dropouts and mystics. I can relate to many aspects of it and consider myself probably like a hybrid of some hippie aspects and some ancient/pre-modern/traditional/esoteric aspects (basically, when Marxists whine that hippies are similar in nature-mystic totalizing outlook to "fascists", my outlook is indeed in that venn diagram overlap between psychedelic mystics and what leftists would mischaracterize as something like esoteric reaction or something, although I don't interpret it that way (I just say the world was never modern actually, and eternal values are eternal)
I'd rather say that the lead should be focused on rational logic thought, whatever it's men or women. Men have naturally more logical brains (it's SCIENCE(tm)!) so... Anyway, the shit we're in today was programmed as a complete subversion of logic-based mechanisms which where the bones of society. The goal was to destroy such society, so it's not that weird how dysfunctional all of this woke/cultural marxist bullshit is. It's poison by design
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Also an acceptable answer.
>it's the ideology the system wants you to believe.
The current system. It could change at any point. General rule of thumb should be something like do/believe the exact opposite of anything Goldman Sachs tells you.
"Logical" thought or scientism or any fully modern framing though leads to a kind of analysis though that starts to nitpick any societal or social or biological given or nugget of wisdom as a construct and we end up at postmodernism and deconstruction again and this feminine modality. We have to end that and we can't as long as people make appeals to this bad-faith doubt in common moral sense
I define mainstream opinion what's inside Overton's window.
Even if people voted Trump you can't go around saying, for example, that you want to preserve european culture from alien invaders (it would be logical, for a functioning society, to preserve itself from external enemies). That's because EVERYONE was indoctrinated in the last 70 years, even you (and that's why you think that a black face is edgy, which normally would't be more than a joke). They manipulated the entire POV of society anon, everyone thinks within their mental cage
There is no Overton's window. Corporations define the Overton's window, and what's actually acceptable to real American's is completely different, as proven by the election of Trump.
Idk anon. My starting point when I look at traditions is "people in the past weren't retards". Therefore if you look at a logical explanation of traditions you'll find one almost every time, even the most weird. Scientism was a retarded fanatical branch of enlightment, and they thoufht people in the past were retards, thrown away everything and illuded themselves to build the perfect world from scratch. That was the start of evil. But logic is what makes us humans, and everything in history is based on it (or its negation in the case of cultural marxism)
Corporations are subverted aswell as anyone else, it's not even their interest to push propaganda created by jewish communists who hated Europe. Trump being elected doesn't proove anything, as I said, the majority of Trump voters are normies who wanted a tax reduction or other useless contingency. Only a few voted him to make a shift in mainstream perception (aka Overton's window)
Tradition is literally tried and tested, proven to work. Radicals come along and say "No, I clearly know better than millennia worth of people. Let's risk all of society, basically everyone's lives, on an experiment of mine."
Yes, basically this. Ironically, the "i fucking love science" radical types are the ones following the least rational opinions. That shows how right the Bell curve theory is, reddit midwits blindly following what they told them at school. Who's capable of critical thinking and analyses reality ends up being on the same line as plebs driven by gut feelings and tradition inertia
The fact that they would vote for "Hitler" to get a tax reduction or stem inflation is proof that most people don't genuinely believe the narrative or the woke bs they are supposed to believe. Most people believe men are men and women are women, and that it's Latino, not Latinx. The majority of people are not within the current Overton's window because people's perception of the Overton's window is based on an illusion.
So true and it's infuriating. Currently they're testing this attitude with the "race doesn't exist, let's mash everyone together" pan-national project, which is irreversible if they succeed, and they're just willfully ignoring so many hard and inconvenient realities that should be more than enough to discourage the project. Not to mention just what such a goal does to actual diversity / variety in the world, pouring all culture and aesthetics artlessly and without discernment into the same bowl of samey genetic and memetic slop

I pray they fail in their efforts. If for no other reasons, for aesthetic reasons, because the outcome would be BORING and UNINSPIRING.
>most people don't genuinely believe the narrative or the woke bs they are supposed to believe.
Oh, don't get me wrong, the majority of people just want to mind their business and would never give a fuck about any radical idea. I'm not talking about believing in an idea, but about following it
>The majority of people are not within the current Overton's window because people's perception of the Overton's window is based on an illusion.
They don't believe it, but they follow it. They'll never say anything against it in public, that's what it counts at the moment. They'd switch entirely if the overton window is shifted, because they basically don't believe in anything except living in peace (same as women in particular, as we said before)
>They don't believe it, but they follow it. They'll never say anything against it in public, that's what it counts at the moment.
Literally only because they believe the illusion created by the media/corporations. Trump crushing Kamala and winning the popular vote is solid evidence to the masses that what they thought was popular opinion wasn't really popular. They have seen behind Oz's curtain.
>ignoring so many hard and inconvenient realities that should be more than enough to discourage the project
They're not ignoring anything, it's planned to destroy. You're like someone saying that a gas chamber is bad because even if it has good walls they ignored how gas could kill who's inside. That was the goal from the beginning tho
>because they believe the illusion
Overton's window is literally an illusion... until they believe in it it's mainstream irl, doesn't matter who and why started it. If everyone says the emperor's clothes are wonderful while he's naked, that's the mainstream opinion, even if they say that just to please the powers that be and nobody actually believes it. If you're a tourist in that kingdom and start pointong out how their leader is going around naked they'll shit on you for being a liar even if they know deep down you're right
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This is a /pol/ thread now
Brb bumping her thread
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And what about her?
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when you start politicizing your porn and masturbation that is the point you need to rethink life my friend.. you are quickly becoming an insufferable human.

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