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File: H0068-L305285231_original.jpg (828 KB, 4000x1998)
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Dope-ass motherfucking paintings and artwork and shit.
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Larger version:

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Hot and all, but you just know that taint smells fucking rancid being in the jungle all day
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Maxfield Parrish - Daybreak
Andrea del Verocchio - Tobias and the Angel
d'Arcy Doyle - Three of thems, two of those
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Gustav Klimt - Sonya Knips

Looks like a referee holding a red card.
Didnt expect Storm here. Its like no one outside of the netherlands has ever heard of this comic by Martin Lodewijk and Don Lawrence.
Higher resolution.
>ghost poodle
>portable fish
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"The Rescue" by John William Waterhouse
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Eve of St Agnes, John Everett Millais
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Joan of Arc, Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848–1884)
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Fidelity, Briton Rivière
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After the Masquerade, Alexander Nikanorovich Novoskoltsev
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Peder Severin Krøyer - Fru Marie Krøyer i Haven paa Skagen
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Charles Van den Eycken - The little writer
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Helene Schjerfbeck - Wounded Warrior in the Snow
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John William Waterhouse - The Annunciation
Ada Lovelace, c.1840, possibly by Alfred Edward Chalon
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Medusa - Caravaggio
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Felicien Rops - The Temptation of St. Anthony (1878)
Pieter Aertsen - A Meat Stall with the Holy Family Giving Alms (1551)
Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville - The Spy (1880)
Frans Snyders - Still Life with Dead Game, a Monkey, a Parrot, and a Dog
William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Dante and Virgil (1850)
Maynard Dixon - Scab (1934)
Adriaen Brouwer - The Smokers (ca. 1636)
André Masson - Meditation on an Oak Leaf
Maxfield Parrish - Jason and His Teacher (1909)
Pieter Jansz - Nave of the St. Bavokerk, Haarlem
Paul Klee - Around the Fish
George Tooker - Children and Spastics (1946)
Claude-Joseph Vernet - A Storm on a Mediterranean Coast (1767)
Prateep Kochabua - At Your Beck and Call (2000)
Raqib Shaw - Garden of Earthly Delights X
Francis Danby - The Deluge
Richard Dadd - The Flight Out of Egypt
Edward Hopper - Soir Bleu (1914)
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Boris Artzybasheff
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Guilty Punchinello
Giorgio de Chirico - Piazza d'Italia
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Triumph of Death (1562)
Edward Howard - The Sentinel (2012)
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Zdzislaw Beksinski
Kay Seohyung Lee - Chinese Restaurant (2023)
Adrian Borda - The Allegory of Painting
Peter Paul Rubens - Wolf and Fox Hunt (ca. 1616)
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when did they change the captcha system to b so awful lol
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interestingly enough, a young leonardo davinci may have painted the poodle and fish lol
thanks so much for this, hard to find this one high res
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William Holman Hunt - The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
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pretty sure the tiger caught a whiff of it

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