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Old School Models Thread #2.

Had to resize this one. Hopefully it looks good.
This also had to be resized (significantly so in this case). Hopefully it still looks good.
Why dont clothing companies play with color like this anymore? Girls look SO good in bright, flashy colors!
I hate how clothes are black by default now. It's going to be weird looking back on photos from the 2020s because everyone looks so boring.
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>Old School Models Thread #2.
Looks more like an Elle McPherson thread.
You're just going to ignore half the thread?
The hard part is finding old photos that are good quality.
Who was the hottest model of all time? It has to be either Cindy Crawford or Kathy Ireland, right?
>Who was the hottest model of all time? It has to be either Cindy Crawford or Kathy Ireland, right?
All time? Cindy. Cindy ages like a fine wine. I <3 '90s Ireland, tho
I want to go back :(
THen there's THE Cheryl Tiegs photo in the white fishnet one-piece, but I can't find a high-def pic of it to post.
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Blast from the past... had a lot of these pix back when I (we all?) thought 1024x768 was amazingly high res.
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Upscaled, sorry.

Wasn't too keen on the original 80s ubermodels but all of the mostly-eastern yuropeen girls who hit the scene after the initial 80s rush were gorgeous: Daniela Pestova, Paulina Porizkova, Petra Nemcova, Adriana Lima, Laetita Casta - a neverending parade of athletic leggy blondes in your face so often it was a constant porno. Honestly Luke, you had no idea...
Feel free to post more of them.
i would but as I said, they're all from the 1024x768 (at best) days of the late 90s/early noughties.

Barring a few wallpapers of 90s supermodels.
Underrated model
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This looks like SHIT, but it was the only one I could find that was big enough to post.
Thanks for trying though.
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Want to personally thank God for women who were between the ages of 20-35 in the years 1979-1996. What a gift he gave us.
That's a nice one of Cindy. This was taken the same year, by Herb Ritts, I believe it is Cindy under the sand but I'm not sure.
Regardless of who that is, it's a dope as fuck photo.
Anybody remember Laetitia Casta? I found a photo set of her from last year! She'd be middle-aged in these!
She looks fucking AMAZING for her age!
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won't let this glorious thread die.
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Page 10 you guys are crazy
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Page 10 again huh?
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Page 3 ought to be as far as it falls..
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Nice, brother.
I have severals but problem is, very few vintage pics are more than 1000x1000...
I love these threads

Imagining how beautiful these women would look with a thick Black cock inside their hot wet pussies, their faces glistening with a sheen of sweat from being stretched to the limit by its ebony girth

You can almost hear the gasps of pain slowly turning into whimpers and moans of pleasure as it batters their cervix with its huge head, slick with her juices and its precum

Her tears of joy mixing with the tears of her ancestors as it begins to throb, filling her womb with potent African DNA and erasing thousands of years of genetic mistakes in one moment of animal lust

Now I'm wet
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More Maria Whittacker.
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And some Samantha Fox.
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My older cousing had this poster on his wall.
Sex with her must have been quite the workout.
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bomp bomp
bomp bomp2
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Dianne Chandler, Playboy model in the 60's (?)
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India Allen, Playmate of the year 1988
Guys, I can't carry this thread alone, right?
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Blue-eyed brunettes are the best
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Barbara Edwards - Playboy june 1984 (?)
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Bitch was on some next fucking level shit back in the day.
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Anyone got a mega folder or something for Kathy Ireland pics? Cheers.
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Elle Macpherson would be great too.
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Kimberly McArthur
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