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God Tier PitSlut Edition!
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My angel
She makes me feel some kind of way I can't explain
Her upcoming projects.

> Silo - Season 2 (Nov 15th-Jan 17th)

> (???) - Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Part 2

> Untitled real time White House thriller directed by Kathryn Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty) with Idris Elba (Luther) & Jared Harris (Chernobyl/The Terror)

> Peaky Blinders movie

> Dune - Messiah

> Mercy - Chris Pratt framed for murder in sci-fi future. Also Annabelle Wallis and that awful black cop from True Detective Night Country.

> The Magic Faraway Tree
perfect sweaty mommy face I am DYING to lick it all over
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Has any other franchise had this consistent tier of sexy actresses?
And this comp doesn't even include Atwell. My God.
giv me Monaghan and Kirby and I'll be just right.
Becca’s freckles are so sexy it’s un-fucking-real.
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I love Rebecca
But I think these new doodle tattoos she's got here are a bit silly
Nipple here as well.
Love her saggies
>I love Rebecca
>But I think these new doodle tattoos she's got here are a bit silly
>a bit silly
not at all, they're FUCKING RETARDED, and for some reason they're super trendy and most actresses have gotten them.
who the fuck decided that a bunch of random, tiny, black ink only tattoos sprinkled around with no pattern and with random orientation were any good?
fuckin hell bud
I would give anything to worship her pits and feet
an evening in her shoe closet would fix me I think
He’s right, it looks fucking retarded.
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its the needleniggers
Tall mommy + high heels slut. I love her
Look at her, wanna smell and lick her feet and shoes after the red carpet party
Women think it's cool. That's it. I don't know why on earth they do, but they do.
You see a lot of zoomettes with those kind of dumb doodle tats. I'm not surprised the dumb trend is spreading to older women like Rebecca.
ay lads have any women continued to talk to you after you autistically sperg out about thier tattoos? Do they think it's sexy?
If you think you're going to be able to shame anyone for talking about a preference when it comes to women (praise be upon them, they're all perfect) then you're in the wrong place.
why the fuck would I talk to a retard who debased themselves with ink?
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Hey, don't call my wife a bitch!
anyone got a 4k shot of her bare back from Rogue Nation? I swear that always gets me
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man people have no talent at all, look at those shitty pics
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Dude, she's a mom!!!
i wish she was my mom so my friends could fuck her.
I wish I was your friend ahaha
A fellow patrician here
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>visit Becca's shoe closet
>browse through hundreds of brand new odorless heels used just one time for some event or photoshoot
I'd rather spend an evening with her gym bag or in her Dune changing room, huffing her stinky worn out sneakers or those stillsuit boots she wore in the desert during filming. Just to get her real aroma you know
based. i'd let you and all the bros hit then furiously jerk off because you keep teasing me about it.
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Well, what else are best friends for?
exactly. no point in having a hot mom otherwise.
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Going over to Anon's house just to hang out with him and maybe also say hi to his cool and surprisingly attractive mum Rebecca
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What about being too shy to hit on his mom Rebecca but ask suspiciously often to go to the bathroom, only to get a good sniff of her soiled panties, socks and bras from the laundry basket? Maybe even be bold enough to sneak into her closet and cum inside her stinkiest shoes while everybody is distracted in the living room? Imagine seeing her wearing those same shoes the next day... That would be such a turn on that you start to be addicted to the thrill, until one day she catches you jerking off in her room. She'd break the cringe moment by saying she noticed her shoes being regularly filled with cum and wondered who was doing it, and that she liked the idea of a devoted secret admirer. At that point she'd ask if you need some help to get rid of that boner, introducing you to the mysteries of sex right on her marital bed while her cuck husband is wageslaving and her son is downstairs playing vidya like a loser
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I wouldn't go for the shoe fetishism, but I'd most certainly be up for eagerly fucking Rebecca on her marriage bed with nobody else the wiser
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>I wouldn't go for the shoe fetishism, but I'd most certainly be up for eagerly fucking Rebecca
You have to go through the whole thing to reach that point anon
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I'm sure there's other ways of starting an affair with her
Those pits need to be slowly worshipped for decades
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I volunteer!
It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.
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They're even poorly drawn. Rather than shopping for the best tattoo artist that they can afford, it looks like they let their cellmate give them a prison tattoo.
Still hunting for a high res photoshoot of the op
The fact she's actually covered in dirt is a turn off imo, would've been better if it was only her pure sweat
If I was her son I would MARRY her and give her LOTS of children
Every time I see this picture, it just fills me with the desire to shove my fave into those pits as I fill her womb with my seed.
Gross, she'd get pregnant
That’s a risk I’m willing to take
Thank gods this isn’t a webm. I’d die of a heart attack
I couldn’t get to the end..
Becca really said
>Why didn't you cum to me today?
Fuck I'm sorry mommy
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She'd forgive you.
I know she would, she's so nice. Still, I feel I should be punished; handcuffs and velvet gloves style
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Rebecca could pull off either approach very nicely
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pits and pads
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Fuck off, AIfaggot
Fuck off nofunfag.
This one looks quite good
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Her real tits are more saggy. She also has a beef curtain.
>she smokes cigarillos
Rebecca is actually the only cool woman
So beautiful
I'll let her smoke my cigarillo whenever she wants
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Me too, anon
So squee
my heart hurts...
She can always kiss it better
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Literally Bond
>No children
This is fucking tragedy. Her perfect genes gonna disappear
>In 2007, Ferguson gave birth to her first child, a son, with her then-boyfriend Ludwig Hallberg, a psychosynthesis therapist. After her soap opera success and the birth of her son, she moved with Hallberg to Simrishamn, on the Swedish southeast coast. In 2012, Ferguson and Hallberg taught tango together in Österlen. The couple separated in April 2015.

>Since 2016, Ferguson has been in a relationship with businessman Rory St. Clair Gainer, with whom she has a daughter who was born in May 2018. Ferguson and Gainer were married at the end of the same year.
Why noone posts her pics from Dune. Shes perfect there
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a simple google search could've prevented your post, just like how a simple condom could've prevented your existence
all women are whores
It's Rebecca's birthday, so I'm going to bump the thread with a few pics.
>she's in her 40s, single and has no children? unbelievable.
>actually, she's married, has two chil-
>pffft! what a whore!

average incel
shota destroyer phenotype
She's married to a younger man. Such a mommy.
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God I wish it was me
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>she obviously cheated on her husband and father of her firstborn while in the cuck capital of europe at the time
>I must defend m'lady
shes never going to fuck you
Any high res of this?
>son, to survive in the Arrakis desert we have to save every drop of liquid. You must lick my sweat off, and if you resist I'll be forced to use the voice on you to... save your life
>she obviously cheated
stay mad incel
still projecting I see
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tfw lady jessica will never give you handsfree orgasms using the voice. I want her to command me "CUM. CUM. CUM." over and over again 'til I crumple over onto the floor spasming and streaming out cum until I pass out from dehydration
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What did she mean by this?
>one ugly motherfucker
Dont sign your own posts
Is she doing it out of pure sadism or she was just thirsty and starts lapping on your dick to hydrate and feed herself and survive the desert? Basically sucking your life force out of you like a bene gesserit succubus?
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I suppose in my mind she's doing it in a darkened room at the Arrakeen Palace where water is plentiful, and also she's doing the same to some Fremen servant girls who I imagine would give a higher fluid yield anyway: So yeah, she's doing it out of pure sick desire: she rubs herself to her own climax as she watches the Fremen girls clean me up and drink from the cum puddle
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>Say goodbye to THESE, Michael!
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>tfw Swedish mommy is so tired after a long, hot, California summer day that she needs to air out her lower parts, leaning on the sexo chair and widening her legs open
>"you know anon, I'd really appreciate a bidet right now, too bad these american plebs don't have them in their toilets... I wish there was another way to... refresh myself"
>*raises her skirt slowly*
You need therapy
I know, I know, I would NOT suck cock "for" her... I declare myself guilty
"I would suck cock for X" is what LARPing faggots on /hr/ say to try and slowly convert straight men to turn gay like them. It doesn't work that way. You're simply a mentally ill faggot shit poster whom everyone hates and ignores most of the time.
>"I would suck cock for X" is what LARPing faggots on /hr/ say
That was the point, I was suggesting you're one of them, since you think that eating Rebecca's pussy is a behaviour that should be threated with therapy
When you get to the point you start fetishising pee, poop, and cocks, you should really consider throwing your computer away. Because internet has fried your brain.
>fetishising pee, poop, and cocks
Where did you see anything of that in my post? Holy projection
Silo has a new episode out. Not too many good screencaps, cute outfit.
what's that about? any good? I'm skeptical because it's an Apple TV original and for some reason that makes me think it's either low budget or just not real, but I'm a tismy guy
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Honestly Apple's streaming stuff has been wierdly high quality compared to the shovelfuls of shit that have come with the oversaturation of the market. Severence especially is great. Silo is cool but I think it's very slow - really good set design and cool set-pieces, good creative use of the environment and setting. Watching it it feels more like a mystery/detective story than a traditional sci-fi. Imagine the Snowpiercer tv series but more competant.
>Apple TV original and for some reason that makes me think it's either low budget
They aren't. They have the Godzilla Monarch show and some of the CGI looks better than the last GXK.

Foundation also looked beautiful.
my blood pressure spikes every 8 mins when the audio ad plays on spotify(via xbox, no ad block)
So cute

> 2 Best Mission Impossible films?

> 4 Sexiest MI actresses?

> Top Favorite MI actress?
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you said it brother
hobbit feet
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think you mean Elven
Are they smelly?
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Have you ever been in a really old building, like some mansion from the 18th century? Where the air has that deep, mellow scent where the wood floors and the fabric from the furniture and curtains and carpets has been aging for years and years. They smell just like that.
That's a pleasant smell but not very erotic desu
I think if you got a whiff of it with your face buried in her mature soles then you'd feel quite differently
fuck off, just talk normally
Impressive how this thread is still up.
Did she get less hot?
I could do without the tattoos but no, she’s still really hot.
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