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Legs :O
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that's the most limpdick image you could've chosen to start the thread with
As the old adage goes, hurr durr hurrr hudddyyrurueueueue heyehehe
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Always up for dirty Lizzie feet
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I hope you mean sweat-scented, not actually covered in dirt
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I wouldn't mind either way
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I love mommy Lizzy so much...
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I for one do not like tights
Should be bare legs and nothing else
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Not as much as I do.
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Prove it!
are lizzy's soles especially sweaty?
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My Lizzie folder is 2.62 gigs. I've got all the best pics, from all her best looks, in the highest possible quality
Beat that, scrub
only 2.62gb? kek. amateur.
Long toes built for footjobs
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It seems so, and when she wears these kind of shoes barefoot it's even certified. Imagine her wrinkly dank soles aring out and becoming smellier as they dry after a whole day spent filming trapped in those ankle boots and without any socks to absorb the sweat
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>No kids after being together for 8 years
Her husband is a faggot.
her family is otherwise huge, no? besides, 45 is the new 35.
Her tremendous fupa is truly astounding!
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l e w d
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Beautiful face.
Beautiful tits.

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