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>>4945169 wrong board - that is "super heroes" - you messed it up
>draft dodger saluting
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A woman who butchers her self is whats messed up.
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spider and frog
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Who's the one in front of Power Girl, the blonde in the black and gold outfit? I wanna say Steph Brown in her Spoiler incarnation but I'm not sure, she seems like such a minor character to put there.
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Catwoman, Oracle, Zatanna, Canary, Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Vixen, Ivy, Harley -- but who's the second woman in front?
is there a decent archive site for /hr/?
That was my guess too, but I thought Kate used a red wig in costume and had short hair out of it. Then again this stuff varies a lot from writer to writer, I guess, so...
>Originally designed as a promotional piece for DC Comics at the San Diego Comic-Con, this oversized poster featuring the Women of the DC Universe is now available for retail sale.
>Measuring an impressive 39" wide x 24" high, the poster shows Catwoman, Oracle, Zatanna, Black Canary, Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batwoman, Vixen, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn
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Keep the AI slop out of here, please. The number of things wrong with this picture would fill a screen.
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That's Black Canary
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My ideal "failed franchise" heroic team.

I should add Battle Angel Alita & Sydney Sweeney's Julia Carpenter Spider Woman.
Hot. Always liked Rogue.
>I don't know who's the woman on the upper right corner
Judge Anderson in Dredd (2012) one of the best heroines of the 2010s
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The "wheels of pure flame" thing really doesn't work very well, it just looks like he's riding a hoverbike. Probably should have at least added some spokes.
What’s in there? Joe Chill’s gun?
No, just a piece of paper with "The Game" on it.
I guess even Batman can’t get past that.
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stealing this Rogue
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A rich guy born to millionaires who ventures out for training and returns to fight crime.

This guy could've been the next Batman! ...if he hadn't chosen to put on a green leotard and defend the cause of Buddhism, that is.
nah Lamas are more into tongue kissing little boys as opposed to fighting crime
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What a downgrade.
post more rogue kino
I had no idea she was even in the movie, there are so many "who?" background characters with 5 seconds of screen time.
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I thought it couldn't get any sillier than the Spider-Mobile, but I was wrong. Even Superman himself is looking at the viewer as if to say "why am I in this fucking thing?"
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new Superman teaser dropped today
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So this movie is well known to be complete ass, but boy, they have some weirdness in the poster too, don't they? I love how the nuclear warhead has a *timer* on it (which is still active, somehow) and how they talk about how nuclear *power* is bad, when the movie's all about nuclear weapons (and in fact the villain is defeated by a nuclear power reactor).
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stealing this Rogue
In the early 90's there were two things I looked forward to as a comic collector-
Marvel Masterpieces, which were detailed and richly painted artwork of specific characters; I remembered being quite taken with the painting of Psylocke.

And the Marvel Swimsuit Edition, which was pretty much goon central for prepubescent boys that couldn't get their hands on real porn.

I no longer have any of my collections; comics get extremely fucking heavy and extremely fucking bulky, but this thread makes me wish I'd kept them.
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Was this the Psylocke art? I remember Joe Jusko painting the art for some of those Marvel Masterpieces.
That was it, yeah. Absolutely thank you. I'd love to see more Masterpieces if you can find them.
I *think* some of the others were done in a more classical oil painting style with smooth, blended colors.
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Needs more batnipples.
Bullshit. yes she does. Her utter refusal to back down from a fight. ANY fight.
It was already shown in a comic where she was trapped in a simulation within her brain, fighting an enemy who was every bit her equal. The intention being that she wouldn;t stop until she dropped dead from exhaustion.
A perfect example of why you should seperate the art from the artist.
Funny edgy, bro.
Spider-Man in the back like, "Steve... you fucking dumbass."
What is this A.I dogshit?
Fucking A.I. Fuck off.
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bump lmao
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In honor of the new Fantastic 4 movie trailer that was just released, here is some FF
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cool thread
Who is this character?
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Any pictures of the X-Men character Dafne Keeno plays?
Prime, from Malibu Comics Ultraverse comics
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Sony Studio interference really fucked this 3rd movie and overall franchise
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I'm trying to remember what happened....what I remember was Raimi didnt even want to direct a 3rd Spider-man movie, he felt the 2nd movie was a good place to stop, which it was. But Sony forced him to do the 3rd movie I think? So Raimi wanted the villians to be John Malkovich as the Vulture and Anne Hathawy as Black Cat, but Sony didnt like that and forced to to use Venom and Sandman instead? That is what I remember, anyway.
No, Raimi definitely wanted to do a third movie, but he wanted it to be just Sandman and Vulture. Avi Arad convinced him to put Venom in, the producers wanted Gwen Stacy, and the resulting overbloated mess was enough for two movies, but couldn't be split. It wasn't as simple as Raimi having the right idea and being overruled, more of a team effort fuckup.
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Great thread, cheers everyone!

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