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Aka stingy night
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We’re never getting skin again
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she needs to up her game big time. what a waste of a legendary piece of ass
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It’s the opposite now, she’s winding down and covering up.
imagine her having a diarrhea attack. her expression wouldnt change a bit.
I am conviced that this woman can not smile
Might let my gf catch me wanking to this so she knows what I expect from her
I don't follow Enji very closely, not that she has much content to follow anyway, but is the Raven set out?

Her bf's one lucky bastard. I would have baby trapped her already
slightly hot
Harley Enji is a very underrated set,
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AI Enji, sadly mixing the Harley tags there gave her a bit of a Margot Robbie look.
Is it really underrated? I think it's by far her best because she's more expressive than usual but still wasting her potential
Shiro has done a set in the slutty 2019 outfit
If Enji did that with Shiro's poses and expressions it would be the hottest thing she's ever done
>If Enji did that with Shiro's poses and expressions it would be the hottest thing she's ever done
2nd. Slap that vinyl all over her for once
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it's her best. idk what makes an enji set "underrated."

i wanna see her covered in layers of latex and vinyl. now that would be a set.
Sorry for the wait. Here's the Raven set.

thanks a lot :)
absolute chad, thanks!
thank you based enji collector
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Just gonna leave this here...
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New 2B pictures from Patreon.
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thanks champ. are these the preview photos for November set, or is the whole set released?
Just preview photos, Third one was the first to be posted, and she posted an additional with the other two asking which to post on twitter publicly. 2B will be the set for November, dropping in early December.
Need to Breed. Hope she does a Stellar Blade cosplay one day.
took her 7 years to do 2B...
>Another recycled boring cosplay
It's all so tiresome
lame, not a fitting cosplay for her.
we need to sell her to Shiro's pimp to get some good content
OF when?
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>Dates a Mudslime
>Starts to cover up
Like clockwork
the west could learn a thing or two from them.
Even if he wasn't a Mudslime she probably still would have stopped since she's ready to 'settle down' now.
Love from Kazakhstan.
Pick a better host next time. A fucking imgur album would've been better.
>bitching about free shit
I bet you told your mom she had ugly titties
Gofile is much better because there's less chance of a take down.
gofile is extremely diligent with DMCA takedowns and narcs are plentiful.
Really? I've been using it for years and never had any issues with it. Must just be lucky.
How are her calendars btw? Same airbrushed/no skin/leggings pics as always?
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check her ig story... she needs to understand that we want to see her in leather pants, and not just in short clips. she's been teasing us for years, do a fucking set already. a set with a long clip.

man what is wrong with her.
whore deluded herself
Look at her face. She's got the IQ of a potato.
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it's so easy too. not asking for a cosplay. and we're asking her to keep her clothes on. just put on an outfit, take some pics and record a clip, then sell them.

do people really wanna see some goofy cosplay sets over enji just modelling in outfits she already owns? she could easily do both too. her cosplay has dried up anyway.
People want to see enji naked and getting fucked, simps want to keep it strictly pg cosplay bullshit.
>and getting fucked
Only if it's strictly POV
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Me again. New picture from Twitter, Might be from a new set (looks like it, looks like the same cave from the Lara set a few months ago) If so, We're back, skirtless 2B is about the best we could wish for.
>If so, We're back
We're not back until she goes back to doing lingerie\bikini\lewd cosplays like Bride 2B
I'll be shocked if this new set even has any good ass shots
I agree that a cosplay of a completely new character would do her well, instead of recycling old characters and costumes that comes across as mundane now. Sure, she tries to inject new vibes and style to her pics, but her expressions and poses remain sadly dull.
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Imagine how much bigger her legs would be if she worked out
this should be the crown jewel, but they shooped her anal areola.
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she does work out.
if she not sitting on my face and winking her brown eye it ain't a work out.
I read somewhere that she said it's all genetics. Maybe that's old news.
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Part of her figure is obviously genetics but she's been working out for years
This photo is from 2018, and her ass has become perkier since
she has the type of body that, if left alone with no exercise and poor diet, can easily balloon into BBW/chubby chaser territory, as in very markedly obvious cellulite, absurd hip/thigh to waist proportions, possible waddling... etc.

so basically she works out to not look like stockings stuffed with orange peels and pork.
Her legs are very short which creates an optical illusion
I'm glad she started working out because that pic is heinous. Would've been an absolute waste of potential.
How tall is she?
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Looks like it’s not skin
Almost never is. She keeps disappointing that way.
It was for a while, then all of a sudden this year it’s not
It started long before this year though. Christmas 2B and Harley for example had leggings.
Here's the new set. Pretty crappy, half of it is wasted on full costume shots, almost no good ass shots, same boring expressions. If the previews for the next set don't look good, I'm not gonna keep subbed.

thats an old set or not? remember seeing some photos of that set but never the entire set
>I'm not gonna keep subbed.
Based. She doesn't deserve to keep getting paid for such awful shoots. But thanks for posting anyways famalam.
She's done a 2B cosplay before but never made a set out of it.
I can't tell if Enji is autistic, or if she's just a gamer nerd stuck in a hot woman's body (or a hot woman professionally stuck this gamer cosplay sexual fantasy format) and thus comes across slightly stunted
stuck *with this gamer
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I wouldn't call her a gamer "nerd". She has the most normalfag gaming taste out there.
thanks for the share, based anon! (and also the bonus lola pic dropped in there, by accident or not!)
Definitely the latter. She's a typical case of a hot woman who isn't completely comfortable being an e-thot but does it anyway because it's easy money, and the weeaboo/gamer niche potentializes her earnings given how thristy that crowd is.
>be sexy girl
>can't look sexy or act sexy

god help this dumb broad and all the poor fools paying for this weak ass content

thank you for sharing though
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It was included in the set from Enji herself, so I left it in. She seems to leave in an extra pic or two every so often, the Gwenpool set had an extra Supergirl one.
Being Hungarian definitely is a factor, she doesn't understand e-whore culture like American women do.
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It's grim
She's a fucking bombshell but somehow never worked with a really good photographer
Now she's in her 30s, time is ticking
Hungary has some of the highest density of pornstars
And she's traveling a lot
Even in Austria or Germany she could work with photographers who make her curves pop
>Hungary has some of the highest density of pornstars
>And she's traveling a lot
>Even in Austria or Germany she could work with photographers who make her curves pop
Your first point is the one I would highlight to argue that it's not the photographers that are the problem actually, it's Enji herself. Hungarian women in the sex industry can be notoriously filthy, Enji just clearly doesn't like being overtly sexy so she's kind of awkward in her content. An absolute waste of an amazing body, but what are you gonna do
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her awkwardness gives me secondhand embarrassment. it shows up a lot.
As shitty of a model as she is, that lower body is undeniable. Those huge thighs and that fucking tiny waist, ugh
women come out of the gate with a 10/10 whoredom stat. likely just taking a different approach like nigri and just doing the least amount of effort possible. dummies still pay and the exchange rate for HUF is great for her.
I bet she's a dead fish in the bed. She was probably raised by tradcon parents and is uncomfortable with her sexuality. She probably has some based political takes, too.
who cares is shes a starfish? I mostly just want her to dutch oven me on cold winter nights.
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Yeah, nah. December is Black Cat. Fully covered, and i'm not a latexfag. Sorry guys, I'm unsubbing.
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She looks better in it during that con years ago than now
Latexfag here. I've been waiting for this moment! Shiny Enji is something else.
this, easily my favorite cosplay. enji answers my prayers on this day. fully covered is what i want from her.

hopefully she does some shoots in leather next. these are things i'll pay for if nobody shares.
That's the beauty of a community after all; each person has his own personal likes, and yet everyone gets to benefit from the sharing.
Yet the suit is very clearly PVC. The stitching is a dead giveaway, latex is always solvent-bonded.
5'0" or 5'1"
Damn. So her pictures are like 90% angle-frauding, then. Her body is probably nowhere near as hot irl
i think latex has become a catch-all phrase for anything shiny that isn't leather. i always differentiate tho, because they do look different.

she's posted candid vids and pics many times, so not sure about that. my fav pics are probably the candid ones.
I was gonna say shinyfag, but it sounds much much gayer than latexfag. On that note, not being an actual faggot and not being into dom shit etc. *at all* makes life as a latexfag difficult. Most of shiny porn/erotica is trash. Either it's some woman telling me I'm worthless subhuman trash, or the set starts with her immediately taking her clothes off.
>she's posted candid vids and pics many times, so not sure about that. my fav pics are probably the candid ones.
I'm aware. It's just that based on personal experience, tiny women who appear to have these incredibly pronounced curves in pictures are rarely as impressive in real life, because of their height. She definitely looks much more "normal" in your pic related, for example, though still hot of course
>Height: 5′5ʺ / 165cm
That sounds more accurate
That's why short girls are amazing
>Most of shiny porn/erotica is trash
with you on this, and it's often very ugly bitches who do it.
i'm fine with dom stuff, tho i don't watch it.
I met her IRL she is tiny, no way is she 5'5 unless she's in heels
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Her bf is in fact a Muslim https://www.instagram.com/vahid_metalhead?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
zero expression
10/10 butt expression
>that fucking ass
More from this set?
>not ruched

Can Enji ever do anything except disappoint
not out yet
Even for a longtime fan such as myself, I have to admit that that photo looks so incredibly dull and boring. Much disappointment.
Could've been hotter as the video game Black Cat desu
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She dressed up like that and still made the shoot look bland, it's quite impressive
All I wanted for Christmas was for Enji to break up with her bf, move to the States and marry me :(
Maybe next year...
How is that bland?
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Need more enjis in 2025!
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Well good luck with that kek
Kek, good point. It's a shame she isn't going all out now, but oh well.
Flat lighting and looking straight into the camera for one. No interesting poses
Ada wong set next.
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Dangerously based
humm, yes. quite.
overvalued and under delivered
How anyone can call this beautiful creature bland and uninteresting I'll never understand.
There you go again, humanizing a mongrel's opinion. Have you considered disregarding their retardation?
She can be beautiful while the photographs are dull
I liked her better when she was on the whore path
I don't see how a photograph can be dull if the subject of the photo is anything but.
Just compare her to >>4959046 >>4979054 and you see what we're talking about
Shiro's Harley is a fierce vibrant cocktease, Enji's Harley is a bland catalog model, despite the undeniable thunder thighs
All I see are two beautiful women in the same costume.
This would have been better tugging the zipper down with the tips of her fingers and a little bit of a cleavage peek. She doesn't really embody the characters she cosplays very well
Did she stop doing shoots like these? I haven't seen anything like this from her in quite a while.
I've changed my mind, she should just retire at this point. Jesus fuck.
She's a completely covered up prude now.
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page10 :)
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She has an Arab boyfriend so go figure why she's like this now
If your gf posts lewds you are a cuck
She posted lewds in the past so he's still a cuck.
She strikes me as the type of a naive chick who genuinely thought that her "fans" cared about her personality and "art". And then to her horror, she found out that they just jerk off to her phat ass.
I think all e-whores are aware of the true nature of their line of work, on some level. Some just dislike being confronted with it, so they refuse to make overtly sexual content because doing so would be acknowledging they make a living by selling jerk off material to men they consider beneath them on every level
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love that set
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Power Girl vs. Super Girl
i wanna live inside her bump
She's definitely more of a supergirl
What Enji needs are more videos. Her thiccness is better represented when she's actually moving around doing something. The pictures are largely boring and overly photoshopped.
finally someone says it
>What Enji needs are more videos
Her thiccness would be best represented squat fucking my 5 inch BWC if you catch my drift
>5 inch
Her flat stomach was sculpted
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This is arguably her best set. Her peak form + willingness to reveal a little more.
It's amazing she doesn't do more ass shots in body suits like these
nah this is>>4980839
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nice. is she a cosplayer?
Hungarys #1 prostitute.
She has got to stop letting her female friend be her photographer and giving zero expression for every shot
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>willingness to reveal a little more
>is almost completely covered head to toe
i can't believe she has an OF being this tame. almost boring.
Her OF stuff was god tier compared to the recycled slop she's been turning out for the last year.
watermelon crushing thigh video when?
She doesn't have the muscle for that. Too tender and soft.
Skull crushing
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I just want to eat her farts
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>that filesize
How? Where? Gimme.

And this set is at least better than Black Cat though not as good as Lara

>still refuses to show bare leg
Honestly, what the fuck? And how mediocre is this set btw?
Zero ass shots so 0/10
If my expectations weren't already at rock bottom, I'd almost feel disappointed.
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By 2030 she'll be cosplaying as an Arab woman by wearing a burka. Can't wait.
>How? Where? Gimme.
Trust me dude it's not worth it those are the only two good shots.

>Honestly, what the fuck? And how mediocre is this set btw?
It's awful, zero good ass shots and she's wearing leggings the whole way through with extremely bland expressions.

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