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A thread started for no reason at all.
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I'm already leaking like that ice cream desu
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>jerk off to her last night
>wake up to the news her husband killed himself
what have I done
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Poor gal.
Wtf? Now I'm feeling weird, thank you buzzkill
single and ready to mingle
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>>wake up to the news her husband killed himself
This innuendo shit is a lot kinkier than porn. Fight me
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>tfw no "Aubrey talks you into committing suicide ASMR" video to jerk off to during this difficult time
I can’t help but wonder just how sweet her little ass donut tastes like
I was going to post these in the Celebs In Heels thread but this thread seems more appropriate.
Last one for now. There's a bunch more from this set. Another reason to post here itt, I can post all the pics from the set even if they don't show her wearing the heels.
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Such fuckable legs and feet
Fuck, I can't believe you've done this
>>jerk off to her last night
>>wake up to the news her husband killed himself
First part of this post was weirder than the second
so did she go to the golden globes
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feeling sad for miss plaza
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You should kill yourself NOW!
Yes mistress
In these two you can see the beaten up sweaty flats she was initially wearing. I wonder how smelly her feet were here...
>I can post all the pics from the set even if they don't show her wearing the heels
Do it please
Please kill yourself, footfag.
her husband michael hutchenced himself because he couldnt get off to this granny
Please exit the Aubrey foot thread if that makes you uncomfortable
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This isn't that though.
>This isn't that though
>posts feet
>In these two you can see the beaten up sweaty flats she was initially wearing. I wonder how smelly her feet were here...
Personally I much prefer her in heels, but there are a couple of pics that really show those flats. Enjoy.
>>I can post all the pics from the set even if they don't show her wearing the heels
>Do it please
Here's the next batch. About 30 pics total (maybe less, haven't checked for dupes).
Last one for now. There's only so much captcha I can take in one sitting. LOL.
Shoepussy bonanza
Damn those flats surely are old... look at how stained the insoles are >>4979682. I love how she went shopping for expensive shoes wearing the most rank flats barefoot.
Imagine grabbing the expensive shoes she tried on without buying them, still radiating heat right after she left the shop, able to smell her strong sweaty aroma lingering inside them...
And here she presents the cum catchers selection in all their glory. Ironically, the most valuable pair of shoes in that pic are exactly the cheap beaten up stinky flats she's wearing
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Why would her husband think suicide is better than continuing to worship these feet? Was he gay?
Did she do it lads?
All women are evil
I posted a smile. I hope someone sets you on fire.
>I posted a smile
Oh yes, a couple of soft smelly smiles attached to incredibly hot legs...
I will grant you the legs, but feet are disgusting.
You're just half a faggot then
genuinely sorry to hear about her husband but also I'd like to bust in her womb
>And here she presents the cum catchers selection in all their glory.
That's a really cute/fun pic for some reason. Of course those 4 pairs of shoes probably cost more than I earn in a month. Btw the filenames say this was done for some charity, anyone have info on that? Pretty based way to raise money. LOL.
Anyway here's the next batch of 8 pics from this set. One more to post after that.
Any idea who the other girl is? She's in the background of several shots, especially >>4979465 which shows some nice boobage.
This is sort of a duplicate but not exactly so thought I'd just as well post it. Wider framing so it shows the lineup of shoes but also smaller overall image size. Go figure. Figured the shoe!anons might appreciate it.
Last one for now. I've got to say there's not a bad pair of high heels in this set.
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aubrey's feet!
Nice shoepussy here
>Figured the shoe anons might appreciate it
I appreciate the ones in which we can see her stinky flats insoles like: >>4980123 >>4980140
beautiful long toes
>You should kill yourself NOW!
Aubrey, no!
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i love her
she's single again boys!!! 3 cheers for suicide
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
She was going to divorce him, that's why he did it.
You ruined it.

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