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Are you going to post more than one?
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Is this real? Why eating baby?
I assume it is not actually eating it, merely killing it. As to why, most probably a male killing the offspring of another male: the lack of offspring to care for resulting in the mother entering oestrus, thereby enabling the male doing the killing the opportunity to reproduce. Same thing happens with lions.
Or a mother picking up her baby to move it.
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Yes, I thought that initially, but there's blood shooting out nose, sadly I guess >>4800885 is right. Depressing af, reminds me of those Trials Of Life vids
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Is that white stripes on black or black stripes on white?

"The coat appears to be white with black stripes, as indicated by the belly and legs when unstriped, but the skin is black."
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lmao wtf is this shit
Cool thread.
"Don't try anything funny, asshole. I'm watching you."
"Yes sir mr. Hippo sir, not here to cause any trouble. Just passing through."
Small :)
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(this pic I just posted is actually in Australia judging my the emu in the background but camels are native to Africa and were introduced sometime in the 1800s)
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Do jellyfish and manowars count?
i was expecting to see charlize theron
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Well at least you didn't use someone like Nelson Mandela or Trevor Noah for that horrible joke
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That's so sad.
Nature is cruel.
Don't you fret, I bet we'll beat racism one day.
this thread has been up for a month and not a single pic of a black dude

i'm impressed, even if this is a dead board
that is a human concept, lets think beyond good an evil.
k, Nietz
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Bitch would be hot with good hair.
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Antenna ears.
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possibly some quick background composite for an ad that got uploaded from a database or someone just trying their hand.
read the thread title "African Animals" and thought this would be the first pic... you surprise me yet again, Anon.
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Love the birds presumably picking insects off its neck.
I want to eat it.
I'm jealous.
Maybe these were unicorns?
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More likely this.
Makes sense to me!
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I believe ants are now everywhere so this should count. Feel free to correct me if this species is not in Africa.
I wonder what the purpose of the little hairs on their bodies is.
Same as humans I would guess.
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Pop quiz, Africa or not?
gotta say to me their look asian
Anyone got any reptilian fellas?
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In general yes, however I do not know if they are African.
To style?
That's not why humans have hair.
I think OP still owes us more.
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Google suggests those are Vietnamese.
RIP Harambe
Why are there no domesticated Zebras?
they don't behave like horses at all and are more aggressive anyway, just not suited for animal husbandry in the same way
Who's gonna tame your wild zebras...
>African Animals
I live in Washington state and I just saw one of these running down the highway the other day.
They're ants version of cat whiskers, they aren't for retaining heat at all
Yes. I would imagine they are "feelers" not to get very technical.
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And that's how you deal with African animals.
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>feeding a troon to the lions.
I can't see a down side to this.
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African fox or not?
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Yes or no?
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Those long necks don't help so much when there are no trees around!
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It was in Babylon, and they had their own (non-African) lions.
It's still African even if they get taken to Babylon.
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Please confirm, on or off topic?
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кpacивa ! Дякyю . бiльшe бyдьлacкa ?
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nnxm = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys snaiL-maiL a Hallmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post. You seem to have mistyped and Left OLD-chan for a better (MotherLess) ..''poRn-?''•site.
Yes monkeys are in Africa but there are more than 12 of them.
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Apologies if that is a species not in Africa.
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Dinos were everywhere, right?
I don't see anyone saying no!
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guess what? you're a human too, retard
Love these guys.
I wanna eat a zebra steak so bad bros
> >>4799105 ?

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