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World's shittiest empire.
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Ricecels mogged
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Now show it in 1946.
99% of that would be gone.
This photo has always made me reliably mad.

The absolute dementedness of the Japanese rampage. The inability to even conceptualize the idea that the bestialities don't serve any divine goal, that they are motivated by the filthiest and most selfish urges alone, and that each one is making the (utterly disgraceful and dishonorable) collapse closer and even more predestined.

I wonder if Mr. tent-for-shirt 10 year old progeria kid cosplaying as a literal newspaper Tojo caricature had the basic decency to at least slice-open his abdomen when "the war situation developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage". Almost certainly not, given that the club of seppuku enthusiasts was so small as to make headlines each time.
propaganda post from the satanistic allies, Japan commited no war crimes and is a heroic nation. You will be dust.
Why are Americans so mad about the japanese empire ? Seriously, they gladly choke on german/israeli cocks anytime, but if you mention this specific country, they start screaming and shitting everywhere as if it was needed. Whats the point ? Is your ego so small that you're still mad about Pearl Harbor (a couple ships in the pacific) ?
No wonder no one can stand 'muricans, even themselves. Literally "Pride", the nation
So shitty it took the most industrial and scientific undertaking ever performed by man to get them to chill? Sounds like an odd cope.
>no flag board
>attribute everything you don't like to Americans and constantly complain/seethe
Every time
that only proves they couldn't scientifically keep up with their enemies, nigger. No wonder their nation is now a haven for western incels and pedos drawn to drawings of young girls while their own women fuck dogs. And a suicide capital.
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No, you nigger monkey zipperhead. They were a shit empire because they had a shit army, a shit navy, a shit economy, and shit territorial holdings. Didn't even last a decade. The nukes are just funny. At least post a fucking image before you choke on Jap cock.
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Stinky brown hands typed this message. Fuck the Germs, fuck Israel, fuck Japan, God Bless America.
Hey, images in this thread should be of the defeated enemy and not the conquering heroes.

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