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Vintage ads. We'll go up as far as the 2000s and as far back as you can find.
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I wish I could find this in English at /hr/ size.
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Lel, we definitely lost something when these cringy dudebro gaming ads went out of fashion after the 90s/early 2000s.

Not saying we lost something *good*, mind you.
Are you looking for >>4816861 ?
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Nice. I'll contribute a few.
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I so miss the days when advertisers all injected sexy women into the ads no matter what the product actually was. Now it's all woke shit and jungle bunnies behaving which everyone knows is bullshit.
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Dang - that looks like Susan Lynn Kiger.
Quit being a faggot.
Real gamer detected. Watch out for that John Romero guy, I hear he wants to make you his bitch.
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Ya think this one would fly today?
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I love how even the most un-sexy hardware can be advertised by putting a pair of boobs on it.
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I'm guessing that in the 1960's, that WAS sexy hardware.
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This was considered obese in the 60's. Kek.
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This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and the fact that it still says "Old Nick" on the side of the bar.

Likewise, more of a vintage joke than a vintage ad. Plus horrid quality.
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teenager detected
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Is this for men or women?
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I would imagine both. Men wanted their women to be young and innocent so women wanted to look young and innocent. It's really the same today, you just can't say it out loud.
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cigarettes are such gayfag trash
the ads are somehow even gayer
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Must have been somewhat successful.
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>1974... You don't smoke?? What a faggot.
>2024... You smoke?? What a faggot.

Well, we've come full circle. Ads are brainwashing and this pretty much proves it.
Fantastic thread!
Ueck my beloved
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Lol. Lurked this thread the other day and didn't even recognize/remember him until I saw your post today.
Wow. You must be really observant and smart.
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>inb4 someone says it
>and her stamina
Yeah, I just bet they did...
Interesting psych test if they were all smiling how many still would look like bad for the job.
They should make all ads like this.
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Back in the olden days they had to invent ways to make people fat.
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Back when OJ was a good boy.
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Can't we all just get along?
wow got this far without a coke ad
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My buddy and I beat the first three Space Quests, The Punisher, and Civ I on a Tandy his dad bought from Radio Shack. Not one as nice as picrel though.
I love how they picked two animals that *obviously* couldn't hold either beer *or* cigars with their paws and the illustrator just had to make it work.
Derp. And now I realized that they picked those two to represent the political parties, so they didn't really have a choice. Too subtle for these modern times.
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Next best thing?
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there's something about slide film that really puts you there. I can imagine standing on that street
Is that what that was referencing?
everything about this is the wildest thing I have ever seen
I'm not sure. I just knew that
existed and it only took a minute to find.
My 1st thought was Bobby Hill?
I'd know him anywhere
>t. brewers fan
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I pick the middle.
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>that pose
>Cricketeer has come out
Oh nooooo.
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That's... disturbing (to someone that isn't a fag).
Kek. Nice digits too. Not that it matters on /hr/.
10/10 would buy
Actually there already was one.
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>all black surgery staff
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I Immediately thought of this - very memorable
Are you blind?
He probably meant in "today's world".
It's crazy, Marilyn Chambers (in that ad) was a huge porn-star in the 70's thru the 90's and today she's completely forgotten.
Well they're hooves not paws but yeah.
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They already had OnlyFans back then!
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Might be recent but certainly looks old.
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Well, not exactly false advertising. You did get to bang a chick if you saved her from the dastardly bad guys who wanted to bang her. Still, that was hardly the main draw of the game...
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I'd really like to know what went through the mind of who thought up this ad. It must have been the grandfather of the guy who dreamed up the "many benefits to being a marine biologist" meme.
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Was thinking the same. Still, I miss the days when they used pussy to draw my attention to a product. Commercials these days are just so meh. And I'm not black so there's that as well.
Why did you post a fucking photoshop composite image? Let alone such a shitty one.
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Have some soda ones too...
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I think you're reading too much into it. The ad is simply saying...
Do you have your spine?
mmm wholesome acidic sugar water
Yeah sure, but why of all things a *marine biologist*? They must have been *really* bored of all other scenarios where you could realistically bring along cigars. Certainly a diving expedition would be the last place...
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If the boots fit, you're a murdering sack of shit.
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>106 countries
someone make a meme out of this
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A personal favourite.
>What's changed since "The Amanda Show?"
Well I guess you could say this one aged... like milk.
Damn. Is that a young Phoebe Cates? Nice one.
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really miss when cars had no led bullshit
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I imagne the cigarette is taped to the hoove of the donkey rofl
When cars were cars. I'm not even a car enthusiast, but damn, look at that.
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>show her it's a world... for men who wear their ugly patterned ties in bed fully clothed
True alphas don't care, they'll have bed in breakfast on their terms!
Looks like a pizza pattern from the thumbnail.
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No sexual innuendo intended with this ad. Uh-uh, no sir, not at all.
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Who's a cuck?
That went way over my head 'cause I haven't a fucking clue what you are eluding to. I'm not very up on current events tho.
Not sure I buy the filename. 1979 maybe. Not sure you could get a deal like that in 89 but I wouldn't really know. Any old fucks around?
Also just noticed. Is that even really food? Look at the fucking pickle kek.
>1979 maybe.
Akshually a decade earlier - 1968/69. Google it.
I collect 8 bit machines but this is one of the ones I have no interest in
That's a neat pic. Too bad there's a pile of junk (or whatever) on the sidewalk though.
Damn. Bitches were thots even back then I guess.
This is the most fucked up vintage ad I've ever seen. By far. Zero fucking contest.
Well, it was a different time. I'm sure men inviting other men along to their dates to humiliate them was perfectly normal back then... Yes sir, nothing to see here.
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I actually played that game before I ever saw the movie.

That was a pretty surreal experience. The movie's already pretty disjointed, but it's nothing compared to fumbling around in the game and discovering clips seemingly at random.
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It's a classic
Neat. Advertising not products as they can not make anything to sell during the war but the company in hopes of what is to come.
"when bud wasn't gay.jpg"
It's what people used to use to talk to each other before smart (lol) phones ruined the world.
Nice. Thanks.
One of the good things about /hr/ being such a slow moving board is that someone always eventually shows up to clear up ambiguities.
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>if you really want to keep your husband, hose out your stinky hole with Lysol occasionally ya lazy thot.
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The way the tobacco industry got away with it over the decades is really something to behold. Note that they never say here that doctors recommend you smoke or that smoking is good for you or anything, just that doctors smoke Our Brand, the implication being of course that if doctors do it has to be a good idea.
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I grew up in Eastern Washington State. Nobody I remember ever drank that disgusting piss water. Rainer either. They were just awful. The Oly stubby bottle was kinda cool tho.
It seems to be almost memetic that no beer is ever appreciated by natives, who always prefer some more distant quality brew that its natives, in turn, deride as garbage. (Unless patriotism is called for, of course -- only "we" get to call "our" beer garbage.)
LOL. So true.
I grew up in Maryland.
Olympia beer was 'exotic', and popular.
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Memba when sugar was good for you?
A great example of copy that is all technically true while carefully leading you to the wrong conclusion. If calories were the only thing that mattered you'd indeed be very well off just stuffing yourself on sugar until you were full.

Non-profit organization, lmao.
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TV as furniture. The sheer mass!
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Seven years later...
I like how they keep repeating the "a teaspoon is only 18 calories!" line, while also emphasizing that sugar contains a lot of energy. Because energy is good, but calories are bad.
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Anyone remember music club membership come-ons?
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I hate meeces to pieces.
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>CBS Televisions?
Just noticed this. Networks made TV's in the early days? I guess it made sense to help promote their product.
I know it's a weird thing to complain about but whoever was responsible for the line breaking there did a terrible job. We're not typesetting poetry here.

Also, though this should surprise nobody, these "treasured heirlooms" aren't worth more than the metal they're made from today.
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>these "treasured heirlooms" aren't worth more than the metal they're made from today
True. I see a few for sale on ebay for less than melt, if you ignore shipping as part of the cost.
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Fucking GOLDMINE over here:

they were all blowing each other
Funny that would be your first thought and actually feel the need to post it. Think about sucking dick a lot don't you?
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It's a real brand.
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I think these guys are still around
Better things for better living ... through chemistry
Wow, I'll take their entire stock!

I assume this is a send-up of an actual Remington ad, but I couldn't find the original.
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Less than a dozen bucks per day
This HAS to be a parody.
What was your first clue, Sherlock?
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I remember seeing a lot of these in magazines as a kid. Fuck me I'm old. Thanks for the nostalgia, OP.
I don't get it.
old-school trick to reduce the co2 content in beer to prevent bloating and for some brews, to enhance flavor. I haven't seen anyone do it since the 70's and never in North America. The point of the ad is that the beer already tastes perfect, so don't ruin it.
Ackshully, I see it done quite often up here in the PNW. As a matter of fact my wife does it all the time. I do too sometimes but only to shitty beer like Coors lite.
>fat fetish ad
I imagine fucking a fat bitch in those days was at least a unique experience compared to today where it's very common. Not for me you understand but generally speaking.
Fatness is always relative. Just because the general population already consists of lardasses doesn't mean some people don't always want to go bigger. There always was and always will be a market specifically for women who are "outside the norm" one way or another.
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For me it's the central one in the front row, she's definitely "good enough to get a job" as my secretary
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>vintage Ads
>wall of text
Ogilvy can't meme
The crystals provide a surface for bubbles to form. It flattens the beer. Could be sugar or any crystal-like material. Old science trick is to cut raisins and put them in clear soft drinks and watch them collect bubbles, rise, pop the bubble on the surface, and sink again. Woo hoo.
>no chauffeur required
I say, I say what is this? Do these people actually expect me to operate my automobile in person?

Also, this add is from 1959; for reference, that $14K car would cost you $151K today. Not clear if the espresso maker is included, but I'm assuming not.
>expect me to operate my automobile in person?
Some people have mistresses to visit without a chaffeur knowing. I mean, he'd surely spill everything to your wife while they're having sex if he knew
No offense meant anon but why the hell do so many people spell "ad" wrong? I see it happen all the time. I mean it's a two letter word for crying out loud.
In my case it was a simple typo, I didn't even realize I was typing it worng. I do know how to spell the word.

Yes the above was intentional. Point is, I don't think the fact that it's two letters is what's important, the fact that it's close to "add" (which is a homophone and only a three letter word, for crying out loud) is probably what induces the brainfarts.

If someone *consistently* spells it "add" they may have genuinely never seen the word in print elsewhere, although that seems improbable.
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Like I said, no offense bro. I'm sure I've done it myself. I just think it's funny how often I see it even in a thread about ads. Not like this is the first ad thread on 4chan lol. Peace.
What a glorious ad!
Fucking Morons missing Ali Macgraw
Is that really her? I thought it was a lookalike.
The guy is trippin balls off of a chug of LSD (commonly available in the 70s) and he is in the act of trying to salt his boiled egg... his good pal is remonstrating him to calm the fuck down and get a grip.
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>natural Canadian lynx
Anyone remember a poster that had a rhinoceros and a toucan on it, possibly for some kind of orange juice or some other fruit? I can't remember what it was. It wasn't Guinness or Um Bongo
Never EVER add salt to beer to rid yourself of the suds.
Use orange juice or clamato juice instead!
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>inb4 someone says it
Every time this image is posted on 4chan this gets mentioned. I imagine all the girls were created by the artist from real images of them. This was probably done when Ali was just a model and not big in the movies yet. Just my guess.
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So I've examined this pic several times now. Is that really her nipple?
I joined one in the early 90's but they were albums and CD's. Over all it wasn't a bad deal tho.
The entire thing is drawn from a photo (or heavily postprocessed that way) so the answer can be either "yes" or "no", depending on what you like more. The model may or may not have been wearing a wet shirt at all (the patterns don't look very natural to me). They certainly had to make sure the shirt covered *exactly enough* to get away with it and that was almost certainly a manual effort.
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Pulled this one from the last vintage ad thread.

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