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Last thread >>4882554
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I hope no one gets any dumb ideas...
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All I have are dumb ideas involving kris10
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it's funny how this to me is the worst she ever looked while everyone else always goes "omg so she can look good if she wants to".
bad wig and not enough makeup
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Reminder it was cold when she walked around NYC practically nude for two days to promote her lesbian bodybuilding movie. She suffers for her art.
imagine the nipples
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More like "How can I get men to watch my boring lesbo movie?" Like come on, anon...
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Step 1
Step 2 "im cummming fuck Kristen"
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how much for a tugjob do you guys reckon?
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duh, that's the whole point of film promo - to get an attention to the movie
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I dont understand people who dont have this exact reaction.
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I know. I just find it interesting most of the attention was from men and not lesbos is all.
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How do you know? Perhaps the lesbian audience was so struck they ran home to shlick right away instead of posting on /hr/.
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I think how strange life is when you are such an attractive woman. They are just normal people inside so they interact with the world just like we. For them going to the store is normal but for everyone who sees her it's an event you remember. Imagine if you went to school with her. How could you even focus? How hard would your heart be destroyed when you see her with her bf? Everyone wants her but only one can have her. And KStew has million fans. Just think of one of those crazy images of concerts with a neverending amount of people. That's not even close to everyone who is interested in her. Which puts into perspective how silly it is to feel depressed that I will never be with her. Although it still doesn't make me feel better.
is she a dyke now or is dyke chic all of a sudden?
she's has a barely above average boyish face. nothing spectacualar by any means. the rest of her body is flat and straighter than a beer can. no curves, no ass, no tits, no hips, retarded visible tats. 6.5/10 on a good day.
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I used to think that, too. Get out while you still can.
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>How do you know?
Nigga stop with that cope lol. We know all fags and dykes do not support anything that's caters to them whether it be movies, shows, video games etc;, We've seen this shit time and time again.
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I wonder if she legitimately knows that everybody wants to fuck her. Shit. She has to, right?

Like she wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror and goes “Fuck. Everybody wants to fuck me.” She eats her fucking waffles, just staring at the waffles thinking “Fuck. Everybody wants to fuck me.” The waffle quietly stares back. The waffle would fuck the shit out of her.

Then she exercises to keep that ass tight. She knows everybody is watching her on that treadmill. Staring at that ass. Even the waffle is watching.

He’ll have his day.
Has this been confirmed to be her?
based retard
how is she so perfect to the smallest detail?
her She-Hulk audition was really something.
Cool. So, about my original question…
she is so plap plap plappable here
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Look at those ass cheeks…the tasteful thickness of them. Oh my god, she even takes women’s vitamins
Oh my gah...
If its really her, even her pussy is ugly omg...
its perfect
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Well she fucks men too even though she "claims" to like women more so her pussy would look like that.
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I prefer the originals
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Not sure why it did that.
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I hate that fapello website but they the better version of this pic so whatever.
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this is why I hate gossip
you can claim whatever and no one can disprove you
why does she look so pissed off/bored in these? that keeps puzzling me
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It's true though. Idk why fags like you get so uppity that you hate the fact that she likes dick too. So bizarre.
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There was a theory running around the leaker circles that the reason she looks pissed off or bored is that these pics she was sending too was not her lesbian lover but another person altogether. Though am not sure if that's the case.
do you have anything to indicate that though? the only guys I see close to her in pictures are women and gay dudes
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Do you? Most women have women friends or gay dudes as friends but that doesn't really mean they are gay or whatever.
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Fuck sakes...
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Alright bros, that's all I got am going to go work out. Later.
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well at least the posting of kstews naked leaks for the 500th time will disprove that guy who said she has no curves and looks like a boy.
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>well at least the posting of kstews naked leaks for the 500th
As oppose to posting the same event pics for the 500th time? Stop complaining and enjoy the Kstew content.
how can I enjoy watching her privacy get invaded?
TC. I'm going to 'work out' as well.

Much nicer looking after a wax.
You should work as well. Not everyone isa fatass on this website, anon.
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By not acting like a white knight fag?
basic human decency is white knighting?
it would only be white knighting if I defended her when she did something wrong.
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Don't hide behind that 'basic decency" bullshit. You and others on here will be the first ones to jack off if new leaks happened to drop.
>jacking off to your celebfu
Not that anon but this is absolutely disgusting
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no this is the kstew worship, not goon, not disrespect, thread
this is a sanctuary from the rest of the filth on this site
a reminder of the beauty life is capable of
to be humbled by her grace and intelligence and strive to be better
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>Lying about jacking to your celebfu
Absolute kek
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No AI slop, please.
I jerk off to Kris10 constantly but she's not my celebfu
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I just don't think of her this way. There is enough jerk off material out there to deal with my horniness.
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I never said she was
Sure whatever you say, anon.
>I never said she was
This is correct, you did not. I am just saying that she is for many other anons here. So making a statement like
>You and others on here will be the first ones to jack off if new leaks happened to drop
as an argument, well, it has a high chance of being wrong. That's all
Sue sure
>it has a high chance of being wrong
Not really but am not here to argue with you.
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I agree
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Still pretty though.
are you the guy who fell asleep in the theatre after jerking it to her latest movie?
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Why did it have to be the cheapest looking porn star with freakish big fake boobs. This was made to offend right?
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just the most perfect naked body
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I just want to cuddle with her lads. She's so soft and lovely.
Is that a tiny diaper at the bottom of her panties?
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looking for some proper pictures i can use for an ultrawide desktop
whats the resolution
3440 x 1440

currently using this one, kinda looking for something that shows kstu face
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how about this
lovely bruv, if you have more i'll be grateful forever, even if they dont show her face
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I like this one because of the negative space for icons but it's upscaled so idk how it will look.
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I don't get her heterosexual appeal. She is like an adolescent boy. She lacks sexuality.
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