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She's more beautiful now than ever and it scares me.
the whore look really suits her
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she looked hilarious strutting around in that outfit with the security guy shadowing her. Looked like she was auditioning for the next matrix movie.

well i wouldn't mind seeing her in a full body latex suit spinning around in slow motion (no underwear of course)
for me, it's the spot where the jaw meets the neck
I liked when she clapped her hands to get him to open the door.
What happened to her usual bodyguard?
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That's the one I meant.
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ah ok, based
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#10 all day
Is it morally wrong to want to ejaculate on her face?
im sad i'll never get to marry and have children with her or someone as attractive as her.
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hearing her say "normie" in an interview was surreal
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No only if you do it irl.
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but what if she begged me to? especially whilst on her knees in front of me, violently rubbing her clit and writhing in pleasure, anxiously wanting me to feel pure bliss because she's madly in love with me?
Oh I meant irl as in doing some degenerate coomer shit with her pics.
As long as you both consent I dont think there's much that you can do that would be immoral.
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Fuck defeat. I will never lay down and take a L because that is what life handed me. There are 8 billion people on the earth, that means that even though finding a woman better looking than Kstew is a tall order, it is possible. Bigger tits, bigger ass, no tattoos, heterosexual, better face....its possible. She is out there. I'm going to find her.
Bigger tits and ass are irrelevant as hers are the perfect size for her body and better face is literally impossible imo but yeah no tats and no dyke would be a definite plus.
Funny you didn't mention personality at all, which is what matters in the long run
Source me, bro
you're right, which is why a bimbo kristen would be an improvement, better body better personality
imagine turning a quirky arthoe lesbian into an airheaded cocksucker
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For me the problem is not finding her but being good enough for her. She deserves the best. Someone independant with a life and goals of their own who doesn't yearn for a specific dream woman to fill the gap in their soul. And I don't think I can be that.
Megan Fox should bite her and turn her into a bimbo.
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Friday is for fapping
That look says it only going to be an unenthusiastic handy under the blanket.
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Just how I like it
I wish I could just fap and not work today.

t. Fucking loser simp worm
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>I-I guess you can cum on my face anon, but please be quick, th- that's pretty disgusting
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>Nah I'm good just let me hold you and sob hysterically for 3 to 4 hours
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>Someone independant with a life and goals of their own who doesn't yearn for a specific dream woman to fill the gap in their soul.

you're describing a sociopath. all people would be happier with a partner that is their other half. theres a reason the yin yang is a thing that has lasted for centuries, the two parts make one whole.
>o-ho you can't penetrate me because you 'love me so much'... I-I get it anon, I'll just help you with my hand as usual
this made me think how if we made a physical kstew museum we could have one of those cardboard cutouts where you can put your face through and it would be of her kissing or hugging someone
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disgusting is a social construct.
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facial friday?
>wow you-you came already? but I-I barely put my hand on your-
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dude, your player doesn't support hdr videos
fuck yess
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I'm glad everyone is decent and not posting any disgusting AI edits
I want to pat her fuzzy head while her dyke tongue effortlessly milks my cock.
i'd rather they made realdoll of her so you could fuck it
the kristen sexdoll museum
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I wonder if they made a realistic kstewbot if I would still be too gay for her to fuck it.
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look at that skindentation
i can almost imagine what touching her would feel like
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please no a.i in this thread. broke my heart seeing it in the previous one. ty.
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It's not fair.
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Good stuff, if you ever feel like making some for cafe society i wouldnt object one bit.
its become a pattern in my life, i meet a new cute girl, i get to know her a bit, find myself attracted to her, oh wait, shes a lesbian.

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Either trying to replicate a previous relationship with a woman who gave off that vibe or subconscious selfsabotage (pursuing women you know you cant land) or you just like tomboyish grills and many of them now are lesbos.
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I love how she always looks like she's 1 second away from crying in crimes of the future.
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Sadstew is my vibe
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>my feet hurt
>the lights are too bright
>i wish i was at home deepthroating anon's massive, thick cock and rimming his asshole
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>dylans face is uncomfortable to sit on
>i wish i was at home samefagging my threads on 4chan and playing with my dogs
>playing with my dogs
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she just keeps getting hotter
Yes, Dylan is amazing.
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And it's scaring me.
Where do we even go from here? When she hits 50 is she going to shave off her eyebrows and hair and go to a premiere dressed in a burlap sack and STILL mog every other woman on the planet?
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Ouch, that's an extremely ugly little piggy.
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>oh yes, the bible speaks of her smile leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries this smile before it... is invincible.
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i vant my bord
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In the black sky thunder sweeping
Underground and over water
Sounds of crying weeping will not save
Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar
All your prayers must seem as nothing
Ninety-six below the wave
When stone is dust and only air remains
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Luv me some Pitstew, would lick them for hours
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I'll take mine with a hint of stubble.
Pitty and titty. Nothing beats it
Nothing? How about titty and pussy?
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pitty is pussy
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link to the full rolling stones mag photo shoot?
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>seen that pussy
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sweet. Thanks man
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Kristen the kind... is a monster. Pure and radiant she wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men.
There is nothing more terrifying.
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Even her "plain" looks invoke lust in me
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perfect girl next door
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She would look so good wearing my hoodie with some Jean shorts, a pair of worn out chucks and no make up on
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She would probably look even better wearing only one of my ermenegildo zegna dress shirts with only the middle button done up and her hair very tousled up.
Or a white cropped top with no bra, some nice sunglasses and a pair of black leggings
Wait, she already wears that often
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Dickies Betty Ford Dress, Doc Martens, and thick framed glasses.
>Captcha: TNTPP
I used to like her but she has became to masculine now.
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lmao even
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for me it's the t-shirt, jeans and sneakers
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> she has became to masculine
You've never liked her.
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We know, Kristen
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the cutest softest pale tummy
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>ywn blow raspberries on it
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I cum to her nudes quite a lot
>Happy, long-haired, no tats Stew
Bliss that is beyond any category.
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she looks like a oompa loompa
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this content drought is brutal
i'm suffering from dekristenation
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Waves come and go, she is an ocean of love.
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Sweaty puta
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i want to fuck buzzstew up the ass so bad it's unreal
The cycle continues.
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it should be swollen with my babies
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based repressed homosexual
Unreal mogging
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Imagine the sheer amount of pussy she's eaten.
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>tfw no whats eating gilbert grape kstew gf
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Nowadays she looks like she only eats out of dumpsters
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That 3AM gas station on MLK BLVD look
would pay for a sad bj
I am become Gandolfini in Welcome to the Riley's
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not even close, lol
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That's more of a dykes on bikes look.
Oh no no no no no no
I love Dylan's gigantic head.
You trying to insinuate that fashion companies don't utilize dumpsters?
someone said her mom owns a horse ranch is that it in the background?
Sometimes you just know
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Please double anal buzzstew with me, lets own her asshole
i want buzzstew to fuck my ass so bad it's unreal
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Now that's kinda gay t b h
Nothing gay about a man a woman engaging in roleplay.
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greasy sleepy stenchmeister!
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these watermarked pictures are from the set of a movie she is currently directing.
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dat smal ass
>currently directing
It's going to be a slop, isn't it?
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Wrong, these are from the filming of Boygenius' The Film - 3 music videos for their songs.
These are the pics from the filming of The Chronology of Water in Latvia:
Oh she's is actually doing the Water one finally? Nice
She can be this generation's Shelly Duvall
That'd be Mia Goth
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And this generations helen of troy.
>this generations helen of troy.
I wouldn't go that far but, have to admit it, "Underwater" was a far better movie than people gave it credit for. Would've enjoyed it had they kept the original ending but, given that it's never getting a sequel anyway, I can't complain too much.
>original ending
which was?

gross and never cute
fine. i'll spoil it. she dies in the theatrical release but, in the alternate ending, she gets the malfunctioning escape pod to work and escapes inside of it.

even if she couldn't get it to work, there was enough space inside of the last working pod so that both her and the other girl could've fit. i mean, no offense, if it's 'escape pod' or 'death,' you find a way to squeeze in and take your chances. i mean, the two of them put together still wouldn't have weighed as much as a linebacker on a football team so it wouldn't have been a weight issue.

honestly, i think they went for the death ending simply because "muh drama!" but i've never liked those endings bc what's the point of rooting for someone for 90+ minutes if they're just going to drop dead at the end? it's basically a waste of time as far as i'm concerned.

anyway, agree that it's a decent movie but the ending sucked.
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Does she still blow up cthullu in the alternate ending?
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A smile like a laserbeam.
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Whew lads. I think I've found one of the most unflattering images of her.
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Absolutely euphoric. Look at the bliss on this gal's face just meeting her.
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the pressure builds....
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I hope that when the movie is out we will get some behind the scenes footage.

my heart
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What the fuck is wrong with you
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This belongs in a museum
He's shilling his app, he does it in every other waifu thread
>just slap generic d-cups on everyone
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one of my favorites
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