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you can keep the fakes in the other one.
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She looks so bratty there
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Who's fetish is this?
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Fucking hnngggggggg
anyone got the fixed version?
from the other thread?
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She's pretty funny.
ngl i fapped in the audience when i went to see her concert
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No fake! That's from when I met up with her last weekend! Man what a day!
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What's her fucking problem?
She's pissed off. Jjk0
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TFW wanna goon with Aurora bros but I can't ever find any
i tried asking for some discord server or something like that
what else
I usually use session, but the threads are usually instantly deleted on b. The celeb threads there are also a total train wreck. Hard to find celeb goon buds, especially Aurora brosm
uh yeah i actually got that
i actually tried it for the first time days ago so i'm kinda still not totally used to it i guess
If you have lots of Aurora pics and want to chat drop your ID. I'll add you. Tbh I don't have many pics on my phone but I'm down to goonm
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Didn't know Aurora bros hung out on sesh. I'd drop my ID but I don't have that many pics and I'm self-conscious about it
Eh, if there's someone with a lot of pics who is willing to share we could get a group going.
I don't have many pics of Aurora, but I'm willing to chat and get a group going if enough people message. Also into other celebs

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you can take a whiff of aurora pits after a performance and then die
would you do it?
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I would have said "win-win" but I'm currently making a big progress with my death-flirting issues so I'm having this strange desire to live a pleasant life as much as I need her naked on my bed, so let me think it better.
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What is her secret to still looking like a teen when she's close to 28/29? Her family doesn't seem to have any particular genes for that.
me too

I'm still active here
Trying to get a group together
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One ape and two beautiful women
she probably eats healthy most of the time and stays active
Hope we can get this in a higher res
unedited version?
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This is unedited
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don't believe you
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It is, Google it you silly goose
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I'm surprised at how consistent the Aurora threads are on here. I thought I was the only one who jerked to this cute girl
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Post your best picks
Definitely gooning to those. Blacked Aurora is pretty good. Any fakes?
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No fakes
I also enjoy her music
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How did you find her last album
I bought it with a ticket for her concert and it was on the floor after being posted
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It's okay
By fakes I mean blacked fantasy I suppose. The subreddit is long gone but I think they had some of her
Anyone ever get a disc, kik, or ses group going? I feel like there can't be that many of us
I don't have many pics of her but I'm down to chat or make a group

so i didn't reply anymore but i basically have the pics we have i mean i collected stuff thru the years here and there and i don't think i got much more of what anons have been posted here
i'll try leaving my session i guess
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I'm Brazilian and I literally worship girls like Aurora
anyone should worship aurora
disgusting aislop
delete this
you'd have to be a faggot to think this looks good
absolute mutilation grade blister nipples
the fuck is wrong with you people and your ai slop?
just stop
Go listen to Aurora and have a relaxing walk outside crazy incel boy
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>rejection of AI slop = incel
sorry I've seen enough of real life to be put off by such shit CGI
maybe it's you who should be touching grass

zoomers with their perpetually online lives these days staring at people behind filters and through pixels apparently have a hard time telling what looks good and what looks like garbage

this is a fucking /hr/ board for quality images, not out of focus ai face swaps and content sloppy aware fill garbage from someone who can't even recognize speakers are round not shaped like a D.
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is aurora pregnant?
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I really need to see her doing topless before I die. It's kind of strange there is not even a single real nude of her, she's totally the type of girl with a cloud full of her body.
aurora bukake soon
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This image is 24MB
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this image has more pixels than i have braincells
Is that fucking Mr Bean?
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how many thrusts before you bust in aurora?
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Depends on the hole
how many per hole
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