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"Nothing personal, just business" edition

Previous thread: >>4871803
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Supervising the construction site without a helmet? That's an OSHA violation
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It's insane that they let these women run around on public roads
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Using the entire parking lot for herself, baka
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It's so unfair
May a cute
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Fuck, I love it when people have to die so that a giantess can avoid a minor inconvenience.
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Well put.
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There is a Giantess video thread over on /gif/. Everyone go check it out:
>real life vore
No thanks.
>real life vore
It is mostly just regular Giantess videos.
how many tinies had to be digested to form that heavenly ass?
Random thought, and I'm not trying to complain, but it bums me out a bit that most of the 3D video artists I'm interested in give their giantesses absurdly oversized boobs relative to the rest of their body. I guess that's breast expansion stuff - which I'm not into, and that's fine, it's just odd that it seems like most 3D artists do that? Are there any good 3D vids with normally-proportioned women?
This is sadly common in all media.
It’s not expansion fetishism, just coomerism infecting anything you happen to be into.
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Don't have any examples for you, but I totally agree. To each their own, but I have zero interest in women with breasts that are twice the size of her head. I find it way hotter when a giant woman has a modest bust or is realistically well-endowed. Same goes for ass.
>I have zero interest in women with breasts that are twice the size of her head.

I have 100 interest in that. But like you said, to each their own.
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Yeah, you're absolutely entitled to your love of massive-tittied giantesses, they're just not for me.
Interesting, the AI didn't even attempt a reflection.
I truly despise AIshit
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>you now remember adrianna daniels
Wonder what she's up to now
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One of the best
I can't post most of the pictures I have because they're too big and hr for /hr/. Very annoying
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I'm 100% with you on that. It's as if every 3D video artist that focuses on growth has to make their subjects malproportioned every time. And like, big tits and ass are great, but when they reach unrealistic and cartoonish proportions, that's when I check out. Seems like the only 3D artists who make videos where their subjects don't do that focus solely on shrink. And while someone like Eskoz makes phenomenal stuff, it would be nice if he had an equal counterpart who focused on growth.
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Not giantess, but pretty proud of this one. Footsteps are a pain. Half-submerged footsteps are a fucking disaster. Never again
Could always catbox em.
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Now I feel like going to the beach
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I very tactically place footsteps to avoid the half-submerged ones. Bigs don't get bonus points for stepping on fish, either. Good work with it though.

Save them as .jpg. I export as png as much as possible, but if you're exporting from photoshop, a .jpg at a quality level of 6 will compare very well and be much smaller.

Or just decrease the resolution
Anyone else fantasize about being a massive giant?
That planet breaking effect is phenomenal. The more I look at it, the more impressed I become. The hair is also very well cropped. Quality stuff.
Only for the sake of getting to dick down one of the gigantic beauties from this thread.
>that one random account on DA that is slow dripping old but hard to find or otherwise wiped images
Is that supposed to be Earth, or some other planet?
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it's earth just flipped opposite the way it's normally shown on most maps. you can see the Arabian peninsula on the top left.
Anybody know where in Baja California this is? Trying to do a height guess with Google Earth but can't find this area.
thank you kindly feller

La Paz.

Why is the really nerdy search for where a collage is and estimating a height so fun? Lord knows
Because nothing about this fetish makes sense, upside down Satan
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Tried something with the cloud brush and then bunching it up with smudge to create the illusion of parting clouds moving towards the camera. Think it turned out decent. In reality, the airplain trail will also move, but artistic reasons etc.
scales are all completely off and contradictory
ah, now I can't unsee it... I'll have to look for another background
Why is there a bunch of gay shit in here? This is why you don’t put “size” in the title and specify strictly giantess.
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Thousands of people using an airport as a shelter hiding from @mightymousegod
as she rampaged and destroyed their city. People inside are terrified as they can hear her massive, thunderous footsteps around them, each step rattling and shaking the ground. People begin to panic as her footsteps grow louder and louder. Her giant feet crashing down right outside of the terminal, crushing planes and hangers. People frozen in fear as they watch her giant feet outside the terminal window.

She pauses for a moment, standing directly over the airport, almost complete silence before she sinks her massive body into the ground, unknowingly crushing hundreds of helpless people. Lowering herself closer, examining the airport, looking for people to eat and crush. Her warm breath sweeps over the airport, fogging up windows. She gently bites into the terminal, peeling off the roof with her mouth, exposing the thousands of people trying to hide from her.

Furious that people would try to hide from her, she immediately begins crushing them. Squishing people beneath her finger; slamming her fist down on crowds of tinies trying to run. People scrambling like ants, screaming and running for their lives. She picks up dozens of people at a time between her fingers and eats them, chewing them up like they were candy. In a matter of minutes over a thousand people were crushed or eaten. Standing back up, towering above them, she destroys what is left of the airport with her feet, squishing anyone who is left and tries to escape. She made sure nobody survived before moving on to the next city to terrorize and rampage.
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Love these
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>Emily Barry is aggressively attractive
>Chuckwagon is the only one who ever used her for material before riding off into the sunset
Granted, it was all low quality Instagram slop, but still.
I was gonna ask who she was, because look at her. Hard to find images from a 2 second google search though, which is bad news
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I would fucking love another tutorial on how you do those effects with lighting and refractions from the smoke. The first one was very helpful btw
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You can apply the same methodology to the footprints, but for smoke, you're going to have to find VDB files (static, not animated), which may be a struggle to do for free.

I use Cloudscapes V2. It's 42 bucks, which is definitely worth the hassle imo. Alternatively, you can try an "extended free trial without limits" via vfxmed, cough cough.
goated, thanks a lot
Damn, so much care put into this (and it shows in the final product). Much respect.
>pregnant and had a kid
>already massive breasts grew even more
Chuckwagon... we need you
Hate to ask, would you at some point be able to do a youtube video tutorial of your exact work through on a collage?
Like the entire thing? Perhaps.

It would be going over the individual steps with sped up segments, a general showcase the workflow, thoughts and tools.

Breaking down everything in any amount of detail like >>4887038... would be dreadful
Since he apparently did most of his collaging while on meth, I can understand why he stopped after getting clean. Sucks though since he favored a certain body type that made his collages rather unique.
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