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Summer edition

Previous thread: >>4832906
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so there's some Israeli drama film from 2017 called "longing" about love which features a scene of a giantess fucking a building


looking at the poster for the 2024 remake it looks like the scene will return
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>Diane Kruger
Oh heavens
They're remaking a film that's not even 10 years old?
Seems more like, making an American version, than a straight up remake
Really wish I could find the giantess scene from this movie by itself, not about to pay for dat shit
Did you check giantess city?
No, I don't think I will.
I know, because if you did, you would have found the clip easily and wouldn't be making dumb posts here instead.
Yet you post nothing here but whiny text. Most people don't go on that old boomer site at all tard.
Then keep moaning while I just watch the clip on repeat.
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pot calling the kettle black, 3DPG collagefags are only one rung below gtscity retards
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>Posts more 3D in a 3D collage thread
I don't think you know what that means but however you want to cope about it lol
Did she at least lube up?
That looks like it might hurt.
What does the PG mean? Parental guidance? Lol
Anyone trying to get a yogile going?
I’m hoping to collage some stuff this weekend and those are always fun.
Seconded, a good Yogile thread is always fun!
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A recent one.
Very very nice.
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I set one up, feel free to add pics: https://www.yogile.com/hrgiantess
Any other Charlotte Valis enjoyers?
but is that an actual giantess in the movie or just a hallucination or dream?
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>It's a metaphor for how sex can be almost like a insurmountable moonster
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>ywn have your apartment flooded by Emma’s hair because she gently brushed it past your building

Are You Sure This Will Help Us Sell More Burgers?
someone knew what they were doing with this
>How do I vent out my fetish without outing myself as a fetishist?
I always figured that the size community was relatively small.
I want them to argue with eachother over which one gets to eat me.
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This one gets me diamonds every time i see it.
Same. Her soft, pursed lips and cute nails, juxtaposed with the mortal terror of knowing that at any moment she could effortlessly swallow you whole. It's perfect.
The "eat the rich" graffiti is a nice touch.
Too bad it isn't in red, since she probably wrote it using someone she just bit in half
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my immersion has been ruined
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Sauce? Great scenario even if she isn't able to swallow him.
Maybe she painted it with a make-up brush that grew with her.
and the most autistic fetish award goes to...
>and the most based fetish award goes to...
Just something I made last night.
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>regular girl
>but bigger
Most of the faggots here that get off to these horrible shoops typically hail from shitholes like GTSCity or Eka's Portal are the actual autistic part of this fetish; otherwise the fetish itself is just exaggerated femdom and fairly normie. If there existed a giant sexy woman, it wouldnt be hard to imagine any normie dudebro not finding it attractive.
>malding over collages while posting AI tier slop
Why are you here?
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Occasional diamonds in the rough. Very rare, however.
She's missing the bottom half of her legs.
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By ‘horrible shoops’ do we mean collaging in general?
There’s a way to convey that without being a huge fag about it. Different people like different things.
Agreed that only the true tists still use the City. That place fell off ages ago.
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GC still serves a great purpose in keeping those people away from other parts of the internet.
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Am I going to see any of you frens in the dandelion jungle for Eclipse's third installment?

Man, you're not wrong. What would you say is the current hub of the giantess community? Is it across several Discord servers?
I don't know if there really is one anymore. You have size communities on Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc. I think the rise of social media made it inevitable that the near-monolithic nature of the 90s/early 00s size fetish internet presence would fracture and split into various presences on different sites. There's no turning back, and homegrown stuff like Giantess city is living on borrowed time. People were so upset that Giantessbooru was going to get taken down, then it was saved, and for what? Nobody posts anything of substance on it.
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I'd say Twitter is probably on top in terms of number of people, volume of content produced, variety, activity, etc. But yeah, even that is fragmented compared to the old single-forums of old.

>People were so upset that Giantessbooru was going to get taken down, then it was saved, and for what? Nobody posts anything of substance on it.
To be fair, nobody was using it for "new" stuff before the announcement either. The main concern is that it's a massive repository of content that is difficult, if not impossible, to find elsewhere. It's nice to keep up, if only for the rare moments when I'm looking for a particular "old" work.

It also doesn't help that the new "version" of the site is clunkier than ever (eg. you need to manually rename every file you save because they all want to save as "index.jpg"). And I'm not sure what fraction of the community even knows/cares it exists - the closure of the original site was reported widely, but its being saved by the City was met with much less fanfare.
Giantesscity serves a similar purpose to me, a preservation of old/impossible to find works and a containment zone for boomers are retards. And some of them, I assume, are good people.
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>And some of them, I assume, are good people.
GTScity boomers are the only ones dedicated enough to spend hundreds of hours only to find some 2000s Filipino camera ad where some woman "grabs" some poorly-shopped "shrunken" man for 4 seconds and in glorious 240p and tagging it as "giantess"

modal zoomer meanwhile has to deal with the AI-slop and camgirls clogging up "giantess" search results. And if its uncurated-twitter feed you gotta deal with mentalhealthgay JP artists and their 5 gacha/food pics for every 1 gts pic with no tagging and the inevitable deletion-rounds. Seeing as public like-feeds are soon to be hidden from public I can no longer rely on simply checking in the likes of a fellow-fetishist to curate for me.
These are so cute. Love ‘em and the casual vibes
Searching in general just seems to get shittier and shittier with each passing month…like even non-fetish searches are full of trash that’s tangentially related or low quality
The AI shit is ruining my DA feed, even with the setting to limit it turned off, along with the extremely low effort works.
>someone uses a model that you want to see for an image but it's either lazily done, sub 1k resolution, a terrible source image, or all of the above
Having this fetish is hell. I want to get off this ride.
I wish that the slop didn’t get so much positive feedback. Makes me feel bad for the people that put a lot more effort in and then don’t get anything.
fuck she's got a nice belly
Damn if this was bigger, it'd make a nice wallpaper.
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Maybe not perfect, but here's an upscaled version.

Thank you! I've been trying to finish up some old ideas.
I'll take it.
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I originally wanted to use this shot instead but unfortunately couldn't find a good matching background.
>Please quit sitting, laying or otherwise loitering on our carrier decks, you are affecting operational readiness. Also if you could please quit "testing" the "crush depth" of our submarines and swallowing our seamen that would be great - US Navy
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..for me to digest inside
>why can't giantesses be real :(
Why would you want them to be real? Do you know what kind of nightmare world we'd be living in?
nightmare for dumbies without a giantess fetish. in a weird sort of fucked up way i like scenarios involving giantesses doing all the things i fantasize about, but to a tiny man that doesnt enjoy it
It would be a sexy, sexy nightmare. Absolutely horrifying, but incredibly arousing and deeply satisfying for a sizefag like myself.
We'd plunge into a post apocalyptic dark age.
Only if it's one or two and depends on who it is. If it's one of a couple different airheaded ethots, I'd just be diamonds 24/7. If it was just some rando, then yeah it'd probably just be shitty.
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>If it's one of a couple different airheaded ethots, I'd just be diamonds 24/7.
I too am interested in giant airheaded ethots. Provide some names!
I’m working on a couple with the D’Amelio Sisters and Addison Rae.
For me the parallel of chicks who get super rich and influential for basically no reason and having that unearned power translates really well into growth scenarios.
I love when it makes you ask “of all the people who could grow SHE grew?”
Frankly I love pretty much any scenario where the woman who grows is already overbearing / a drain on the people around her at normal size:
>eThots / attention whores
>Vapid self-obsessed “stacy” types
>Criminally boring ‘basic’ girls
>Annoying celebrities
>Control Freaks
>Burnouts / addicts / “weed lmao” girls
>Actually mentally unwell girls / psychos
>Political Activists / loudmouths
>Girls who are just outright stupid, like room temp IQ types
There’s just something about all of human achievement being brought to heel by women who were annoying but tolerable at normal size and now are inescapable, undeniable, effortlessly powerful…shit drives me wild like nothing else
> If you want a picture of the future, imagine a high heel stamping on a human face— forever
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So cute!
Love the chromatic aberration. What’s your preferred way to get that sort of effect?
Thank you! I use Nik Analog Efex and add 10% or so chromatic aberration.
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I'll post a couple. I tend to think the closer to giga they are, the better. The first names that spring to mind are
Absolutely can't stand her and genuinely think she's a scumbag... which is why she'd be perfect thousands of feet tall. Near ultimate "I deserve this power" trope.
>Demi Rose
Gives off the perfect 'lights are on but nobody is home' bimbo aura. Probably wouldn't even realize how massive she is.
Aggressively attractive with actually huge booba. Criminally small amount of images of her as a giantess that are high quality.
Stereotypical airheaded blonde bimbo constantly shilling dude weed lmao on social media. Would be on the shortlist if I had to choose a Top 10 or Top 5 favorites to see incredibly huge.
>Belle Delphine
Not even a fan of hers but she'd be excellent as huge annoying cunt like Amouranth.
>Teddy Moutinho
Same as Demi Rose but even more so. Looks instead of brains.

>For me the parallel of chicks who get super rich and influential for basically no reason and having that unearned power translates really well into growth scenarios.
Absolute chad opinion

>There’s just something about all of human achievement being brought to heel by women who were annoying but tolerable at normal size and now are inescapable, undeniable, effortlessly powerful…shit drives me wild like nothing else
Godlike opinion
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Demi Rose
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Belle Delphine
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Teddy Moutinho
Giant women do nothing but destroy and eat people. If they were real, it would be the end of our civilization as we know it. But you're okay with that as long as you get to cum?
>it would be the end of our civilization as we know it
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
It's pretty hot to know our predominantly patriarchal civilization which has lasted for 10,000+ years would be snuffed out so easily by giant women.

This reminds me of a scenario where a few hundred or thousand giant women are wreaking havoc across Earth and normally we could handle that with conventional warhead ICBM's and other advanced weaponry, but the giant women promise "liberation" and "godhood" to any regular sized woman who surrenders to them. So they would be crushing cities killing all who stand in there way, but to maintain their numbers they take women who surrender to them to somehow turn them into giantesses. This would make men not only have to wage a physical war against the giantesses, but also an emotional and psychological one with our women to stop them from joining the giantesses.
>normally we could handle that with conventional warhead ICBM's and other advanced weaponry

When has that ever worked?
wdym? You think an ICBM couldn't insta kill a 200~ foot giantess if it hit her in the head?
I've seen it happen
Everyone knows that giant women are invulnerable to nuclear weapons only once they pass 1 mile
>giant women do nothing but destroy and eat people. If they were real, it would be the end of our civilization as we know it
Hell yeah, sign me the fuck up senpai
Giantess never dies, just a well documented fact. If anything it would just make her grow bigger
maybe in your fantasies, but not mine.
Found the giant woman
I mean there's gotta be some deranged feminist or misandrist chicks out there who would revel in the opportunity to have an ex boyfriend in the palm of their hands even for non sexual reasons.
If the things from A Quiet Place can end civilization, a giantess invasion would have no problem.
I’ve definitely met chicks that would absolutely become homicidal tyrannical psychopaths if they were turned into giantesses
You're a sick fuck and a traitor. I bet if a giantess told you to feed your best friend to her, you'd do it.
No way dude that would be horrible and sick haha imagine if she just ate him whole and digested him alive LOL that would be messed up haha especially if she threatened to eat me next that would just be crazy lol!
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>For me the parallel of chicks who get super rich and influential for basically no reason and having that unearned power translates really well into growth scenarios. I love when it makes you ask “of all the people who could grow SHE grew?”
Frankly I love pretty much any scenario where the woman who grows is already overbearing / a drain on the people around her at normal size
>There’s just something about all of human achievement being brought to heel by women who were annoying but tolerable at normal size and now are inescapable, undeniable, effortlessly powerful…shit drives me wild like nothing else. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a high heel stamping on a human face— forever
God yes.
Imagine giant women posting on 4chan trying to convince us that weapons don't hurt them.
That's my fetish
Maybe we should get a Yogile going specifically for source material of these kinds of e-girls? Would be cool to build up some material.
I think that’s a lovely idea
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This chick is such a QT. Love seeing stuff with her
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I just wanna hang out and walk around on a giant college girl's thigh is that too much to ask?
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Yes, because she's going to kill you.
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250 miles on Straya's cost
While I agree with you, the whole OF thing has really ruined the ability to get quality image material by really lowering the bar on what's a good picture.
You actually want to live in this hellscape? What possible advantage would there be? Do you know how hard the post nut clarity would hit you?
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Well, we all gotta go sometime
Exactly, we're all going to die eventually. Might as well go out as a sacrifice for a gigantic, sexy greater power.
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uhhh there's no post nut clarity when a sexy giantess turns you into a stain under her shoe
Imagine wanting to live by scavenging in the decaying ruins of a city just because a few giantesses knocked all the buildings down with their tits. True coomer behavior.
Mithridates24's deviantart is suspended. What a loss
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RIP, wonder why?
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Mith here,
Fuck if I know. I just popped open the page and *poof*.
I’ll see if I can restore it, but failing that I’ll start again. Won’t be the first time.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Wish we had a decent place to store / display our work.
Why does DA allow the most degenerate disgusting slop imaginable but somehow "Giant girls bad"? That site allows literal pedo shit on there that doesn't get removed and there's no way to report it, yet GTS collages get nuked at random for no apparent reason.
>"Giant girls bad"?

That's not true. DA loves giantess AI slop.
Apparently DA is doing a general purge of celebrity morph stuff
Anyone keen to make a cinema run for the sake of giant women? Seems like there are currently two smaller films out at the moment with some giantess segments.

The first is the US remake of Longing
(see >>4871999), which features a giant Diane Kruger having sex/masturbating on top of a building. We've all seen the original 2017 version (>>4872235), hopefully the new version is also nice.

The second is a new film called Tuesday featuring Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Apparently it has some fantasy-ish elements where she gains the ability to change her size, with confirmations from reviews of her " ballooning up to the size of a titan".

They're both smaller films (and Longing hasn't reviewed well), so we probably won't get any/many in-cinema clips to judge the content ... but they'll probably also have a shorter run, and jump to streaming quicker. In the mean while, I guess, they're available for anyone to check out and maybe report back.
I wanted to see Tuesday anyway. I'll probably go next week.
Imagine having post-nut clarity hit you while you're in a giantess's stomach
The sudden panic and increased adrenaline would work to make you feel even smaller and powerless, re-engaging your size boner. It is a self-supporting cycle.
Ahhhh. Noted.
Stupid, but noted.
This community is so bizarre and PG. No clothes cannot grow with a giantess, no a giantess cannot have shoes/sunglasses/books/beach towels. This is unrealistic and wrong. Its like how a 13 year old thinks. Plus it would be better if someone had a realistic collage of a giantess who isn't a murderer and begs God to kill her so she doesn't hurt anyone else
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Incredible. Everything you just said is wrong.
Sir this is a giantess/size fetish thread, not a public humiliation fetish thread, go post elsewhere if you are looking to be degraded for being a retard
>This is unrealistic and wrong.

I honestly prefer a clothed giantess. It makes the acts of wanton destruction and murder more casual to her. It asserts more dominance.
Nah that last point is good, actually. Can’t be afraid to expand the emotional horizons beyond “Oh u lik that littl man ^_-“
But what if, and hear me out; I, as a little man, do in fact like that?
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I'm sure it's been asked before, but: growth or shrink?
From what I've seen, this thread seems to overwhelmingly prefer growth, but I prefer shrink personally. I want to be an insignificant speck lost in a world that's far too big for me. A world populated by women who struggle to reach a high shelf or lift a heavy box, yet tower over me and could snuff me out in an instant without even trying. Though I will admit, growth usually makes for more interesting collages.
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To be honest I wish I was into shrink because that's way easier to make collages for, in my opinion.
Oh it absolutely is. I've tried my hand at growth collages before and they've all come out looking like Deviantart-tier slop. On the other hand, I've managed to make a couple half-decent shrink collages with pretty much just copy and paste. You can put more effort in, of course, but you don't need much for something passable.
Growth is way better.
I like shrink personally, it opens so many size scenarios. Put a tiny in a drink, shrunken woman being forced to dress up like someone's personal figurine, entire nation existing on an insole, shooting marbles with shrunken planets.
Growth you're pretty much limited to rampages unless you're going small scale growth.
I agree. Shrink is my favourite because my ultimate giantess end goal fantasy is a new world order where all men are 2 inches tall and women run the world. Growth to me is good for scenarios like, a few guys go out hiking but are hunted down by a cryptid and never seen again, the cryptid being a giant girl, maybe 100 or 200 feet tall. Pretty, but naked and kinda wild looking since she lives in the woods. Or, a giant mermaid sea monster which preys on sailors. Basically like the mermaids from Pirates 4 except 200 feet long.
Shrinkfags always go on about this "more scenario" shit, but they themselves don't realize that every shrink story is basically the same because they're uncreative. It's like, yeah, the option of being flushed down a toilet or carried away by ants exists, but that stuff is dumb? Very delusional bunch.
Anyone happen to know who this is?
Or is she just some rando.
I prefer growth but I also enjoy shrinking. Also why would anyone want to fantasize about getting murdered by giant ants? I guess some people are true size freaks but I’m into giant women and everything else is just secondary to progress the story or build said fictional world a little bit. All giantess scenarios tend to be a variation of the same concept because that’s what the vast majority of people are excited by, no need to reinvent the wheel. I’m not against creativity but there’s only so far you can go with it before losing the plot IMO
>Also why would anyone want to fantasize about getting murdered by giant ants?
Why would anyone fantasize about living in a drawer? Some people are fucking weird, man. That's just life.
I dunno Growth just doesn't do it for me as much. But I guess if you just have some group be "giants" and other groups are just "tiny" to them. So it just goes around and around. It's shrink with more steps.
Basically if your on a world of giants as a normal sized person, it's the same as if you were shrunken.
That's fucking stupid.
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>I honestly prefer a clothed giantess. It makes the acts of wanton destruction and murder more casual to her. It asserts more dominance.

100% clothes also add so much to the imagination. are they wearing clothes because in this world giantesses are just part of society and are normalized? (shout out to reverse othello) are they aliens from another world taking on human form to infiltrate our society but got the scale messed up? are they gods come to punish us for our sins or forgetting to worship them or maybe it's a witch having fun with a growth spell. maybe we don't know but imagining is part of the fun
I don't mind clothing but I like it when their midriff/tummy is bare and imagine I am inside it
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I kind of agree with you, but honestly I'm not one to talk. I'm a huge fan of unaware and every unaware story is basically the same. It's just a question of what body part or household object is going to put you in mortal danger this time.
It's true though. Growth and shrink are technically interchangeable.
You can grow and rampage space eating planets, or you can just shrink the planets down and do it that way.
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>No clothes cannot grow with a giantess
What if she stepped through an interdimensional portal? Huh? What now, poopyhead? That'll teach you to call me 13
Shrink stories are way, way more varied in my experience. I think you're being myopic
You're stupid
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Wouldn't be a Giantess thread without autistic bitching and infighting over what kind of giant woman you prefer
Lol for real, who cares. People are so bored they act like what you jack off to is some kind of zero-sum game.
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'aint that the truth
No u
We wouldn't have this problem if shrinkfags could keep their shit opinions to themselves.
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I like shrink and growth. I don't see why anyone is finding conflict between those two things. At the end of the day it's the same fetish. And arguing over a fetish in probably the most heavily autistic thing I can think of
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We love giant beach girls don't we folks?
hungry neighborhood giantess vs spiderman... who wins?
It's not. Shrink is shit.
and so are you, we all after a giantess eats us. shut the fuck up and jerk your dick to growth content while i jerk to shrink you raging faggot
he will be a big shit pooped onto a parking lot, while you will be a lame small shit pooped into a toilet. shrinkfags lose again
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Decades of consuming giantess porn and comics as taught me that a giantess is virtually unstoppable except to a bigger giantess.

But there is documented evidence of Miles Morales defeating giant women.
Kek based. At least I’ll be a speck of shit in a massive earth shattering, car crushing dump vs a speck of shit in a boring normal girl sized dump
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isnt this about degradation? I'd much rather be a stain in her toilet bowl than a massive dump in a parking lot
>At the end of the day it's the same fetish.

What it comes down to is when you're small, you're powerless. When she's big, she's powerful. When you're shrunk, everything has power over you, not just a girl. When a girl is a literal giant, she has power over everything.
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This is exactly it. Sure, without context they're both "giant woman and tiny man." The difference is that growth places the focus on her power while shrink focuses on your powerlessness. If she's big enough to demolish a building with her bare hands, then she's really powerful. If you're small enough to be crushed by a quarter, then you're really powerless. I prefer shrink because I like to feel puny and insignificant. I want to be nothing, particularly to her, but also to everyone and everything else. I can understand how that would be unappealing if you care more about the giant woman being powerful in an absolute sense.
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Don't let me get in the way of some good old fashioned GTS autism. Just sharing some new stuff.
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helooooo nurse

Some of these are really impressive on a technical level (for a fetish collage, that is).

I still use it. Don't know of another place with a dedicated giant couples subforum/group
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>helooooo nurse
Being a nurse is tiring work. Sometimes you need a quick snack to keep up your energy during a long shift. The Hippocratic Oath doesn't apply to you when you're bite-sized.
except i want to be tiny as well as all men so we are all powerless and women are powerful and either protect us or use us for whatever they want. my giantess fetish can be both a 1 on 1 fantasy but also an NWO fantasy, and shrink is, in my mind better for that.
That's dumb, because then a pencil falling off a table has power over you. A clogged toilet overflowing has power over you. The birds in the yard can fly off with you. You don't want a woman to be strong. You just want to be weak.
>Sure, without context they're both "giant woman and tiny man."

The only setting where this is truly the case is in an empty white void. But I don't think anyone is ever going to set their giantess story in a void.
Thank god im not autistic enough to fantasize about any of those things you listed off.
That's what I'm saying. Nobody fantasizes about a giant woman and tiny man in an empty void. You always fantasize in a context, which is what makes the difference between shrink and growth.
>I prefer shrink because I like to feel puny and insignificant
I prefer shrink for the opposite reason, I love the idea of being tiny and then the giantess be absolutely head over heels into me. Either a gf or wife just fawning on you and nuzzling you or a weird girl who has a fetish for this finding you and getting excited.
I've seen plenty of giantess content that's taken place in space.
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>I love the idea of being tiny and then the giantess be absolutely head over heels into me
I mean, I enjoy that too. Honestly, I'm not picky. As long as a hot giant woman is involved, there's a pretty good chance I'll enjoy it.

>I've seen plenty of giantess content that's taken place in space.
Sure, but that usually involves the giant woman floating near a planet to make it clear that she's massive. I haven't seen any content set in contextless deep space where it's impossible to tell whether it's growth or shrink.
I’m writing a story where there’s a very jarring mix of ‘tiny settlements’ and ‘giant settlements’ all hodgepodged together
The women are actually big but it’s that same thing…I like being dominated by objects as long as they belong to a big gal.
A few of my faves:
>tissues of a sick giantess
>a pile of chewed gum blocking a highway
>giantesses just being messy and clothes becoming a day ruining obstacle
There’s joy to be found in all angles of this bizarre thign
Congratz growth chad.
I’m a growfag but love being dominated by giant objects.
I want her iphone to block the highway and get me fired from work, then I want us all to have to pay for the rebuilding.
I want a giant dumb bitch who the UN has to divert a majority of funding to appeasing.
I want a chorus of well informed decisions across the globe to be done with a single eyeroll of a giant woman.
I just want a giant girl who gets turned on by hurting people.
But why tho
Is she a psycho?
Does she have a motive?
Dig deeper anon
she hates men and enjoys stepping on them eating them and making them beg
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Can some artchad explain to me why this collage with completely wrong perspective
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Looks much more realistic than this one with correct perspective
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The original
Very curious to hear the answer. This shit bugs me to no end
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The horizon thing is a rule which is reasonable to break sometimes. You got a decent eye for it, obviously, since you notice the incongruity even despite "matching perspective"

The issue is related to the lens. Your models were photographed with a long lens, while your background is taken from google earth with a relatively wide lens. It's kind of hard to explain the cues, I suggest you go look up a bunch of images online for the comparison between photographs taken with lenses, there's plenty of comparisons for you to see there, but essentially:

>a long lens compresses depth, making distant objects appear closer, and objects don't become as small with distance
>a wide lens exaggerates depth, capturing more detail on the edges, and makes far objects appear much smaller

See attached image.

Looking at the feet is a good cue. You can see how in your original photo, the camera seems to be almost zoomed in on them from a distance, the angle of the camera is pretty much side on to the feet. But in the backgorund, in >>4887031, you can see how the camera is much higher over the ground, it's more "looking down"
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I see... I think. Maybe not. But I got the important part, don't worry
>The horizon thing is a rule which is reasonable to break sometimes.

>I see... I think. Maybe not. But I got the important part, don't worry
no worries, you get an eye for it with time, once you're simply aware
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It's kind of surprising that even some veteran collagers are bad at matching perspectives, like this one where the subject is leaning at an angle relative to the background. I feel like it's pretty easy to tell it's "off" from looking at it, but maybe not for some people?
It's that, or they don't mind, I mean, a miles tall woman is irrational enough. I care about making the perspective match within my ability and other things that help with muh immersion, but no one is obliged to do the same. If someone is happy with where they're at or all they want to make is a quick fun collage, more power to them. I'm also fairly sure this image is just meant as a quick commission, so probably also a deliberate choice

>I feel like it's pretty easy to tell it's "off"

A lot of my old stuff is riddled with obvious errors, but they're only obvious to me now. At the time you could've spent hours lecturing me about them before I would've understood (and on occasion, people did). It's like if one day you could just suddenly see shadows or a new color. You have to make the conscious effort to learn more about "the craft", though, and for many people, this just isn't where they derive their own value from making things. It's alien to me, personally, but all fair

Do you post under a name anywhere?
Not that anon but personally I'll make a good amount of concessions as far as judging overall quality if it's a model I want to see at a size I want to see, unless the resolution is sub 1000x1000. At that point it's just come on man.
I'm a little disappointed by the render distance of Google Earth but combing through stock images for exactly the particular one you have in mind is fucking mind-numbing. Has anybody used MS flight simulator for background shots? Seems the quality there is much higher.

Sorry, kinda shy, rather not post it
This is the biggest barrier to entry for collaging imo. The first time I tried I didn't have a folder of backgrounds to flip through, so it felt frustrating. Sometimes I just go looking on Flickr for backgrounds and save them for later, but yeah, it's time-consuming and kind of boring sometimes.
And then you can wind up with backlog paralysis if you hoard too many background pics lol
I’ve spent more time than I care to admit going through folders so long no collaging actually occurs
Also true lol. I've actually deleted my collage material folders a few times over the years just because it started to feel stagnant looking at the same pics over and over.
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More to the point, the buildings by her right foot are a mile in front of those by her left foot and are therefore twice the apparent scale. The model's feet are 20 inches apart so there's no forced perspective.
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Some new OC today.
Very nice!
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Got some OC too.

>I'll make a good amount of concessions as far as judging overall quality if it's a model I want to see at a size I want to see.
Fair. Same. I'll go pretty far to make an image with potential work inspite of bad quality.

>MS Flight sim
Definitely worth a go, I'm curious to see how that works out for you. I only half-assed an attempt at it once
Damn dude, this is fucking great. It just oozes with atmosphere. Thanks for making it and sharing!
I LOVE this.
Couldn’t agree more. Spectacular job
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It's a cute album cover variant. She used the same "giantess attacking a train" aesthetic at Coachella this year, presumably they're connected. Someone on Giantess City is claiming that there are "hints" of more future giantess content:

>"And there's hints that an upcoming music video will feature a high-quality 100 foot tall giant version of her as the main theme. Video probably releasing in July or August."

... but they didn't post any links or reasons to suspect as much. So, as always, take a City user's speculation with a planet-sized pinch of salt. Still, I'm always rooting for more giantess content.
The same user claimed before that there was going to be an Aespa music video tying in with their promo pictures where they were giantesses in a city, but it didn't happen. I think they just assume, for some reason, that album art has to tie in with a music video.
Thought about having this as a phone lockscreen desu desu senpai
Its not explicitly sexual or fetish related. There's plausible deniability and most people would just think its some artsy thing if they saw it. If I had a gf I'd show it to her and see if she'd use it as a phone wallpaper.
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I think it's okay to speculate. We have been eating good these days in terms of mainstream giantess content.
I don't do giantess wallpapers on my phone, only my desktop.
I'm hopeful for the tim burton giantess movie.
It's gonna be good
There better be destruction and rampaging
I long for a high budget well shot soft vore scene but I know that's unlikely.
I'd say giantess is one level above feet in 'strangeness'. And vore is above that. Maybe mainstream can handle the former, but I have doubts for the latter. (Aside from creature vore, which is somewhat common.)
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Beautiful architecture
I think an exceedingly brave director could make a horror movie that involves a giantess eating somebody.
Another day passes where I don't have a high budget giantess kaiju horror film. The west has truly fallen.
>soft vore
soft vore means being swallowed alive doesnt it? how is that cowardly?
Tim Burton literally made a movie about eating people. We're getting vore, don't worry.
Because there's supposed to be a CRUNCH
I think the implication her victims are being digested alive are far worse than seeing and hearing them get chewed up, but a horror giantess movie would likely have both so I'm not complaining.
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I mean, KIND OF. When you think about that scene in Nope, it's scary. But when you think about the fact that a giantess isn't an alien jellyfish, but a person, the context changes. Because people don't do that. People fucking chew their food.
True, but being so small and weak she could swallow you in one gulp regardless of your struggling is also a power move and horrifying for someone outside this fetish to witness or experience because we all went through biology class in school and know what is ultimately gonna happen to you if your eaten. I think it would have a place in a horror giantess movie as a way of demonstrating her ruthlessness to the viewer, and the stakes for the regular sized characters if they she finds them.
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My experience of exposing normies to giantess vore is they instinctively know it’s a fetish. It’s impossible to make a horror movie where a hot girl eats people. They will react similarly to watching any degenerate fetish. Some will be indifferent, some will be disgusted, and a small % like 5% will fap. But you can’t do horror with it, especially if the girl is super sexy
It could definitely be done with the right storyline and theme to the movie. Like a dark version of Honey I shrunk the kids or something. Being eaten alive is a pretty scary concept for most people and as long as it's not portrayed in a super sexualized obviously fetishy way I don't think most people would see it that way. Although social media has certainly made the general public more aware of giantess stuff.
Anything can be a fetish obviously, but it really depends on how the movie is made. If a director could manage to not only hide the existence of a vore scene in the movie, but also that a giant woman is in it at all would be very good. People would go in, watch a horror about whatever, and boom everyone walks out like WTF after seeing some dude get swallowed alive. Essentially, dont make the movie ONLY about a giant woman and it would be easy. Maybe its a movie like The Mist with all sorts of things invading our world and one of them is a giant women, maybe give her weird looking ears or something to make her scarier and less sexy.
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Holy fuck I love giantesses who are not basic bitch north american western European white.
Black girls and Japanese girls deserve unlimited power. They deserve to trample and curb stomp cities under their feet, they deserve to bulldoze and flatten city blocks with their bodies, and laugh at the screams and cries of those below. They deserve to eat handfuls of people or swallow them whole.
God, I wanna see cute black girls and jap girls covered head to toe in debris and red dots. Titans of perverted sadism and we're all going to suffer. HNNNNNGGGGG
I'd put my money on the basic bitch white stacy giantesses bodying the minority giantesses in a battle.
Black goddesses are underrated. So hot
True true. Stacies can be ruthless
minor petpieve of mine is that most death counters are completely absurd
Also, semi-related question, what font do you use for collage captions/dialogue?

Use this to find the population of the rough area a giantess is stepping on
You don't have to make it weird.
You’re weird
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Having a lot of fun learing affinity's effects. Feels like a massive upgrade from gimp
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I'm weak for any giantess that actually gets off on being a massive narcissistic monster
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No way
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When the girl next door is BIG! :)
Very cute. I'd love to get a giant, face-enveloping kiss from the 40 ft tall cutie next door.
New thread:

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In real life? No
For a fantasy? Absolutely!!!

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