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File: beachstomp2.webm (3.56 MB, 1280x720)
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Expecting the usual, also post girls swallowing goldfish, ants, gummy bears you name it since it's basically the same fetish.
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Hi I want to understand this. I cannot understand what is hot about this? What do you get out of it? What are you imagining?

How does it make you feel? Is it related to feet fetish? Because a lot of time people are stepped on. Or is it different? What about the eating what is hot about the eating?
As someone who’s mostly into the shrinking aspect of this fetish, it’s the feeling of powerlessness and the fact that the woman could do whatever she wants. For me, the eating has to do with becoming a part of her but I doubt that’s everyone’s take on it. People enjoy different aspects of the fetish for completely different reasons.
what's this from?
wish she'd do more interesting stuff
File: necklaceman.webm (546 KB, 720x1280)
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https://x.com/bikinizero?lang=en hes making seriously good content
It's just a superior form of femdom for me. I could go into detail why I want a giant girl to swallow me alive, or strap me into her shoe or wear me around her neck like a necklace, or sew me into the back of her panties, but It wouldn't do it justice. If you really wanna know you can try exposing yourself to this type of content for a while and see if it ever makes your dick twitch.
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This exactly. It’s mostly just maximized femdom matched with whatever niche other fetish you have. Voyeurism, feet, ass, etc
File: 5_troAKawk55ADIo.webm (389 KB, 720x1280)
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the burger looks so big and then when she gets closer and sits on it you realize how small it is compared to her and that makes me hard for some reason.
still cant decide if this fetish is funny or dumb. keep posting
File: 1666753475342282.webm (1.91 MB, 1800x900)
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I can sometimes find a giantess vid or comic funny even if not for the same reasons, but be honest. If a 100 or 200 ft tall version of the hottest girl you could imagine squeezed you between her tits or let you lick her giant pussy you wouldn't enjoy it even a bit?
File: powerful-heartbeat.webm (1.24 MB, 1280x720)
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hottest part of this fetish for me, imagine traversing across the chest of your giantess so up close and personal her heart tosses and moves beneath you like an earthquake
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i get that. i'd be more interested in laying on her belly listening to other tinys digest, or rising and falling with on her stomach with each of her breaths.
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File: GiantessGoblin.webm (2.81 MB, 1280x720)
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is this an asmr channel? tell me there's a longer version of this
File: Jenni-heart-tour.webm (3.54 MB, 1280x720)
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Fetishgoddesses. website of girls with kinks for body sounds. Models name is Jenni
Good thread
thanks. Am I the only one here who likes the fish vore videos?
>nothing but farts
Some implied vore, but a complete waste of time otherwise. This animator can fuck off until they put out something actually good.
File: 3JhnWv0VhL5ERucY.webm (987 KB, 1280x640)
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For the people into giantess soft vore this thread is garbage and you need not waste your time.
I don't know if the only one, but fish definitely doesn't do shit for me
File: Slurped.webm (715 KB, 1280x720)
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that isn't his only project. also the first one replied to isn't even his work. Go to his twitter and see for yourself.
post something then faggot
what is this from?
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File: SamusPart1WIP.webm (3.96 MB, 1920x1080)
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bigger is better
simple as
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File: Coffee giantess.webm (2.26 MB, 640x360)
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Or being forcefully shoved into some woman’s ass by your ex
Personally I stumbled into this fetish at a young age just exploring the internet. Somehow got into looking for “dildo pov” which is not far away from giantess stuff
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Most of the time this stuff is just plain ridiculous to anyone who isn't into it, and to some people that are.

I would post that video of a girl eating a box of mice, but I got banned for it last time
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File: andromeda.webm (993 KB, 640x360)
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woah, sauce?????
these fish hit the jackpot in becoming girl shit as opposed to barracuda shit
>becoming girl shit
There is nothing greater to aspire to be than this.
Giantess Andromeda. She's now in her "I'm a boy actually" phase, but she still looks very feminine and her older stuff is especially good
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is there a part 2/Source to that?
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2.9 MB
Is there a part 2 or source to this?
top tier, love this angle and that outfit
File: 1648157096890.webm (725 KB, 720x720)
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Can anyone explain this fetish and where it comes from?
Subset of dominance and submission I would think
western degeneracy
>Can anyone explain this fetish and where it comes from?
Like any fetish, it is something you either have or you don't. Unless you have it yourself then its not something you can be convinced of through explanation.

Though my own personal guess is that it might be something to do with the memories people might subconsciously retain from when they were infants, when they themselves were extremely small in relation to their much physically larger mother, and even when they were inside of her (maybe). This is just a guess, but I don't know.

If its not because of that, it might be something that gets unlocked growing up when someone watches something on TV or in a movie that involves giants or shrinking, like in cartoon shows which feature it, or the Honey I Shrunk The Kids films, or whatever. Viewing stuff like this in the formative years might be what triggers people to develop these fetishes.
Lucy bastard fish. Why do they get to be swallowed by girls and not me
She never did anything else like this did she
>She never did anything else like this did she
I think she did, but it most likely was locked behind a paywall and I don't have it and never seen it. If any anons do have it and could convert it into .webm that would be awesome.

That video there which I did have was I think like some sort of free preview or something. I only had that because it was on some free site. It might even have been youtube (a long time ago they weren't very strict about adult content on that platform and you could find stuff like that there).

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