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This is what Ukranians are dying for
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>amerimutt talking about blacked
amerimutts are pathological nigger lovers
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Go back to /k/ nigger and stop posting fake edited social media posts of Ukrainian coal burners and calling them Russian
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there are less than 150k niggers in all of Russia the same as a middle sized amerimutt city
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If the currency of humiliation is niggers and race mixing, NAFO always loses
Yea jewkrainians say it like its a bad thing.
Americans die so jews can live free and genocide Gazans KEK. Because Gaza is all the “mighty” IDF can somewhat handle.

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458 000 russians died in Ukraine

Putin must stop this madness
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Fuck US and Ukrainian propaganda.
no problem, gyppo.
This war has proven that every retard east of France has terminal Putin Derangement Syndrome. I cannot wait until the war comes and you find out we Americans are not coming to save you
that is confirmed kills from graveyard monuments, the actual number of killed is probably higher, learn to read the news dumbass
Romanian will lose at Eurovision badly. Screencap this.

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Why would anyone be a nationalist when their country doesn't have their best interests in mind? Or worse, straight up antagonizes him?
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nation is a people not a country
Good question, I was wondering why anyone would fight for the eu or nato or even their countries when they actively try to replace us.

So if russia would attack a nato country who would fight? Because poc would just leave like they left their own countries.
That's why we have to get rid of the jews.
nobody will, its why they have trannies from /k/ running psy ops on here all day.
Here is a better question OP, why would anyone be a nationalist if they dont have kids and arent married?
Why should incels be nationalists?
Jews aren't human, and governments are not the blood and soil of a country. Ending both are a net-win for those descended from native Europeans.

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Why are men increasingly dropping out of society?
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The only way to win is not to play.
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you can keep asking
not get the answer you want
and it will continue to happen
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no refunds goy
women are in the superior caste. What men bring to the table is increasingly becoming diluted through many things like unrelenting immigration, ai, and soon to be humanoid robots. It is a far less return to participate in the system than just a few decades ago
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I was told that i'm the villain and that I should fuck off. So that's what I did

This is what russians are fighting for
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>you have mobilisation tomorrow.
i really don't understand why you nafotrannies keep shilling this narrative. there is 0 mobilisation in Russia but total mobilisation in jewkraine. jewlensky even lowered the mobilisation age a few weeks ago. you're all clowns, desperate, lost clowns.
As a schizo you're pretty dogshit at finding us if that's your metric.
reckon we can rally /pol/ into crowd funding a drone for the russians called
>niggers tongue my anus
Whose propaganda is this and who is it made for?
Is it made by Russia for the russians?
Just want to understand their mindset.
They had one about bring manly and joining the army instead of working a normal boring job. I always wonder if this works.
The text says somting about moving to Germany because its coalburner land

There can be no compromise. If China is allowed to take Taiwan, then they will use the island as a platform to attack Japan and the Philippines and South Korea. Authoritarianism must be squashed like a bug anywhere it arises. Democracy is in danger, and we have to save it.
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You will be helping us in our existential fight for global democracy and liberalism.
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Country over-run
Economy teeters on the brink
Currency devalued
Military completely not combat capable - a make-work woke shithole for trannies, niggers, wahmen and fags
Inflation heading north of 60 fagillion percent
Country on the verge of open war
Yeah fuck you
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>We have to protect Taiwan
He's right. We need to send American troops to occupy China.
I will never go to war :)
God Jesus Christ has all the world and everything in it under control.
The only God is Jesus Christ and there is no God but Jesus Christ and the only name of God is Jesus Christ :)
I am safe and sound with my God Jesus Christ in his crib :)
I am forever happy with my God Jesus Christ! :)
I live forever together with my love God Jesus Christ safe and sound only with him in his crib :)
I live in the Kingdom come with my God Jesus Christ who loves me unconditionally, fully and I love only him :)

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>plunge house prices 30%
Don't worry, they'll pump in tonnes of immigrants to keep up the boomer's ponzi scheme.
You married a woman who doesn't want children with you. Dumb cunt.
there are plenty of illegals giving birth to ten niglets each and will fill the homes with government gibs.
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My man.
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Robots and AI are going to take over. It's inevitable. In this situation, it makes sense to allow people to retire earlier. Lower the Social Security age from 67 to 40.

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Can anyone give a definition?
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Roy Cohn. Yeah something like that
its the term used by flat earthers to describe belief in the earth being round. they think its gay or something.
The unnatural and subversive belief that a future exists where all the different peoples, regardless of creed or agenda, can hold hands and sing Kumbaya in harmony. What it really means is a certain group of people, whoever they are, on top and everyone else below.
It’s the overlords, powers that be, Illuminati, WEF, World Bank etc etc
They want to create a slave class of consumers that do what they’re told and just consoom the sludge they’re supposed to consoom.
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Globohomo is...

> Free trade
> Mass migration,
> Elimination of borders and the destruction of the nation-state
> Elimination of racial identity (especially for White people),
> Global institutions and global governance,
> Placing large national militaries (especially the United States') at the disposal of global elites to "keep the peace"
> Sexual liberation of women
> Acceptance of deviant sexual identities (anything other than straight)
> Promotion of rootless, soulless cosmopolitan global monoculture
> The imposition of zero-social-mobility policies of socialism for the masses and financial capitalism for the elites
> Normalization of continued degradation of living standards

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I did not violate the NAP, I'm using libertarian approved shaming™ strategies
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>sunflower oil
>palm oil
>Red 40
Proof that they're harmful?

>Cicero, in writing to his friend Atticus, advised him not to buy slaves in England, “because,” said he, “they cannot be taught to read, and are the ugliest and most stupid race I ever saw.”
Omega-6 causes free radical cellular damage and is most likely why everyone gets cancer nowadays. Look up cancer rates 100 years ago vs today and DYOR on Sneed oils, you don't want this shit in your body.
I'm too lazy and I made it up

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Why aren't you producing more Aryan children, /pol/?
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My girlfriend told me she don't want babies...now she's my ex
>n-no i-its ashcually a shitpost
Stfu coward.
Hate kids. Simple as.
she politely meant she doesn't wan't YOUR dago babies
She'll pop out a few BBC spawns soon enough
My 29 year old girlfriend turned out to be just a really good looking 35 year old so I might get 2 if I'm lucky

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t. goy
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marxism is just a framework
COMMUNISM is the true enemy
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source? jews keep to themselves, they stick together like no other group, israels birthrates are high.
This is true.
Met a jewess from Seattle on POF. Drank wine and fucked for hours. Get back home which was all the way across the state(yes I used to travel hundreds of miles for booty calls).
>hey anon I have herpes, sorry-n-shit!
>you jew bitch. Send me money so I can go get tested. $500 western union.
>pocket the cash never get tested
>10 years later jew bitch is married and living in boston area, hits me up because she's back in town looking for some quick side dick.
>Nigga are you serious, I hope you fall in a oven and I should tell your husband
Never had an outbreak, so I guess I dodged a bullet. Never talked to another jew bitch ever.
>go to Salt Lake City for work, have sex with one Mormon chick
>end up getting chlamydia and gonorrhea
Fucking Mormons
>But yes, he was circumcised in the hospital, to my wishes.
'Atta goy.

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There’s a few dying Celtic languages that have less than 20k speakers, some with less than 500 speakers. Why don’t the white people in the UK/France or elsewhere in the West learn these languages to further distance themselves from the brown and black hordes?
You think Abdul is going to learn Manx? You think Daquan will learn Cornish?
We need to pick up one of these dying languages and turn it into "white Japanese" ie
make a couple of separate alphabets for it to segregate loan words from native words, and those from our own words.
It seems hard now but all it takes is a generation to get your kids to speak it fluently.
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Here. Gaelic for Children if you want to try learning it.

It's just trends, zoomers doing it for attention. They don't actually care about the languages, they just want to be seen as unique and quirky.
The only Celtic language that had real potential of revival was Irish and even with huge state support they couldn't bring it back.
Why Speak one of these gay dying Bri'ish 'languages' that are really just bastardized dialects of Irish or Welsh when you could be based and learn ancient Gaulish instead? Do you think Mohammed and Rayshawn and Chang will pick up Gaulish? Why haven't you done so?
>Retard is actually surprised that all who inhabit the same rather small island all speak similar
I disagree. I think it has to do with an aeon we are entering

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>“Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”

>Clearly the search for the truth has lead us to to great things, but....

>We acknowledge there are many different truths
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>Truth and Objectivity are almost synonymous.
>Truth is the equivalent to objective reality,
make up your mind, nigger..
Fact transends human congnition, truth doesn't. nonbeliever truth is not same as those who belive in God.
The fag talks were faggoty from the beginning
The name Maher is an ancient Irish name originating in county Tipperary, the mahir is a semitic name. These are not the same they are just similar.
Unless they pulled the ole Ellis island switcharoo and changed some letters around for more effective goy camo
>Leftists are LIARS


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this is the most underrated and most american post on this fucking thread

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Fertility rate in Switzerland: 1.51
Fertility rate of their Amish descendants in America: 8.68
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Society shouldn't be forced to increase in population when we're already overpopulated.
I'll mark you down for "8," which puts you in the lead for now.
You only think that because you're used to women and girls wearing makeup from a very young age
Best investment you can make into the white race, buy land and give it to the Amish. Support them. Look out for them. Their culture ensures a infinite supply of children as long as they have land to farm.
Stop educating women.

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More goth girls today, or at least looking goth, than any other point since that look/aesthetic came into existence.

Practically zero goth guys compared to 20 years ago.

Did they all turn tranny?
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>Practically zero goth guys compared to 20 years ago.
>Did they all turn tranny?
We bought blue jeans and went to work after we turned 20, and had kids.
>Did they all turn tranny?
I did.
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>type o negative
>Has not seen a goth of either gender in years
Anon, you listen to Type O(as I do) and havent seen a goth?
Do you not own a mirror?
Go look in the mirror anon, there is a Goth in your mirror, and he will look straight back at you
It was always you anon.
And now there are two!
I know to conceal my true powerlevel.
for me it's candlemass

Can anyone redpill me on how there is literally no fucking difference between central bank regulated capitialism and comunism?
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Capitalism ? elaborate further
Private ownership of the means of production.
i asked you to elaborate. giving me sentences out of a textbook without explaining why they are bad is not elaborating. so
how do the banks control money and who gave them that power.
why is private ownership bad ?
before you say monopoly which the free market has a solution to that. do you believe that public ownership "meaning the government" is better ? and explain how your not trying to fix monopolies by making an even bigger monopoly
Can’t we have capitalism without a central bank?

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is there anyone who actually knows why there are so god damn many Indians immigrating to the rest of the world? I guess there are Chinese too, but not as many as Pajeets. It almost seems to me as a deal between governments. The same goes for the traditional immigration
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>When I shid, the brap spreads
Good morning, Sirs
indians (bangladesh and pakis too) are going by the millions to every country in the world, not only western ones, you can go to a random african country or a remote village in south america and you will find them there too, the answer is simple, they have an excess population so they cope by deporting the poorer less educated ones
Kalergi Plan
it's aryan invasion

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