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>Over and out.
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I don't need to check my phone because I'm not a terrorist muzzie and I support Israel.
>Hope you all like jews!

shalom; got to say feels good having always respected my greatest ally atm, desu.
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Did you get enough diapers for each roll out? I hope so.
>you said that before the first time
Then thank goodness you didn't get stuck under that israeli apachi in the desert getting hosed, that would've been terrible!
awww you're upset
i with my commander, directed apachi fire at your people you left here when you immigrated
>Try this trick and spin it, yeah (((Yeah)))

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Czech Republic
Papua New Guinea
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That seem like a good idea actually regarding the fact the the UN is anti semetic and it's main existence is to destroy our country
I piss on this institute
Yes, it's apparent that your people and government think this way about the UN.
Have you ever asked yourself why Israel doesn't leave the UN?
>Have you ever asked yourself why Israel doesn't leave the UN?
I'll just answer it for >>482117634

It's because US military aid can only be given to countries which agree to abide by international humanitarian law set by the UN. If Israel leaves, their money and weapons goes bye-bye. The tit dries up, and Israel would be forced to support themselves on their own (they can't).
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Swiss are shitting their pants, ending neutrality,
will beg to join NATO
they know they fucked up and are target
who will target them retard?

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The US and Israel are forcing Europeans to destroy the little industry they had
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you're just shilling for your twitter account
any kind of x ray device isnt going to detect a substance neatly fitted into an electronic device. maybe if it were misshapen and odd looking, otherwise it would look like its part of the phone
and the dogs arent trained to sniff out every kind of explosive substance known to man
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yeah this story doesnt exist

nice fake news you dumbass nigger OP
It's your fault you didn't read it.
Every Jew in every country should immediately be killed

>Detonates your laptop
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>Why do Jewish places spread civilization
I honestly can't think of one!?
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Is this why Intel's chips were oxidizing because they were crammed with explosives
>israel is a rogue state founded on terrorism and emboldened by western hypocrisy
You still don't get it. You still think we are the ones with the power and that Israel is our attack dog. It's the other way around. We are under Israeli occupation just as much as Palestine is. The Israel lobby has total control over our governments. Our votes are meaningless. Israel rules us in basically the same way the British ruled India, playing kingmaker rather than playing king. Nobody gets into power in the western world without the backing of the Jewish lobby, Jewish mass media, Jewish humanities departments, Jewish NGOs, Jewish think tanks etc.
>Why do Jewish places spread civilization
They don't. Jews being over-represented in positions of power strongly correlates with a civilization in decline. This was the case in the early USSR, in Weimar Germany and in the modern Anglo/Euro world. It was also the case throughout medieval history as exemplified by so many states having their golden age right after expelling Jews. Maybe Jews cause the decline. Maybe they are like vultures that converge upon societies that are dying for other reasons. What we do know is that if your society's elite is dominated by Jews, your society is almost certainly not doing well.

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So now that it's blatantly obvious Harris will win, what will happen to the US and the world? What are the best and worst possible outcomes?
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It's almost as if they don't even need to assassinate Trump.
uh actually trump still has a 44% chance of winning so
Imagine thinking that betting gamblers from across the planet determine US presidential elections.
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>blatantly obvious Harris will win
Sure it is leftist faggot. Teamsters prefer Trump 58 to 31 and will be endorsing Trump today or tomorrow. Cry harder.

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The chances of you talking to a jew under an Irish flag is low.
But never zero.
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The most powerful crossbreed of American is the Ashkenazi Mick.
question : how come there are more irish in america then in ireland ?

The most powerful in the US after the Jews are the Swiss but we will come back. Once the jews are gone, we dont fight anymore, we also dont scheme or lie bcause we aint filthy jews.

The faster you guys get rid of them, the faster America will be great again, like before 1949 when they banned the Bellamy salute to the flag in the schools, banned American National Clubs and changed the pledge of alleigance from its original bcause jews.
why do swiss buildings have symbolism which shouldnt be there
Does anyone have the vid of mark collett in some Hotel room With 14 year olds years ago. And him say he’s a Jew.
Or that tatted super whore he was in love with but the slag went on to fuck some

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Why are Americans against trains? Are they retarded or just plain dumb?
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yes we (the fucking government) are dumb
>Why are you against trains?
Have you even thought about this for more than 10 seconds while not watching faggot urbanist YouTube videos?
How many homes are you okay with bulldozing and displacing people for your pet train fetish project? Do you think some public-private partnership can effectively get this done today effectively anywhere in the US without it turning into an investor/government/developer orgy leaving you with some dumb expensive bullshit as the result?
America will not be a serious society until it bans private transport.
>Why are you against trains?
We told you many times. Niggers.
>per month

Who the fuck pays for a car "per month"? How about just buy the fucking car instead of being a nigger who finances a vehicle to 'look cool' in a current year model sports car?

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, the
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Send 6 million over to my country by tomorrow morning. This product is sure to sell!
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The negro mating ritual. Fascinating display.

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How many times do they have to get kicked in the dick before they do SOMETHING???

Why did Russians shoot down MH17 civilian airliner killing 298 innocent people?
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They are white niggers
>shooting everything they see on radar
flying from the direction of the enemy, yeah. thats how you war
That's why we don't route civilian airlines through active warzones.

Why did Ukraine do it?
Not all of them were innocent obviously
It was actually MH371
Interesting surprise... no one is innocent.

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/pol/ had me thinking Latinos were like Italians or something
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mando a distancia, control remoto only if you are a fag
They mixed with the local American population? How is this even a question?
It's simple. Mix with native or(both) black blood.
But these guys have more european ancestry them you thinking
laptop is "ordenador"
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ordenador, aquí no hacemos caso a idiomas de burgers
Deja de postear, Paco, estás todavía con el culo escocido por conquistaros vuestras mujeres

Jagmeet Singh aka the Lion of Punjab destroys RACIST White Supremacists and they run away shitting themselves LOL


Whites are all bark and no bite. Time for Indians to take over cowardly Whiteoids in Canada.
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Time for Khalistan. White men cant stop it. They weak cowards.

You'd think they'd cover up in hijabs like Muslims
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Its as old as Puptaguptaraptarisanjay the third
No it isn't, just because sharts have 45% bodyfat does not mean 25% is normal.
Yea Indian men seethe when we discuss how much Indian women love fucking white guys
No one likes them or has ever liked them. Indians have always been a creepy snake-like race which is why in Asia, they say that if you're locked in a room with an Indian and a snake...
wood, too

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There is no coming back from this. Let them all pay the toll.
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It's real, get over it. We breed you crackers 24/7, your lily white neighborhoods turn black gradually as we take over. Soon there ain't nobody on this earth with pure white bloodline after we bred your bitches.
Just downright peculiar
>get over it
by all means, black the shit out of america. they deserve this and much much more.
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47 years old I've had countless white girlfriends. And I'll tell you I hate white women worse than anything in the f****** world, and I'm white. Literally any races better than a white woman
oh, btw american blacks are not really black, they carry their former owners genes still.

>you got something to say punk?
very organic and totally not rehearsed at all.

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You can verify it:
Homer's fabrefaction begat homerkin;
rimestock radicarian nubivagant aptly in motion,
omniregency amongst plenispheres, esquire atmospheres
primifluous poetic presentaion addecimate agonarch's adjugation.
apanthropinization ontomontopeia anthromorphized,
celeberrimous, displaying celeripedean cecographs under cerulean cosmogyral kalotypographs
chronanagramically constructed, ducenarious decades within functions
ideologues' sialogogue falsely at further luncheons
Eccentric & essomenic manically penning passionate pilgrims
eternitarian noscibilities wrought tauroboly, theomeny.
Swiftly striking stigmatypy visotactile xenization
haemataulics epistolography commences incredible cacophony
Estimated IQ: 169
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How do I cure my crippling occipital neuralgia op?
24/7 pain has burned me out. I'm a shell.
Midwit cope xD
For anyone reading notice how they bitch and moan but can NEVER post a higher score.
>ugh, you're not validating my biases!
>that means you aren't smart
>aside from the objective proof you are
Cope midwits, cope. Your logic is shit too.
>What would be the best way(s) to help wake up normies and bring them to our side, maybe even prior left faggots? I understand there is no real “right or left”, as both sides are owned by jews, but there has to be another way…
Normies will do whatever is popular, they never "wake up", they will simply do whatever they are told to do.
Wear your mask!
unironically try doing magic mushrooms
Is this Jordan Peterson?

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Why is Trump sinking and sinking fast right now? What happened?
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I haven't been represented in politics since before I could vote. It's just the same 500 inbreds and their 5000 lackeys deciding to throw a sock puppet out to the public. Bush set the standard for government overreach with the Patriot Act, Obama expanded the government further, the economy imploded due to rigged internal systems, Trump didn't do shit to fix it and just gave money to business, Biden made things worse, and for twenty years we had a war that went nowhere and nobody seemed to know why. Our current President is senile and the two candidates to replace him both seem both completely incompetent at anything other than petty banter and being beholden to Israel.
>Haitians aren't eating cats!!!
>OK they are but not in specifically that one town!
Shut the fuck up
I prefer presidents who don’t get shot
No one likes your dumbass bullet magnet orange man
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>sheltered leftist faggots who need to die be like “Haitians would never eat a cat”
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>fake news
>fake meme flag
fuck off

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congrats Ernie
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do you both not know how to crop a fucking image AND how to just save a fucking image?
>Facebook tier ai bait
became pol 2nd most popular topic for the last 12 hours.
makes you wanna check just how retarded pol is.
>three last digits dvided by the 3rd to last digit decide pol's iq
>reduce 15 points if less than 115
>inb4 130
times are hard, man
a horrifying amount of 4chan now consists of trannies from discord phone posting.

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You can start apologizing now. We have created more jobs and people are finally getting the wages they deserve there are no reasons to not pay your employees more
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So when everybody would earn the same everybody would be poor?
A big mac is 20 bucks there kike holy shit you jews are trash
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Total Gaylords
Lol I know people making more straight out of high school than recent college grad consultants and software engineers. Those college kids need to ask for more raises, fucking cucked wage slaves lol.
The federal minimum wage is irrelevant because fewer than 1% of workers earn it. Probably the literally mentally disabled.

>understand why we shit on the Pajeets
>have seen the highly acclaimed documentary
>often notice that 4chan is favourable towards pajeetas though
How do we feel about pajeetas?
Do they have redeemable qualities?
Would you a pajeeta?
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>I have ploughed so much Indian ass, it's unreal. They LOVE White and Black guys.

And now you understand the real reason why Indian men are constantly seething
>i will never fuck a pajeeta. They are very sexually agressive.
found the closeted faggot who can't handle banging a horny jeeta
It's some faggot, real men love fucking pajeetas
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Don't worry, we already have our best on the case saving pajeetas from a horrible fate.
Haha even loser ugly white dudes get hot Indian chicks

It's no wonder Indian men are seething constantly

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