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You can tell /pol/cels are fucking scum since they'll defend or deny this
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>And thats when I heard the secret service telling each other about this one time in band camp where Trump lunged for the steering wheel from the back of the Presidential limo and tried to force the car to go back to the White House...
I was there, I was the foreskin
Stop taboo sex
and done
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I made two Chinese sisters suck my cock at the same time. But they were both in their late 20s, not 12.
No choice but to just go with it. If everyone protecting them is okay with it what hope do people really have?

Pedozog will gun them down for wrongthink while their digital apparatus RF beam people to a slow hands off death.

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why are ameriCAN politicians so high T?
a european sissy bureaucrat would never dare to do that.
I do more by 8am.
There's nothing wrong with eating dog.
Lol. That's the spirit.
Always a silver lining!
Reverse feminist OP

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>No one wants to work anymore
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so the owner only makes 14.50 an hour right?

>$9 per hr 1 person no experience
>$12 per hr has experience and works like 2 people

LOL fuck right off
Internships werent something that was really talked about, nor are they avaliable locally as I dont live in a major city. I suppose I should have, but it shouldnt make much of a difference when applying for bottom-tier jobs.
No, I may try that.
>Works like 2 people
>Not double pay

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"Why would the Nazis cut people in half and sew them back together again? It doesn't make sense it's a waste of time and supplies.

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kek she's in the recommended videos
Coondace Owens is a trannie.
To the extent it happened, Mengele was actually doing an Oscar Schindler. By cooking up a war reason to keep Jews fed, he would have saved more than he would have killed.

I used to assume that shit was all true till given a good argument and some evidence suggesting otherwise, but the rampant lies and exaggeration around the holocaust leaves me agnostic on what Mengele did or did not do since I haven't looked into it from sources on both sides and given it a good think

If he did what they say he did, saving Jews and wasting resources the Nazis should have sent him to the Russian Front. Like Candace says what a waste.
here is the video

how do you think she gets in and out of that top. it has been on my mind
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>the one (1) politics negress that doesn't actually look like a man is the troon

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Leave your worries far behind you


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What can be done to defeat the ayy menace?
They're demons!
i use aggressive mimicry to subvert jewish talking points and narratives. i pretend to be jewish and say the most outrageous things i think i can get away with that jews will be forced to defend.
cause & effect, action & reaction. they're so easy to manipulate it can become rather mundane.
Forbid blurry potatoe cameras
>aggressive mimicry

Fascinating tactic. I'm assuming you're suggesting it could work on the ayy menace too. Writing this down, thank you.

Trump has been busted. This is not a drill.
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Fake and Gay
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Everyone knows Trump is a pedo
Very week. Needs more effort.
They openly admit it now too.
you already posted this


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WTF, are police just giving up?
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Probably in a state of disrepair that isn’t salvageable. Ghost Adventures has done a hundred episodes about shutdown asylums, and they’re all shitholes
A lot of these homeless people are there because of the Sachler (j3w) created opioid epidemic. Some also due to the wars for lsraeI. So blame the cause, not the symptom.
Democrats want to let raging niggers rage and liberals to lib. This shit is why you shouldn't live in a Dem run city and if you have no choice, buy guns and learn how to use them and the laws surround self defense.
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In the recent Oakland shooting where a homeowner shot and killed a home invader, not only was the car the home invaders arrived in stolen, it didn't have a license plate.
These retards voted for this shit. Let them reap the whirlwind.

What caused the collapse of pagan religions in western Eurasia? Was it a Great Reset of some sort, the details of which have since been obfuscated? Why did it survive in the East?
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>What a shitty discord thread
>larpagan faggots bumping each other.
>Julian the apostate (king of larpagans)
>ctrl+f "galileans"
>see him seething
>marvel bullshit gods
>What a fucking pleb my god
>that gay ass meme pic.jpg

Holy shit, could you be any more of a mentally ill terminally online zoomer? And you're talking about some long gone historical figure seething? You must already have gray hairs and a receding hairline and a wrinkly face despite not even being 30. You know the type I'm talking about, those zoommutts that look 12 and 52 at the same time.
>Pagans simply "integrated" into Christianity
>Christians totally didn't take power and repress old believers once they took institutional power
lmao you are seething my friend
Uh huh. Please continue to screech like a deranged polnigger, it's funny.
>Don't believe in yourself, you're powerless
That is the opposite of what's stated in the Christian Bible. Jesus said "You can do all the same miracles I can, and more, if you just believe" And the apostles who followed him did indeed do a lot of the same miracles that Jesus did.

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And by beat I mean seem believable enough to win after tons of rigging. If you’re a DNC strategist, what ticket are you putting forth?
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Newsome and big Mike could easily wreck trump. buttigig maybe?? just cause he'd get every woman vote for being gay. none of the others would.
Why doesn't vp Harris whitmer Obama and klobuchar run together to show these men how independent women can be world leaders too?
It’s her turn
based if he could get more nationalist with his socialist I'd be pretty happy

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Why do you need an ID to jerk off to porn sites?
All you need is YouTube!
Download all the porn you want without any id
I can't believe ppl are too stupid to download anything.
Like what the fuck? Lol.
Stealing going through the roof and all these files and seeds here:
...going to waste
Everybody here already has at least 1tb of pirated porn on an hdd in a sealed Faraday cage so we can print money after the internet goes to shit. Fuck off roastie. Also yt-dlp can rip anything from PH to live Chaturbate videos, do with that information what you will.
My mistake for trying have a conversation with retarded coomers.
Honest mistake.

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Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, that are obviously not a result of the covid vaccines:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

Manpreet Kaur, died on airplane to Dubai:

ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
shoulda been vaxxed
True dat, my nigga
Every vaccine kills some people. The immune system can have violent reactions in unpredictable ways. This is the overhead cost of modern medicine.
The Covid shot was rushed out the door, and probably caused more problems than anticipated. It also unequivocally saved a bunch of geezers. Young people likely didn't need it.
These are all obvious statements that the CDC should be comfortable uttering. "Utilitarian lies" burn way more public trust than they're worth, and stoke uninformed hypothesizing that's more doomer than reality.

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so if you've been paying any attention to the braindead drivel that varg likes to spout, you know that he likes to claim that anyone with brown eyes or hair is "mixed" and that only blondes are true whites.

well i just got my DNA test updated, and i'm 100% nordic. why is this significant? because varg himself isn't even 100% nordic, he said his brother got 2% english on his DNA test, lmao.

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Christkikes, anglos, niggers or women?

My opinion:

Christkikes and anglos. Niggers and women, even though they did absolutely nothing good, gained advantages in society.
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Another snowbunny colonized by Black dick

They control the inferior.

Anglo and christian will never be nazi.
meh dont feel bad. they get into arguments daily and are generally pissed off all the time. that's why they made this video. happy couples don't do this shit.
imagine spamming these dogshit threads every day for years

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Why are Anglo's like this?
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The babies were already sick. She just gave them a nudge into the afterlife.
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She has the "femcel" archetype sans the glasses
What's up with every nurse having tats nowadays? Isn't the point of being a nurse to attract a doctor?
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She was probably driven to this by the relentless mass rapes happening in UK hospitals by Hindu shitskin rape rat "doctors". If only she focused only on killing Hindu rape rats, that would be gigabased!

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His poor debate performance was only because he was super tired and jet lagged from the Europe trip he got back from 2 weeks prior to the debate. He’s as sharp as ever!
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>jet lag
>rock in my shoe
>sun was in my eyes
>alarm didn't go off
>waiting for the cable guy
>got pulled over
>damn prescription meds
>got wrong directions
>couldn't find my keys

Fuck, another fucking list.
we wuz asstrunots an sheeit tho
biden was on the news a couple of days ago, talking at some event, and he sounded amazing compared to the debate. something fucky going on, the debate is where they would want him in his best form.
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Most people with dementia are better earlier in the day. As the day goes on, their brain stops working. It’s clear as day he has dementia since he can’t function after 4pm

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The Vax Scene!
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ayylmao gottem
Seeing this makes it very clear that people are nothing more than nigger-tier retarded cattle.
>vaccines are drawn to look nervous and coerced
real subtle
even the syringes don't want to enter a faggot

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>There are no hot girl metal bands anymore.

false. Kittie is back. Try also Plush. There are plenty others but I dunno their names.

There are dead bodies getting mass buried in Gaza, and this kike is kvetching about a billboard that is not even in "his" country?
>hating Jews is no longer cool

false, it's now necessary. Hey let me go ask my AIPAC guy about that.
Sounds like a shitload of projection to me, poor guy. Maybe touch grass or someting <3

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It's time for AOC to slobber on my cock

Fuck kikes
I'm not a jew
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Most psychopaths end up in jail. Only the high IQ ones become rich and powerful.
There are two types of psychopath. The intelligent psychopath who is wildly successful or the retarded psychopath who is in prison. There are a lot of retarded psychopaths in prison.
Only IRL. This is an "anonymous" website so psychos think they can hide here
A lot of people watched he show Dexter or have researched the most famous psychopaths, like Ted Bundy, and those people think that is all psychopaths but that's just television.
Anyone who claims t be a psychopath usually is not and if they are they're the retarded type that ends up in prison someday.

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