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>volume not found
Looks like the hold faggots were right. Its because the government owns the most btc. They are the largest holder.
Satoshi owns the most
It will inevitably crash as it has several times before. It's not used as a currency but more as a speculative investment. Until I can pay for my groceries with it, it'll always be extremely volatile and someone will always pull the rug.
Satoshi isn't real.
Won't it crash when russia attacks the west?
You mean the CIA. They don't count.
yeah, and good luck pulling millions out because the exchanges will tell you to go fuck yourself.

It's a fucking trap.
Im less worried about that then the miners deciding to fuck everyone over.
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Nice double top you got there mumu
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>Satoshi is real
lol no... its adopted world wide. Most of the big miners are in China.
worth it
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>50% bitcoin
>50% nvidia
ist wunder bar
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i hope some of you heeded my advice over the years.

the haters are ultimate npc's who never did any research.
It will go through the fucking roof
No, they aren't. China banned mining so they all moved to Texass and shit.
The exchanges are accredited like a bank. At least reputable ones like coinbase. Just notify your bank first before moving a lot of money from the exchange to your account or better yet, use the exchange as your bank.
400m usd/day traded
50% higher price, 200m usd/day traded

Buttcoin has lost 75% of its trade volume. Good luck selling
I'm shorting the fuck out of this thing at 99500
Jews can see open BTC options, don't do it
He’s real. Kinda happened in Temple City, CA. Might wanna ask Finney
good idea, shorting in a bull market is always smart
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>the bigger they are, the harder they fall
the correction will be glorious, i hope retarded fomo apes bought enough rope
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You don't need bitcoin when you have Fartcoin.
>the government owns it all
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please do.
Not enough volume, this is quite literally an exit pump, it will be a massacre tomorrow
learn to bitcoin no coin nigger
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>trusting the government to make sound economic decisions
>Is he in the room with us now?
I see the BTC bandwagoners are believing the fictional tales of sweaty pajeets. Satoshi isn't real and anything else is just retards writing a Disney movie script in their head. Show me one picture of him. Show me some proof besides "he lives with uncle cleetus in Cali." You sound like an easy and gullible mark for any scammer.
BTC is now more valuable than the collective weight of all silver on earth.
Silver troons did you get too cocky?
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I will drink your tears by January. Mark my words. I'll screencap this myself.
My gf loves cryptocurrency
They don't know anything about finance.
>bought millions of XLM
>it will be the new ledger for hedge funds
See you niggers in Monaco.
He was Len Sassaman
How do you cash out without having to pay taxes on it?
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oh no no no
Tether gone brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>400m usd/day traded
Stop spreading bullshit. The highest trading volume ever recorded was on September 5, 2022.
Crypto is based and logical.
I could believe that. I just refuse to believe he's some Japanese hermit that created the block chain and refused to be in the spotlight. Satoshi as most new-to-crypto retards think of him doesn't exist though.
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>Literally over 100 hundred thousand percent since its inception.
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Dang im going to invest now while i still can? Could perhaps you kindly instruct me on how to cash in on this digital gold rush?
Anytime israel or iran attacks bitcoin fucking dumps and gold moons retard.
Im glad but regretful cuz i didn't invest enough money on it, and sold some btc for altcoins that shat the bed

I'm still up $2000 but that's nothing
Made fiddy bucks this week from some excess I forgot about. Should I just throw in 10 stacks and hold? I don't trust /biz/ that's why I'm asking
that's still 2k that you wouldn't have otherwise.
and any volume that exists on a tether connected exchange is just them passing it between themselves

small block BTC is dead long live big block bitcoin
Sorry gramps already out of buttcoin. Better hold onto those silver bullions.
kikes just start a database for zero dollars tool
How the fuck do i get in this brooos! This is insane! Future money is fool proof!
the vast majority of all hash power is in China, you're retarded
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still not selling. once it crash iam debtmaxing and buying the dip
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I just FOMOed all my XLM into BTC at 97,000. What am I in for?
Pretty sure this is not the full story because it doesn't show the enormous ETF and institutional investing happening now.
Nooo wtf there must be some way. Im going to double check with my long distance cryptocurrency finance expert gf and make sure you're not lying. I have over a million Chuck-E-Coins and i wonder if I can convert them to bitcoins.
where is volume?
>I click /pol/ but all I get is /biz/?!
Clean it up jannies.
He bought?
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BTC programmed to crash at $99,666. You will not see 6 digits. It was all a dream.
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>Founded Mt.Gox
>Founded Stellar/XLM
>Co-Founded Ripple/XRP
Flip the switch Jed, tell your Lucis Trust bros
In the future, would there be a way to perhaps generate cryptocurrency based on body activity or something like that? It seems so hard to get a foot in the door!
Brave could give you BATs every time a coomer faps
I'm not beta testing CBDCs, cunt.
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"Rat poison"

>Many institutional investors trade BTC through over-the-counter (OTC) desks to avoid slippage (price impact caused by large trades on public exchanges).
OTC trades are often not directly reflected in the publicly visible exchange volumes or order books, as these transactions occur off-exchange.
While some OTC desks report aggregated trading activity, this data is not automatically included in the real-time volume figures you see on public platforms.
>Institutional investors also often use custodians (e.g., Coinbase Custody, Fidelity Digital Assets) to manage large Bitcoin holdings. Transactions within custodial services may also not appear on public exchanges.
>As a result, significant portions of institutional trading activity are conducted away from public exchanges, meaning that visible trading volumes and prices might not fully reflect their influence.
I think we'll get a Christmas ski bump but will plateau a week before February
they never fully banned it, midwits fall for that story
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To the moon!
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so why is it pumping? there has to be a reason
hype, should probably sell now and cash in
This is what im talking about but seriously. Its good to start with a silly joke to get the ball rolling though sometimes.
I put 7k into crypto, made enough to pull it out, and still have enough that I can pay off my student loans and put a down payment on a house.
Why did Trump winning cause a crypto bull run
Speculation on Trump. He's pro BTC and crypto in general so everyone is buying in on speculation.
Because its logical
THIS! I keep telling people that!
Never met a person that actually got rich off BTC. Just fake rich.

Granted a person can probably pull out some here and there but at a general rule it's probably a huge pain in the ass. Not worth the risk of investing in unless you got in early.
its is nature.
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when the last block is mined who will be doing the processing of transactions?
Just make more imaginary money blocks to mine! Hazzuh!
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Abracadabra! Quickly, lets mine this future money! Post a pickaxe on this image to get begin mining.
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HERES 3 FUTURE-MONEY ORES. im feeling generous. There's at least thousands of crypto rocks you can melt down into MILLIONS OF NFT's
It will go higher when the US buys a bunch to hold on to.
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The cubes...
kek metal cuck is seething
cryptography is more valuable than gold or silver, if the internet goes down the world is over anyway
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thank you for your generosity kind sir
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Sir, if i see a cube, i simply admire; nothing else. I'm trying to give you guys future money but perhaps I don't understand it correctly
Heres more.
that anon is giving us cubes. you are giving us nothing
This future-money got run through the washer so its a bit low res but its still good. A gift.
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I dropped my wallet and my future money broke.
you should try to complete a hash function on paper and then maybe you'll realize the value of SHA-256 and how it is literally 100x more valuable than gold or silver
you will watch Bitcoin go to 10,000,000 while gold stays at 2-3k forever
They will no cap find a way to increase the cap and while many will commit suicide because they pussied out too soon, many holders will have yachts and private jets by 2030. I'm about get divorced sell everything I own and live on the streets for the next 5 years. After that I will enjoy my multi colored Bugattis and harem. I'm litterally going to build a walrus enclave and have bitches voluntarily slithering around with their feet tied competing to fuck me. Final decision
>Good luck selling
I do, every day, instantly. There's more liquidity in automated pools than the entire net worth of this thread, without even considering CEX liquidity. Volume isn't even the same as liquidity. You're a fucking retard.
I'm just having fun. Obviously even if i was to claim the money was truly of absolutely no value, there would have to be a lot to an intricate system to fool so many people and i wouldn't argue with silly jokes and polarized exaggerations -- BUT -- many intelligent people have been fooled before, so just because there is a valid system doesn't mean there isn't a bigger picture to the system even if it does function safely... More safely than youd expect from something not connected to big bankers or others interests along with the fact the money is kinda a little bit imaginary more than other currencies... But its a relatively small market still compared to traditional global finances but obviously not a trend to be neglected.
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you can pay for groceries or anything else with it using a coinbase card, moron. Or many other methods.
>salty anon who has never understood the tech salty it went up when he said it was gonna crash
Relax dude. Future money is cool to me. Im just joking. I bet i have more future money than you anyways pleb
certainly plenty of people do
That’s due to endless printing you can’t print Bitcoin
Ive probably gotten thousands of future money stored in my astral realm vault. I can only access it but uttering the phrase "mellon" into the magical entrance disguised as a wall there. I believe i had a dream of this at least once.
oh so you don't actually have any
literally nothing
Okay it crashes 40% and comes back 200% and tf is your point?
>The miners have all the power.
Just because i have a sense of humor doesn't mean anything. Your deductive reasoning is lacking. Plenty of antigun politicians invest in gun companies still.
>what is a debit card?

Are those numbers in your bank account real?
Sure, just about any kind of person can exist. But the type who misunderstands the tech and thinks that new bitcoins can be created arbitrarily aren't the type to 'buy anyway'
You caught me anon. I have slandered the one true currency. Slay me now.
Im just bumping the thread you ravenous crypto shills! Back! My gf loves crypto!
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It was challenging since you are so clever.

My friend told me his jpeg was worth $15,000 dollars and I was like

These guys just don't understand tangible things. Uh, CBDC slave currency? Yes, please! I'll take two!
My cat ate all my crypto
>Uh, CBDC slave currency? Yes, please! I'll take two!
Based and future money pilled
it will probably go up to 110, maybe 120 then crash back to mid 70s
man... I spent 90k going to college
if I boughted instead and worked minimum wage and invested nonstop I'd be a millionaire by now
instead I'm unemployed and too educated to get a minimum wage job now
what specifically did you get for 90k
>minimum wage
I dropped out of high school an have made a 6 figure income for 25 years.
your gf is a man
No duuude my long distance cryoto expert is a 10/10 Chinese model. Shes going to meet me in two more weeks.
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Its so chill when my bunker reek is sleeping. Hes probably dreaming about me.
>I sell everyday
>you should buy it
Does reek and sleep rhyme? I feel like it should.
Yea, I sell every day because I run liquidity pools.
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>1week aggregation
you guys are always fucking retarded.
>94,275 * 21,880 = 300m/day
.86 BTC here I'm never going to make it
>we make fake trades off books so you have to count that has tradable volume the average seller can sell to
are you fucking retarded?
That's not even today's high.
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>i trade arbitrage and think people should buy what I trade in
kys jew.
"He" was probably the equation group.
It's insane to think at one point bitcoin was just a novelty. A guy bought one pizza at Papa Johns for like 200,000 btc as a PR stunt. They were worth less than a cent.
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>just buy the coins
I thought it would crash :( I have 50 k to invest but I was waiting for it to crash first, god I’m so ficking stupid
I don't trade arbitrage. I provide liquidity. Come back when you look up what that means, and maybe we can talk.
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I'm pretty sure he's one of the two retards that shills silver on here, they never argue in good faith it's always just BTC bad bro! A Canada and a US flag show up in every BTC thread to screech about it instead of buying.
>It's insane to think at one point bitcoin was just a novelty. A guy bought one pizza at Papa Johns for like 200,000 btc as a PR stunt. They were worth less than a cent.
It's insane to think at one point Bitcoin was just an anonymous token for dark web transactions.
I know exactly what it means.
>why do you link pairs if you don't arbitrage?
>why do you pool if you don't arbitrage?
Your jew semantics don't work here.
If millions of people are also waiting for something to crash, then it will pump instead.
I don't arbitrage, I just collect trading fees, retard.
You'd be a retard not to sell immediately.
Crashing at the end of this month, not buying your bags. Get fucked AGAIN.
So you just give some jew your money and let him invest it like a loser.
>buy my stakes
why are all you faggots the same
It's idiotic to assume that it's not totally controlled and that the insiders aren't all colluding to artificially inflate the price, rope in a bunch of fomo outsiders, then sell the peak crash the price and buy back in at the bottom.
I provide liquidity on-chain, no "jew" holds my money. It's autonomously handled by code. I withdraw it and deposit from it whenever I want lol.
No shit. The fed created it.
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Based knower. Proud of you
you'd have sold at $9.65
>the code just runs itself and no one programmed it
It runs itself on-chain. It's open source code and has developers. It's also immutable so can't be changed once deployed. You know when you run a blockchain node, you're running an autonomous network of compute, right?
You are one of the stupidest niggers I have ever seen on this site, and I've seen a lot of really retarded ass niggers during my time here
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Also you sound like the guy from office space
Yes yes, I know all about your gay ass AMMs.

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