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You people do understand that without immigrants the economy of western countries will just collapse, right?
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farm work has had the capacity to be almost completely automated. Plus the wages go up because employers then need to pay a competitive wage after beaners leave so then groceries would be reasonable if you're making $30-40/hr
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The fertility of Brazil is below replacement at 1.6, Brazil will need mass immigration from Africa and India or it won’t survive.
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accidental greentext

also remember how during the coronavrius hissy fit the poor got poorer and somehow the rich got richer (how? lol) economies are a fucking scam
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>the economy has grown exponentially in my lifetime
>every single thing has gotten worse
Thanks subhuman immigrants, you guys are great!
Id be able to afford groceries if I could afford housing.

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Conservative Inc is spamming this shit about 'defund the police' being responsible for the rise in crime. Which is obviously not correct. The police do not prevent crime from occurring, they react to crime occurring but police preventing a crime is very uncommon.

As such, the rise in crime is unrelated to this slogan being said towards the end of Trump's first term.
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More people arrested for doing crimes, less people inclined to do crimes. It will take years to see the crime rates drop back down.
Prison prevents crime.
sounds based to me, voting Kamala and so should you
You are a fucking moron. In a decent society, police officers do probono activities to inform the populace of the laws as well as monitor things like fucking traffic. There is a ton of types of crimes, most of which minor, which can be prevented by simply having someone there.
Violent crimes are prevented by an armed, white populace, minor crimes are prevented by the police. Minor crimes are solved by an armed, white populace, violent crimes are solved by the police and the populace in tandem.
Not arrested, prosecuted and held to a standard of enforced punishment. Tons of niggers are arrested and turned right back out on the streets.

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Coca butter and dirt
Looking at the video the blacks are all dancing and keeping their eyes on a level plane, even when they turn their heads, almost like predators. Now look at the 2 retarded white women trying to dance, the plane of their eyes are all over the place, like goofy prey.
It's so sad that I still find her kinda bangable. What have I become /pol/?
a kamala kat

We have no identity, no culture, no ethnicity (do you really believe that the French who post on /pol are 100% European in a country of 68 million inhabitants that has been undergoing ethnic mixing for 50 years? We are Brazil).
We are a laboratory of Wokism and the United States since 60s, I see you talking about food for example, we have no culinary identity either, no French person knows what "French food" is, MCDO is the favorite restaurant of the french and apart from that we eat Tacos, we go chinese restaurant ect, what is french food wtf ? All your "frog, beret" clichés are clichés from the 1920s perhaps. We are literally the first Western country that is an exact copy of the United States with all that follows (decadence, hippies, lgbt, blm, self hatred, woke, etc.) but without patriotism, megalomania, firearms, freedom of expression, automatics cars and individual house and we have low salaray, hight taxes and sandniggers instead of Mexicans and this, on a geography as small as Texas.

And the cherry on the cake is that no country in the world speaks French except Quebec and African countries, it is difficult to expatriate. Being French is literally being nobody, I just have 2 arms, 2 legs and I work.
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Was he answering me? I thought he was talking about Quebec. Indeed ethnic statistics are forbidden in France and the INSEE says for example that there are 6 million Muslims in France, these figures have not changed since 1970 (when there are between 200,000 and 500,000 migrants per year as well as a birth rate of those who have the nationality of 5 to 6 children per family) and all the first names most given in hospitals are Mohamed, you go outside the only whites are tourists and boomers lol. Blacks are concentrated in Paris and in the north massively but the real demographic is North African and Muslim in this country.
>everyone freaking out about the ceremony
>its just the French being Avant Garde and Schizo as usual with their performance art

Anyways the Pieds-noirs are unironically the last bastion of old France.
>at least you can start a new life on the other side of the world
Why would I want to do that? My roots are in Ulster. I don't want to deracinate my family line. I think what you describe is mostly urban people. They are all the same world over
>Every country is capitalist but not all of them are
All the things you condemn are from the full liberal countries (hello England and miss Thatcher !). The original ones even !

The countries which cultures survive are those not fully absorbed by liberal propaganda. Which is the source of globalism hey (if you don't follow).

Obviously you know next to nothing to politic and economy, believe the only alternative is "communism" and putting all of it under one umbrella, like a retard copy pasta pol nationalist that never read a book on how it never solved anything.

Don't défend capitalism and critic the system then, it's not "the left" or "communist" that bring that to you. Convenient to believe, but hardly so when they never had such power in said countries (said countries with Communists never had such a problem though, hello China, Cuba and Russia I guess ?)

If you're bored checked who open borders, check what Liberals economist believe. Don't trust me, read some for once.
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Honestly feel bad for you lads. I thought our riots were bad but fucking hell yours was on another level.
Though the rest of the western world isn't very far off from where you currently are.

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they flaunt their cannibalism rituals
They don't you're a shill. People hate this.
define satanism
Matthew 12:30
Its the dead internet speaking, so is this thread.
Noone is watching those programs, and the entire "program" is to make you think this has any support in the general population.
99% of the population has not watched this and finds it an abomination that requires total death and annihilation.

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"France, the eldest daughter of the Church, what have you done with your baptism?" JP II
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Now let's do a transgender Mohammad
Globohomo kike. Those who know, know.
Fake and gay endtimes prophecy. Stop using obvious satanic imagery to try to force a prophecy. It's not going to happen.

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You consented. You didn't read the fine print. Terms and conditions are extremely serious.
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Anon my consent our consent anyone's consent etc, doesn't mean you can do whatever the fuck you want it judt means you will pretend you can nothing else is still fucked up and we can just call you on it

The consent form doesn't say the nsa will read your internal word processing
>consent to getting strangled to death
>nooooo stop strangling me
I know, archon. I won't next time however.
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>can't read
Your fine print is null and void by the fact that it was rendered into existence by the use of a Jewish magic wand. Fine print has to actually be hand written or typed by someone for it to have any bearing, which none of it is - it's all rendered by jew magic - just like all books. No human entity is actually outgoing enough to write that many words.

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Most dating is now done online and non-Whites can’t compete against Whites in hypergamy.

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

>Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters. White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”


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AlertPSA: Uber Drivers have been getting more sexually aggressive towards female riders self.toronto

submitted 19:26:43 UTC Fri Jul 26, 2024 by FloorGeneral2029
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It's only rape if you're a ugly fuck and you shitskins are the ugliest fucks in existent

>But canada seems to be uniquely ineffectual.
We have more guns per capita than Switzerland and we made the government declare martial law by honking too loud.
Our food banks are whores too, as Indians can't resist robbing them.
How the fuck did they not see this shit coming? It was painfully obvious that mass importing a people who hold a rape culture will bring that rape culture over
It depends on which area you visit, and the weather, when it's hot and humid the street is more Indians then Canadians, as whites and asians can't stand the heat, africans and arabs can't stand the humidity. On cool days there are more Canadians vs Indians.

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Chad's life is on a different planet from the average guy, for zoomers it's not 80/20 anymore it's 95/5.
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>And then I woke up.
Women know that DMs take no balls. Blowing a kiss IRL takes balls and they respect that.
80/20 is a fake blackpill and only convincing to someone who never goes outside. You are not in solidarity with an average guy who is your equal in every way except his height. You are not in solidarity with an athletic nigger. You ar not in solidarity with a handsome 5’9 guy. There are too many different configurations that work just fine with women to only be 20% of men.
Face it numbnuts chad culture fucked up badly

Imagine if we just do all of us anything the stacy says

From pandering and simping to allow for buttfucking, would women even listen to them if we all were the ex of the same bitch they hate?
I held hands with a thicc mid 30’s woman and she’s ghosting me. No idea what I did wrong. The thought of not getting to kiss her and enjoy her naked body makes me want to kms. I need to go for a walk.

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i need to know for an afterschool exam.

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>former acting CIA director...: "The United States faces a serious threat of a terrorist attack in the months ahead."

>Dmitry Medvedev... suggested that the United States could soon be subjected to an attack in the vein of September 11, 2001, but with nuclear strikes

>U.S. authorities uncovered numerous attempts by Al-Qaeda to obtain nuclear materials and fear that terrorists have already bought uranium.

>What would happen if terrorists exploded a crude nuclear bomb in Washington DC?

>Iranian-Backed 'Sleeper Cell' Militants...poised to launch a large-scale attack on the American homeland

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I dunno i would say that would impede his trajectory.

Is MrBeast a Rothschild or relative of them? Never noticed the similarity before but it’s definitely there with Jacob
Kike thread for boomer pantshitters.

If a major terror attack in the U.S. does occur, glowniggers and kikes did it, guaranteed.
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>not mossad
Nice try kike
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Wheres the fucking transcript this link is total faggotry

Why does /pol/ love sucking landlord dick?
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>dont blame the larplord that decided to play the game created by kikes
lmao, look at these boomer niggers trying to hide behind their masters
It's not at all luck. You're just ignoring the parts that imply you could do it if you did something hard. To get that job I did a 6 month camp while teaching. I was working like 50-60 hours teaching and staying up every night working on coding projects and learning. The job itself is easy yeah.

But here's the thing. You seem to be confused into thinking someone should be paid based on how hard their work is. I could go dig out a cubic yard of dirt in my lawn using a spoon and then fill the hole back in over and over. That would be tons of work but it's pointless. Value on everything comes from supply and demand. This job is one that most people won't take the time and energy to learn. So, now I'm in a position where there are more jobs available than people who can do them and companies compete for me instead of me competing with workers for the job. And like I said in the post about how I sleep through the day some times I have also already spent years learning and building relationships and experience in the job so now I can get my stuff done and still sleep through some days. The employer doesn't care because they get what they need out of me. We're in a mutually beneficial relationship. That's the case for all jobs. The part you aren't getting is that if you make shit money then you're not doing anything anyone actually needs that bad right now. Likely that's because it's something literally anyone can do and there's hundreds of people ready to do it when you leave. If you're in that spot, you should learn to do something more in your favor with supply and demand.
>$640 for a studio apartment.

NZ got like this 10 years ago. We warned you Aussies to keep your immigration numbers low and you went and voted fucking Labour in.

Its your own damn fault. You had a good thing going with Morrison.
No you really aren't. And that's exactly why I pointed it out. Some homeless man's plight has literally nothing to do with the conversation between you and me. You aren't homeless. You're literally just making up a hypothetical victim so you can justify righteous indignation instead of confronting your own shortcomings. I'm trying to make you better and you're pretending you're vindicated because you are defending the honor of an imaginary homeless man.
you seem to think your enemy is people who own any property and not a massive government. One which you're arguing to give even more control and power to.

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It’s over. I say this with a heavy heart. Trump won’t win. This is not what I want, but it’s the truth. Democrats always play to kill, not win. Republicans always play around and get fucked. Democrats pulled off a fucking coup d’etat and the country just fucking watched. They got away with installing Biden in 2020 and dumping him this month. Republicans can’t compete. The astroturfing has reached levels unheard of, they’re going all out. Online, dumbass Harris is being promoted 24/7, fucking YouTube has been overran by propaganda. Reddit has somehow gotten worse. It’s so fucking over. I thought we were back after the failed attempt on Trump, but Dems have played us. Buckle up folks, we’re in the endgame now.
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You think I’m fucking joking. This isn’t a joke. This is real life. I’m telling you how it is. Now take the truth and deal with it.
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>B-But...I-I survived an assassination attempt!
Already memoryholed. Cope & seethe Trumpniggers.
youre a faggot
triggered XD
Cope drumpfies!
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Donald will abandon him again
>revolving door of father figures
So Vance admits his mom was getting trains ran on her?
Vance is going to change his name for the 5th time

Most Americans Can't Distinguish Between Mestizos and Spanish People?
Why should I waste my time.
it's because there's no difference
monkey is correct
Why should I waste my time differentiating Spaniards and Spaniards Who Were Raped Into Civilization 500 Years Ago.

The hubris of Central/Latin Americans will destroy them all the same.

America looks like THAT?
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Based fellow colonial enjoyer
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Where dis? Williamsburg? Here's Louisbourg in Nova Scotia. The real Louisbourg was 5 times denser but the British levelled the whole thing after the war and just left rubble and foundations to rot for 200 years. Than the Nova Scotian and federal governments decided to finance a make work restoration project to give unemployed Cape Bretoners a reason to get out of bed in morning (and stay sober until evening). They rebuilt most of the walls and a little less than a quarter of the town. Now they have historical re-enactors giving tours around the place for students and shit (Trudeau added new Black and Indigenous culture representation to the site! because it's TOTALLY 100% accurate and was just overlooked, or racistily ignored, all these years). Louisbourg was the last Capital and sort of fall back fortress of the Acadian people before the Freemasonic Anglo Empire obliterated their nation state, separated husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and scattered them up and down both sides of the Atlantic with nothing and no one. Eventually the broken diaspora made it's way to one of two places, the swamps of Louisiana, or the now French-speaking parts of New Brunswick (although many were lost like tears in rain).
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>Based fellow colonial enjoyer
Very beautiful webm. Would like to visit Williamsburg.
they should shoot a rap video here

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>DeepMind's AI systems, AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2, achieved a silver-medal level performance in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) by solving four out of six advanced math problems. These AI models demonstrated significant progress in algebra, number theory, and geometry, though they struggled with combinatorics. This achievement marks a significant step forward in using AI for advanced mathematical reasoning and problem-solving, with potential applications in research and education.

Src: https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/ai-solves-imo-problems-at-silver-medal-level/

Pic partly random.
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>This content may violate our usage policies.
Lol, interesting, how will a Phd level AI react to pic related in reality in two or three years.
Was uncle Ted correct
If you really think about it Ted kaczynski was kind of pulling a three body problem or whatever the fuck that stupid show is called because it's like that it's like if you kill all the scientists they stop right
bullshit. its fucking trash. ask it a simple probability word problem. it will fail miserably. something like,
>in a best-of-seven series, what are the chances that the team who is a 2:1 underdog in each game wins?
it will give you some shit-the-bed retard answer.
We are at a point of no return. Humanity will be extinct by 2030. It was a fun ride boys.
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>Donald Trump has called Kamala Harris’s statement on the Gaza war “disrespectful” before a meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Florida to discuss the conflict.

>Harris, the US vice-president and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, had seemed to mark a change of tone on the Israel-Gaza war on Thursday after her own meeting with Netanyahu, when she declared she would “not be silent” about the suffering of Palestinians.

>Trump criticised Harris on Friday before his meeting at his Mar-a-Lago home, calling her remarks “disrespectful” as he targeted her over an issue that has split the Democratic party.

>“They weren’t very nice pertaining to Israel,” Trump said. “I actually don’t know how a person who is Jewish could vote for her, but that’s up to them.

Source: https://archive.is/lIoIV

If you do not vote for Trump you do not support Jewish people and Zionism!
Controlled opposition at best
Hes so fucking scared lmao. No smugness or 2016 energy at all. Pure hostility from a terrified cornered animal
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Worst part is we could have had a wall, but Zion Don decided to wait until after the mid-terms and we got a fence! Now he has decided to just shill for Isreal, Blacks, Jews... AND Mexicans!
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Kamala is totally against the jewish people. Trump said so himself.

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How do you even come back from this as a nation? I thought the USA was the Godless degenerate, holy fuck.
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The bottom right looks like Miley Cyrus lmao
And OP, pic related.
You know, I was okay with the opening ceremony, other than it being boring, up until this part. Fucking globalhomo always has its say.
Ye. France just one up'd you lads
I was wrong
bring back protestants I'm sorry I made fun of you the church fell by itself anyways
Yes, then it went downhill fast. Really is a national embarrassment no joke

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