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I guess someone had to say it.

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Why kikes/mutts pretend they invented civilization and moral when it was christians/romans?
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Civilisation comes and goes. Mediterranean hasn't built civilisation for over 2000 years. Modern Mediterranean are North African admixture. A different people from the ancient Mediterraneans.
You vine swinging monkeys would still be enslaved only for northern Europeans.
>D&C thread
to the thrash it goes
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>t. civilization stealer

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What ever happened to men?

We live in a time period where fags like musk and trump are beacon of hope for incels and betas.

Will we ever get back to the good old days again?
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>Will we ever get back to the good old days again?

we just dont talk about it, cements heavy.
I am duly humbled by my mistake.
marriage is dead. people are staying single.
Most married men in history have put up with a lot of female bullshit to stay married.
Leap of faith, you've got nothing and everything to lose.

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>Another day, another escalation
- Vans of construction workers will be still be allowed for now in the zero emission zones in the cities
- VVD & D66 wants to ban unvaccinated children from nurseries
- Heat pump according to new research not better for the environment
- Giro-555 for the Middle-East has a brought a record low money
- Poverty ‘decreased’ because of change in definition by the CBS, Nibud and SCP
- Bill Gates lawsuit over ‘vaccine damage’ continues in Leeuwarden
- Housing rental market fucked up so bad that families wind up on the street
- More Dutch have started to eat meat
- Dick Schoof: next year more money to Ukraine
- Concentration camp Westerbork in financial trouble, one of the reasons is high gas prices
- Farmers are pissed off at BBB at their manure plans
- Use of undercover agents halved because of incompetence
- Renovation of the Domtoren in Utrecht completed after 5 years
- Another shooting at Alphen aan de Rijn, suspects arrested and explosives were found in their bag

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Not sure it is him though, doesn’t look like that he has a 4Chan pass and is writing looks different. Sure it is not a random /int/ junkie?
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>Sure it is not a random /int/ junkie?

Still Possible ..
Picrel seems to be genetically related.. Adolf El Assal, a filmmaker from luxembourg
Which could explain his obsessive rants about needing his fuhrer..
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W8, dus Koen betaalt Mo om coke te brengen naar het ministerie van SZW?

>10 trillion copies of SV40 cancers with every dose

Your DNA has a cancer timebomb implanted.
Population reduction confirmed,
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Good, Fuck this Faggot ass shitshow called Life
carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens. A nasty list of possibilities.
Notice how German-retard anon got four sixes in a row...with the first two in the series transposed as nines
Got get your boosters then mate they just released new hybrid COVID mRNA jabs
>Triple vaxxxed
>Triple sixxxed
>Third post
This is dark stuff, dark stuff.

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Japanese citizens on social media are furious at a new Tiktok trend of black people performing funky dances on the subway train

Many female posters say they don’t feel safe around the strange behavior and please stop!

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This leftist pushed this snow job hard in the Anglo sphere hard as well
It was suggested to undermine Belgian colonialism
What the fuck are you talking about you retarded jeet?
They come from Africa you dumb fucking ricer. You dumb shits looked at the US at the cities with these fucking niggers running around and thought, well instead of fucking and having more kids lets import the absolute worst thing we can.
You got a fucking Island the only way they get there is you let them in.
And they are Africans not our shitty US sambo nigger bootlips. You got 10 years and you will be infested with their shit kids and a shit load of single Nip moms because niggers love making one thing and that is single mothers.
>he fell for the "my enemies are perfect anime villains with perfect plans" meme
We were like that, too, before Americans decided that enforcing public decency was communism taking their freedumbs and also a heckin systematic racism.

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Guy Who Got Political Predictions for 42 YEARS straight - Predicts Kamala Harris is the Next President of the U.S.


> Allan Lichtman, a renowned election historian, who has worked years in predicting about the US Presidential elections, has suddenly surprised everyone by claiming that everyone is underestimating Kamala Harris' voters support. With a few days remaining for the main action of the US elections to begin, Allan Lichtman's words now become even more crucial for the American politics before and after November.
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After the polls close it is easy for the Democratic National Committee to run a computer generated list of registered voters that did not vote.
Once these lists are generated they are given to boiler rooms that mark up mail in ballots for the candidate to be installed into office.
Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee all took multiple days to count the mail in ballots for the 2020 Presidential Election. Remember Florida counted all of their votes and declared for Trump by 10PM on election day. In the states that did not report results on election day it took time to mark up all of the mail in ballots they needed to throw Biden over the line. Atlanta swung Georgia, Philadelphia swung Pennsylvania, Detroit swung Michigan, Milwaukee swung Wisconsin.
Also if you do the math. How many votes Trump got plus how many votes Biden got. Total their votes and divide it by the total number of registered voters in America.
You would have 94% voter turnout in all of America. Some voting precincts had over 100% voter turnout if you do the math.
This all happened with the 2020 Presidential Election while Trump was President.
What are our elected representatives doing to ensure the Biden administration Justice Department does not allow massive electoral fraud ?
We are going to have to shoot ourselves out of this one if we want to escape the evil cabals clutches. The evil that installed Biden in 2020 will not willingly give up their power.
Even Census.gov hints at the fraud.

The 2020 presidential election featured record turnout and record use of nontraditional voting methods, according to the “Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2020” report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. The report builds on detailed tables released last year. It’s based on data from the 2020 Current Population Survey (CPS) Voting and Registration Supplement, and highlights patterns in voter turnout over time among the citizen voting-age population (CVAP).

More voters (154.6 million) turned out for the presidential election in 2020 than in 2016 (137.5 million), the largest increase between consecutive presidential elections since the inception of the CPS voting supplement in 1964.

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> Snoop Dogg SHREDS Trump and MAGA
Isn't that the same guy that begged Dems to keep Biden in the race because Kamala was certain to lose? What changed?
Everything about your lad screams mad lad pedo

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Public Enemy Number Two
Is Donald Trump the new face of “everyone I don’t like is Hitler”?
>Speigel Economy

So what does this have to do with the Economy?

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There is ZERO evidence niggers are human btw.
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>By definition we are the same species
That is only your definition of 'same species'. The definition propagated by people who want to pretend we're the same species.
But the definition is completely arbitrary according to what you want to 'prove'.
You don't need a DNA test to figure out they act proto-human. Imagine if it was 100%.
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same species
>blade didn't impale anyone's head
to the trash it goes

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KamalaSissies....im thinking we should have kept Biden

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Why do they hate science?
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>britons dont know what tiled stove is
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Some massonary stoves are works of art.
They are the americans of Europe so 99% of them have the education of a 8 year old.
moloch plinth
i'll be honest when i first saw one that was connected to centreal heating i was weirded out too
wonder if they work better than regular steel radiators
To be fair i still don't understand why they have two separate taps for cold and hot either.

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>The only thread not created by a bot
that is exactly what a bot would say, tho
this. Does this mean bots love gaythiesm?
I'd say bots sure love gay-ism, atheism not so much otoh

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What are they fighting and dying for again?
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His input in discussion means nothing to me due to his mental freeze in development. Should i also consider gays and trannies opinions too if they talk about russia?
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>What are they fighting and dying for again?
>children are taught to snitch on their parents
Where did you get this from?
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Yes it is, you fucking retard. The mosstamp plant is screenshotted. What other medals did the government produce for the mosstamp plant around that time? The answer is none. The archived version of the mosstamp website is linked with all of the contracts. The medal for the return of crimea is also on the mosstamp's website.
>If you cant into chronological order of events,
You are the one who can't accept the fact that Shoigu commissioned the medal in December of 2013. Mosstamp won the contract in December of 2013. That's just a fact. It is on your Russian government website, and it is corroborated on the Mosstamp website.
You are a mongoloid subhuman. You have no argument. You are coping and seething.
I love bringing up the medals because I can link to proof of the cope from the Russian government damage control, everything from "it's fake" to "the date on the medal is a production error." You don't know which cope to use, ever, on /pol/, because you know the official government answer is bullshit. It's the one thing that trips up subhuman mongoloids like you.
If he's a homosexual then no,he shouldn't be trusted. Is he a tranny though ? I don't personally know him so i'm just asking

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Can you name some African inventions?
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Jacob Israel, gave his son Judah the land of Canaan. Judah, father of the jews, was supposed to kill the Canaanites and take their land. Judah's wife gave him the evil eye, and said no no no you can't kill the Canaanites. So Judah bowed to Canaan. This is where Judahism started. Worshiping the bull.
ur turning black men into forbidden fruit to her, racist girls love black guys the most... fatal mistake
>This is where Judahism started. Worshiping the bull.
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Someone posted this in a humour thread, I think it's relevant : pic related
More about Black inventions than African per say, but it applies I think.

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What's the best way to identify a jew? I have suspicions my new neighbor is one. I don't allow my girlfriend to interact with them, and have taken precautions to keep them the fuck away
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It seems that way. They are a strange sociopathic race created by genetic bottlenecking and sinning constantly. They claim they are Israelites despite only having half the DNA and even that extremely changed by inbreeding and population cutoffs. They have an extreme hatred of superior peoples because they still somehow believe they are the chosen race despite God himself rebuking them many times. If Satan would've created his own race, that would be it.
>Jew kid plays with coins
If i said it, it would be antisemitic.
Just embrace it and accept reality. It won't even be that long now before people don't care about "anti-semitism" perhaps because the people they're killing are also semites (actually they are MORE semitic than Jews)
I hope you win either way you vote.

You ever don't seem to, but I hope.
Every church is a target then, if it holds shaytans like you in it

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it ain't no sausagefest no mo!
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Men have recognized the losing game for what is is and refuse to even participate with hollow rituals that have zero potential for life gains. Every guy under 30 is all or nothing sink or swim into crypto, gambling, or internet content creation because they're not falling for the bullshit college, student loan debt, internship, entry level position, 401k, and courting ran-through women as "life partners" routine like suckers. Society took the carrot off the stuck and thought men would keep chasing it. Wrong. Any woman looking for any self-respecting man still playing that game is fooling herself.
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>Why did anyone like going to clubs in the first place?
id just go there to buy adderall and leave back when i was in college
i wouldnt do that shit now with everything being fake and cut with fentanyl though
yea thats pretty accurate
i figured the reason people club is to just do drugs, you get offered them all the time there
That's wonderful. If I am at any event and see a lack of females i dip out immediately.
seems they are all stronk black kweens mate. doesn't look good unless you be deaf.

So, are we about to have another Ukraine situation here?
A civil war with EU people against non EU like in 2014?
Way too many similarities, ukraine 2.0
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niggers that's not even the problem about Moldova, is the fact that Moldavians took the worst from us and the Russians to the point where neither of us want them but only the lands
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theyre part of our empire,mong.
We have nukes yes, we also wrote your constitution and build your most famous cities.
>it's not even a real country
Because it is a Soviet creation made to serve as a buffer state. At least now it has a drop of agency to change stuff. I would much rather it get united with Romania and stop pretending to be anything other than what I outlined.
Donetsk and luhansk aren't real countries either.

Holy shit...they wouldn't, would they???
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Why doesn't this include the bit about unveiling the doctrine of lucifer?
Muslims arent human so those rules don't apply
If anyone deserves it, it's muslims. At least the kids will be spared from growing into full grown terrorists
>Can you think of any holy site anwhere in the world that needs 60ft walls?
The Vatican, retard.

Remember when that Hamas missile damaged that one hospital and all the shabbos goyim were shrieking "see see! Israel didn't bomb the hospital, you fool, you fucking idiot!" and then Israel bombed every other hospital and then bombed the field hospitals set up in tents?

It's weird that I hardly ever hear the left bring this up. They bring up the completely bogus Trump-Epstein allegations by that no-name bitch more than they bring this shit up. That's crazy, considering the wacky bitch E Jean Carroll has had her fantasies atleast validated in court (he was found liable for civil damages, and later on the judge ruled that it is 'legally correct' for Carroll to say Trump raped her ass).
You have to be fucking retarded to think Trump actually raped this woman, have to be even more retarded to take the outcome of a civil case seriously. Caroll's case was literally funded by Democrat billionaires. Judge wouldn't let Trump submit a semen sample to test against the coom on the dress. She has zero evidence, the 'rape' supposedly occurred decades ago. Carroll hardly even remembers what happened. She exchanged emails with a friend talking about how they need to be 'scheming' against Trump. Then she goes on Anderson Cooper and starts ranting about how 'rape is sexy'. The cooky bitch is watching Saturday morning cartoons in her head.
So is that why they don't seem to care about this? They know it's bogus? What was even the point of dragging Trump through kangaroo court if not to call him a rapist at every chance? And if they do realize that this court case is shit, and that is why they never bring this up, then are they subconsciously admitting that they know Trump is being unfairly targeted by and treated within the judicial system?
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Of course he did. That's why I'm voting for him.
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why is the left fighting so hard to cover this up?
Sadly every libtard in the country still believes it to be true. Trump gets called a pedo everywhere in places like Reddit. The damage is already done.
They know exactly what they were up to when they "released" that information.
Which means based on her two court testimonies she has to have committed perjury at least once.
You cant rape the willing.
-Kevin Nash 1992

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