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Based guy exposes migrant hotel

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All good honestly just thought you were a schizophrenic
Gentlemen. Both muzzies and pajeets have no place in the west. Its not a case of arguing which one is bad. They are both bad, and should be rounded up and mass deported instantly.
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Schizophrenia isn't real but traumatized and trust broken people are
Go back to whatever Islamic shithole you came from, and I'll gladly tell the pajeet rapists to go back to India, or die. I really don't care. I don't want any of you in Europe.
Are whites ever going to lift a fucking finger in self preservation?

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Just take a good look around, men are spiraling down the drain more and more by the day.

Women have ALL of the money now and they aren't interested in spending a fucking penny on anyone but themselves, not even their non-existent children.
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Become a criminal
>but the boys never catch up academically.
wow I didn't get an A on my africa nigger paper, I'm so sad about that... NOT
>yeah, but how do we make parallel societies
you are funny guy. parasitize the system and wait for it to die
"solutions that don't come at the expense of women."
I would actualy like to read that article now. Mainly because I have free 50 min and a good laugh would make this snowy/rainy day much better.
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By "the strong" he means those who pay the most tax without complaining

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Are you a face blind autist or just a trump cocksucker?
Ancient Rome had no successors. Not even Constantinople with its Cuckstian religion comes close.
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>America is the new Babylon
I want to fuck that robot.
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>Avoided nigger mudslime or christcuck like virus
>popularly known for nailing a jew
America is new israel. The same israel christcuck and muslim ask god to save in end times

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I'll just leave this right here.
A- tribe where you at???
I have B- and I’m 100% white.
O+ say can you see

"They're going to want to check their private parts".

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>be me
>Trump wins election
>mandates penis inspection day

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how did a billion(s) dollar funded government organization fail to influence us
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no way chinese birthrate is that high, they had a strict 1 child policy for 35 years. you weren't allowed to have 3 kids until 2021.
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what did the fbi agent mean by this
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autism and antisemitism
top kek
pack your bags, fednigger
Trump won
They keep 4chan around for the same reason 4chan keeps /pol/ around. Give the people a place to say what they can't say anywhere else, and a lot of people will moderate themselves.

How do you respond without sounding mad?
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>no u
Don't know if this really shows anything. Surte the maori were cruel amnd killed hundreds of people but at the same time in medievel Europe that was like a Tuesday. You can't point to that and say Maori are savages. Maori also haven't launched a nuclear weapon at a city and killed 200000 people instantly
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
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Ok the basics

Anon said something rude

Let's see the steps it takes to make the news

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When was this?
>Local Women
We’re gonna need another list…
>trapping women
>no I HAVE to be a prostitute to foreign men
Japanese women have been selling their dignity for decades now and I'm supposed to pretend they feel shame over there.
then they're not local women
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Kek. Cucked Japs literally selling ass and sucking Western and Jeet cock.
>Glory to China!

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Germany hosted a multinational conference with Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland to exchange experiences on regulating recreational cannabis. The meeting, led by Germany's Commissioner for Addiction and Drug Issues, Burkhard Blienert, emphasized public health, evidence-based prevention, and mitigating illicit trade. Germany's cannabis law, effective since April, includes decriminalized home cultivation and plans for a commercial market pilot.

However, conservative German parties aim to repeal the law, citing ideological concerns, while reform advocates stress consumer protection and safety. Participants acknowledged cannabis as one of Europe's most consumed substances, with regulatory models varying across nations. German officials called for comprehensive evaluations and shared expertise to navigate this new policy landscape. The conference follows Germany's continued efforts to lead Europe in cannabis reform.

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I'll keep an eye out, cheers buddeh. It won't be for another few years anyway. Have to live at home first, save for a mortgage then bada bing.
Not just garbage, some of them are actively harmful in ways the natural stuff isn't. Pretty sure it was THC-O or something that came out recently and turned out to be toxic.
Yes it produces ketene gas.
I tried some THC-P and HHC-P, I dropped them quickly. I was experiencing withdrawals from them while still smoking D9 (Sleep problems, appetite, temperature regulation)
Too many people who do drugs for recreational purposes are faggots with rotting brains, they're not doing any good. How can a race war be fought by a bunch of retarded people relaxing on nigger weed?
No amount of excuses will change the fact that you are niggers who don't do a shit.
Only take pervitin when you kill kikes, don't waste your resorces on useless drugs.
Usually, i'm not one to be against substance abuse, but it is one of the few that are immediately noticeable in public. It fucking reeks bad and the culture around it is extremely reddit. Just do shrooms or some amphetamines nigga.

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Will it ever end?
Stop what?
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>Make it stop. Will it ever end?.
Relaxs a little Nuclear War, never hurt or killed nobody

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Insider here. The campaign will end in December when they unveil their new EV with a retro 60s design. The campaign will end with something along the lines of "not everything that's new is good". This is in reality an anti-woke campaign. That's why they are actually enjoying the backlash and haven't disabled comments on any social media (which is something that always happens when a woke campaign goes wrong).

>I heard Duisburg are such a gloomy city and Frankfurt are unsafe too tho
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So many women crave muslim cock. German white women impregnated with brown seed. They will give birth to ARAB BVLLS.
Putlers Hybrid Warfare against The West™ did this
Cultural consumption predicts behavior and mentality- monkey see, monkey do.
In the western zone you regularly see Germans wearing MC gear, Cowboy hats, Confederate/USA flags, British flags, and mudsharking. They externalize whats in their head, victims of the psyop.
In the free eastern zone you don't see this, you find Reich flags, Iron crosses, American flags used as doormats, grafitti of resistance, and segregation. In my experience I didn't see mudsharking or cappuccino babies there.
t.lived in both zones
Berlin is beyond saving. Hope the Russians nuke it.
I have been to frankfurt a decade ago and even then it was such a shithole

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prove me wrong.
picrel Concord
It’s true. New England is the one place on this planet that isn’t niggerized by jews.
Yeah red states are dystopia. Anyone who doesn't know that is an MSMzombie who unironically says stuff like "why are people fleeing BLUE DEMOCRAT CITIES" lol retards.
mass is full of kikes and snobs tho
it's pretty good and historical but god help you step outside
my mom's and grannies and great grannies tiny rural hometown in MA is now infested with Latinx.

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Legit or no? Why?
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Matthew 5 33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:

34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.

36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

Jesus learned from the esoteric mystery schools and taught the uninitiated. That is a big reason why he was persecuted. He was God in human form learning about creation. Once he realized who he was, well, we know how that goes.
It's legit satanism. So if you are a satancuck it's legit organization
We have Gnosticism at home

Why a simple graph will kill it

Ukraine crossed ANOTHER "final red line". When is Russia going to nuke Kyiv? Nobody respects Russia anymore because they keep making threats like these and not backing them up
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What part of paper bear didn't translate well?
This. Nobody cares anymore.
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Ruzzia cant nook. the west won. its over
Ok I totally believe Russia is on the verge of collapse now lmao
This they launched a failed ICBM nuclear warhead but it failed to detonate it was a dud


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>This is not favourable to us, so we will do anything to delay the hot phase of the conflict.
The west is built on a house of cards of money printing. All Russia needs to do is evacuate their cities and unleash nuclear hellfire on the western military and economic targets, leave the nigger filled cities largely intact.
Who do you think would recover first?
Based Russia!
Just kill those nazis and get it over with.
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Careful or you wake up your wife's black boyfriend

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Last month my mom called me crying about it how there are no trick or treaters outside and she only got three the entire night apparently she called her friends and they said because their kids parents having kids and despite what she thought I was not an anomaly. She was baffled asked me why I or any of my peers don’t want to have kids despite me telling her repeatedly for ten years now which is the primary ones, everything is expensive, woman are whores, shit parenting, society sucks, life keeps getting worse, circumcism, vaccines, mass migration. She of course then ignored everything I said and started rambling about how great children are and they’re a blessing no matter what even if they have a harder future apparently. I didn’t want to waste my time with another pointless conversation so I just hung up. So how is the gen x generation members you know reacting to no more kids?
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Explain exactly and logically why that is the case when you hate the world.
>my mom called me crying
your mom is a bitch lol
You're very obvious weak minded people you know, I think it began when you started believing your own lies
The end game of feminism desu
Unless you literally grab a sex slave, women have 100% control over reproduction, BC, abortions and too busy having fun and a (((career))) as an evil witch in an HR department.
I've been wanting kids since my early 20s, been with the same girl the whole time slaving away, and now 20 years later I'm on the precipice of not being able to have any because of the jew system.
My old man instead of asking how he could help flat out told me he don't care if I do or not, it was his way of consoling me.

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“Trump is using military for deportation he's is literally le Hitler”

What's the problem exactly? Why is the seething?
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If you're after males I'm sure there'll be some willing in your local vicinity.
Sure you have some kid, sisters and your mother. That's enough actually.
Illegals and dead kikes are good.
Q Predicted this.

23 years later. Do we still think it was the Jews?
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Given that I spent all this week being gangstalked and even made the news
I think it was the Arabs, but the USA, under the guidance of Israel, let it happen.
Jew power structure ( mossad , CIA , FBI) there is no doubt .
Jews didn’t hijack the jets
it was america itself, so i guess it should've been the elitefags jewniggers

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>Trump and Vince stayed friends for decades
>Vince got loads of fake and gay accusations
>even if true it's still based af
>Trump wins
>Trump wants to make Vince get back on track and fight against the common enemy
>Trump appoints Linda McMahon as DOE
>Linda separates from Vince

There's a bigger picture in all this cause why would she divorce him when the core reasoning for her appointment is to take Vince out of trouble?
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It's a political move because Vince's past and recent allegations (which are extreme) will come up during her confirmation

they were a power couple anyways, so it's not exactly a heartbreak for either of them
Doesn't matter what the media thinks. People love Vince though.
>Worrying enough about confirmation hearings when Gabbard and fucking Doctor Oz are on your roster
Either congress goes "get the fuck out", or "fuck it we ball".[spoiler] Or Trump is bullshitting every announcement and will have an actual cabinet the media HASN'T raked over the coals behind a curtain somewhere.[/spoiler]
People just get divorced when they're old now it's the new societal norm, probably just released it publicaly now that she wil be in office soon
>get the fuck out

They don't have rights to say that to a sitting President who won popular votes.

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