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Sorry for no webm video, but this is fucking gay.
Joe Biden, rubbing on niggers like a faggot.
He probably sucked Corn Pop's dick.
This is actually much worse than his debate performance.
At least when he was just a senile pedophile,
he wasn't a FAGGOT.
URL for video:
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Or you could learn that greentext is for quoting someone else.
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Cropped with sound:
No Biden Brain rotting example #1000
Biden: Dis nigga zesty.

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A small majority of middle class & wealthy black people are good peoples.

Poor black people are niggers.

A large majority of middle class & wealthy white people are good peoples.

The majority of wealthy white people are stuck up.

Poor white people are basically niggers.

If you want to fix niggers (and crime) you need to get people out of poverty.

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this shit sounds like it was written by Tobias Fünke
So, his dick has been hard while he stands behind Biden. He receives virtual and irl blowjobs from the President. The president has touched him inappropriately better than the other politicians have. It is time, Joe needs to remove his cock from his anus now. The president has sexually assaulted many and fucked his country royally. Mr. President deserves to cum.
The Biden of 2020 and the one of now are very different people. Most people no longer believe he has the mental faculties to be president.
this makes it blatantly obvious that people only get to vote for who they are allowed to vote for, really breaks the illusion that the people are in control of their leadership.

they are going just gong to nullify the vote of all the primary voters by appointing someone different?

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95% of women dont even know any cocktails.
you would invite her over and she would want a BEER, like a fucking imbecile.

at this point if a woman cant make a manhattan or an aviation i just splash acid on her and chop her head off
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imagine some zoomer sitting next to le chiffre and ordering a diet pepsi
If that's true then why did all of the virgins I've fucked leave me?
incel thread? I take offense as a fellow alcoholic you are making me look bad.
When you are 80 years old and the only pussy you have touched was 5 seconds of your mom's slip and slide, remember that you fucked up your entire existance by not even fucking a woman once, the sole purpose and all hormones telling you to do it, you failed.
Shut up femcel we just found out women havent even invented a drink or cocktail

This is just like how all the best chefs are men and not some silly femoid hack martha stew-wart.
The best everything is men, I'm not a femcel, just sick of losers blaming anyone but themselves for not kicking their own ass and unfucking themselves.

What caused the collapse of pagan religions in western Eurasia? Was it a Great Reset of some sort, the details of which have since been obfuscated? Why did it survive in the East?
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Uh huh. Please continue to screech like a deranged polnigger, it's funny.
>Don't believe in yourself, you're powerless
That is the opposite of what's stated in the Christian Bible. Jesus said "You can do all the same miracles I can, and more, if you just believe" And the apostles who followed him did indeed do a lot of the same miracles that Jesus did.
Orthodox Christianity recognizes the soul and the spirit of an individual. This was removed from Catholicism and forbidden to study in mainstream science in order to confuse and to break populations. Being without the soul is like building a house on sand. The entire religion becomes a celebration of being without sovereignty.
>What caused the collapse of pagan religions in western Eurasia?

Pagan churches joined up with Christianity to create their special blend

Catholic means universal
It was meant to appeal to both pagans and christians.
Many Catholic churches in Europe were formerly pagan temples
Islam is not an "Abrahamic religion." Also Christianity predates Judaism by 200 years. The Talmud was written 200 years after the death and resurrection of Christ so any Jew or boomer who tells you that Judaism is older than Christianity is being disingenuous.

Islam is a katamari ball of all the religions of people who were conquered and enslaved by Muhammed, including some superficial aspects of Christianity and Judaism. It is not an outgrowth of either though, it is an Arabic religion and it does have some traditions that were appropriated from near east pagans as well.

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Alright, guys, I need to get something off my chest. This is seriously getting to me, and I can't be the only one feeling this way. Let's talk about the sheer unfairness of it all.

Every day, I wake up at 5 AM, drag myself out of bed, and head to the construction site. It's grueling work. I’m lifting heavy materials, working in the blistering heat, dealing with dangerous equipment, and constantly risking injury. My body is breaking down piece by piece, and I barely make enough to survive. My hands are calloused, my back is shot, and by the time I get home, I have no energy left.

Meanwhile, there are women out there making $300K a year by showing off their bodies on the internet. It’s mind-blowing! They get to be in comfortable environments, leveraging their looks to earn insane amounts of money. And here I am, busting my ass in extreme conditions, wondering if I can afford my next meal.

What really gets me is that these women often have boyfriends who probably don’t have to work nearly as hard. I’ve never even had a girlfriend. I spend my days working myself to the bone and my nights alone, scrolling through social media, seeing people live lives I can only dream of.

We’re living in a society that values superficial qualities over hard work and physical labor. It feels like all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into my job mean nothing when someone can earn my yearly salary in a month by posting pictures.

I’m not here to hate on anyone’s hustle, but can we at least acknowledge the imbalance? There’s gotta be a way to bridge this gap, to make sure that those of us doing essential, physically demanding work aren’t left in the dust while others ride the wave of easy money. It’s time for a reality check, folks. Something’s gotta give.
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Heil o/
Maybe you should just become a woman. Ever consider that? I mean, it's 2024 ffs. 90% of men have already transitioned. Faggot.
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Don’t only like the top 5% make millions. Also atleast you still have your self respect and aren’t just some whore selling there body.
Most OF thots make less than $100 a month tho. Women are unironically getting scammed hard.

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Post some red pills.


>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


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I'm changing my major to MANNEQUIN ACTING!


Bro took "Who ever moves first is gay” to a whole other level.

If someone tries to rob him, just turn into a mannequin.
This guy got so pissed over his L that he made Reddit.
he's laughing at dead russians. because he's a NAFO troon.
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Gee I wonder who is doing all the raping in the west. Is it the Muslim aryan chads who spread order and civilization everywhere, or is it these subhuman filthy Hindu shitskin rape rats who are known for raping and pedophilia everywhere they go? This is normal every day news for the Hindu shitskin rape rat.
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total pajeet death. the earth has to be purged of these rats.
>Upload it to YouTube
>it gets blocked
Will these pajeets gangrape YouTube?
It's both.
Canadiens are just as bad as poojeets
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So where is the video?

The liquid Jew should be banned. It’s literal poison. A government must protect its people.
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the OG 4lokos had not just caffeine but also taurine, guarana plus wormwood which is the ingredient in absinth that makes you lose control
He had to drink 18 of them to get there
im quite sure i could drive safely after 18 beers. especially 18 american beers
This. Our society went to shit because the punishments for breaking laws are too lenient.
anon I drink a pint and a half of vodka every single day. I do not feel great

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I like this dude
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he is nice but he's really gay about the monarchy and an US* simp
francais canadien, tho he is currently living in BC
I'm on the fence with JJ McCollough.
His videos are hit or miss.
He is, actually.
literally who

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Is this what american culture comes down to

>nigger worship and making degenerate women famous
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PhD in comms. You know he didn't get through Math 105.
And she is getting all the mutt-whores followers dripping wet of jealous.
That’s nigger lust an inch higher than nigger love.
yo moma a niggerlover
All a vaguely attractive woman has to do is reference spitting on a cock and she's suddenly famous. Wasted quints

Twitter is chalk full of videos of ignorant, disgusting niggers nigging- do not watch those videos. There will be posts from cultists saying that they want Trump supporters rounded cup and executed- do not engage with them. Laugh and move on. The government under Jill Biden's leadership will do everything they can to destroy the country- and that sucks. We have to deal with it for 7 more months, and that's it. Do not lose your mind. Do not let them win.

Drop ways that you meditate, methods you have, things that you do, or other things that you think about to keep your mind healthy. Do NOT let the kikes take your mind.

And no not, under any circumstances, read the image title.
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I stopped using twitter because of how badly I hate niggers (justified), so I browse /x/, meditate, read philosophy, and practice Traumatic Release Exercise. And while this may sound counter productive (I assure you its not), but at the office, when a woman or a diversity nigger opens their retarded mouth about politics, I jump right in, calmly and factually point out the fact that they dont know what they are talking about. It's actually a great way of making myself feel better. Just yesterday some cunt in my office was talking about how afraid she was about project 2025, and I said loudly but calmly "but you didn't read project 2025- you don't know what it is." and she pissed and shat and bitched but finally admitted that she hadn't read it. Feels good man. Keep me sane.
I ring the feds up and complain at them until they put me onto their manager
I will send you cassettes in the mail for 50k/yr
I am an FBI informant. I inform them that they are gay.
>chalk full
The what now?

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The atheists are scared of a Trump presidency.
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Look, we just can't let him get his hands on the nuclear launch codes.
Athiest voting for Trump here:

I don't see any 'Chisto-Fascist' state on the horizon. I see a Gay-Transexuacommie-Fascist-Kakistocratic Globalist Kleptotyrrany manifesting right now complete with pseudo-religious ideology
Still not voting
nah not at all. we're almost all secular christians anyway.
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How can we convince atheists that immune systems do in fact exist?

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"Good afternoon, sir. Do you know why I pulled you over?"
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>You're free to go, Mr Biden
100% this.

Some reading for the blue lives matter bootlickers.

>Castle Rock v. Gonzales

>Warren v. District of Columbia

>DeShaney v. Winnebago County

>Lozito v. New York City

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It's pretty crazy how often the groups weary body cameras will either mute the mic or even deactivate their camera altogether in the middle of an interaction.
Here's a story of cops getting their shit pushed in for pulling that stunt in Toronto. They even had the guy dead to rights before they fucked up:
it's illegal in some states for them to ask that question and more joining every day

you're being detained and they're questioning you without mirandizing you

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BACKFIRES HORRIBLY , these 20 fuckfaces did a rap song about being against the alt right , got ratioed on youtube , adding god knows how much votes for the alt right , this is clown world prime time guys , at this rythme the 6th republic will be the return of the reich , these sand niggers shot themselves in the foot , sunday is the "coup de grace " for these fuckfaces

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Lyrics of the song include (in original and then translated):[5]

Je rentre dans des crèches, je tue des bébés blancs, attrapez-les vite et pendez leurs parents, écartelez-les pour passer le temps divertir les enfants noirs de tout âge petits et grands. Fouettez-les fort faites-le franchement, que ça pue la mort que ça pisse le sang

I go into nurseries, I kill white babies, grab them quickly and hang their parents, pull them apart to pass the time to entertain black children of all ages, big and small. Whip them hard, whip them well, so they stink of death and piss blood
In March 2019, Conrad went on trial, was convicted and fined €5,000 and made to pay €1,000 damages to the anti-racist group LICRA (jewish group against anti-semitism) and the Catholic group AGRIF. He announced an appeal and defended his work as art that was made to shock.[5]
>In September 2021, his sentence was quashed on appeal

"Doux pays"
In May 2019, after his initial conviction, Conrad released another song and video "Doux pays" (Sweet Country). The lyrics include "Je baise la France jusqu'à l'agonie" ("I fuck France to the point of agony"), while the video portrays him strangling a white woman to death. The minister of the interior, Christophe Castaner, called for prosecution and for the removal of the video.[2] According to Conrad, the video is a work of fiction about "strangling the French mentality".[3]

AGRIF called for Conrad to be prosecuted for this second video.
>He was acquitted in June 2021
>french rappers

make it stop
oh i wish man i wiiiiiish
these mother fuckers are mimicking us niggers rappers , it s just embarassing lol
>first to ne cucked by jews
You have some history to learn, the world doesn't stop at America's borders

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I'm tired of losers blaming da joos for their terrible mistakes in life.
It's tiresome.
Get over it, losers.
Yes, the holohoax is fake!
yes ww2 was a huge mistake and stupid
yes, many joos are rich and love their kids, nepotism and you are envious,
yes many joos are commies
yes, joos commited genocide on russians and created ussr and almost destoryed the whole world
yes joos faught civil war against germans in 1917
we get it, i know, but the da joos didn't make you a loser
da joos didn't make you worship a joo
da joos didn't make your parents not love you
and everyhting da joos did was with the help of willing CHRISTIANS

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Oy Vey! Am I right, my fellow Christians?
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wait.. nope
it says right here jesus was a total manlet
cant be adam green

imagine worshipping a manlet as god tho lol
may as well worship just ching chong
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no, adam really means to show blood in the face. nazarites are described as having eyes of polished sapphires. the israelites are white, 100%.
that faggot hangs out with richard spencer, confirmed fed. not interested.
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the garden tomb where Jesus was for 3 days was expanded to accommodate a man of about 5'11" and the man in the shroud of turn is 5'11"...

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>In the months that followed his return to Earth from his historic voyage on Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin struggled to answer the question asked everywhere he went: “What was it like to be on the moon?”
>In his first impression, the astronaut had famously described it as “magnificent desolation.” Now, as he later recalled in his memoir of the same title, he realized he had no profound follow-up to offer the people, no way to put into words the scope of this life-altering experience.

After such an amazing feat, how can anyone suddenly feel depressed?? If YOU had been among the first in humanity to land and return from the Moon, wouldn't you be happy and have an immense feeling of achievement instead of being down and depressed after all the fame, honor, and publicity?
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it's not that -- he's written himself into history as an immortal with his feat, if it happened. I think that he feels very lonely with this very extraordinary experience, and no one can relate to his altered perspective. now, he feels alien
Fishing is cool
>>138 year phoenix cycle
>what’s that

hang onto your hat (even if its a small one)

we are spiritual beings living inside avatars that belong to the simulacrum, you are not the hideous meatsack you see in the mirror, you are much more than that.

the God of this realm is Shaddai, the jealous God, the one with whom the evil fuckers hiding behind the propagandised jewish diaspora have a contract that enables them to run the show. they have tried their best to hide the 138 year cycle of the phoenix, last one was 1902, next one 2040 (they tried to convince everyone it was 2012), when all those in the know and their underlings disappear underground to avoid the destruction coming for them. not all of them survive but enough do to continue shenanigans until 2178 when the simulacrum reboots and Genesis to Revelations begins all over again. those of us who wake up to the ruse of organised religiosity and have lived within the bounds of `do unto others as you would have them do unto you' get to exodus out of the simulation, those who don't keep reincarnating back here until they do. the kikes controlling things know this and prefer the lives they get to lead here over the potential futures they reject.

you would be better served watching Archaix, especially one of his latest ones: being immortal in a fallen world, but I've watched just about everything on his youtube channel and he is consistent, I'm onboard with the information he releases, as headspinning as some of it can be but if you give yourself time to digest the info and ruminate on it things begin falling into place.

good luck trying to inform truth-resistant family members or friends with his information, I usually start laughing as I try to figure out how to let them down gently with it.

Keked and checked Mr. Patel
>the malady of Alexander, looking out over his domain with the understanding that there were no more worlds left to conquer
It was post-partum depression after using the monolith to create the space-baby. I don't really believe that he and Armstrong were the first though. I think that when they got to the moon they found a bunch of viking weapons and Russian skeletons.

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Why is RFK Jr. the only candidate talking about banning private equity firms and foreign investors from buying American homes?

Why does Biden or Trump not speak about the median house price for a single family home reaching over 450k? Foreign and private investors have already bought 30% of all residential real estate.
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>Should the government implement rent control policies to limit the amount landlords can charge for rent?
for how much this board rallies against landlords and hates vaccines you'd think RFK Jr. would be at 80% but the way it looks he's priced out of the election. Let's hope Trump does anything for the average man and doesn't send us to WW3 to die for Israel.
Based. Gottfried Feder had the same idea. I think I'll be voting Kennedy
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also rfk explained the reason ukraine and russia is in war is because america forced them to not take a peace deal, because they forced ukraine to give THEM land basically.
i mean this is how stupid america is right now
Wish he wasn't zogged. He'd be a perfect candidate
I think he thinks no more about jews than massie but not quite as less that amount. the walking around with them with their flags thing, idk. meeting certain ones. no pictures of him i dont think of going to the wall and wearing the cuck hat dont think

They are planning on leaving and buying guns
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You had ONE job
K, keep me posted on which direction them jews head
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>It's time we stop running and start fighting
Yes, do this
Canadian wilderness chud here. Good fucking luck. A bunch of skinny fat satanic degenerate urbanites won’t survive a month during ideal summer conditions. Do they know anything about winter survival in the Rocky Mountains?

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