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Germany hosted a multinational conference with Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland to exchange experiences on regulating recreational cannabis. The meeting, led by Germany's Commissioner for Addiction and Drug Issues, Burkhard Blienert, emphasized public health, evidence-based prevention, and mitigating illicit trade. Germany's cannabis law, effective since April, includes decriminalized home cultivation and plans for a commercial market pilot.

However, conservative German parties aim to repeal the law, citing ideological concerns, while reform advocates stress consumer protection and safety. Participants acknowledged cannabis as one of Europe's most consumed substances, with regulatory models varying across nations. German officials called for comprehensive evaluations and shared expertise to navigate this new policy landscape. The conference follows Germany's continued efforts to lead Europe in cannabis reform.

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Bro there is no legal weed in Germoney
you still have to buy at from Abdullah or Prince Afria at the train station. Macro Mafia is bombing NRW and killing turks. German "Legalatizon" is the most braindead thing ever.
Cant wait for a new goverment in Feb 2025 because our current goverment is braindead
>import Africans
>legalize Weed
looks like we will be seeing Comptons and Chicagos pop up in Germany.
Duuuuudeee weeeeed, lmao.
I guess it's true, the older you get the more you realize it's a dumb drug.
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its not worth it for anyone
>legal weed is crap
>tax revenue isn't great
>weed smokers are lazy
>black market still exists
The sales from munchies and weed may help offset the reduction in alcohol related health care costs but
fuck marijuana.legalize speed ,pervitin and oxys for otc sale again
Don't funny legalize it. That would be exactly what hostile foreign operatives want.
theres hhc and cooh8 shit ,half legal to order if you crave it but weed sucks anyway
Never met anyone that smoked regularly that wasn't a complete dipshit tool.
It's over isn't it
They're trying to rebrand Europe as this cool place to retire and have a vacation
I don't think weed is dangerous or anything but they don't seem to know their priorities
Man fuck that normie nigger drug bro. Legalize mdma and lsd
Shut the fuck up, literally a money bush you do fuck all time for when caught and now you wanna legalize it and regulate it so only big Jew corp can make a buck off it?
Kill yourselves.
You know what makes you uncancelable? Fucking drug money thats why.
Enjoy one less road to economic independence dumb kraut faggots.
All the “white” germans I met from Germany are Slavic, I shit you not, I don’t think there’s one actual German left.
isn’t funny how Korea and Japan mogs half of Europe? Muh Aryan Japanese my ass, whites are the honorary Japanese now.
>but they don't seem to know their priorities
Its a cash crop that can be easily scaled on a legislative level to fuck the small farmer with red tape.
Psychedelics expand perspective.
Perspective is power.

Canada and Dutch and Portuguese already legalized all drugs.
Why do whites fear weed so much? Just because it is healthy and good?
If Germany legalizes it. I suppose I can always be a kraut glowie and still get high. Hey US, hurry the fuck up so I can turn in my SF86 form or fuckit I might as well denounce my citizenship its only gotten me to be taxes into debt and slavery.
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>The Jews finally figured out how to poison marijuana
Legalising cannabis means there's no requirement for black market supply anymore.
They can undercut the mob.
I'm not saying they will, but there are strong reasons to do so.
Shit aislop
Legal weed is not crap lol
Cheers to a fun KrampusFestung and Yule!
If you’re worried about low-quality drugs, well typical Deutsch will be make much more drugs independently.

Good cheap local farm~to~table drugs.
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Yes, it is. I've tried it many times. Broken coast cannabis was decent but that's it.
>pic related
This is only like a quarter of all the vape cartridges I've tried
jesus, so that's what germans brainstormed to stop the deindustrialization and fix their economy...
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one of the very few thing (part of) america does better than "europe"

let freedom ring, u limp wristed eurofags
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>legal weed is crap

not in cali. we have the finest, strongest, most cosmic weed in the whole wide world. the variety is mind blowing, the quality is highest possible
Dutch didn't legalize shit
This stinks like shit. Especially if everyone smokes it outside
>next government
Weed was never legal.
You're not allowed to sell it and you're not allowed to possess it.
Property under 5 grammes may be forfeited free of charge and further procedure.
Over 5 grammes you get a criminal record.
It's always been that way in this country.
The practical fact of the matter has no legal standing. Blame the Jews.


What sort of lowlife pest wastes energy trying to resist people living their own lives making their own choices?
Nah, pest.

You’re never legal.
You're not allowed to exist and you're not allowed to stop that.
It's always been that way.
The practical fact of the matter is that you have no legal standing. Blame the Nazis.
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Grow your own weed, where is the problem?
This world has pestilence issues.
Anyone who says drugs are illegal, has no association with any of my peoples.
California does have good weed
I hope Trump legalizes weed
weed isn't legal in Holland it's use is decriminalized
what this guy says >>489101465
yeah this guy >>489101713 is a literal retard
>b-but goy mr. Juda Israel said that Dutch people aren’t allowed to fuck on top of a pile of me blenderized into hotdog meat. S-see it says right here, and here, and also here it says that Dutch aren’t Dutch
>Vape cartridges
Legal weed isn't crap, but shitty mass-produced carts 100% are. You're genuinely retarded if you constantly buy the cheapest most slopified way to consume cannabis and then say all legal weed must be that bad.
..why wouldn't you throw these away?
Over 20,000 Philistina kids were recently murdered.

Deutsch governments should be much quicker.
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I wonder what to say about the Deutsch government wasted so much time&energy while so many people have suffered in the Donbas and Levant.
based, I wish my government cared about my issues
archetyp is full of german weed wendors, I think you can have 1 day delivery domestic with deutche post or dhl. Doubt the vendors are brown.
off yourself, Pancho
They need to follow New Jersey's example; legalize for recreational use, but supply only dirt low mids. The real shit is only for medicals paying country club access fees.
wish my stupid fucking country would legalise this shit.
i dont own a home so if i get caught again i emd up homeless
when you get caught what will happen to you? do you own your own home outright?
Growing weed is about as simple as growing anything gets. If you can't handle even that - just look up cbd isomerization.
people trying to keep drugs illegal are attempting to keep a people illegal.
Like banning a genre of music to kill a species of community.

So many verities of peoples can exist. But good energy requires good energy.
I can vouch: NJ is fuck-all dirt, from the cheapest to the most expensive, is all different flavors of the same shit. Someone dropped an unopened eighth of Runtz at a NJ bus stop, it turned out to be CA packaging! (very different than NJ) Let me tell you, that was OG one-hit-wonderweed.
Sometimes the Cosmos hands you a bulletin.
Power to the resistance that protects the flourishing of soul.

Think of how much constriction it took to turn so much of the world into nothing.
You can run them in a butane pipe and extract all the gooey goodness in an evap dish. Probably at LEAST 20% stays in the carts, it's fucking ridiculous.
Also, Greg Gutfeld is playing this very story as I write this lol
Babylon can innovate drugs divinely
if he cant grow a fucking weed, how the hell is he gonna do organic chemistry?
Fuck cannabis, it makes you a retard, legalize cocaine.
Grow your own dumbfuck. You've been handed an opportunity, take it.
its illegal to grow, idiot. not everyone is a nigger like you.
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Grow your own.
you know democracy is safe when chuds want more drugs in their daily life
If you're just looking for cheap buzz without being thorough with your chemistry - its literally heat up with a catalyst for 10 minutes kind of a deal. If you want smokeable product - you'd need to neutralize and distill, not all that difficult too.
You got social housing, you have disability, you have welfare.
If I had your tyrannical shit government I'd go out of my way to make sure to be a deficit.
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Thank you for trying to educate me on my countries laws bong but it's legal to grow up to 3 plants here. Even if they roll back the law, it doesn't matter. They have no idea who is still growing or who not. Also, no policeman came to my door to make sure I only had 3 plants.

>getting caught

lol, lmao even
If you're not buying flower, you're not in any position to talk about the quality of legal weed. This is like somebody who only buys shitty premixed malt liquor drinks talking about how legal alcohol is all shit.
>inb4 you're a fag with such high tolerance that flower barely gets you buzzed
You grew indoor? What strain?
That's gonna get mouldy and it will fuck your lungs up.
Now this is some prime slave mentality shit.
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Royal gorilla autoflower. It took about 3 months from seed to harvest. It was my first grow and from 6 plants I got 190g of the best (not most potent, but I could've left it longer) weed I've ever smoked.
The Landliebe jars specifically
I burped them daily, and added more jars to spread the load. This was taken immediately after harvest. Had no mould thankfully.
Cannabis is the original spiritual sacrament of the Aryan race. All the "whites" opposing it are Jews or spiritual Jews (i.e. Christians)
Oh, that's not condensation on the jar. That's just an impression on the glass if that's what you mean.
Fun fact the cultivation of cannabis followed the Aryan migration route same way as domesticated dogs, from the Tibet region.
You're supposed to ferment weed in glass/stone mugs with cork plugs.
so why is germany going to this legalise weed thing if its already legal?
Ohhh i see, nevermind than.
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Nice. Excellent first grow. I'm a big fan of In House Genetics. Been growing a Terple clone for a couple of years. 1 plant scroged using Biobizz (Dutch nutrients)
you will lose social housing if you get caught growing weed in it. well, they may give you a warning the first time, but after that you will lose it.

2 way humidity packs. They're great.
The next step is about commercialization.
Atm you're only allowed to grow three plants yourself, but you don't have a location to buy weed from in an official manner.
thats what he is doing. see the cork lids?
Rabbi Yeshua says no pharmakeia for the goyim
yea, just let me go to prison for growing weed and getting caught over and over again lile a good nigger would. legalise it ffs.
That's wood not cork
It's called curing. Like tobacco.
rabbi yeshia can get 110’d for all i care, legalise the weed so i can grow in peace. ive been caught 5 times and been to prison for 7 months. next time will prob be 2 year jail and homeless.
Jesus, you just can't help bongs (excuse the pun). Poor bugger is still trying to decipher out the OP.

Fermenting? really? not curing? on the topic of mould, that sounds risky as fuck. I'd rather just burp it once a day and let it cure in a glass jar, which I did, and it tastes great.
true, i only looked at the tall one quickly. im slow at times, must be all the weed.
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Who dares wins.
If there wasn't risk there wouldn't be profit worth the effort.
If it was legalized it wouldn't be worth the effort now would it?
You'd just be smoking your own shit in poverty Wondering how you're gonna make money.
Curing says it's something about meat. I and my frens are calling it fermenting.
Maybe it's just a confusion of the word but we're meaning the same
i didnt read the op, are you mad? i just glanced over it. now, converse with me and stop being a nigger ffs.
i would grow to save the money i spent on it. im not going to risk losing my home again, sick of moving.
Thank you, I had great help. Only used natural fertilizers (fish meal), bio bloom and molasses. I'm going to be moving back to Ireland next year after 13 years of living here and taking all my equipment with me. That is the benefit of getting set up once, you're set for life. Not setting off any red flags with amazon orders and all you need is seeds (Ireland is like 1920s America when it comes to weed).

I only got as far as LST, but I'm going to get scientific with that shit on my next grow.
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Sometimes I wonder if the only free people over there is the pikeys.
Should have stayed in danelaw tsk tsk

It's an industry term. Cured cannabis is delicious.
Kek. Still thinking like a cattle i see.

It is the government of the territory called BRD and serves other people, but surly not you and the people.
Maybe you want to stop identifiying and affiliate with them.
Oh and sorry to say that. Feb will change nothing as long people think in the way you are thinking.
>he wont risk his housing doing illegal things so he should emulate pikeys
pikeys are thieving cunts and anyone supporting them is a nigger indeed. im surprised that you’re so pro nigger seeing where you’re from.
hhc and other noids are garbage
Nice. Same, the Dutch stuff is made from molasses and seaweed.

Unfortunately, you have to be vigilant with pest control indoors. If you ever encounter mites, I pray you don't, there are great predator mites to eradicate them. Great natural solution instead of using chemicals or soaps.

There's some bug species which i don't member right now which eats the mites.
I assume it was dragon flies or something
Lady bugs. They're too slow though.
I'll keep an eye out, cheers buddeh. It won't be for another few years anyway. Have to live at home first, save for a mortgage then bada bing.
Not just garbage, some of them are actively harmful in ways the natural stuff isn't. Pretty sure it was THC-O or something that came out recently and turned out to be toxic.
Yes it produces ketene gas.
I tried some THC-P and HHC-P, I dropped them quickly. I was experiencing withdrawals from them while still smoking D9 (Sleep problems, appetite, temperature regulation)
Too many people who do drugs for recreational purposes are faggots with rotting brains, they're not doing any good. How can a race war be fought by a bunch of retarded people relaxing on nigger weed?
No amount of excuses will change the fact that you are niggers who don't do a shit.
Only take pervitin when you kill kikes, don't waste your resorces on useless drugs.
Usually, i'm not one to be against substance abuse, but it is one of the few that are immediately noticeable in public. It fucking reeks bad and the culture around it is extremely reddit. Just do shrooms or some amphetamines nigga.
>race war
lol there will be no race war.
haha geiles pic. erstmal irgendwelche gläser raussuchen.
>scheisse das riecht ja noch nach rotkohl
nächstes mal dann neue mason jars mal kaufen
It's legal to grow up to three pots for four own consumption
That's why THC vapes are the best because there is no weed aroma. Every non-smoker seems to hate weed smell
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someone needs to create a hybrid strain called 'merkelfish.' say, 75% indica/25% sativa, with a thc of around 28%, and at least 1% cbd. resin could be around 70% thc, to really get the volk doing the schuhplattler and get the jaws mawing.
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i feel the same way about drinkers
See productivity go through the roof.
Tell me more. Everybody os allowed to have 3 plants. Why would you buy it from Achmed?
Top your plants and remove leaves. Lookup mainlining. Don't grow autos.
can't wait for the seething from the swedish boomers, police and political elite
Its not healthy.
Cannabis is basically the same as Benzos. Theres this meme that its not addicting, but you find somwbody who's been having it daily for years and force them to go without, you'll find out all about it.

You can have it about once a month without suffering any negative psychological effects, but any more frequently than that is brain damage loser territory.

>t. Grower
the legalization here is bullshit, i cant buy it anywhere. they say i can grow 3 plants how is that going to work in the winter you fucking retards. theres snow on my window and its way too cold and the humidity is way too low.

i dont care that anglos incest 20.000 just to grow 3 plants that yield 150gs. i just ordered thca online and its fucking good shit for 6.50/g.

growing it TAKES WAY TOO LONG. ordering 30g on the internet took me 5 minutes and it arrived after 2 days.

ALSO EVERYTHING SMELLS LIKE WEED IN YOUR APARTMENT, this is a total nightmare when you have 3 big plants in flower the filter wont do shit. it will filter the room the plants are in but all your other rooms will smell like a coffeeshop.
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oh wow I read that as "cannibal legalization" lamo
katom is better then cannabis anyways.
you don't be ome paranoid or retarded from it
buy thca online.
If you want to grow in winter you need a grow tent setup, obviously.
If you care about yield and controlling conditions you'd want a tent either way. You can get very compact, foil-lined mini wardrobe style tents online anywhere

People don't really want to grow their own, even if it is legal, same as with food.
People here above a certain income eat out for every meal, even though cooking at home is better, more predictable, cheaper and more joyful.
i have 2 grow tents. these plants dont grow when its 21c in the air and 17c in the soil. theres is no microbe activity and heating the kitchen to 25c is impossible. the heater gets so hot you burn your hand when touching it and it costs too much GAS.
i have 2 girlscout cookies clones that i cut 3 weeks ago and there are still no roots. they want to die.
Californian spic CHAD here

I love smoking weed here
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Lmao youre a faggot, weed isnt addicting and you can quit on a moment notice if you arent some jelly spined chucklefuck who cave in to the slightest pressure.

T. Faggot who smoked a fuckton of hashish and went cold turkey on a whim a few years back
Yes they grow. You even get much denser buds with lower temperatures. The winter is the perfect time to grow.
California weed is laced and dirty.
why mutts put 25 different pesticides on their weed???
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I do have legal weed. In fact if you don't you are subhuman.
Bro the amount of dope my white skinned biogerman friends gave me for fucking freesince the legalization happened is ridiculous.
pretty much everything that feels good can become addictive you stupid leaf
They're the same picture. Why do weedheads always try to trivialize and compare two bad things to justify them both?
its funny because supposedly the limit is up to 50g of dried weed
my first plant produced 85 lol
Wasted digits
Grow your own retard. A THC level of less than 20% isn’t real weed anyway
American weed is about 20% THC
Weed smokers are braindead actually, you should be shot in the head.
Weed isn't even good. Only liberals with dreadlocks smoke that shit because they are in need of a personality.
any hints or sites to read up on it?
My neighbour downstairs smokes it often and it stinks like shit.
You are a turkish shitskin who thinks the earth is flat and you should be euthanised.

Also, YouTube. There are a couple of complete grow videos/channels.
It is not legal if you have to be over 18.

Legalize all Drugs for everybody. Don't treat on me.

Law is there to punish thiefs and murderers, and not regulate your live.

I'm fine with traffic-regulations and hunting regulations, since the government owns the roads and wildlife, but all other victimless crimes must be removed.

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