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Just take a good look around, men are spiraling down the drain more and more by the day.

Women have ALL of the money now and they aren't interested in spending a fucking penny on anyone but themselves, not even their non-existent children.
Only the strong will survive
>Only the nepo babies will survive

The world is just going to become a giant California
Not my problem.
Not playing the game until it's no longer jewish.
The panopticon was supposed to prevent child abuse. It really was. Yet mysteriously, child-abusing demographics are still having kids, and non-child-abusing demographics have been reproductively disabled.

Hey, stalker set. This is me losing. I was child-safe all along. Is this the loss you wanted me to have when you said you wanted me to learn to lose? Were you anti-child all along? Is the ascension of bad dad Elon Musk the victory you were after when you cried out in frustration, "God wants to be treated like an abused child!"

I called you God yourselves, you who seek omniscience and omnipotence. You whose panopticon can shatter and rebuild society's consensus according to your will, surely thou art God. So this is me opening the door to ask, "Are you winning, God?"
cooked actually
Successfully noticing more like. Being part of clown world is difficult. I see it like 1917 WW1, being in the trenches. It all looks gloomy, like there will be no end, and everything is blackpill. But it did end, as will clown world. Now, (You) and I may not survive the coming difficulties, as some of the Tommies in 1917 didn't, but it still ends.
I am a little uncertain if the Orange Man Reich is the end, or just more jewish semen in our ass and mouth. May take a little longer, but still.
That's all an Australian
everything about the modern world must perish and has no option when love of the self is greater than love of the family, people ignored the warnings now all that is left is to die, rest in sharts losers.
I'm a happy janitor who nearly everybody at works likes. I'm not done-- I'm just beginning.
>Oh noe, the goys won't slave for us any more
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they steal your children, maim them, ruin them, and break them into sex faggot slaves
are you gonna lie down like a dog or realize the magic goes 2000 years deep and they want you dead
Men can't fail if they are done. You have to be "not done" in order to be in a state of "failing."
Women don't have shit. They are like niggers, just spend it as soon as they get it.
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>tfw neetbux until social collapse
Men are good. It's everyone else that's fucked. They just don't know it
oh no, not at the expense of wamen!!
lmao who the fuck expects foids to solve anything? they can barely wipe their asses properly without whining about men.
Ya because of lesbian cranberry sauce occult rituals and Ellen Degeneres
Just make angeneralnat this point. Men Are Done General - /mad/
>solutions that dont come at the expense of women
no such a consideration was made for men when writing laws to subsidize women and the refusal to even entertain the notion that maybe this isnt working is exactly why nothing will get better
I gave up on life. A woman will never love me so what’s the point if I can never start a family
>solutions that don't affect women
but women ARE the problem
men don't wanna work or in some cases live because women think they're scum, how the fuck do you tackle that without telling women that men are in fact not scum?
you don't, you give worthless platitudes then carry on blaming men for the miserable existence you put them through. Then they kill themselves and you only care if they changed their name to jennifer beforehand. Fucking christ
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they're probably looking at this purely through an economic lens.
It’s the latter anon, he came out saying the death penalty should be used against anti-semites. This clown world has a lot of honking to do yet.
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I'm neeting at my parents with my assets work for me
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Men have declared spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
Failing? I've practically won life, I have my own house and can play vidya, watch anime and do whatever I want all day while working a very cushy part time job. Thanks mom for teaching me women are all cheating whore not worth wasting time on.
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>Women have ALL of the money now
>take their privileges and hand them out
>take their college positions and hand them out
>take their jobs and hand them out
>solutions that don't come at the expense of women
Yes, men are done. They're done carrying a society that steals from them on their backs. They're done being told other people will benefit from their work. Enjoy the consequences of white men opting out. I'm sure competency crisis will just solve itself.
>Splurge on meat for dinner

That's truly a "you deserve what you tolerate" problem. Fill up your cart with the food you want and walk out the door.
women are notorious spendthrifts
Those girls are deep in credit card debt but they believe in magical thinking so to them the credit card debt doesn't exist if they don't think about it.

Try looking up what percentage of their income single women typically spend on rent.
>Women have ALL of the money now
and none of the presidency
i have a good job why should I play captain save a hoe?
not my problem
these women are all broke and racking up debt
All the very good jobs are reserved for women. The one where you do zero work and make millions like Private Equity are exclusive to women for new recruits, even headhunters would admit it. As a man you're just here to get exploited until you break and fired.
I'm not black so I can't get away with it
even if it's morally acceptable due to the states of things
yeah, but how do we make parallel societies as men who don't want to participate in the bad society?
My job is alright but what do people like Scott Galloway think makes men want to marry modern women? What drugs are they on? Not a single guy who has a shot with women that I know puts a ring on them.
> Maybe next year
Because we're not stupid
1. Puberty boost IQ with 20 points as we learnt from the trannies and their puberty blockers.
2. Girls get in puberty 1-2 years before the boys.
3. Modern Schools force boys to go in the same class as girls that are smarter because of puberty, and then the researcher claim that it's some huge mystery why boys lose out to girls.
4. the later puberty makes for a larger IQ over all, but the boys never catch up academically.
Nope just smart men who don't abuse women
>Only the strong will survive
don't allow immigrants, especially Indians and Chinese into your country if you truly believe that. Given equal opportunity as a white man, they will leave them white folks in the dust.
giving the hedonistic retard gender with no concept of time beyond the one she's currently living in will certainly be good for us

Trump winning did nothing with the walking female blackpill, I'm sorry
Become a criminal
>but the boys never catch up academically.
wow I didn't get an A on my africa nigger paper, I'm so sad about that... NOT
>yeah, but how do we make parallel societies
you are funny guy. parasitize the system and wait for it to die
"solutions that don't come at the expense of women."
I would actualy like to read that article now. Mainly because I have free 50 min and a good laugh would make this snowy/rainy day much better.
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By "the strong" he means those who pay the most tax without complaining
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I thought this was what women wanted, no? They have the oportunity to earn more than men, all careers are open to women, traditional gender roles are mostly a thing of the past. This is what they have wanted and what they have worked towards for many decades. So men making less money than 40 years ago should not be such a problem for women, because they are independent and can enter a relationship as equal partners. Surely they realized that they can't both have the cake and eat it, no?
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4AM roastie wagies! time to get up and make my tendies for me!! don't sleep in now, we need all 100 hours of output from you to keep nasdaq pumping!!!
Yes. Let's see how women like it when they have to hold the world upon their shoulders whilst we """slave""" away in the kitchen.
Prepubertal poster detected as you did not understand the point.
Which is why we all need to stop working. Let this society crumble without the fruits of our labors. They deserve it.

Another based idea, start invading woman dominated fields and ruin their shit like they ruined ours.
>God wants to be treated like an abused child!
The Father is as enevelent as he can be, and has as stern as he needs to be. Please do not conflate discplince and sterness with abuse, based on earthly false idols
Odds are most 4channers can't do that since most zoomers are classified as independents, so they can only get disability which is really hard to get.
Meanwhile 99% of the jobs that are actually productive, i.e. produce goods needed to maintain a functioning society, are done by men
yeah, but most porn is done by women, so it evens itself out.
Yeah... in a completely different country
Jew or chink demoralization thread
Jews and chinks will now be shot on sight in the US
I like your plushies!
Women are worst cheaters since they get free stuff while also cheating. Think about it. Feminism wouldn't be quashed easily since its been there for a century. Unless there is a religious revolution, I doubt We can speedrun its removal.

>men are failing in every aspect of life
>men are white supremacists, because they are overrepsented in STEM etc..

soo.... which one is it xDD ?? sigh.
done with what? i made $2k today from trading crypto.
Go back to college. There's something liberating about being the only straight white male in the room, unironically.
on strike
So, thats why Feminist are hellbent turning boys into trannys.
Surely results like this must be indicators of Systemic Oppression?
unironically, how does one get into trading crypto? what sources of info or books do you recommend bro?
White supremacists are better at everything while also failing everything. Maybe this article is talking about 3rd world immigrants?
If you can't start a family, start a business that helps your fellowman. For the good of Mankind.
And men are retarded faggots for doing so
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Feels good.
I have work in 4 hours you piece of shit
In this case, it's self inflicted. Male culture tells young men that education is bad. It teaches men to be entitled and expect everything served to them on a silver platter. They don't think they need to work hard like everyone else.
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>gun smith cats
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Once you realize how utterly cucked modern western society is, it's dangerously blackpilling. Congrats, Boomers and Jews, this is your utopia: a society without a future for itself, other than to be replaced by black and brown hordes while gaslighting its rightful sons that they somehow deserve to lose it for "original sin".
Let it burn. Let it all burn. Let the barbarians take us back to the old ways. I won't be participating in the retributive gang rapes and violence, but neither will I lift a finger to stop it. There is no democratic solution to our dystopia. Accelerationism all the way baby.
No us men feel the yearning for a global conflict that's been bread into us on the horizon and the weak are cowering at the thought. My entire adult life I've seen it coming slowly but surely I enlisted at 18, served 10 got out, I will be among the first to be recalled and sent to die in the fields of our forefathers and I will face that death like a fucking man.
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tl;dr im a 26yo total fuckup with no skills or experiences and no will

i'm 26 and i wasted the past 10 - 15 years fucking around on the computer and i got nothing except a GED and i never learned how to drive, i don't have a permit or license, and family cant help and i have no friends. i dont know anything about the world. what do I do? im living off of unemployment checks until 2025
i've worked retail and food service but i prefer being a NEET. interacting with the public and minimum effort workplaces don't really pay enough and they don't really teach you any concrete skills. besides finding an autist back of house job to afford a used lexus and maybe filling out FAFSA next January and trying to go to college idk what to do. i didnt learn how to ride a bike or tie my shoes until i was 20 because it was too frustrating and i always immediately lost at sports. don't even know what my SAT score is, never took it. got terminated from my grocery store shelf stocking job after i got burnt out with the 40/hr week and commute, the stress of not knowing what to do with myself and the prospect of working retail forever compounded with not enough free time to process my situation led me to try and cope with heavy cannabis concentrate use and i stopped showing up to work and got terminated. i haven't had a job since may of 2024. i've quit weed at least

can't join the US military because of OCD and Recurrent Major Depression diagnoses and Cymbalta (duloxitine) which i was rx'd after my psych ward stay (i couldn't think about anything except planning suicide so i just went to the ER)

picrel was what i was doing when i was 20
the world in 50 years is going to look hilarious
It's going to be an irradiated ashtray
I also only have a GED but im currently enrolled into a school to become an artisan.
those kinds of low entry jobs are shit and I dont blame you for not taking them.

take this test and put in the order of letters in on the second link, it'll give you a list of jobs that might fit you. See if there's anything that appeals an investigate which are viable or if there are more realistic jobs in that field that might appeal to you. then figure out what you need to do to get where you want to be. Snoop around at companies and ask if you can maybe take a look around or something. I did this with goldsmithing and via the government got to take a look at a smith in his workshop. Remember the private sector or going independent can be just as viable as going through the official school system.
Having a clue about what you want and a concrete plan on how to get there alone can be a huge motivator. It was for me.
I forgot to mention im 32, its not too late. Some people make a major career change or dont really know their place in life till their 50s. dont get too hung up on that, focus on what you think you can do to support yourself, finding an occupation compatible with you.
People are different, I am 31 and feel too old for most things. Have a career though
Going to school for 12-16 years is work, and nobody gets paid shit for it and actually they get charged directly and later in life through taxes.
Their previous solutions all came at the expense of white men, but let's not discuss dialing any of that back. How do we blame men for this?
>men have stopped making money for women
>men are failing
lol sounds like the men are doing fine
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Another demoralization spam/poorfag cope thread. Neat. Or should I say -- NEET
well like I said, motivation matters. if you dont have a career and feel rudderless you need some kind of goal to work towards even if its just something humble
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Stop bumping spam threads you niggerfaggots


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