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>I heard Duisburg are such a gloomy city and Frankfurt are unsafe too tho
in one you will be raped by a Palestinian, in the other they will make soap out of you
Frankfurth is by far the worst city here, just avoid it. Nothing but arabs, junkies and drugs, I knew this girl in my.town that had her mom just die there from drugging out. She then made a "weekend trip" there and dissappeared for a few months.
I was on aa date with her, she told me she was homeless and tweaking. I respect her honesty but I didn't hit that.

Also Berlin, it's Mordor
off yourself, you nigger
>Also Berlin, it's Mordor
That's what we Berliners want you to think btw
Berlin is actually pretty nice aside from two certain regions
When I visited I didn't like it one bit.t. Saarland hick
Which one of you is called Ackmed?
Fucking hell
>oh no the hecking immigrants are waving a palestinian flag
>that's an antisemitism
nice proxy jew
If you're a junkie and/or shitskin.
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>Berlin is actually pretty nice aside from two certain regions
Full of gay sex party clubs with trans walking around anywhere at night
All of them. Germany is basically delhi with technology and cleanliness.
Them being there is the problem not them supporting palis.
die in a ditch, you monkeys
The industrial parts of Germany are the same as the industrial parts of any country.
berlin is one of the worst cities i even been in it's basically upscale new delhi
I live in a really isolated rich people area, and it's great, but whenever I enter the cities I just feel like a foreigner in islamistan. Citydwellers did this to themselves.
>German women ecstatic for BIG ARAB COCK
the blonde aryan women lust for arab men
>uri (((cohn)))
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It's a Jew
World war 2 never ended.
Unless the jews are stopped nothing will be safe.
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not my problem
its clickbait, you donkey
Them and rapejeets being there is also because of kikeroaches, ramloo
>Berlin is actually pretty nice
lol. lmao even.
I kinda feel this region is the last hope for Germany. just preserve the good old Germany as hard as possible
Yes, perfect, please please don't come here it's an absolute shithole heh
There isn't much one can do, gubmit hates old germany and is hellbent on getting it ""modern"" if you know what I mean.
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just search for usual suspect surnames there.
So many women crave muslim cock. German white women impregnated with brown seed. They will give birth to ARAB BVLLS.
Putlers Hybrid Warfare against The West™ did this
Cultural consumption predicts behavior and mentality- monkey see, monkey do.
In the western zone you regularly see Germans wearing MC gear, Cowboy hats, Confederate/USA flags, British flags, and mudsharking. They externalize whats in their head, victims of the psyop.
In the free eastern zone you don't see this, you find Reich flags, Iron crosses, American flags used as doormats, grafitti of resistance, and segregation. In my experience I didn't see mudsharking or cappuccino babies there.
t.lived in both zones
Berlin is beyond saving. Hope the Russians nuke it.
I have been to frankfurt a decade ago and even then it was such a shithole

That's why the percentage of foreigners in Berlin is so high it's lower than in Munich wait what
Meant for >>489110700
unsafe in this context means there is a .2% chance of getting stabbed instead of .1% chance. Frankfurt is perceived as bad because the druggies and drunk people are concentrated in Hbf which has always been a shithole. Also major transportation hub so you see a lot of diverse people. Once you move out of there like walk ~100m its a normal German city. Also the underground is very ugly which gives it a gloomy atmosphere. There is a street on which nearly all the migrants shops are right next to the red light district the people there would look crazy/unfriendly but usually they mind their own business. Went to school there the crazy usually keep to themselves no idea how it changed the last 10 years.
Frankfurt hbf has a bad reputation for decades now before the brown horde it was gangs and the warehouses at the ports there used to be very hostile to outsiders as well now its all luxury apartments.
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it was like this even back then?
fuck you and your nigger thread
How about Herne, Essen, Bochum?
Every shitty in West Germany is shit, eastern shitties over 50k are also shit.
Frankfurt MAIN

Frankfurt/Main is West German Skat Francisko/Manhatten.
Frankfurt/Oder is a safe East German town near the Polish Border.

For the Record: The Wogs, who came to Frankfurt/Main were let in under Kohl.
I live in Berlin and this is semi-true. A ton of talahons/kanaks at Alexanderplatz, Neukölln is absolutely swarming with arabs, niggers, t*rks and whatnot. If you ever come to Berlin, stay away from the TV tower, there's nothing to see there, don't visit the shitskin central (Neukölln).
Grunewald is the rich part of Berlin, Marzahn/Rudow are poor ones (at least Marzahn is clean). Kreuzberg, for the most part, is a leftist shithole. Ku'damm is where the tourists are, so it's always crowded.
Tempelhof is nice to have a walk at.
I spent 2 years in Karlsruhe 2010-2012. I loved it. It's feminazi and mudslime hell now from what I've been told
How about the northern lands; Lübeck, Kiel, Rostok.....Bautzen in the Sorbian areas interest me because we have a small community of Sorbians here in Texas
Why do you you faggots not realise you can hate both jews and muslims.
In fact, its a requirement to do so if you arent a dumb nigger.
NRW should be cleansed with fire and pork fat.

Dresden was ok, not sure if it still is. That said, many germs, even the liberal ones, are waking up to the incading inbred horde and the horrors of pisslam.

>t. Lived in Germany + extremely islamophobic
Because that's not a German, that's a mudslime diaspoo-ra
we are not called germs
We were around the same area, around the same time.

How did you miss the huge amounts of muslims foreign students? The insane coalburning?

Heck, I recall the women back then would even go for lanky ass Ethiopians and I remember asking them why, and they said "German men look too much like us: blonde and blue eyed" 0_0.
I'd call you alter but I still don't know if you're a talahon
you both look the same
All big cities in the west are shithole

Rural germans village with native germans are beautiful
Rostock glownigger seething again.
What is Mainz like?

My paternal line hailed from Mainz.
from my own experience frankfurt and berlin are the biggest shitholes in this country.

duisburg is the worst shitskin shithole in germony.

a few kilometers away in düsseldorf is the worlds biggest japanese expat community. oddly, it's not shitholey at all. almost like race and culture matter
jsut google "walking in Mainz" on youtube
how fucking hard can that be?

Jews and Muslims are the same Muslims in my town opened a liquor store while there not allowed to drink liquor it's no better than the Jews and interest.
Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel is really that bad. Bankenviertel is bad in a different way, and seeing the skyline from far makes one cringe.
The neighbouring city Offenbach is also fucked.
But just because they smell bad and are filled to the brim with brown people I never felt unsafe there. I would get wasted at concerts or raves there and never was hassled or anything, just offered drugs and left alone when I declined. I also have no issue taking the kids there for visits in the museums or theatres.
Nobody ever talks bad about them, aside of sportsball rivalties. Havent been there, cant say something about those myself.
vatniks are getting desperate
Left wing dominated university city with tons of history and culture, but still provincial enough, theres a fair almost every weekend in some part of it, Mainzer (and the other Rhinehesseans as well) are natural born alcoholics with high standards regarding wine. I love it and am a proud Meenzer Bube.

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