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but how will raise birthrate if nonreproductive sex
Fucking hell. It's just bots botting.
I figured it would be over after the election
How much is the coochee there?
>jews begin to take hold
>instant uptick in prostitution propaganda
They play a dangerous game
>Its the locals fault
Media needs to be sterilized at this rate.
>$100 USD for 20 mins

i don't think so jew
Japan has always been a godless degenerate hole
>local women
Did they just called whores “local women”?
probably greedy fucking ukrainian whores ripping off nips for white girl pussy
I’ve been here for three weeks and was unable to find a qt
Why am I so fucking ugly
It literally is the local yakuza's fault.
They exploit women and act like it's cool.
It is not cool.
Also Philippines media lies about real life terrorism btw.
I'm sorry.
I will have sex with the Japanese women
I read an article about this. Apparently the girls are high school aged. Sick!
I refuse to believe I can get a better deal in Tokyo than in Saigon
LMAO, just booked my flight
My brother went there in July and got laid with a local Japanese qt the same day. And the next one the next day. He said they were not even hookers. He met them randomly in supermarket and outside of his meeting venue. He was there for the official work so he returned on the third day.
When was this?
>Local Women
We’re gonna need another list…
>trapping women
>no I HAVE to be a prostitute to foreign men
Japanese women have been selling their dignity for decades now and I'm supposed to pretend they feel shame over there.
then they're not local women
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Kek. Cucked Japs literally selling ass and sucking Western and Jeet cock.
>Glory to China!
I work in Finance and make semi monthly trips to Japan. If you have a decent amount of money its a buffet of pussy. Every degen fantasy I have ever have has been fulfilled.
>Getting my asshole rimmed
>Double blowjob
>Getting my dick sucked and asshole rimmed at the same time
>Fucking a high school girl on her 18th birthday
>Tons of ass fucking

Thank God for the weak yen. Going back in January
>sex bad, killing good
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soon to the usa.
unfortunately unitedstatians are fat and ugly.
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Why would they give up tight sideways Asian pussy and pay more for loose white pussy?
and where do you source the highschool pussy?
Our media is too easy for you Americans. Might as well not tell it how they work.
Made by the same asshole anon of the post above you , trust it bro
Their birthrates and their wages don't match up. Are their standards that high? No love for their own only foreigners? Its strange since Japan has a reputation for filtering out foreigners on the regular.

Why would you pay 20 times more to bang the same Latina women you could bang in Mexico?
why do you disgusting chink monkeys need to raise your mindfucked manlet population anyway
They can just don't whore themselves out for host club money, apparently that's a monumental task for women
Silence chink. Death to chinks.
I plan on visiting Tokyo soon. I want to explore the shops and eat lots of Ramen as well as try other foods. Tokyo seems like a very futuristic city and I don't know any other places worth visiting. As for sex tourism idk maybe I'll buy some hookers but overall paying for sex is so unsatisfying. Now if Japanese women are intreasted in dating and hooking up I'd be up for that, but I'm not to enthusiastic about that.
You sound like the world's most boring bot.
I'm being realistic I'm a manlet women don't like manlets.
These are people who make movies of women stuffing octopus up their snatch while a random homeless dude urinates on them. The ultimate redpill here is that for Japan this is normal. Because of anime you all think they're some great ancient culture. They're younger than most central Euro nations and during WW2 when the masks came off they sent our soldier's to death camps. Truth is, these animals are barely human and muh samurai were delusional old men larping in bamboo armour.
We used to it
Media here literally paints America as the savior of my country
No wonder why nobody takes you Americans seriously anymore.
>Welcome to Neo Tokyo 2024

Nothing new in Japan. Sex industry is a local women's social welfare office. When they have fucked up everything else, porn and prostitution is always there to help them financially. You forgot to mention pedofilia though! You can buy child porn in any local grocery store and get a under age whore in any night club area.
Fuck off bot.
>Women can just open their legs and take a dick for huge cash.
>Can charge upwards of 200 bucks, A days wage. Meaning that can work for literally 30 minutes a day
>Sex feels GOOD
>Oh the horror, the desperation! These women are TRAPPED. They can't easily save all that cash and move on!
>Millions of people are actually trapped in shitty jobs that are way worse on your body and can't move out of them because they are living pay check to pay check.

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