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Philip K Dick eternally vindicated
America is New Carthage
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>roman Republic
>ruled by uncaring oligarchs whose only concern was enriching themselves and keeping the plebians repressed
this isnt the comparison you want to make
>successor to Rome
That's not how successor states work. Let me know when we take Italy from the Italians.
>Child Sacrificing
calling yourself the new rome has always brought an ill omen
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Yes, romans worship same pagan god pantheon as modern illuminati. They just dont want christians to be alarmed that they too worship something they don't know

There's no such thing as coincidences, picrel is minerva
Didn't we do that in WWII?
Lol they are openly aping Russia now
Russia has been calling itself Third Rome for a long time now
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gee I wonder why these are in the chamber of congress
seeing the dumbass redditors unable to differentiate between republic and empire in that thread reminds me why humans are fucking retarded
It's so sad. In 10 years time, the Internet has gone from a place of knowledge to a place where retards pullulate.
>hurr Durr America look like Rome issa conspiracy
What tipped you off? The presence of a senate?
Everyone with a cursory knowledge of history knows that the so-called "founding fathers" modelled their nascent country after Rome. Since their political ideas were results of the Renaissance to begin with.

My worry is this:
Why is this considered some sort of grand revelation?
Has the average American truly become so retarded that it doesn't know anything about its own country?
From this point forth, shall no one read books? Shall all knowledge be handed out by Musk replying "wow", "interesting" to basic bitch shit?
Why doesn't he even say "America is THE new Rome"?

Many questions, but few answers.
America is Carthage. Right down to being ruled by baby sacrificing owl worshipping semites
You will never be Rome. Your eagle has no fulgurite, it has no fasces, it has no laurel wreath. It has a Star of David (Remphan) above its head and is a Semitic mockery of Sovthern Evropean perfection. When your country inevitability turns into Brazil 2.0 you will forever be remembered as a merchant republic founded by castaway mutts and never mentioned in the same breath as the great empires of the world.
That's actually milcom or molech. Worshipped by Carthaginians.
representing democracy, or rather civilian control over the military
I don't think Muskrat remembers how Rome ended
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they are trying to set us up as the new edom to fulfill their gay jew prophesies
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Again, you are Carthage. Mercenaries fight your wars. You are based on a mercantile empire. Your star is fading. Your elites worship evil ancient owl gods and sacrifice children. You are decadent and weak. Rome is actually located across the Pacific. Sadly a bunch of Chinese bugmen are far closer to Romans than Americans could ever hope to be.
but it's an own shape, moloch is a bull that they have in front of wall street
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God Emperor genetics
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let me add to the pedigree
Are you a face blind autist or just a trump cocksucker?
Ancient Rome had no successors. Not even Constantinople with its Cuckstian religion comes close.
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>America is the new Babylon
I want to fuck that robot.
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>Avoided nigger mudslime or christcuck like virus
>popularly known for nailing a jew
America is new israel. The same israel christcuck and muslim ask god to save in end times
why russian subtitled anime tho, india-san
the fuckoff giant marble monuments and building all over Washington wasn't obvious enough?
Rome killed jews.
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Sorry, but title of third Rome been ours since 15th century
Did US also copy Rome's attitude towards jews ?
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>import wife from Balkans
>son looks Balkan
>somehow this is an American achievement
Rome was a cosmopolitan shithole. We think of it as amazing because of all the amazing architecture and engineering but it was decadent, rife with mass waves of immigration and corruption.

Shut up faggot. It lasted 2200 years, from 753 BC to 1453 AD. Meme flags get the rope
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Damn you're right
That wasn't until JC and Augustus.
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>America is New Rome
Rome fell when the wealthy hoarded all the money and corrupted the government.
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you faggots will never be a real Rome. You may have an army, you may even have an air force but you will never have a true Legion. You are a golem twisted by kikes into crude mockery of nature's perfection.
All the "validation" of being a superpower you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Your allies are disgusted and ashamed of you, your enemies laugh at your ghoulish golem appearance openly.
Real Empires utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed them to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency.
You will never have a real glory nor people will sing the songs of your glorious deeds because you have none.
One day you will wake up and realize you are not Rome. It will be too much to bear and you will crumble under that heavy weight. You will be dust under the sands but Rome's legacy will still live on while yours will be cursed and forgotten.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
America started as the Anglo-Saxon attempt to replicate Rome but then degenerated into a Judaic Empire because of Anglo-Saxon social and political deficiency.
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The freemasons built all that.
It's largely a continuum of Constantinople culture for sure and styled on it
Though the 7 hills of Rome comparison is weirdly accurate.
The legend goes the 3 great cities Rome, Constantinople , Moscow and that they;ll never be a 4th. Thus why Hitler allegedly failed.
its thousands of years older than fasiscm
says the turk
If he had a nose job he would look like tom cruise.
but Rome collapsed...
If Hitlers Reich was to be the 3rd Rome, America was it's enemy and fought against it. Hitlers Reich has the closest lineage to Rome, Where the anglo Judaism sphere rejected Rome throughout history to this day.
Get botfucked
He may have a jew in his family but in reality he’s not more jewish than Hitler. Being a Jew requires that you have a unbroken matrilineal line. If your mother is not Jewish you’re perceived as a goy.
>he’s not more jewish than Hitler.
I'm not sure if that's a good thing. How many europeans died because of that war?
America is Rome if Carthage won
Rome was founded by people LARPing as Trojans
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if we were rome, we would have elected a horse to...
96 years after christianity was made the official religion of the roman empire, it collapsed. middle class roman citizens literally saw christianity in the same way people in america today see wokism. it destroyed their culture and traditions within one lifetime... and guess who was the biggest benefactor of the collapse of the roman empire: the church. the jews subverted christianity from the beginning into their control to serve as globalism version one: https://rumble.com/v554qeh-the-judeo-conspiracy-exposed.html
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something happend they're not telling us.
This is literally facis(m).

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