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Why did the USA fuck up it manufacturing base?!?!
nice try moshe
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simple as
Like the ragheads would buy from us at this point. If there were a single country outside of Israel that would absolutely allow Israelis to fuck with a shipment, it’s the United States.
Motherfuckers would be better off sending smoke signals than buying from our zogged asses.

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Now that we know Mossad planted thousands of explosives in pagers, blowing up the twin towers doesn’t seem so crazy anymore, does it?
I agree that's why you should never discriminate against Muslims by checking them at the airports

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Are you a wageslave in your country?

I am but I plan to become financially independent in the future by marrying rich and then chilling out in a poor country like Canada
how can a post be so retarded?
his bait worked

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Look guys, I got banned on Wikipedia for (((making an encyclopedia)))
Also Wikipedia is being an asshole for banning me.

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Why do they always mention
>Sandy Hook

But they never mention
>Las Vegas

Why don’t they ever mention that deadly shooting? There was like 800 casualties and they can even blame a White man… yet they never do. It’s like the whole event was memory-holed… WHY?
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b u m p
>then the other faggot you agreed with trying to say Paddock's brother was in prison for life due to cp, then said I was wrong when the charges were dropped because the FBI messed up when trying to plant evidence.
how many of you npc retards will continue to think his brother is still not detained or was NOT solicited with deals not recorded? There is reason he was a leaky faucent and now not but his requires legit IQ and for you not to be an NPC to ask these questions. I won't lead further cause election tourist/aibots need to be filtered.
why does it say the charges were dropped in July 2018 then. Strong fed signal coming from you. It was a big /pol/ topic when the chargers were dropped
>why does it say the charges were dropped in July 2018 then.
>why were muh consipracy theories dropped
How to spot a glowie 101
stop typing like the rest of the spotted glowies or drink bleach you NIGGER
That's so metal

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it has never been so warm in September (measurement begins at the year 1960 when the region is populated by men)


+21.3 degrees in European scale. Thats quite farm in arctic circle region. Especislly on September.

Its more than previous record of +18 degrees.
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>21.3 in north pole
>10 here
greta was right
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Yeah, it's unusally warm here too. It was above +22C today and right thunderstorm is coming.
X4.5 solar flare literally arrived monday
about 20c here in central Norway

It's literally SUMMER you people are hysterical.

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What ethnicity is this?
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Looks 70% Russian and 30% Chinese. So, Kazakhstan?
Fingolian steppe princess
That's 100% dk dk dk dk dk dk !
Slavic with kike admixture. Probably Ukrainian.
she is gonna hot the wall so bad

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To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”
But the woman was too busy watching TikTok on her smartphone and didn't listen.
Eve didn't even know she was betraying God when she took the apple from the tree of knowledge.
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>can't get a proper haircut
>regularly says retarded things live on TV
>can't have a basic convo with another human being without spilling spaghetti
>married an indian, still shits on immigrants
>called donald trump hitler, became his VP a few years later
>lied about everything in his childhood
>is hated by Appalachians
>did gay shit in college
is this what winning looks like?

>be american
>have a kid
>get shot and watch as she plays on her mobile calmly while youre dying
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Buh nah nah nah, bah bahhhh bah bah bah bah nuh nuh nuh nuh hey ho hey hooo
because they don't want to raise them and leave it to the schools and drugs and internet to keep them busy and sedated until they're adults

Cobain was a manlet from Seattle who liked to wear dresses and make songs about abortions
catchy music though
poor thing
how does burgerpolice always get's in their house with such ease ? is their door made out of cardboard just like their walls ? why don't the burger popos just bust in through the walls like koolaids man ?
remember to sage threads like these


christchads won
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>When the conquiztadors came to america for first time
Literally goal post shifting.
>Catholics are not real Christians
Look up "Katholikos", it's literally mentioned in scripture in greek (Original language of the NT), let that sink in.
Come on, bro.
Explain why James the lesser is called Jesus brother without being his brother by the same mother.
The roman empire was nott mixed raced, we were all South/Eastern European. All other races in it were literal slaves from conquered lands, There were no roman non-Europeans in position of power in politics, army or business, they were either slaves or sent as token soldiers to the warfront meatgrinder.
>The roman empire was nott mixed raced

""The ancients did not fall into the error of biological racism; black skin color was not a sign of inferiority. Greeks and Romans did not establish color as an obstacle to integration in society. An ancient society was one that for all its faults and failures never made color the basis for judging a man.""
-Frank Snowden, Jr

One of Keir Starmer's early release prisoners, the moment he was released he immediately drove to his ex-girlfriend's house to stomp on her head.

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Good on him.
We ought to release every prisoner we have behind bars. I'm sure it would really enrich America.
it's ok. he's white.
Women btfo
His drivers license wasn't expired?
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>The Society of Protectors (SOP) is a secret group created by Keith Raniere to teach men how to be men

>It is an organization where men pay a fee to learn the truths of manhood according to Keith Raniere, a man who cannot function without the aid and assistance of a group of female sycophants. All the members of SOP must sign an agreement wherein they promise never to speak to anyone – male or female – about the teachings they receive from Raniere

>Its website claims it “helps men to become more powerful and influential members of society by giving them tools and a network of honorable men for support. SOP is not only curriculum, it involves practical tests to strengthen us with respect to readiness, responsiveness, character, honor, strategic thinking and leadership.”

>Among the teachings are:

>Men control the world. Women are subordinate to men

>Men are polygamous by nature. Women should accept the polygamy of men

>The stronger the man, the more women he can own and control

>Men cum on women’s face or bodies to claim ownership of them. If a woman accepts his cum, he owns her

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Murmur infiltrates into B9F and kills Yuuka's father before Ayato and others arrive. Yuuka runs toward her father's corpse and gets seized by Murmur. Several other high-level demons who are Bael's allies, including Abaddon, Leraje, Decarabia, Ipos, Lamashtu, Asherah, and Astarte, have been invited by Murmur to the place and waiting aside. After tearing apart Yuuka's body into 8 pieces, each demon eats one of her body parts. Murmur takes Yuuka's head, saying he will dedicate it to Bael, before spreading poison gas in the shelter. Due to the lack of hazmat suits, Ayato decides to let the others have them and rushes back to the command room, quickly fainting on the ground (other choices exist). When Ayato regains consciousness, he finds himself in the underworld Yomotsu Hirasaka, then gets kicked out by Yomotsu-Shikome because he is not dead yet. Ayato returns alive and escapes the shelter with Newton
>Upon exiting to the ground, Ayato encounters Yamase, who has already joined the demons and been serving under Dantalion. Ayato defeats Dantalion (it is possible to lose, however) and is then invited by Sonoda and Kamikawa to join Pentagramma, a resistance organization against Bael. There Ayato reunites with Hayasaka and Emi but learns that Nishino has left alone. The five people form a new squad under Watanabe, the leader of Pentagramma. The squad sneaks into the Shinjuku Labor Camp and defeats Dantalion, the boss of the area. A few days later, Pentagramma launches a strike against Shinjuku Tocho. Ayato and other squad members fights through to the top, defeats Adonis and finally kills Bael. Kamikawa sacrifices in the battle. Pentagramma occupies Shinjuku Tocho as the new base

>Thinking that even Bael, the most formidable enemy has been defeated, the whole Pentagramma enters a state of euphoria and everyone keeps drinking all day and night. Suddenly one day, Adonis and Baal Hadad leads an army of demons to attack Pentagramma. Ayato and Sonoda are captured and taken to the Yoyogi Labor Camp, where they are forced to dig tunnels with no food since they refuse to show appreciation to Bael (other choices exist, where Bael will tell you he actually hasn't died). Rui comes every night to give food to Ayato and Sonoda. After a few days, Sonoda stipulates a plan to escape with Ayato and Rui. They defeat the boss Baalzephon and get out to the ground again
Advancing to near the End of History:

>Ayato climbs to the top of Tokyo Tower, defeats Tammuz and Decarabia, and obtains Yuuka's left leg. From the top of Tokyo Tower, Ayato enters Bardo, where he helps a monk named Jukai to defeat Baal Hadad. Jukai tells Ayato that he will stay in Hokokuji Temple if Ayato needs help

>It is said that Goshiki Fudo (五色不動; lit. Five-Colored Fudo) has the power of nullifying all seals in Tokyo. However, the five Fudo statues have been ripped of their eyes. Ayato enters four Fudo Temples (Meaka -- red, Meshiro -- white, Meki -- yellow, Meguro -- black) and insert the corresponding gems into their eye sockets. Jukai leads Ayato to the last Fudo Temple (Meao -- blue) where Ayato inserts the last gems. After Jukai performs a ceremony, Goshiki Fudo revive, destroying Bael's seal

>Ayato goes to Yaesu Underground District and finds the place exclusively occupied by children. The guardian of the children, Deity Marduk, is actually Nishino, who had died twice and been fused with the demon Marduk. To protect the children, Marduk has established a seal which only humans can enter. Unexpectedly, Yamase comes in and summons his demon superior Lamashtu. Marduk kills Yamase but gets sealed into the Labis Sigil stone by Lamashtu. Ayato defeats Lamashtu and retrieves Yuuka's chest
What exactly did he do that was illegal? Having a sex cult isn’t illegal
>Upon exiting, Ayato is brought to Mother Venus Cult HQ, where Shizuna summons the demon Asherah to attack Ayato. Shizuna was told that her son Kazusa will sacrifice if Ishtar revives, thus decides to prevent Ayato from doing so. Ayato kills Asherah but spares Shizuna's life (other choices exist). Kazusa reveals the truth that Ayato is actually the avatar of Hupasiyas, and he had been warned by Ishtar in the dream that he is a fake. Kazusa then tells Ayato that he and Shizuna will leave Ishtar's revival to Ayato's hands, and will not interfere with Ayato anymore

>Ayato travels to Shibuya, which is said to be the only safe place in Tokyo due to Heralds' protection. However, since Goshiki Fudo's revival, their seal also gets destroyed and demons invade into the area. Ayato defeats the demon Morax and meets Katsumi, upon whom Herald Gabriel appears and tells Ayato everything about the previous lives of Ayato himself, Bael and Yuuka, who share deep connections with each other

>Ayato and Bael's previous lives were both souls dedicated to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Ayato has undergone several reincarnations since his previous life as Hupasiyas, who killed Dragon Illuyanka for Ishtar and became her beloved hunter god. He also bears parts of the spirit of Saint John, as well as Susano-o when he reincarnated in Japan. Bael is an ancient god who used to be called Baal and intended to be the king of gods. After being defeated by YHVH and other Heralds, Baal's spirit was divided into many parts (as Bunrei/分霊) and thrown into the hell. However, Bael swallowed the other spirits there, thus regained his power and managed to return to the ground. Ayato also shares one of Baal's spirits, and Bael will become stronger if he drains Ayato's spirit

>On the other hand, Ishtar was a Babylonian goddess known for her debauchery and also Baal's lover. Gabriel and other Heralds had defeated Ishtar in a battle and YHVH tore her spirit into two parts

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In case you are wondering, and I am certain you are, yesterday's global sea surface temperature was a mere 4.84 standard deviations above the 1982-2011 mean.

In a stable world without climate change, that would be about a 1-in-1.5 million chance.
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tribal shamans used to tell retarded tribes if they didn't give them their best virgin daughters to fuck the Gods would get angry and smite them. just like in Africa today some tribes believe if a shaman fucks them, or their kids, it'll cure HIV. or some African places "healers" believe if they fuck a virgin it cure hiv.

in western countries the "shaman" are telling people that taxing and controlling everything will make the climate behave. fucking hilarious.
The data is incompatible, they changed how they measured it and still compare it to older ones.
>Of course. I've been following their tactics for over 25 years. It's very entertaining.
the most amusing thing I've encountered was exchanging emails with James Hansen in like 2002, he literally tried convincing me that his calculations proved beyond a doubt that man's influences had well overtaken the sun's influences as the primary driver of the climate
I responded that it was obvious he's not even a scientist
it was interesting the first one of the season had conditions barely ripe for one, we got hit with a solar flare, and it spun right up into a full hurricane
checked, we already knew they would simply splice dissimilar data sets together when they used briffa's carefully selected yamal data to produce the hockey stick

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It's been out for over a week. I want to see this film but I'm not going to walk into a movie theater and get live doxxed by some blue haired liberal filming everyone who buys a ticket to this
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Go to the theater you dunce. The only other people who watch it are gonna be right wing too. You think libs just sit around all day and give Matt Walsh money watching his movie over and over so they can attempt to identify strangers in the theater and dox them?? Would you really be that embarrassed that you watched a movie?
Actually yes faggot, I would be. This is not some kind of ground breaking intellectual piece of art work, it's just a faggoty MIGA conservative cuck dunking on even bigger liberal DEI faggots. I am not paying for this shit
We do
Matt Walsh is a retard
Paranoid faggot. Nothing else to say
>one anon makes a post
>this board

What do you think of these?
Honestly, i think they are hilarious in the way of disrespecting those 3k dead.
You done posting that documentary about the pig?
I don't get it why was larry the cucumber reverse circumcised? Is that his malformed brother? Is this some cain and able reference?
Where are you finding these? everything on deviantart is /co/-tier autism

Earth will finally heal
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Last I heard was that we'll have a peebble sized extra moon on the sky before it yeets away in September
>that question doesn't really matter.
yeah ok anon, like whatever
Is there a reason OPs dont post actual sources anymore? Is there a reason why people respond to garbage screenshot threads for anything more than to call OP a faggot? It didnt used to be like this.
call it
Right on schedule

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What exactly is going on here?
Peak male performance
juden dysgenics. The holocaust never happened but it should have of course.
>Shitting dick nipples
golf rumors

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What do you think about Armenian people?
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jews with more body hair

Armenia converted before Rome did, who the hell "forced" them to do it? In fact it's either Armenia or Ethiopia that became the first officially Christian countries.
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Deeply love the Armenian people and will not forget the genocide of Armenians at the hands of the now fallen Ottoman Empire. Of the persecution and massacre of Assyrian and Greek Orthodox Christians. The Lord does not forget.
>Armenia converted before Rome did, who the hell "forced" them to do it?
Their own monarch at the time.
Why did you not finish the job. Fucking turks, I swear

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>You literally have accepted a world where you live under another man’s nutsack

Someone post the webm of pajeets rubbing that old mans balls on their forehead
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>picks the one bong flag out and goes full anti mudslime for no reason
You and Paki's are the fucking same Ramdeep.
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Nigger. Boom bam pow.

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Would you call Trump's economics Keynesian? He supports large budget deficits and low interest rates, which is the opposite of what conservatives used to advocate (e.g. Ron Paul).
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Here is a mini-documentary about the Sept 2019 collapse (that we're still in rn)
https://www youtube.com/watch?v=XMkq75L5n_k
>"The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it."
> ----John Kenneth Galbraith

>"What is the robbing of a bank compared to the founding of a bank."
> ----Bertold Brecht

1. No
2. Libertarianism isn't 'conservative'
3. Those things don't matter when you have tariffs and low immigration
> --> that is *WHY* covid occurred.
a side benefit of the never-before-EVER-in-human-history global lockdowns beginning April 2020, of course was the energenceeee mail voting procedures "necessary" : which conveniently facilitated the ouster of Trump.
which they're still trying rn (2 attempts since June 2024, after the soft coup ouster of Biden) since they do not happen to have the global-lockdown card in this year's deck.
>isn't 'conservative'
checked, *nothing* is.
political ideologies don't matter.
There is only post-1970s Financialization (<--insolvent and on brink of total collapse)
Central banks rule, control (You) and your life (not "muh government" or "muh ideology")

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