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In Vinnitsa, a deceased Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier was given Coca-Cola, Lego and Happy Meal in his coffin.
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>you did it by
Post your fucking outlet, subhuman
>normalnigger goycattle getting what they deserve
Shouldn't have paid taxes, shouldn't have served Baal, shouldn't have cohabited with kikes.
Terrible, what a waste of life
>Post your fucking outlet, subhuman
im just not gunna do it pvt ramirez, keep seething tho faggot. as i said before you'd /k/ope post saying its faked or shooped. keep being a seething coward that wont do shit. ill see if this thread is still alive when i get to the bar. dont forget your booster
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We could have all been friends
Fucking kikes man

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Cheers! To Friday night /pol/ !

I get $1750 a month in NEETbux the 1st of each month so I party for the first 2 weeks of the month, smoking(weed) and drinking out of control and then barely scrape by for the last 2 weeks until my NEETbux hit again and then the party starts all over again.

Current approaching the end of this months party cycle but today I will enjoy drinking and smoking.
(not shit posting btw I can prove this. I cannot stop drinking and smoking and it is a real problem)

what are the political implications?
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I been hitting the bear hugs pretty hard this year 9.9s
>Yeah, I get $2,200 a month in NEETbux and free healthcare

How is that possible? converted to euro that's only 200-300 euro less a month than what you'd make working 40 hours a week at minimum wage in Ireland.

I'm not mad and honestly a bit jealous that you're getting the same amount I was getting 8 years ago when I was wagecucking 40-50 hours a week
I will answer your question with a question: what are the political implications of me having a 15k per month (after tax) job where I work from home and do absolutely 0 work and just spend the work day with my loving 100lb white wife, 3 kids and in my time after work I go golfing, fishing, eating at nice restaurants?

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>row boat in nature belt
>get shot from the street
Not impressed. If they had used bows and arrows instead that would be kino.

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>Foreign interest lobbying group AIPAC is running $300,000 of ads as part of a pressure campaign to influence my votes in Congress.

>The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires agents of foreign principals to register & disclose certain information. Should AIPAC register w/FARA?


>Yes but I’m pretty sure they murdered JFK for trying to get this done.

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Thanks, bro. Yeah, norway has a lot of glowies. But norway is also the most docile propaganda slurping nordic country there is, so its hard to distinguish. Ironically swedes are the most based nordics, except some icelanders.
>ooga booga a degree is saying da joooos!!!!11

Brown/pol, assemble! Kneel!
Norslop aside the majority are probably slouching on a us base somewhere far from there drinking $18 starbucks and watching the clock waiting for anti-grape slideshow #696969
I'm pretty sure the most prolific shill group here might actually be some polish discord of civnat philosemites that hate every single other european people. most prolific after jidf that is.
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>Heres your 1.3 million USD American dream McMansion
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If we're gonna get picky, 240 is Split Phase, two AC circuits of OPPOSED wave form.
Is that for a pajeet one or a high-quality White one? I doubt someone with such an important job as Inspector is going to be cheap.
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That little girl is too cute to be raised by that fat slob of a bitch. I hope everything turned out well for the guy and the little girl but the sight of that fat ugly bridge troll dashes my hopes.
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Seriously how dare you industrially shame the team who broke their backs to put this palace together amid supply chain nightmares, labour shortages and the racial problems that so desperately need our full attention and speedy resolution? I feel like this video WANTS to find fault and can't help but wonder if a more tolerant and diverse construction team would not have produced better results. This whole thing smacks of white privilege.

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So to me, Most jewish people in the USA look white to me. Like if I saw this woman walking down the street, at a glance, I would think she is white. Upon taking a closer look, I would probably assume she is jewish but the only factor is the nose. All other "Jewish" traits just seem like white traits to me. Someone once even told me that any white looking woman with natural black hair is most likely jewish or jewish descending. Also, when someone says "I am jewish" what are they really saying? Are they saying "I practice judaism" or it more like "My parents are Jewish". Like If someone said "Oh, I am vietnamese" I would take that as they are from vietnam(ethnicity). I wouldn't see them first as like whatever religion is in vietnam. So is "Jewish" a race, religion or ethnicity or is it most likely all three at the same time because they all go hand in hand in that case?
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You get it.
kikes are a religion. they are NOT a race. same with muslims, a religion NOT a race. i've no god damned idea why anyone thinks kikes are a race, it's farcical to suggest they are.
this is untrue, there are categories for jews in 23&me results.
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no there are not. on 23&me they list ashkenazi and sephardic. these are simply regions from where kike diaspora come from. why? because kikes have no "base" homeland to trace their bloodline back too like normal humans do.

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>end "dating"
>end fornication
>end bitter "1000 cock stare" whores
>end lewd, crude, and tattooed thots
>end grooming
>end std's
>end child-molesting
>end race-mixing
>end aimless, feckless, rootless men without wives
>end over-education of females to compete directly with men
>end "careers" for females outside the home
>end infatuation-based quickie marriages and eloping that only ends in divorce

The 1st plank of the coming "Christian Sharia" platform is death to all sodomites...
The 2nd plank is Arranged Marriages.
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>sudden spikes in mysterious heart attacks and posoining
>"Do not love; as it is sometimes said to any betrothed virgin, not as yet married : and is justly said, Do not love ; when thou hast become a wife, then love : it is rightly said, because it is a precipitate and preposterous thing, and not a chaste desire, to love one whom she knoweth not whether she shall marry. For it may happen that one man may be betrothed to her, and another man marry her."
- St Augustine, Exposition on the Psalms, Ps. cxxiii
st augistine should have cut his dick off and let common peasants bugger him in back alleys.
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>end grooming
>end child-molesting

So I guess you are against child brides? How else do you think White people will repopulate? Not by pandering to old roasties, that's for sure. We should be passing out White girls, like puppies, to other White men, and every 12 or 13 years you get MORE White people. Crazy right, almost like that is how nature is suppose to work. Most of you are choking to death on dike, feminist, rubber-cock propaganda.

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Why to ypipo shit so much?
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People have different bowel movements. Some only need to shit once a day, some shit three times a day.
Most important is the consistency of the stool, less so the number of times.
Bowel movement seems to mean pissing and shitting because you're really only supposed to shit once a day. Never really paid attention to how many times I piss in a day.
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>see how many times euros are actually in the street
>in the street
>shitting 7 times a day
Not fucking possible. Its not real data.
Who tf is shitting 6-7 times a day?

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When did you know your wife was the one?
I can't settle into a relationship because I always want to look elsewhere and I tell myself that I can always find something better than the girl I currently have. I'm only 23 and I can't see myself starting a serious relationship when I don't even want children before I'm 30-35. I want to discover and experiment and yet she insists that we get together officially.

I would feel like I would be missing out on so much opportunities if I got together with her. Life is short and I don't find her any more special than other girls. I am certainly attached but I am incapable of falling in love or devoting myself to her. Even if she is a blonde with blue eyes, beautiful and sweet.

How did you manage to stop seeing several girls at the same time and when did you tell yourself that you had to officially settle down? at what age ?

The political implications of my thread are undeniable. Marriage and relationships are a primary component of Western society.
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Looked at her face and I knew, looked into her eyes and saw a beautiful soul. But the actual good shit that makes a marriage last - I got lucky.
I doubt that i will ever marry. Feel like a failure for not doing something that 90 percent of the population can. Maybe I am better off alone. What do I do with my life?
Don't get married because the system is rigged
The only ones now who are getting married are the literal cucks, apologies for anything even if it's her fault, accept your kids even if they cut their dicks/boobs, or bringing a nigger home, and you won't say a shit otherwise you are the bad guy and will end up paying for all that shit
NEVER get married, move to a state that has no laws for common spouse or whatever they call it, never have anything legal you are married to her, and hopefully she sticks around long enough
Marry a woman close to your height, this way you dont have to adjust the car seat.
Otherwise, choose the ugliest one you can stand
Married 9yrs with 2 children. It's odd op. Dated a lot of women (no sex) before I got married. Only advice I have is to take some time to really reflect. I'm religious so I prayed as well, but mostly just do a lot of self-searching. It's ultimately a leap of faith but it's been the best one I've made in my life so far. Be wise.

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POTUS is playing political games.

GOP oversight has launched a probe into President Biden’s decision to withhold aid to Israel.

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At least when the dems did it, they had the “quid pro quo” smoking gun on Trump. What do these GOPniggers have on Biden?
>If we give you these weapons, you can’t kill kids.
Dont invade rafah it'll fucking ruin my chances in noveber
He’s not withholding shit. It’s theatre. Biden needs to pretend he’s taking a stand to appease minority and youth voters.
So you're mad you might get beat in the political game, not at the game itself?
Good, I hope that senile piece of shit spends the rest of his pathetic worthless life in prison for this.

Why are black people being forced into the culture? Who is behind it? How do we stop it?
Wytpipo ruined it for everyone it's all their fault

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Europeans are ALL about to get automatic US citizenship.
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Get the fuck in here brother!
Make American White Again
Finally we can become american like we always wanted
One of us, One of us, One of us
Holy fuck Houston, Dallas and Austin are the assholes of Texas, which may be the asshole of America. No one can stand Houston, not even Sam Houston himself (especially, let's ve real. He'd be pissed his namesake is a nigher/spic jungle).

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Indians have been freaking the fuck out since the past week because the mainstream media in India is openly talking about vaccine sudden deaths and blood clots and since 95% of indians took the vaccine, they are all quite freaked out and nervous right now. The Supreme Court of India is even going to hear a case about the vaccine and sudden deaths.

Supreme Court of India will hear a case regarding the COVID VACCINE and how it has killed many people. The truth is coming out finally, and indians are freaked out since 95% of them took the covid vaccine. Are indians completely fucked cause of the covid vaccine?

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this is a zigger cope thread. report for spam
it is a vaxxie cope and seethe thread. ITT vaxxies are angry as fuck
Faggot, I did not take the vax. I knew it was fake and gay and my job never even asked me to get it or mask up. I just like laughing at you fucking schizos. People retarded enough to take the vax are too dumb to fall for your fear mongering. And there are no vaxxies here anyway. Just larpers. You are a shill. Your flag and your comments confirm it.
a shill, maybe i am. But i enjoy watching all the vaxxies seething
You're not getting this. There are no vaxxies here. This board is 90% shills and 10% turbo autists that knew better than to get the vax.

Exterminate all crocodiles and aligators and just eat off surplus of animals that they would have eaten?
Hundreds of people get killed by those useless beasts every month, people like your mother, father, little sister... And green faggots would still protect them
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>what makes you think the world could win a war against them?
China would fund them until most were dead and then infest their homeland, and /pol/ would be flooded with memes redirecting elsewhere and saying they weren't actually gators, so no.
pretty much the most successful alpha, ever
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what do the numbers mean 1st degree mason!!

niggardly, if it's dont by first world hunters since it takes away from the purpose of the hunt itself, which is to retain/attain that original spirit of man.
if you are living in a less developed world (3rd world and down) then it makes sense to use this method.

funny, my dad tells stories about how my ancestors were called cerdos in spain before the diaspora.
funny we're called the cerdos, when it's goyim that eat like pigs, no hate though, it's all blood under the bridge.

i'd explain why they creep, but unless you are under constant spiritual oppression you wouldn't understand.

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literally nothing. relax
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These indolent bastards can't even make if through a part time shift without falling asleep, this is literally unreal.

Is it something in the water? Why are zoomers always so tired and stumbled around? I took a zoomettes out for drinks and she literally used her beanie as a pillow and laid down on the table in the middle of the date.

I feel like I'm living in a cartoon world.
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>while we stay comfy in home
Anon... I....
causes real wages are 1/10 what they once were and then they get out competed fro basic rent and food by people on welfare or people with fake gov jobs
Everyone is high or drunk in restaurant kitchens.
Not me man. Did do a perc 30 when I had one hell of a toothache and felt like I was flying while working on the line.
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I encounter very zonked-out waitresses at Waffle House, for example. I have a lot of respect for them willing to work on holidays, when everyone else is off or traveling. I've also been in that position and really wanted to get high, so I say godspeed. Just get me my coffee

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>why yes this post is extremely low quality.
Smoking a cig. Looking at the blue sky.
might wanna quit those, hear they're bad for you
oh, sorry for sliding BBC thread #691133 off the board. was that yours?

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Why do people say America was founded as a Christian nation when that is blatantly false? It was literally founded by Deists and Freemasons.
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Deist Freemasons. They were the enemies of the Gnostic Freemasons of Britain and the Kabbalah Illuminati

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It’s over
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What the fuck did you do, anon?
How can someone be so ugly?
You need to sort out the most pathetic ones for a great chadfish. Like treat them like absolute dogshit, dont respond for weeks. And see what rises to the top.
You get a ton of matches with fucking bot accounts.
Youre free.

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Is this person an idiot, illiterate, or intentionally butchering the names of non-POC names? Probably still making $100k as an educator with a masters degree.

humiliation ritual
That account is from a jew.
(((Surprisingly))) it's linking to a nother (((patriotic))) US citizen that happens to be a jew.
Don’t care. It’s the content here

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