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Ukrainian need to stop
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Injured and wasn't taking care of it
Grim and disgusting, but given the nature of what maggots actually do, their presence in his wound may very well be the only reason this young man still has his arm.

Ukraine still has to stop though.
This entire war is a farce and the oligarchs on both sides should be hung from a gibbet.
The EU is a clown show and exists solely as a satrapy of the Jews using the USA as their vehicle for world domination to augur genocide upon White people everywhere.
>Injured and wasn't taking care of it
Is he retarded or blind? Nah, I don't buy it. You need to be more subtle next time Ivan.
Good call. Mags prob prevented gangrene.
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They deserve all that shit for sucking USA and EU dicks instead of being neutral.

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any ideas? I don’t speak Ebonics?
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>any ideas? I don’t speak Ebonics?
Even niggers know that people who race mix are genetically inferior.
She hit the wall 5 years ago.
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Clearly this guy hasn't seen porn
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She hit the wall far earlier than that.

wars not going to start over a fishing vessel. though it will definitely increase tensions
Well it has set a precedent, we will take what we want and you can't do shit... Also, people make up a nation, fishing vessels being the lowest of the people usually, which means they'll feel lousy about it and want something done, if nothing is done and they can't even fish in peace I think they'll doubt their government.

They would NEVER do this to even Vietnam...

China has seized a Taiwanese fishing boat near the Kinmen islands, which are under Taiwan's control. [1][2][3] This incident marks a significant escalation in tensions between China and Taiwan, as China perceives Taiwan as part of its own territory. [1][4][5] Despite Taiwan dispatching its coast guard ships to intervene and issuing warnings for the release of the fishing boat, Chinese vessels instructed Taiwan's ships not to interfere, and the Taiwanese fishing vessel was ultimately transported to a Chinese port. [1][2][3] This type of seizure of a Taiwanese vessel by China is not unprecedented, as China has been increasingly assertive in its actions towards Taiwan in recent years. [4][5]

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How can a self sustaining town of less than 2000 people make a country of 55 million seethe so much?
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IIRC White South Africans are often not welcomed as refugees in other parts of the West which makes it difficult to leave.

But I think someone who would go to Orania probably doesn't want to leave anyway. They're not afraid of struggle.
This thats why the Turner Diaries is a far better route for white americans to take than the NWF
>there is nothing preventing it?
The jew controlled federal government this has been tried before and they've either been sued into oblivion or the feds have been sent in
That's true, the 3% might be temporary residents: tourists etc. Some blacks have visited.

I don't know if you know this, but a lot of modern tech and even basic plastic items are manufactured in factories.
You need logistics to become anything.

George Washington ran his farm before he ran the revolution/country

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Reminder that almost all of the popular media you loved as a youth was made by Jews and full of thinly-veiled references to pedophilia
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>Reminder that almost all of the popular media you loved as a youth
Not even my parents were born yet when that came out. Get off of 4chan old man.
I was born three decades after it came out, but I’m not uncultured swine
>pedo music from the Mesozoic
Cry Little Sister is about having sex with your little sister.
god fucking damn it, why did you end it like that? ranjeet. you suck, nigger.

Twitter is chalk full of videos of ignorant, disgusting niggers nigging- do not watch those videos. There will be posts from cultists saying that they want Trump supporters rounded cup and executed- do not engage with them. Laugh and move on. The government under Jill Biden's leadership will do everything they can to destroy the country- and that sucks. We have to deal with it for 7 more months, and that's it. Do not lose your mind. Do not let them win.

Drop ways that you meditate, methods you have, things that you do, or other things that you think about to keep your mind healthy. Do NOT let the kikes take your mind.

And no not, under any circumstances, read the image title.
keep moving forward. Simple as
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I stopped using twitter because of how badly I hate niggers (justified), so I browse /x/, meditate, read philosophy, and practice Traumatic Release Exercise. And while this may sound counter productive (I assure you its not), but at the office, when a woman or a diversity nigger opens their retarded mouth about politics, I jump right in, calmly and factually point out the fact that they dont know what they are talking about. It's actually a great way of making myself feel better. Just yesterday some cunt in my office was talking about how afraid she was about project 2025, and I said loudly but calmly "but you didn't read project 2025- you don't know what it is." and she pissed and shat and bitched but finally admitted that she hadn't read it. Feels good man. Keep me sane.
I ring the feds up and complain at them until they put me onto their manager
I will send you cassettes in the mail for 50k/yr
I am an FBI informant. I inform them that they are gay.

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You're 10 years too late zoomer. Now go do something productive to yourself or society instead of bitching about things you don't understand and can't help.

And learn how to use your computer ffs
First the gnostic memes, now this. Where does it end bros?
I do like the headline. Considering their sizeable censorship apparatus, they WANT you to see that text
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Here, I rotated it for you both
>Former President and current Republican nominee Donald Trump has stated that he has already decided upon his pick for Vice President in the 2024 election, but there’s still one more thing that he needs to do: tell them.

>During Trump’s stop in Philadelphia on his campaign tour on Saturday, NBC News asked if he had decided on a running mate. He responded, “in my mind, yeah,” and added that “nobody knows” who the choice is. Per Trump, whoever it is will “most likely” be at Thursday’s CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first against his Democrat opponent President Joe Biden.

>“They'll be there,” he said. “I think we have a lot of people coming.”

This treatment sounds familiar...
>There was no audience at the debate- only attendees.

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Why are men in Canada boxing women in the streets of Halifax during their birthdays? Is this more evidence we need a stronger LGBT movement, alongside educating Canadians NOT to assault LGBT folx in public? Why are men like this? Is coffee even good for you?
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You foreigners are just in awe of our insane pace, an MR RL time. Just us and Mark fucking Rutzou
trudeau is fidel castro's son
Imagine a subculture of mudsharks who bail out negros to fuck them. More reliable than Tinder.
Trudeaus can tongue my anus
does shalom also double as goodbye like aloha?
aloha shalom faggot kek

This is Natalie Biden, pictured here on the far left. She is reportedly one of the people who encouraged Joe Biden to not drop out of the race. By encouraging him to stay in the race, she is indirectly ensuring that Donald Trump is elected the next President of the United States, thereby changing the course of events in the world for years if not decades to come.

How do you feel that one teenage girl has so much power?
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Natalie is the only child that Joe and Jill had. She looks nothing like either of them.
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it's odd the way she walks so far away from Biden in this picture.
Serious family issues detected. He definitely licked her ice cream
Helping him crash and burn is her revenge for the inappropriate showers
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<baby bump>
>The whole world knows Dad used to force me to have showers with him

What an utter clownshow for a family. They make some of those degenerate communist leaders look like saints.
>She turned 18 before the 2020 election

She was born in 2004. She was 16 in 2020. Which incidentally was her age when the pregnancy picture posted above was taken.

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You all laughed at me yesterday, but guess what? Joe wasn't on the show again today. They're getting a divorce and won't be on screen together ever again. Maybe not yell at your wife on camera, asshole.
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Good. I hope all these assholes never have a moment's happiness or get treated as anything other than a joke again.
how to watch
it was their morning segment the day after the debate. She was flapping her second vagina and getting panicky and he told her she was the only one being a flappy gash and to shut the fuck up.
Its ok, he fucked and killed his intern. Might as well kill this bitch too. I would actually think more of him.
it must of been hot to cheat with each other at first, but actually getting married to the whore you cheated on your wife with seems like a mistake

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No but removing the tip is jewish.
Telling people they can't remove their tip is jewish.
Please don't snip the tip.
>inflate dollar value away
>give insane minimum wage
>drive prices up for customer
>add not even a 15% but 20% tip
Yea Im gonna say go fuck yourself.
Tips are a symptom. Refusing to tip is usually jewish, though in situations like OP where the workers are not dependent on tips for a fair wage it's jewish to ask for or demand one. Allowing businesses to underpay their employees with the expectation that customers will voluntarily make up the difference is very jewish.

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>it's not happening
>it's not happening and even if it is, who cares?
>it's happening and it's a good thing
>it's happening and you fucking deserve it
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>you yourselves brought niggers into your country
This is a bullshit. There is no "us". See the current state of France that's on the brink of civil war.

Also the delusional far right take of "sending them back". So naive. We'll have to kill them all/enslave them and massively retaliate on the south by continental-scale genocide and tend to the captured land with robots. Imagine what kind of cultural shift this would imply for this to happen. Even this godamned website isn't up to the challenge. The carousel of the human circus shall keep rotating forever
nicely done brother.
Logging every owl's move in a big datacenter located in the Utah: checked.

You're on the list Okhrana bro !
What do you suggest then ?
>this one lunatic on twitter surely represents the vast majority of migrants

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I will not be voting for Trump unless Benjamin Solomon Carson is his VP.
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Tucker brings absolutely nothing. It’s like trying to include Alex Jones in your cabinet by this point.
Trump bowed to the BLM movement at the end of his last term to court the black vote, he is definitely picking a black VP.
It's got to be Carson
> I will not be voting for Trump unless...

You weren't going to vote for Trump anyway.

If you had 0.1% of a clue into Trump supporters minds, you would know that our position is:
> "I will vote Trump anyway"
and not
> "I will not vote for Trump unless..."

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Is it because love and truth always win over death and greed?

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America is finished. We are all just waiting until the violence starts. Its already started in Ukraine and Israel. Once it starts here it will never ever end. Forever.
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Check your privilege, YT!!
Must be nice being middle class
>...it will never ever end. Forever.
It will end with winners and losers but the cycle is bound to repeat itself as most things do.
Good all Americans deserve unimaginable horrors.
Imagine bombing and killing hundreds of countries you can't even locate on a map. Literal retards with machine guns.
What is "normal"?
>go outside
>everyone driving cars that many need to go into debt in order to use them to live life
>eating garbage food making them sick but its tasty so they keep doing it
>caught in the fake jew black magic money trap of wage slavery then going to buy things from other wage slaves outside of their job
>access to resources and ownership dwindling for the older generations, impossible for younger generations to ever keep up
>average american paying 40% of their income to directly fund the invasion and destruction of their way of life
>gun grabbing psyops to disarm americans so that the tyrannical corruption can swoop in and enslave them forever
>attempts at destroying what remains of our food and water supply
>the vultures are circling above waiting for america to finally stop crawling in the desert
>America abandoned God and now God abandons america

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...we didn't stop to think if we should do it.
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Lmao even
You won't do shit, bitch.
fuck the gop in the ass
I mean I am just pissed that Nick didn't at least wear a Pepe shirt and give me a shout out
Good, fuck the GOP.

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THIS TICK bite a child and she died

girl, 9, was bitten, she died 2 weeks later


the girl had complained about headache exactly a year ago and was magnetically scanned in Swedish hospital, nothing weird found in her brain

then, 11 months later, she got bitten by a tick in Sweden and she died 2 weeks later

this time no magnetic scans because despite her symptoms the doctors believed only a year had passed since she got her latest scan so there possibly couldnt be anything in her brain

they were wrong since a tick virus killed her, as revealed by autopsy
she likely had got infected 2 weeks ago

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>THIS TICK bite a child and she died
past-tense of bite is bit
>girl, 9, was bitten, she died 2 weeks later
"was bitten" was used correctly in your context.
Perhaps, and it's disgusting of course- but it's better than them turning it loose and everyone just being fucked.
one of the last products available that can honestly sport the label "Made in USA"
>american education
you can hover your cursor over his flag to double check next time you attempt to make a post like this, I think you're shit out of luck if you're on a phone, maybe learn flags, but we all know that's not going to happen
> Alpha Gal
just call it the feminist disease wtf

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The secret to jews spreading faggotry has been discovered! Its for their antichrist to have a safe space.
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Who the fuck is Daniel and what does he have to do with the lofe and teachings of Jesus?
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He was sounding pretty good up until the fag part.
This is just some drunken ancient kikes writing a comic book character development fanfic bud.
>confirmed by rhe Koran.

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What exactly is the appeal in it? I’m asking as a born Muslim

I barely see the same zeal or vigor for converts of Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism for example

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I mean sure, maybe "reverting" makes you feel better...but if we walked warmly in the morning light instead? Stoked the inner fire and honed our instinctu divinitatis? Paved the path into the stars and under SOL's light?

"Reverting" isn't the only option.

I also LOVE Sun coded movies and shows. To be on topic.

SOL is the star that gives freely. The God of order, light and life in THIS plane of existence. Our sun itself, under a common name. The provider of our environment and enabler of our lives and existence continued.
they fall for tiktok/Instagram/social media dawah where dishonest individuals (many of whom live in western countries) paint this rosy picture of Islam where they say it brings you peace and all this malarkey. for the people converting, who were already coping with various drugs) they think and sometimes delude themselves into thinking that following the practices of a 7th century schizophrenic pedophile will bring the joy the pills no longer will. then they realize the intricacies beyond the funny praying and realize it's a superficial system focused on buying your way into "heaven" (just a place where you can be as hedonistic as you want) and that the Islamic "God" (satan) doesnt want to have a relationship with you.
I prefer the God that's known as the Befriender of man, the Lord Jesus Christ
>Why do they say revert instead of convert?
It's a passive-aggressive way to constantly imply they have the one true religion.
because they're retarded
islam is a religion for retards
it's an illogical muhammedans cope where they try and say that everyone is born muslim....yea, everyone is born shouting random arabic words and wanting to read quran....sure

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thank god
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>something tells me this piece of shit isn't going to win

yes yes thats all very well OP but, why are americans so fat?
>something tells me
cognitive dissonance is described as the mental disturbance people feel when their beliefs and actions are inconsistent and contradictory
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Something tells me OP needs to end herself.
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Something tells me OP is a cock sucking faggot that gives free rim-jobs outside public restrooms.

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