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Massie is the only Republican in congress who supports Hamas instead of our greatest ally, Israel. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was an Iran asset. Does he have a pager?
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How else are they going to grift the next generation of idiot kikes into staying in the kike cult?
Defamation per se will result in a lawsuit. Preserve all your documents.
It's crazy how jews can openly threaten sitting Congressmen and get away with it
It’s a good example of what Israelis think of Americans.
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It would be a great idea if everyone knew where the local synagouge and b'nai b'rith locations are at.

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This was a deep intelligence campaign. They convinced their enemy that pagers "couldn't be tracked" then provided or intercepted them and rigged them with undetectable explosives, and it actually worked and ended up maiming thousands of off duty soldiers and innocents. Quite frankly I can't understand why they would pull the trigger, they weren't at open war. Now everyone is appalled by Israel's actions if they weren't already before. Absolute terrorist state.
Aren't they like a direct iranian military force? I thought the strike was just against hezbollah. Now israel is attacking their military directly? Let me fucking guess, if iran dares to counter attack then the US will send their own kids to die in some sandy shithole, while europe and the US will have to pay for their equipment.
America has military bases all over the world dumbass. Russia and China as well. At least Iran sticks to its own region.
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this news is fake n gay. it's just pissrael trying to make people believe.

just so everyone knows, jews have a culture right now of thinking they're the only ones who can create belief systems, like religions.

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All libshits will be saying this.

KK Downing (of JudasPriest) is playing at Amish Country today (18th), Lititz PA.

At Micky's Black box today.
Please go see him.

Show the support that real actual white people have for KK the blonde hair blue eye'd guitar player.
Zoomer curly haired black eyed people and alpha-gen will come on here and talk shit.
Because they are fags and have decided they are the "real" white people because of their beliefs (they don't like young girls).

And we are the "fake white people" because of our beliefs (like young girls) even though we have blue eyes, pearlecent white skin, turquoise veins, etc.

Zoomers and Gen-Alpha hate us and denounce us; and they denounce everything we ever liked.

Please go support KK.
Mickey's black box is down the main road in Lititz, past the merovingian church and the prezle maker. Past General Sutters in etc.
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Haven't seen KK's Priest yet, saw SV a while ago and intended on seeing them at some point
An angry woman claims that KK Downing writes in his book the he likes young girls.

Please 4channers, actual Cirno lovers, and frog dislikers: go see KK and give him your support.
Artists who like young girls deserve support.

Help the Sinner.
>Haven't seen KK's Priest yet, saw SV a while ago and intended on seeing them at some point

If you're in the area please see KK and friends.

The night in NYC he played was great fun.
He also played near my town in Pachogue but I didn't know.
He said he's coming to your towns.

So please help him get back to his life of Rock Star.

Doors | 7:00 PM
Show | 8:00 PM

General Admission Standing Room | Advance $49.50 + Fees | Day of Show $55 + Fees
Reserved Balcony & Mezzanine Seating | Advance $59.50 + Fees | Day of Show $65 + Fees
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Address: 101 Rock Lititz Blvd, Lititz, PA 17543
Phone: (717) 723-8463

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Are Sexbots and AI Girlfriends really a threat to real women?
no. feminism is the threat to women.
>oh nooo. sexbots will make it so all the men we refuse to marry dont want to marry us!
Feminism is mental poison that destroys a woman's ability to reproduce by tricking them into consuming ACTUAL poison called SSRIs.
OP needs to fuck off back to tumblr though. He either searched that video explicitly, or it's in his recommends. In either case he is a faggot.
I am totally going to buy one of those female sex robots. I am going to get a really sexy one that is sweet and innocent looking. Then I am going to tie her down and have a male sex robot rape her for eternity as a modern art piece in my living room.

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The Fed has begun cutting interest rates for the first time since 2020. I wonder what happened each other time the Fed lowered rates by a significant amount? Not to worry though, from what I understand the adults are back in charge so things will be different this time :)

Soft landing here we come!
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institutional investors with cash at the ready don't want a soft landing, they want a quick drastic crash to scoop up more cheaply priced shit. who do you think powell is serving?
Just 2 more years
There’s been talk about the Fed lowering rates for months to get investment going again. I doubt this is a panic move.
Hopefully this loosens up the job market some.
>institutional investors with cash
they dont need and dont have cash. they borrow money and debt

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You are not fooling anyone with yet another fake poll, Kamala is lagging hard in key states and Trump is getting shit ton of media exposure from your failed assasination attempts, mongoloid.
Erm, except she's winning in the betting odds.
so what are you saying ? that in reality the fair and square voting could favor trump?
When the Republican candidate survives two (2) assassination attempts and it turns out both assassins are motivated by the belief that their target went soft and isn't being extreme enough, maybe moderates start to wonder about who this guy's base are supposed to be
Still voting Trump.

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This is a society wide crisis at this point. The kids aren't alright.

Young men REFUSE to pull their weight and contribute, they just want to play League of Legends all day and live like third worlders, this isnt my America. What a god damned disgrace
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I'm highly qualified white male, earning 80K doing the work of 3-4 roles that would each pay six figures on their own
I've applied to other companies, even a "lateral move" with same job title would mean dramatic decrease in responsibilities and would feel worth it to me to end my 60 hour work weeks. It's dead silent. No one is fucking hiring. I have a very white male name though and it seems white males don't get hired. My own department, they've hired about 8 people in last six months, mostly a bunch of middle managers, and they are ALL women. They also make more than me. I'm pretty close to dropping out of my job with no notice and letting shit hit the fan.
Work is basically a humiliation ritual at this point.
kinda rich coming from the guy that made a heap of money from a tv show
also people aren't assed with work anymore because everythings expensive as hell
They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.
Holy based
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The solution is pretty simple, society must repent to Christ.

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Not looking good for Drumpf
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Why are the majority of Harris odds all coming from a handful of accounts created when she was first declared the candidate?
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could go either way, polls were wrong in 2016.
Trump has already one.

>they only killed soldiers
File this sophistry next to the Talmud. They didn’t. And had they, it’d still be terrorism. Terrorists target troops all the time. The pigs are even squealing about the “terrorist” attacks back in 1983 on US troops in the same breath.

And, they probably shouldn’t. It just raises the question: What were they even doing there? And, was that because of our relationship with our “greatest ally” too?

They should probably just shut the fuck up.
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cope and seethe
Looks half-negro to me. Look at that brill pad on its head.
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I don't care about middle east shit. They should all kill each other so we are rid of them.

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Three videos were uploaded this week interviewing his son John Anderson. John said Steven Anderson is guilty of spousal and child about. According to his other son, Isaac Anderson, he has 4 adult children and Steve has kicked all 4 out of his "church". Massive Kike damage control in the comments.
>John interview #1:
>John interview #2:
>John interview #3:
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You faggots are the most mentally pathetic people. This thread is about Child Abuse and youre talking about a Holocaust video from 10 years ago.
Video one and three are the same video.
Thank you, glad you caught that. It's the best one of the 3.
why did you tell him? memeflag nigger has cut and pasted that same mistake 6 times and never noticed.
>The thing that gets me is that the (((media))) will revere a guy like Clint Eastwood, who not only fathered children outside of his marriage with other women, but when they interviewed one of his sons he said his dad punched him once for leaving his sister alone at a party. It's brushed off as Clint being "old school". But I garantee you if old Clint started criticising Israel directly, or calling out the holohoax, then you can be absolutely sure they'd be running hit pieces about him too about being an "abusive" father. When all it is just traditional discipline that was likely done for a reason. When you never hear the reason you should be extra suspicious.

you're not totally wrong, but he was a die hard protestant. The fact is that we don't need people like this in the movement to redpill the masses. He had his time and place, but he shouldn't be held up as an exemplar of society. If anything, these charges of abuse just undermine whatever he said to the average bluepilled normie

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What happened at the mall in Miami in January of 2024? Why is there still no videos of inside the mall? Were there really aliens?
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They probably saw a nigger wearing one of those motorcycle helmets that looks like Predator
I wish /x/ moved faster because /pol/ has been fucking shit for years now
No one keeps you here

Is tea good for you?
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Do milk
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No, but milk is.
stop following me.

6 letter captchas is the biggest tell of glowniggers and paid shills flooding the forum, probably the pagerbomb campaign.

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Literally every single one said they don't like fags.
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That's Gaza. The West Bank is still under illegal Israeli occupation, but is relatively better off.
Its common to have the family name of current/latest dominant culture. Does not make up genetics. Niggers in your country have English family names.
This is not a valid argument, I accept your concession.
It is. You're just a coping kike.
>Historical records and later genetic studies indicate that the Palestinian people descend mostly from from Ancient Levantines extending back to Bronze Age inhabitants of Levant.[18][19][20][21][22][23] They represent a highly homogeneous community who share one cultural and ethnic identity,[24][25][26][undue weight? – discuss] speak Palestinian Arabic and share close religious, linguistic, and cultural practices and heritage with other Levantines (e.g Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanians). According to Palestinian historian Nazmi Al-Ju'beh, like in other Arab nations, the Arab identity of Palestinians is largely based on linguistic and cultural affiliation and is not necessarily associated with the existence of any Arabian origins
>uses literal wikipedia as a reference
I accept your second concession.

Advantages of buying a house
> an asset that generally increases in value
> a place to live

Advantages of an ETF in a Roth IRA
> Increases in value
> way more liquid than land
> No property tax
> You can get it out tax free to buy first home in some states
> you can retire your initial Investment tax free from the Roth account
> you can contribute very small amounts

I get not everyone can buy a home but everyone can buy the market and reap off top Jewish industries.
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5% is not a shit return! DX
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>calling a Roth IRA liquid
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I'm already there at age 32. It doesn't feel that amazing, just numbers on the screen and the gnawing feeling that inflation is eroding it day by day and one day the whole thing might be absolutely hyperinflated as swarthy niggers come hooting and hawing into the neighborhood for food and gibs while I regret all the years wasted working hard building equity out of jew fed notes.

Probably better to cashout now and fuck off to Alaska somewhere where the fishing is good and not polluted to hell.
Sounds like a pessimistic outlook on life. Did you forget to enjoy life as you were building it? Money can't buy you time.
Well it would need to be an actual business with real profits otherwise IRS will classify it as a hobby eventually

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I am warning you. Simply put, just leave. At first, you laugh at other anons who say their lives are fucked up. “I am working. I am not Neet. They are funny hahaha”
You feel what other anons write here are so funny cuz you believe you are A VISITOR.
But, if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. The hunter becomes the hunted.

There is something here that seems like a trap enticing us. Before it’s too late, leave. I’ve politically warned you already.
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>Oh we're past that
Yes hello how can help you
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Well done sir
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There is no done here
This thread is utter Bullshit! No demons of Christcuckery lurk here!

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When will muslims gonna do something except taking jewish L.

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Do people not realize the political system is designed to turn the people against each other? Why haven't I ever seen this being spoken about?
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honestly not really lol
Admit all this shit is fake for a start
you did present as a kid, pretty much to the point of seeming like bait. like others said, this is the first realization to start breaking many NPCs, now and since who knows when.
You have an advantage that you don't use, you can easily buy guns. Organize your own PMC and seize some land where the government or officials will not exist
What? Democracy literally pits people against eachother. Someone always ends up the loser

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Why do bongs tolerate this? Why haven't you started culling these imbeciles yet?
>No religion
Atheist bros??
how were these statistics allowed to be published? someone going to jail over this NO CAP
Chrikes are overrepresented in jail too so they must be genocided as well. Just kill whoever I don't like at this point. Kill all whites. Kill all browns, kill all blacks. Just drop a nuke on everywhere except where I live

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