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And by beat I mean seem believable enough to win after tons of rigging. If you’re a DNC strategist, what ticket are you putting forth?
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Newsome and big Mike could easily wreck trump. buttigig maybe?? just cause he'd get every woman vote for being gay. none of the others would.
Why doesn't vp Harris whitmer Obama and klobuchar run together to show these men how independent women can be world leaders too?
It’s her turn
based if he could get more nationalist with his socialist I'd be pretty happy

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Why do you need an ID to jerk off to porn sites?
All you need is YouTube!
Download all the porn you want without any id
I can't believe ppl are too stupid to download anything.
Like what the fuck? Lol.
Stealing going through the roof and all these files and seeds here:
...going to waste
Everybody here already has at least 1tb of pirated porn on an hdd in a sealed Faraday cage so we can print money after the internet goes to shit. Fuck off roastie. Also yt-dlp can rip anything from PH to live Chaturbate videos, do with that information what you will.
My mistake for trying have a conversation with retarded coomers.
Honest mistake.

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Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, that are obviously not a result of the covid vaccines:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

Manpreet Kaur, died on airplane to Dubai:

ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

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shoulda been vaxxed
True dat, my nigga
Every vaccine kills some people. The immune system can have violent reactions in unpredictable ways. This is the overhead cost of modern medicine.
The Covid shot was rushed out the door, and probably caused more problems than anticipated. It also unequivocally saved a bunch of geezers. Young people likely didn't need it.
These are all obvious statements that the CDC should be comfortable uttering. "Utilitarian lies" burn way more public trust than they're worth, and stoke uninformed hypothesizing that's more doomer than reality.

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so if you've been paying any attention to the braindead drivel that varg likes to spout, you know that he likes to claim that anyone with brown eyes or hair is "mixed" and that only blondes are true whites.

well i just got my DNA test updated, and i'm 100% nordic. why is this significant? because varg himself isn't even 100% nordic, he said his brother got 2% english on his DNA test, lmao.

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Christkikes, anglos, niggers or women?

My opinion:

Christkikes and anglos. Niggers and women, even though they did absolutely nothing good, gained advantages in society.
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Another snowbunny colonized by Black dick

They control the inferior.

Anglo and christian will never be nazi.
meh dont feel bad. they get into arguments daily and are generally pissed off all the time. that's why they made this video. happy couples don't do this shit.
imagine spamming these dogshit threads every day for years

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His poor debate performance was only because he was super tired and jet lagged from the Europe trip he got back from 2 weeks prior to the debate. He’s as sharp as ever!
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>jet lag
>rock in my shoe
>sun was in my eyes
>alarm didn't go off
>waiting for the cable guy
>got pulled over
>damn prescription meds
>got wrong directions
>couldn't find my keys

Fuck, another fucking list.
we wuz asstrunots an sheeit tho
biden was on the news a couple of days ago, talking at some event, and he sounded amazing compared to the debate. something fucky going on, the debate is where they would want him in his best form.
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Most people with dementia are better earlier in the day. As the day goes on, their brain stops working. It’s clear as day he has dementia since he can’t function after 4pm

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The Vax Scene!
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ayylmao gottem
Seeing this makes it very clear that people are nothing more than nigger-tier retarded cattle.
>vaccines are drawn to look nervous and coerced
real subtle
even the syringes don't want to enter a faggot

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>There are no hot girl metal bands anymore.

false. Kittie is back. Try also Plush. There are plenty others but I dunno their names.

There are dead bodies getting mass buried in Gaza, and this kike is kvetching about a billboard that is not even in "his" country?
>hating Jews is no longer cool

false, it's now necessary. Hey let me go ask my AIPAC guy about that.
Sounds like a shitload of projection to me, poor guy. Maybe touch grass or someting <3

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It's time for AOC to slobber on my cock

Fuck kikes
I'm not a jew
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Most psychopaths end up in jail. Only the high IQ ones become rich and powerful.
There are two types of psychopath. The intelligent psychopath who is wildly successful or the retarded psychopath who is in prison. There are a lot of retarded psychopaths in prison.
Only IRL. This is an "anonymous" website so psychos think they can hide here
A lot of people watched he show Dexter or have researched the most famous psychopaths, like Ted Bundy, and those people think that is all psychopaths but that's just television.
Anyone who claims t be a psychopath usually is not and if they are they're the retarded type that ends up in prison someday.

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Seems to have slipped past the news cycle or something.
the first five to six weeks of the livestreams were kino

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Does your town have a rainbow crossing?
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careful your car may get monkey pox doing this
The kike virus hasn't reached my town yet.
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You spelled grave wrong…
>spend some time in the South and hopefully you can clean your mind of indoctrination
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A shopkeeper hung up a BLM sign and people would walk in, rip it down, and walk out with it. She left at the end of her lease. So no, theres no rainbow in my town.
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This nigger

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I'm shocked that there hasn't been any sort of legislation against Boeing by any of the world's governments saying that Boeings won't be allowed to fly through their airports until something is done about their quality control issues yet.
You will fly Chinese, one day
Let me guess, it was this nigger, under whose watch lost the train car filled with ammonia between Cheyenne and California
if it be a boein' I is a goin'

ta die
For the MAX, they violated basic aircraft design fundamentals for the larger engines (for more range and better efficiency). MCAS was to compensate for the root design flaw. A single AOA sensor was also a critical system design error.

You can only squat on Asian land for so long. Eviction is coming sooner than you think.
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definitely not. they never do shit ever
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I mean, kind of true. Chinkoid keep hyping up Taiwoooon and then do nothing about it
China does what Japan failed to accomplish in 1939 Offensive
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>Seething Jew trying to divide China and Russia by making false flag posts
Nice try Moshe
I dont get it. Is this propaganda meant to make Chinese think of invading Russia?
You know they don't even have access to western social media so this is all a waste lmao.
Eglin shills really are next level retarded

They're walking back Trump's sentencing! What does this mean!?

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>The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false
>Trump just gave a porn star 130k for reasons ok!
He is Jesus.
Why can't people see it?
Just like Jesus has been crucified over and over again and came out on top
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frankist lubavitcher who hates christians, is Jesus?
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>>The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false
>>Trump just gave a porn star 130k for reasons ok!

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How would the world look going forward if he wins?

Sometimes I think Americans really realize don't understand the extent that it matters. There’s apparently been a fair amount of protesting in Japan over Biden monetary policy, which they perceive as crashing the Yen, which it certainly did.

How do you think he’ll deal with Ukraine or really, a much more aggressive and violent world at large?
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Watch The Chekist on rumble.

Do unto leftists as they would do unto you.

edit: handy-dandy link to video on rumble.

I said if Biden/dems win, it’ll happen more slowly, but there’s a slim (20% chance) of:
>biden and dems keep funding Ukraine to drag out war, a wild card event happens such as Putin dies or there is a coup and is replaced with a moderate, or economic crisis in Russia, or massive protests that lead to a withdrawal. Or hurt Russia so bad that if they do win, they’re too crippled to have much influence
>biden continues to restrain the kikes and somehow talks them out of attacking hezbollah, they withdraw from Gaza, and the Middle East goes back to being a bullshit powder keg Cold War
with the best case scenario being a possible spontaneous regime change in Iran
>the US continues to focus its military build up on countering Chinese aggression, China does not attack Taiwan as the time is not right and American forces are available to defend if needed
All of this is unlikely but the best case scenario for the US. None of it will happen under Trump. The best option for Americans is Trump loses, the wars somehow wind down as above, and a strong GOP comes to power in 2028 if the country doesn’t dissolve under 4 more years of immigration and social Marxism.

Train the Whole Militia.
>The body of males trained to be efficient in killing and arrests, being Necessary to the security of a free State,... shall not be infringed.
Seek Jesus, Get Trained, Or Cry.
Then we do project 2025 where we form Christian death squads to round up degenerates of a sorts to murder. Will be awesome.
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Nothing changes, the plan continues uninterrupted. You don't actually believe that some real estate scion who
>has been a tabloid and tv personality for 50 years
>has rubbed shoulders with the ruling class since youth
>has been relentlessly advertised to you by your enemies as being the enemy of your enemy
is actually an outsider, do you?

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What do pagans believe besides being anti-christianity?
can you guys formulate your philosophy without mentioning "christcuck" or some other buzzword?

Seems like it's just fake faith, cynical belief just so they are not labeled as atheists, the kings of midwittery.

What social activities pagans do? Religion is nothing without rites, rituals, getting together, meeting people...Might as well live in the VR world if you're not doing that
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non organized paganism is just a CODA religion
lmao, the dude who made this lives in lalaland
delusional stuff
Paganism have like 10-15 different paths. You have to be more specific as they all work completely different from one and another
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what do you believe in and how does it help
>Omri/Khomri (king of Israel) dynasty lasts until 722BC when the assyrians conquered and dispersed the people
>Assyrian documents refer to them as Khumry
>Khimmirai/Gimmirai/Cimmerians appear in Assyrian records during the reign of Sargon II (722-705BC)
>Cimmerians are known from Herodotus to be driven westward out of their lands around the Black Sea (modern Crimea takes its name from them) by the Scythians
>Cimmerians disappear from historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts spontaneously appear in historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts exit historical records (or, more accurately, are dispersed into various subgroupings) around 5th century CE
>Welsh (Cymraegs) appear in historical records around 6th century CE from Celtic origins
Are these related?

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forget "jew magic" this German guy is for real
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don't make me fucking do it!
Youre a faggot and speaking out your semen stuffed ass. You have no clue how he did it because you want anons to believe that magic isnt real and that we all should just go back to sucking jew dick and not exploring the powers of our inherent Divinity.
Well fuck you. No. Im not gonna do that.
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ok that's spooky
This, I just tested it with my hands it figured it out in no time. It's a not even that hard to learn
You are stupid. Are your fingers too fat or something?

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Uuuuh, BASED?
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>I have really gotten myself into a jam here.
It's ok fren. Just say you are italian.
This guy does it all: propaganda about Whites, Covid, Russia, and more. One-stop-shop. Scary that people like this exist and that even smart people believe thm.

>What I Cover

>I cover the origins and effects of false or misleading information (MISinformation), including lies that are spread deliberately to deceive (DISinformation). This includes errors, rumors, fraud, state propaganda and influence operations, both domestic and foreign.

>My Background

>I joined The Times in 1989 and have worked in New York, Washington, Moscow (twice), Baghdad, Beijing and Seoul, including four stints as bureau chief. I contributed to the Times coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic that won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2021. I am the author of a biography of Russia’s president, “The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin,” published in 2015.
"White Boy Summer" is a race mix meme
of course, White boys should not be posting here because you have to be 18, and should have a wonderful summer season, but not at strip clubs plying unfortunates, and being loose with the coloreds.
I told u, nigger

Will Europeans finally invest in air conditioning?
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I was thinking we should build a giant beach umbrella
We adapt, like always
it's real... but it's from jewish geo-engineering
too many fatties. we need a hotter earth to slim them down
why don't they put a giant molten salt reactor there and take advantage of the starter conditions?

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>What do

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k, found this, maybe we can find some exploitables... ^-^
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Couldn't find it, so here's some baby foreskin creme.
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Just like Jesus, and Muhammad.
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i wish

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