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How did he become president
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How does a peanut farmer become president
>Doesnt start new wars
>Amerigolems keep seething about him for decades
> Nixon was smarter than the anti Israel polacks
They would have ended up moving to the United States if Israel lost...
By being popular and having people vote for him, just like every president.
There's no conspiracy behind it
He was obviously a freemason.

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There was a vote and men voted more for women voting rights than women themselves.
jesus christ those psyop thread are depressive
not because of the post
because of all the morons it successfully fool
how fucking retarded do you have to believe OP post?
how little critical thinking do you need to bait ot that shit?
the 1 post by this ID trannie wasn enough
the shitty post not having dates wasn enough
it's 3 hour long
that kind of crap use to be confined to /r9k/
for some fucking reason, the filthy moderation refuse to moderate
it's fucking sad
the state of the board is sad
of course, you should seek out a marriage in order to form ties with women, but you should also constantly wage war against the system that is incredibly biased towards women.
You have been constantly misspelling the entire thread so you’re either asshurt at how much I’ve clocked your real intentions, or you genuinely don’t know English very well but please slow down a little before you hit post. I never implied you were selfish, just dishonest for the reason you’re here whinging. You and I both know you could give a fuck less if people rotted away on the internet, just as long as they have your view and dismiss the alternative with as much intensity as you do. So that’s the real heart of the matter, let’s talk about that instead of this pretend self help guru personality you’re trying to peddle but you came into the thread already lying for what your reason being here even is so I doubt you’ll engage with what you’re attempting to do earnestly & should be treated as a liar until you admit your actual purpose. This is why you aren’t taken seriously, you can’t stand on what you really think until you get called out on it, like a pussy.
>Muh spelling!
cope. youre really that desperate to deflect, huh?
>You and I both know you could give a fuck less if people rotted away on the internet
this is clearly something you need to tell yourself in order to deflect away from what I am actually saying. you arent ever going to convince me, so youre obviously trying to convince yourself that this is the case
>just as long as they have your view and dismiss the alternative with as much intensity as you do
if this was the case, then the problem would be solved, so yea, i would say this is my end goal, and ill stand behind that happily and openly

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>three American hate threads on the board at once
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They are obsessed
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imagine being this great
Yes we hate you this much
is that all?
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they can't
>United States

>Strongest nation on Earth for 68 years and counting

>Highest GDP on Earth

>Worth 51% of the global economy

>Largest navy in the world

>Has military bases on 1/3rd of the Earth

>Only country with a functioning railgun

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Today DIY projects are easier to make than ever before. 3D printers, desktop CNC machines, mycomaterials, miniature foundries, kilns, embroidery machines, lathes and many other machines can support all kinds of cottage industries. Not only will these machines allow you to produce your own goods and make you self-sufficient, but they will also help you build the skills necessary for the collapse of society or technological unemployment. Why haven’t you set up a cottage scale business /pol/?
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>buy vinyl cutter and heat press
>don't do much with it over the years
>start waging at a large manufacturing company
>they haven't had shirts in a couple years for reasons
>I bring in some samples for them
>suddenly 300+ order
>suddenly tons of custom work from random coworkers
>suddenly rubbing shoulders with the leaders of the company and union
Surely you can download a file and press a button?

Why haven't you started a small scale manufacturing business?
>Buy 20k of tech that you will only ever use to make a couple of grand of stuff
Disgusting. Learn to make stuff the old fashioned way.
Highly based
Nigga that shit in the image costs anywhere from $100-$1500 anyone can set this shit up.

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>the government prints that money and then uh, it lends that money by um
>by selling bonds(...) is that what they do? they they um, yeah they um sell bonds
>the language and the concepts can be unnecessary and confusing (...) i dont know what they are talking about because its like the government clearly prints money and it clearly borrows
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Capitalism is a jewish pyramid scheme which runs on perpetual geometric expansion of the fiat money supply and inevitably periodically fails through either hyperinflation or massive depression and cancellation of large swaths of the fiat money supply, where the working class (plebs) have their savings cancelled in "bank-failures" or "bank bail-ins", like what happened during the Cyprus banking crisis.
Capitalism cannot afford to purchase its own aggregate internal production at a price which it is profitable to produce that output at, unless the money needed to make up the difference is constantly being introduced into the system, such as by creating fiat money (or more fiat money than is already in existence) or allowing counterfeiting or debasing of sound money such as silver coins, such as by reducing the purity or the weight of the coins.
However, the money creation needs to be continuous to enable continued capitalist production.
And because of the law of diminishing returns, the rate at which new money is created needs to accelerate over time (the money supply growth needs to be geometric). Otherwise, the rate of expansion of the money supply gradually approaches 0% of the already existing money supply over time, as the money supply grows.
For example expanding the money supply from $10 trillion to $11 trillion within a year is a yearly growth of 10%. But expanding it further, from $11 trillion to $12 trillion in the subsequent year is only a growth of 9.(09)%. For the money supply to grow another 10% in the second year, it needs to grow from $11 trillion to $12.1 trillion rather than just $12 trillion.
GDP is not economic activity but the estimated and imputed rate of exchange of money per year.
Inflation, including due to scarcity, inflates the GDP, deflation, including due to abundance, deflates the GDP.
Fiat money is not wealth but merely claims on wealth.
Wealth is what you spend fiat money on, not fiat money itself.
Capitalism is not a closed loop system
every single time
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Banking (all of it, not just central banks) is legalised fraud. But capitalism itself is a pyramid scheme. Unfortunately
what does it mean when M2 exceeds GDP? or vice versa?
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>what does it mean when M2 exceeds GDP? or vice versa?
They're not on the same scale. Check the left and right sides of the graph. I don't know which of the vertical scales is the GDP and which is the M2. It doesn't really matter. The point I'm trying to get across by posting these graphs is that GDP growth is a direct result of the money supply growth (money "printing"). GDP is a completely meaningless jewish psyop meme. It's not economic activity. And capitalism is a pyramid scheme which runs on money printing. This specific point in particular is what I'm trying to get anons to understand.

▶What is /ped/
With AoC at an unprecedented historic high in Western Civilization, /ped/ is a place to discuss the political and societal impact of this.
Some things to consider:
>Strong pairbonding has a narrow window to occur, generally from 12-16. This leads to happy, healthier marriages.
>The decline of fertility/birth rates in the West strongly correlates with high AoC laws.
>Older women and feminists are the primary drivers of high AoC laws. Why do you think that is?
>Ancient Romans considered marriageable age to start at 12. This is not because they only lived to 35 and their lives were "compressed". That is a myth.

▶What /ped/ is NOT
>a place to share or discuss explicit content
>a place to encourage or discuss illegal behavior
Be aware that Jews fear strong pairbonding more than anything else, since it strengthens families and increases birth rates.
To that end, they will flood this thread with wild smears and accusations. Do not fall for it. Let them scream and flail.

Previous: >>467684604
I swear. If God is hearing me, I want him to know that I tried to like women.
I tried hard.
It's literally impossible. I just loathe them so, so much. It's insane.
I give zero fucks about the pedo shit I just wanted to say that cause I'm drunk.
We know, Macron.
You can't loath what God made for you to love and adore, it's unnatural bro. Even if there's something you dislike in them but perhaps you also like another thing about them. Be positive my baguette friend.

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Is there any hard evidence of glowies making these dumb kids do school shootings? Honestly i think theres things we don't understand like weapons that affect your mind to schizo you into doing these things.

Heres some text messages from ethan crumbley (sentenced to life) to his mother (sentenced to 15 yrs):
>“Can you get home now?” he wrote on March 9. “There is someone in the house I think. Someone walked into the bathroom and flushed the toilet and left the light on. And I thought it was you but when I came out no one was home. There is no one in the house tho. Dude my door just slammed. Maybe it’s just my perinoa [sic]. But when are you going to get home.”

>“Ok the house is now haunted,” he wrote. “Some weird shit just happened and now I’m scared.” And then: “I got some videos. And a picture of the demon. It is throwing BOWLS. I am not joking it fucked up the kitchen. I am just going to be outside for a while.” And finally, “can you at least text back?”

>“I am going to ask my parents to go to the doctor’s tomorrow or Tuesday again,” Ethan wrote. When he tried to talk to his parents before, his father had given him some medicine and told him to “suck it up,” and his mother laughed. “She makes everyone feel like shit,” he wrote.
>“But this time I am going to tell them about the voices. I only told them about the people I saw.”
>“Ok,” the friend wrote back.
>“I also have a weird rash growing on my chest. It’s not COVID cause I got a test.” >“Hopefully they can help you man,” the friend wrote. “Like I am mentally and physically dying,” wrote Ethan.

Like, was this kid turning into a schizo or did the CIA use some unknown weapon? Really weird stuff
I still think the parents are at fault for ignoring the kid, and the kid deserves the life sentence. But i do wonder if theres like mind drugs to turn someone into a schizo and convincing him of doing these types of crazy acts.

Didn't the CIA used lsd to make people violent before?

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>Foreign interest lobbying group AIPAC is running $300,000 of ads as part of a pressure campaign to influence my votes in Congress.

>The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires agents of foreign principals to register & disclose certain information. Should AIPAC register w/FARA?


>Yes but I’m pretty sure they murdered JFK for trying to get this done.

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She's OUR sheboon now
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I was laughing at anon's post not because I agree with him but because it was such a ridiculous attempt to shut it down.
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I would say there should be a law against this but there already is.

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code, since 1954, that prohibits all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. Section 501(c)(3) organizations are the most common type of nonprofit organization in the United States, ranging from charitable foundations to universities and churches.
> (h)), and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.

Either Jewish organizations and churches are religious organizations or they are political organizations.

Enforcing the laws already on the books could lead to tax windfalls of hundreds of billions of dollars from organizations masquerading as religious institutions.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, contributions to political campaign funds, or public statements of position in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office, are disallowed.

Religious organizations do not have free speech rights as they don’t need them, as they are not citizens nor are they taxpayers. The underlying citizens and members of a congregation and their speech and religion are already protected under the first amendment.

tl;dr: pay your taxes you fucking freeloading kikes
the jewish federal government considered your objections to jewish lobbying and corruption but found nothing needs to be changed. sorry goy
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>Based Owens

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The funniest thing is that one of his sacred animals was the pig/boar.

>According to Halivy's interpretation of EA (El-Amarna) 11. 14-15 (which read âlu mât Urusalim (KI) šumuša âlu Bit-Ninib) bit Ninib (i. e. the temple of Ninib or Adar), is another name for Jerusalem:

>"To my lord, the king: - Abd-hiba, your servant. At the feet of my lord, the king, seven and seven times, I fall. Behold, the deed which Milki-il and Šuardata have done against the land of my lord, the king - they have hired (?) the soldiers of Gazri, of Gimti and of Kilti, and have taken the territory of Rubuti. The territory of the king is lost to the Habiri. And now indeed, a city of the territory of Jerusalem, called Bit-Ninib, one of the cities of the king, has been lost to a people of Kilti, Let the king listen to Abd-hiba, his servant, and send troops, that I may bring back the king's land to the king. For if there are no troops, the land of the king will be lost to the Habiri. This is the deed of Šuardata and Milki-li, (Broken off.) and let the king take care of his land."

>Ninib (Nerig, Nineb, Nin-ip, Nirig, Ninurta): In Near Eastern mythology (Babylonian), god of the summer sun who opposes Marduk, the hero god and god of the spring sun and vegetation

>Wild Boar (Most of Centaurus) The Wild Boar is sacred to Ningirsu, a local form of Ninurta, who is a god closely associated with farming. Indeed the boar’s habit of churning up the earth as it forages for food may ultimately be the historical inspiration for the invention of the plough, which allowed early societies to adopt a sedentary lifestyle
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>Reminiscent of Misheal or Mash-el, Clay asserts that the name of the Amorite deity “Mash” can be found in the “Mash-mannah” of 1 Chronicles 12:10 ( משמנה Mishmannah), in the Mish`am at 1 Chronicles 8:12 (1627( משעם and in the “gentilic name Mishraites” at 1 Chronicles 2:53 (.( משרעימ Referring to his book, Amurru, Clay also discusses the relationship between Mash and Shamash:

>"In Amurru it was conjectured that perhaps in the absence of any etymological explanation of Shamash, it may have been from Ša Mash “(the god) of Mash,” like the Arabic Dhu’l Sharâ etc., in other words that the mountain Mashu was his habitat…."

>"The consort of Mash was Mashtu. They are called the children of the god Sin… Mash is also a name of the god dNin-IB; the sign MASH is used interchangeably with Nin-IB…."

>"It was also contended in Amurru…that the deity Mash was carried by the Semites to Babylonia at a very early time. In the first three dynasties, Kesh, Erech and Ur, names compounded with the deity Mash or Mesh predominate. Especially at Erech in the early period do we find evidence of the worship of this deity. Some have translated this element as meaning “hero”…"

>Here Clay is identifying Mash with Sayce’s “hero” epithet, insisting it is a theonym and equating the deity Mash with not only Adar/Ninib but also Amurru: “The last two names of the Kish Dynasty, as well as three in the following two dynasties, are compounded with the name of Mesh (or Mash).”

>Clay also states that “Mash was a deity similar to the mountain or storm-deity Uru” and that “Mash, Mesh and Mish are also elements that figure prominently in the temple names of Nineveh, Cutha and Akkad.” He further surmises that the city of Damascus originally was named KiMash
>The Babylonian god Mashu is described by Charles Coulter and Patricia Turner as follows:

>"Moon god. Brother of Mashtu the goddess of the moon. Both are children of Nannar…."

>In consideration of the fact of much Babylonian influence on the Bible and Israelites, it is reasonable to suggest that Moses was a rehash in significant part of this deity


>At Nineveh in what is now Iraq, Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (fl. 669–631 BCE) collected a royal library of 20,000 or so tablets, including the popular Epic of Gilgamesh and the cosmological Enuma Elish. Most of these tablets and writing boards were inscribed in Akkadian, using cuneiform; others are written in Neo-Babylonian script and in Assyrian

>It is said that, despite its destruction centuries earlier, the enduringly famous Royal Library of Ashurbanipal inspired Alexander the Great to create his own. While the Greek commander died before doing so, his wish was begun by Ptolemy I (367–c. 283 BCE), called Soter or “Savior,” whose effort led to the establishment of the famous Library of Alexandria. As it is to the Alexandrian library that we may look for much of Christian theology, it is to the Ashurbanipal library, among others, that perhaps we may turn to find the origins of significant Old Testament mythology and tradition

>The city of Nineveh was “sacked by an unusual coalition of Medes, Persians, Babylonians, Scythians and Cimmerians in 612 BCE.” Ashurbanipal had made enemies in his aggressions to build his city and library, but one wonders who could have put together this “unusual coalition” and what was its purpose. It is possible that many of the texts, including more portable papyri and leather scrolls, were removed elsewhere, perhaps ending up in the city of Babylon, which itself was destroyed less than a century later (539 BCE) by the Persian king Cyrus, the “savior” and “christ” of the Jews (Is 45:1)
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Jews have this silly concept of kosher pig (Hebrew word pig has its root in the Jewish word for return)
Write a book bro, I am not reading that much greentext.
>look anon, look at this pretty AI picture
>you will surely believe the retarded story now, right?
lmao the actual state of nu/pol/. unbelievable

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You cannot claim to hate Jews while worshiping one. It doesn't work like that /pol/.
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est means is in french

is is is?
Yes those specific names have been translated from Greek to English etc.
>Est! Est! Est!
It is? huh?
>so destructive
How? As far as I know Jews DOMINATE Christian countries.

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What other explanation besides him paying all them to do that is there?
Mass hysteria
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Some interesting quotes:
>There are overrated
>America is backwards
>In France we say that Americans are big and fat.
>I wouldn't feel safe there (said by a French woman living in Paris)
>A lot of people beforehand used to think the US was very cool and this really lovely place to go to, but I feel like everyone thinks that it's dangerous. They don't really care about their citizens. There are all these shootings going on. Their health care and schools are horrible.

An interesting video which shows that the perception of America has really changed in the last 20 years. I bet that taking this video in 1996 would have gotten you complete opposite reactions.

What caused this?
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Fuck off with your kike d&c
There are still tourists from europe that travel to the U.S., the ones that talk trash about this country are too poor to travel because western europe isn't any better.
They think it's not cucked enough.
>be a soï looking faggot youtuber who picked some meme therapy shit as video sponsor
>walk in a gay park full of normies and boomers in some euro capital
>hand the mic at some boomeresse who's entire brain is filled with mainstream leftist 'intellectual' media
>she spergs about drumpf and spout her auto programmed virtue signaling she normally uses for boomer diners
>her opinion is retarded
>mind blown
>proceed to do the same with some broccoli hair zoomer
I bet he's sole kind of woody allen self hating jew questioning himself to get likes from emotional pussies like op
not subscribing to that shit, I'd rather watch some constitutional audit or nigger shooting videos from police activity
>Only country in history to send people to walk on the Moon
>Leases its satellites to every country in the world to use GPS technology because nobody else has one
>Created the AI that you use to generate meme artwork
>Invented nuclear weapons and energy
>Eradicated polio worldwide
>Created the device and the method that you use to search for every reason why America sucks and shitpost about it every day
Yeah, bunch of retards those Americunts.

VAXXIE ARE YOU FUCKING OK??? ( you're absolutely not )

In an explosive new whistleblowing interview with Infowars founder Alex Jones, Dr. Thorp provides bombshell data proving that Covid mRNA shots have the “highest kill rate in history.”

“This is the most lethal and injurious drug ever rolled out,” Thorp asserted.

“And if you calculate the injured-to-kill ratio, it’s unprecedented in warfare and medicine.”

Thorp revealed that during the first ten weeks of the Covid shot rollout in early 2021, “there were 42,086 casualties.”

He noted that those casualties included 1,223 people who were killed by the injection.

However, the data was suppressed and the mass vaccination push continued.

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A lot of people took it to provide for their families.
An incel with no children wouldn't understand.
You will never know the feeling of seeing your child born. How it changes everything. Knowing that this new life, your blood, depends on you.
All you think about is snacks, jacking off and vidya. You are basically arrested at 8 years of development with a dash of porn addiction from urges you have never been able to control. You will never improve and will go extinct. Your pureblood means nothing and will go nowhere.
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If those people really wanted to provide for their families they'd demand the government officials responsible for this disaster were tried and executed. This will happen again and those same people will play the victims again without standing up for their children. That is not providing for a family.
Do you think other men with kids aren't willing to displace or exploit you for the providence of their own children? Do you think having kids makes you a good person? All of your ancestors fucked and had kids. What makes you special? I could kill your stupid kids just to show you that you're not special. Any man could do that. Even one with kids. Don't act tough, nobody is afraid of you. You should be scared of every man. Especially ones with kids. They have the greatest incentive to kill or deprive your kids. And they will feel divine when they do it. So shut the fuck up, you are not special. Any man can have kids. Not every man can win a war.

if you are from outside the USA, what are your views on the USA? Do you see the average citizen as different than our government?

over all I have had good experiences with all types of people when traveling outside the USA but Its always in the back of my mind that anyone I come across might hate me for being an American. Im not the type of person to wear USA on my sleeve or anything and dont just bring it up unless asked. Ive met some people who loved USA and Americans. some people are eager to share which states they have visited when they previously traveled to the US. During Trump's presidency obviously more people would make an anti-trump comment here or there, but thats the majority of anti-american experiences ive had. If people dont like Americans/USA they usually just keep it to themselves or ignore you, or else they still treat you like they would anyone else and give you the benefit of the doubt at first.
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>drop chewing gum
>get cained
We laugh at you. You have guns but still are overrun by negroes.
Smart elites ruling dumb cattle. The average american is dumb as fuck from my personal experience. The extraordinary ignorance and lack of education of the majority of americans. Violence, violence everywhere. Violence. Niggers. Violent niggers. And yes, your niggers are more violent than ours.
I mean the country is being overtaken by non-whites and all your mainstream institutions are filled with anti-white hate-mongering and policies. Your government is also assisting an invasion of the country through the border. It’s not in the best state. And it’s filled with poverty, crime, homelessness and drug abuse that doesn’t compare to anything in Europe. It could learn a lot of other first world countries, like regarding access to healthcare and education.
Yeah, I better move to Norway. Thanks for convincing me.

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The demands of Western creditors to pay Kiev’s debts next year are due to the fact that they have already lost all faith in the future of the Ukrainian state, says Patrice Bravo, a columnist for the French portal AgoraVox .
Earlier, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources, that a group of foreign bondholders plans to put pressure on Ukraine so that it begins paying interest on its obligations no later than 2025. According to the newspaper, the group wants Kyiv to reach a deal in which it would resume payments in exchange for "forgiveness of a significant portion" of the country's outstanding debt.

“Various creditors really intend to collect on Ukraine’s debts without waiting for another “successful counter-offensive”. This speaks to their assessment of the economic future and the government of Ukraine better than any credit rating,” the French author noted.
Bravo added that the West could already begin withdrawing funds from Ukraine. He referred to the decision of the National Bank of Ukraine to significantly ease currency exchange rules. According to the observer, this decision indicates the beginning of an uncontrolled withdrawal of capital from the Ukrainian economy.
“The question is where Kyiv will find these funds (to pay off debts). After all, the Zelensky regime relies exclusively on help from the West. If it stops, a default will occur, since Kyiv has no resources of its own,” the journalist concluded.
Ukraine is preparing to begin talks with bondholders in May, and Kiev's advisers are working to get the U.S. and other governments on board, according to the Wall Street Journal. The publication argues that approval of the deal is not guaranteed as the US and its allies are concerned that taxpayer money "will end up in the hands of bondholders" if Ukraine resumes any debt service. The newspaper noted that without an agreement, Kyiv will have to default in August.

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Indians have been freaking the fuck out since the past week because the mainstream media in India is openly talking about vaccine sudden deaths and blood clots and since 95% of indians took the vaccine, they are all quite freaked out and nervous right now. The Supreme Court of India is even going to hear a case about the vaccine and sudden deaths.

Supreme Court of India will hear a case regarding the COVID VACCINE and how it has killed many people. The truth is coming out finally, and indians are freaked out since 95% of them took the covid vaccine. Are indians completely fucked cause of the covid vaccine?

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and it really is karma on them, like indians have done so much evil and cheating and abuse of women and rape. This vax is God's judgement
vaccine is divine judgement upon the whole human race
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how do you get a rural panjeeta gf with out her brothers or dad hacking you to pieces?
They live in literal shit. You think some needlejews are killing kill them?
dude, indian men are total pussies. They dont do shit.

Indian women openly fuck white men in front of their husbands and family nowadays and the indian men are pussies who do nothing.

Indian men can only bark like a dog, they cant do shit.

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>wipe out humanity
Total war and total death also soon anon
Lemme roll
For total war and total death
let me roll for sudden world peace
Were going back to 1994, NIGGA

>"and behold, the face of bathsheba. . . their hips had scars on them from the cell-phones in their pockets, vapes spit burning ichor into their lungs, after a few hours it was all over and we were left to pick up the pieces."

Have you bought a Cybertruck yet /pol/? Elon Musk is based and you should give him money.
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So does your mom's ass but that never stopped anyone
if a bird shits on it the panels will rust
Diesel-electric, you idiot. A diesel generator to power the batteries that run the electric motors so you don't have to pull over for multiple hours and plug it in. It doesn't cost 10x more and it still has 800hp.
Ngl, that looks 50% better from all angles. The part I dont like, is it looks assembled with cheap plastic crap.
The DeLorean was actually a great concept but his jew rat neighbor set up him for drug trafficking and that sort of killed the entire idea.

Who was in the wrong during the war?
Who cares what a bunch of bog trotting Irish scum do
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The cause for freedom is righteous and true, it is a continuation of a fight lasting centuries against oppression. There was some political success in sniping campaigns and actions on legitimate military targets.

I think the IRA was wrong to carry out terroristic attacks, and that they were influenced to do this by godless ideology. The British government responded with illegal paramilitary death squads that also carried out terroristic attacks.

The Republican Army engaged legitimate military targets which makes it a war at all, but they did not need to carry out terror attacks. That is the difference between a terrorist and a guerrilla. A terrorist operates in cells and harms/terrorizes innocents, a guerrilla operates in units and conducts lawful warfare on lawful targets and objectives.

The IRA snipers, for example, conducted lawful warfare against British forces. They would even set up roadblocks using the corpses of their enemies to lure armored personnel out of armored vehicles and snipe them. Their snipers scared the British soldiers so deeply some refused to main their checkpoints.

Post memes of redpills here that I can put in my PowerPoint presentation for school. I’m not holding back. I want to show the class the most hardcore redpills you got

Just nothing with too many words cause it’s going to be flashing these images relatively quick. No words is best but a few words is okay

It can be anything from showing Alex Jones or spic Fuentes is controlled opposition to the federal reserve to the Jews running things. Anything you got.
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How about this one?
Pretty upbeat and inspirational, I think

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