Why do all brownoids look the same?I can't tell apart spics, indians, sand niggers etc. and in some cases even niggers.What was god thinking when he made them?
>>484863625Only Europeans look human. The rest of "humanity" looks like flora and fauna.
>>484864193>Only Europeans look human.Does your stupid ass know you're all Arab mutts?
>>484864295You talk like a nigger, which you probably are. Anyway, I'm as pure as you can get. Almost all of my family are super racist. My grandparents regularly joke about niggers. Seethe about it.
>same spamPathetic
>>484864514>brown hate thread>spamLeave and never come back
A general dedicated to educate low IQ /pol/ tards about the effects of human induced climate change Why: Many people on here got brainwashed by the new right. They would rather believe in schizo nonsense in a redpill thread (no source given, just trust me bro) and the opinion of retards spouting false and dumb shit than actual educated people. Why do people believe in obviously retarded things? because they are scared and uneducated themselves and can't distinguish right from wrong. Today: The obvious effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the earth atmosphere, presented by german engineer anon.Picture one: CO2 emissions in the past 400.000 years and the effects of the industrial revolution.Two Famous quotes: 1. "Breathe freely at last, finally escape the toxic fumes of the city and recharge your batteries in idyllic vineyards!" - SenecaThe Roman Emperor Justinian was forced to respond to the many complaints about the polluted air in the city in the 6th century and had it discussed whether every Roman citizen had a right to clean air by birth.2. "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. " - Kaczynski
The effects of different greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.Grey means a wavelength is absorbed, white means it passes through the atmosphere. Red is incoming radiation from the sun and blue is outgoing radiation. The radiation changes according to Wien's displacement law. This means that 'high energy' waves have a different average energy distribution to 'low energy' waves. This image shows how CO2 allows high energy to enter, but not low energy. This graph also shows the effect of ozone (which blocks high energy rays from reaching the Earth's surface).
>>484864018lmao jewish lies
>>484864018too much drama in that one. had some cool scenes but it was practically a chick flick.
My old computer died. I have lost all my pepes. Please post a pepe, rares are appreciated.
>>484849863For all my Pepe collecting frens:https://youtu.be/Pd29NvG6lZQ
Disappeared 72 hours ago without notice. Either he got doxxed or he got Gonzalo Lira'd by the Glowniggers.RIP TFM
>>484859192We will always remember him for assblasting destiny
>>484862873He has a matrix server, but I am not a part of it so I don't know if he has said anything recently.
>>484862873>he didn't show up for the saturday show, and he is not like that. the last thing he said was that he was going on a bussiness trip on wendnesday. maybe Halsey English knows something...I know who he is, but he's fuckin' horrible. He is either a jew himself, or partnered with jews. I'm sure he's fine.
Maybe he is reviewing sex toys or something
This some sorta Monkey Business n' shiet?
1. Rinse and purify anus with water2. Clean thoroughly using left hand and fingers for any material3. Wash and purify hands with water and soapHow do you feel about being wrong, /pol/?
Tabo tabo tabo
>>484858258I don't see running water on train tracks
Shitting on the street then eating it is more hygenix than toilet papier
>>484859452>injures tendons and fills them with fluid at the knuckles>calls this horrifically painful and damaging situation "iron fist"Indians worship ugliness.
>>484858258I just did this morning.>Took soap foam on hand. >Rubbed on the anus hole. >Thoroughly wiped out hanging shit.>Poked a little inside asshole.>Did previous steps one more time.>Washed my hands with Dettol. >Smelled my fingers for any contamination, although I would not use left hand for eating or touching any edibles.>While I lay on my bed I can feel my anus is clean I would never fall for jewish toilet paper scam.
what the fuck my groceries are already too expensive why the fuck would I want higher groceries
>>484862634>How many times do you need me to keep repeating it to you?Pretty sure he knows more about his own experiences than you do an anonymous stranger
>>484864282>let him cook
>>484864468Bro, blud really thinks hes cooking
>>484863793How can someone hate exploitative capitalism and defend Jews in the same sentence? That’s why you people on the meek, scared left will never succeed.
>>484864573And he simps for the dems who are economically right wingDude's an autistic joke
>The available science analyzing the human genome clearly says there is no genetic basis for a homosexual identity. A large-scale study of the human genome concluded there is certainly no single genetic determinant of same-sex sexual behavior. The study concluded that “all tested genetic variants accounted for 8% to 25% of variation in same-sex sexual behavior … and do not allow meaningful prediction of an individual’s sexual behavior.” The lead author of the study told The New York Times that it is “basically impossible to predict one’s person’s sexual activity or orientation just from genetics.” Ruth Institute senior research associate Father Paul Sullins, professor emeritus of sociology at The Catholic University of America, summarized the results of this very technical paper as follows: “The study found that a person’s developmental environment — the influence of diet, family, friends, neighborhood, religion, and a host of other life conditions — was twice as influential as genetics on the probability of adopting same-sex behavior or orientation. […] Not only did the study fail to find some controlling gene for gay identity, it also established that gay persons are not genetically distinct from all other human beings in any meaningful sense. Gay persons, we might say, have a perfectly normal human genome.”>Numerous studies of identical twins are inconsistent with the idea that being “gay” is genetically determined. If it were, we would expect 100% “concordance” between identical twins: that is, if one twin is “gay,” the other should be, as well. The actual concordance is closer to 1/3, according to a study that reviewed research conducted about this issue and stated as follows: “Despite the fact that identical twins share 100% of their genes, gay/gay twins are less common than gay/straight twin pairs.”https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/the-born-gay-myth-when-ideology-masquerades-as-science
>>484858129>Stupid uterustruly the scum of the earth
>>484850147I see "The Science" bends freely toward whatever the politically collect nostrum of the system currently happens to be.Hence why it is "The Science" and not science.
>>484850753Homosexuality is an antisocial pathology, saying "everyone's gay" is like saying "everyone's a serial rapist". You can increase the percentage of homosexuals by abusing the shit out of people, just as you can increase the proportion of all mental illnesses that way. The fact that you can cause something to have a statistical increase (but never even a near-certainty) with crippling abuse does not suggest it's present in everyone. For example: most child abusers were abused themselves, but only a MINORITY of abuse victims become child abusers themselves.It's simply a mental disorder. It should not be surprising that as you increase abuse of children, you get more mental disorders.
>>484852696There's no non religious argument against homosexuality because there's no non religious argument for why you shouldn't live in a festering AIDS hell of a society. If you follow pragmatism to it's inevitable conclusion you *magically* arrive right back at divine truth with the serial numbers filed off.
>>484863853>It's simply a mental disorder.It's not and you're braindead. There's no abuse that happens to animals that make them have same sex with each other. >>484853495>>484853537>>484853567>>484853610>>484853654
What is your unironic, non-edgy, opinion on the Holocaust?
>>484827220Real and pretty fucking evilWhat crime had women and kids committed ?Germany deserved its defeat - fucking ironic that they have taken down western civilisation with them.
>>484827220>wow tragic>are there more photos like that with a young Polish girl with a 3/4-shot>no, they're not, this is the only one.. hmm... hope it's not staged or sth
I think it happened to a degree, but was exaggerated.
>>484859949>Hundreds of millions of dead>4-6 millionLol lmao Pathetic
>>484827220>What is your unironic, non-edgy, opinion on the Holocaust?>Klauschwitz
Would you trust hundreds of millions of low IQ browns living around or inside your borders?A minority people must dominate their opps or else they will cease to exist, either through mixing and assimilation or violence.Europeans thrived when we colonized the rest of the world. Before that we were getting attacked by Asiatics and Arabs, and after we gave up colonialism we've come under siege again.
>>484859812Not the point, you spastic. It's about two states.
>>484861214https://www.eao.ru/let me guess, you need more
>>484859812White people lived with the local Arabs and Semites fine before the Jewish influx began.>What else is Israel supposed to doIdk, maybe what you've been told to do for going on 60-80 years now. A one-state solution, after restitution to the Palestinian people, where Jews have to actually learn to get along with other types of people instead of closing themselves off and trying to control other types of people.
>>484859812>create an imaginary country in the middle of the desert surrounded by dozens of vastly populated muslim countries just because some imaginary book written 2000 years ago told you soThey could have just not done this at all. They could have funded a country in the middle of dumbfuck nowhere in Africa and they wouldn't have those issues. But they are religious extremists.
Literally the current state of the world is because of what white people did. Chudcels talk about how things fell in the 80s, 50s, or even 1800s but we were headed down this path the moment whitey decided to step foot off their eurozone. Stop trying to shift blame away to Jews and accept some responsibility. You have no empathy and sure as hell won’t get any from your victims lmao.
>>484863230alright hector
>>484863230Shut up. I'm glad California isn't Mexico. Enough with your Jew programming. Stupid Marxist. You don't even know. You're weak and can't think for yourself.
>>484863230>sure as hell won’t get any from your victims What are you going to do, drown me in your nigger tears,
>>484863230You are right of course- in intelligent society this is understood. On Pol however, you get the comments you see... all of them racists, mysoginists, narcissists, selfish, arrogant. This is where the lost ones come. The hated ones who are filled with hatred.
>>484864039>The hated onesCope harder kikelet
Did you know that asian people think they look the same as white people but with dark hair/eyes? They have no conception of their flat faces, buckteeth, yellow skin, or slit eyes. Indians, middle easteners, and hispanics view themselves as white too. In their eyes they are just a tan mediterranean sort of white person. They're completely delusional and lack any semblance of true self-awareness. This is why they feel equal to us, utter blindness to their obvious and extreme inferiority.
>>484862034Everyone is basically a 4chan loser now. People are antisocial insane psychos everywhere you go. It's getting bad out there, man. I hope we didn't somehow unleash this collective autism on the world, but I fear we may have somehow.
>>484862246>I hope we didn't somehow unleash this collective autism on the world, but I fear we may have somehow.Probably a net positive honestly. The Jews cannot control such a population as easily. Will lead to destabilization and maybe collapse.
>>484862969God willing.
>>484859104dude asians with there noses and ears look like a alternative form of niggers how could they think this?
>>484863352Just look how the insane delusional retards portray themselves in anime.
Why have so many of Gen Y foolishly convinced themselves that they don't need a spouse and children to be happy?
>>484861403This. I've always been an incel, never understood the ways of courtship and dating. The few times I tried I was ridiculed for it. Arranged marriages don't exist over here and I've never had a woman genuinely interested about me. So be it, forever alone is is. It was never a choice. I'm relatively well off and professionally successful, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
had a friend from hs who ran over and killed someone while dui, only learned about it years later when i got news he went through the courts and got slapped with 15 years prison sentence. stupid motherfucker but also lulzy because i remember during hs he would joke about binge drinkinglife's funny like that, losing 15 years to bubba's dick just because you can't close that fucking yap shut of alcohol before driving.
>>484861030It does exist, but you need hard drugs to achieve it. I've never tried them but that's the breaks.
>>4848611182 most dangerous groups:https://youtu.be/_UbDvW0ykao
>>484864072Why tho? Don't do it, you will both have regrets about killing him/her all your life.
>talk German politicsbtw. I deleted all cuck porn weeks ago
https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/10/lots-of-pcs-are-poised-to-fall-off-the-windows-10-update-cliff-one-year-from-today/One year from today, on October 14, 2025, Microsoft will stop releasing security updates for PCs that are still running Windows 10.Organizations and individuals will still be able to pay for three more years of updates, with prices that go up steadily each year (Microsoft still hasn't provided pricing for end users, only saying that it will release pricing info "closer to the October 2025 date.") But for most PCs running Windows 10, the end of the line is in sight.
>>484863294What else? Xorg? Wasn't it last updated a decade ago?
So what version of Win11 do corporations, organizations/lawyers, and governments use, because NO WAY IN HELL would they put MS spyware and AI systems onto their sensitive business PCs.
>>484861463That is the date that I finally become a linux distribution user.
>>484861985You must not have been paying attention. 10s adoption was utterly shit and recieved torrents of complaints. Unless you forgot they literally snuck in a full on forced upgrade that was breaking people systems, wiping their data, stalling out at upgrade screen etc. This is really not much different. People were clinging to 7 for years afterwards. Every iteration they come out with is worse than the last so its no surprise. Outside of wagies though most people are straight up ditching the desktop. They either buy a mac laptop, keep an old windows one or just stick to their phone.
>>484861463Don't care.Won't upgrade.Get fucked.
What the fuck is wrong with IDF, why do they treat their PoW like this?
>>484863696the whole world agrees that you jews should die.
>>484862610train kangaroos to eat kebab, sport.
This is what a Hindu looks like,.
>>484864279im a 6'4 aussie chad
>>484853141The small dick energy is real.
Turn on auto translate feature, how accurate is this Americans?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmSi7WzC5ic
>>484864322Most of it is wrong, but I can understand how a slav that lived there views Boston that wayIt really is in the top 3 worst cities to live in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFRmlM50w6kthis is big news in New Jersey. her brother and mother called for an ambulance to take her to a mental hospital but 6 cops showed up instead and shot her.
>>484859054it’s clearly a woman
>>484855919Shit thread.Convert to webmOr at least not require sign inTo back to plebbit dumbass OPLike what idiot hides content behind sign in content then promotes it on anonymous image board... are you retarded OP? It's ok, I will understand-- just go back to Facebook or wherever you from.
>>48485914211/10 I dare say
>>484855919she needed some BWC
>hotStop this spam
Indians are a slave race.
>>484862723>>484862824Do you feel bored by Anti-India post?
>>484862723India.The Finnish would just invite them in
Finland together with US form the worlds strongest and modern army. So obviously Finland would win.
>>484862723Finland starts with the Sisu national spirit which confers +20% division attack and defense on core territory. India starts with the agrarian society debuff. It's a no contest Finnish dub.
That's why I'm voting Trump because he will stop funding this corrupt regime installed by Democrats and MI6/CI glowshttps://euromaidanpress.com/2024/10/12/6-million-undeclared-wealth-unravels-careers-of-mother-son-top-officials-in-ukraines-fight-against-corruption/
>>484859827nah you're stupid, Putin is BAD GOY #1 and has been for like 10 years now, you're much more likely to be ((())) than he is, Bongstein
>>484858707Everyone gets a cut
>>484862637guess how much fema bureaucrats get of that percentage.Then guess how much actually goes to the victims.FEmA needs a school shooter.
>>484858707>ripping of american tax payersbased ukrainian. the more money you steal from america the less they can use it to kill white people.