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Why do Zionists want to destroy the world?
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they have what's classified as ZDNA, its parasitic/ recessive, that's why i assume they worship the 369 energy instead of the 785124 counterpart
its possible that they are actually the opposite of what we are
For satan. Not even kidding, google: Purim. The Jewish equivalent of Christmas holiday. Except the Christ figure is a hermaphroditic goat-demon.
Tell me more.
Godgevlamste archive
Also the end times is when they get to go to heaven and laugh at the goyim down in hell.

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Most dating is now done online and non-Whites can’t compete against Whites in hypergamy.

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

>Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters. White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men. -2022


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women shooters are drawn to black glocks
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This be true you crackers dont stand a chance without you gats.

Every nigga be worth 10 crackers in a fight.
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bLacks arent relevant in ANY fighting sport in 2024
you've fallen off

>but we beat up white amerimutts
you can beat the weakest white men, so what? best fighters are all white europeans and spics in 2024
Pajeet or tranny?

>meme flag

Definitely a pajeet

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ROBERT is the hero Chiraq needs but doesn't deserve; His nemesis is MALE BLACK, a notorious thief, murderer, and general rapscallion. By night they battle for the fate of the city.

Make sure to greentext interesting dispatch calls for other anons to read
>MALE BLACK pulling girls into storm drain
>MALE ASIAN naked in the street with a sword screaming at people
>The entire southeast side of the city is on fire


>>Consolidated Scanner

>>Zone-4 (isolated scanner of downtown Chirq and Mag Mile)

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>71st & St.Louis need fire police amber lamps, he hung up, caller was hysterical
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>MALE BLACK with dreads has a gun, nothing further
>check well being, MALE BLACK with no shirt digging his fingers into his body, causing himself to bleed
>keys status


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>All investigations have ceased
>No more information is being released or will ever be released
>The media has a gag order and is not allowed to even so much as mention it
>The Director of the Secret Service was allowed to exit with a golden parachute. She will never be questioned again, she will never be subpoenaed again, she will go into hiding for 6 months to a year and then show up again as some middle level executive at BlackRock.
>The Director of the FBI himself is pushing the narrative that the shooting never even happened and not a single reporter or agency will question him on it or call him out for it.
>Trump himself refuses to talk about it as he cowers in fear and cancels most of his upcoming rallies and instead opts to only do rallies indoors from now on.
>There are no daily FBI or other agency press briefings. Reporters don't even ask about it during daily White House press briefings.
>The officers who were supposed to be guarding the roof have not been identified, they will never be identified nor punished.

The Trump Assassination attempt has been successfully memoryholed
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This is what really happened during the attempt.
I will never forget it for the rest of my life. I will remember exactly where I was, what I was doing, and how I felt when trump was shot. I wonder how many other people my age think the same.
>visible scar
yeah I can't say I care anymore.

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Most dating is now done online and non-Whites can’t compete against Whites in hypergamy.

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

>Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters. White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”


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While there are attractive men in all races, White men have the most attractive per capita by a high margin.
Pure cope kek. Tyrone does not use Tinder because he does not understand how online verification works. He simply walks up to becky on the street, rizzes her up, gets her number then pounds her guts out.

And how can becky resist? She goes on tinder, and all she sees is whiteboys saying cringe shit like "you're so pretty i wanna kill myself". Ever since becky grew a pair of tits, she's been approached by virile black men. How can she deny it? Eventually she gave in. And she never went back.

The end.
Do you want us to blackpill you on the rapestats too nigger?
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It's gover
Kek fairly accurate
Asians have a higher average but the White peak is higher and more common, while also the White bottom is more common.
Or in other words asians are generally closer to the same as eachother and their average is higher where as White people are more likely to be retarded or a genius than average. Less midwits. Theres more White people as a percentage in the IQ ranges of 135, 145+
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>Less midwits
I wonder why

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Why we don't just eat the souls of the jews?

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What happens if Maduro loses the election?

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>Biden drops out of race
>forced to resign/resigns because of legit medical issues
>Indian/Jamaican mutt defaults as president
>WW3/Civil War kicks off
>Mutt calls off election

"Q is you"
why the fuck cant you guys just make a deal with china and have a little bit of fucking respect and share the #1 spot?
You have no idea how much it will get/could be in a scenario in which China has equal power or more power.

You are either a far left sympathizer or paid shill if you can't understand that.
what? learn English you fat fuck

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How long is the Kamala spam going to last? It wasn't this bad last time.
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This is probably more localised. The obvious spam here is just to kill conversation.
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Until she wins.
I think it's more a reflection of how comped the board is right now.
It was the same in 2016 and 2020, it’s what people do for fun and they’re likely underaged
I frankly have no idea what you're talking about. It's not nearly as bad as 2016 /pol/ where the kushner shills overwhelmed us until the election. There's always a low level of shilling and not much has changed.

Why hasn't /pol/ accepted Lord Bacchus, Dionysus as their savior?
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because he's just another degenerate trapped in the cycle of birth and death.
the buddha way is unsurpassed.
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Dumb kike
Buddhism, and by extension Eastern philosophy is extremely absolutist in its view that the entire world is suffering. Why not just not care about the suffering and enjoy life?
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Buddhists are lazy, nihilistic faggots that have never accomplished anything in human history. You like them because Buddhism allows pedophilia which you faggots are all about.
Why are people acting like this is a new thing? The fucking Olympics even in its more modern incarnation has had all kinds of pagan shit going on.

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How much damage did she do to the trans community?
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no facts to ignore. as the gay leftist provided zero facts to back up his gay leftist cope of watching his fellow gay leftist rapist crash and burn
>day out with the girls
The same as the rest. They’re all mindbroken disgusting pedophile groomers
Wow. Shocker. Faggot in love with his gay grooming rich pedophile perp
The so called community is a Judaic death trap

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Do Jews really? How could one race of people be so vile and self centered. Almost as if their own god has forsaken them.
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It's even more comical because so many of their traditions come from believing they can somehow fool their god. Yeah sure kike mcbaumenwitz, brutally killing that chicken after magically transferring your sins onto it totally fools god. The word Scapegoat literally comes from jews trying to fool god. To believe in a god and still think you can fool him is heresy of the highest order.
Goy Christians are pathetic slave cattle. Jews are the smartest, strongest people on earth, and are the only literate humans left on the planet with a positive birth rate. This upsets the goy deeply, but because the goy is only alive because he is being subsidized by Jews, he cant really say anything about it publicly. Whining on an anonymous internet board is the next best thing I guess. Lol.

>the more you know
About 0.0000001% of Jews participate in the chicken allegory thing. It’s funny you Christians keep harping about this when the entire basis of your slave creed is that you take no responsibility for your pathetic behavior because your sins are transferred to a man on a stick that died 2000 years ago instead of a chicken. The main difference is that you actually believe thats how it works.
>Jews are the smartest, strongest people on earth
>About 0.0000001% of Jews participate in the chicken allegory thing
Whoa...that means all of them go to my temple!

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admit it

You miss him
i miss it when conspiracy theories were reserved for well educated white men, i miss it when the establishment put effort into their lies, i miss it when the economy hadnt been completely skull fucked yet

this half jew half nigger won the election because john mccain thought it would be a good idea to have a karen sidekick who thinks dinosaurs are made by the devil to mislead us

and then in 8 years he managed to start 3 wars, ruin the economy, give epstein house arrest for raping little girls and whatever else he did
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No, but I miss being clueless and naive enough to consider voting for him. I actually supported Mike Gravel and Jill Stein, because I didn't think ol' Barry Soetero was left wing ENOUGH! Imagine that.
What I miss is the excitement of hanging out with other Something Awful goons on IRC and watching Barack rape McCain in his corrupt Arizonan asshole. And then Mittens, in his magic Mormon underpants. Remember this moment?
I miss being clueless and naive enough to think left-wing swings, feminism, and LGBT were good things. I don't like knowing how fucking horrifying those things really are behind the curtain.

Now Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka is fucking dead and his website is overrun with and controlled by detestable, unfunny Marxist retards. They don't even mourn him, they don't even miss him, they act like he never even existed. My old friends banned me from their stupid chat room just because I mentioned Biden's crack pipe goodie bags.

I miss seeing Biden as loveable comic relief and a respectable legacy American, instead of as the demented piece of shit race traitor puppet that I now see him as.

I miss the FUN of being left-wing leaning. How I still had a thriving social life, optimism and positivity in my heart. I miss all the virgin teenage girls that were throwing themselves at me. Now that I'm old, there's nothing for me out there but fat slags with mixed race kids. And *I* am the one that has to be grateful if *they* give me a chance. WTF? I don't want to be a fucking passport bro, that's a form of cowardice. I'm not some boomer who goes to Thailand and Phillipines to take advantage of poor people.

I miss being able to befriend brown and black people. I miss going on wild adventures like being the only White guy in a black club, getting shoutouts from the DJ.

That's what I miss.

A FORECLOSURE in my hometown is going for nearly $300k. What's the cause of this? Chinese investors picking up all the houses? Because that's what I've heard around town. Shit, even me looking for a room for rent, it's damn near $1000 a month for one single room in a home. Make it make sense.
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I want a fucking roof over my head and to not have to piss and shit in a truck stop bathroom. Being frugal makes you the kike, not me. Stop being a fucking spendthrifty little bitch
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>Why is Housing So Fucking Expensive?
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Why is Housing So Fucking Expensive?
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Consider the aroma...

Donald Trump no longer is wearing his ear bandage, and suprise suprise, he has absolutely no visible injury at all. Funny that. I mean, if he was ACTUALLY hit by a bullet you would think he would take a lot longer to heal, or that there would be scarring at least.

Let's face facts people. This guy faked the whole thing. This proves the blood pack theory. Yes, an actual person was killed, but likely taken out on purpose to lend credibility to the story. This guy is a sicko, and a fraud. He killed an audience member to make this bullshit story more credible, and you're a fool is you believe anything about the attempted "assassination" story.

Source for photo:
Just be honest and admit you're a pre-op tranny who loves old brown bitches.
OP is almost as fake and gay as Trump's assassination attempt.
just because your faggot inside-out dick will never heal into a vagina does not mean people can't heal in a few weeks
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>"DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob, you can get any career you want" she said to herself, out loud.

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>”bad guy”
>even though he did literally nothing wrong
any other /pol/ approved characters?
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God did the same thing.
>One of the books opens with him killing an old gardener at his dad's house house he's squatting in
garden of eden allusion. adam is the man killed, and the demiurge is thought of as 2 parts, hence the fixation on jachin and boaz. this is also in the aramaic targums, where the WORD of God was seen as a physical manifestation of God, and where the author of john got the idea, as he said jesus was the word made flesh. it also says he co-created everything with the father. some gnostics thought that jesus rebelled against the father, look at sabaoth in on the origin of the world and hypostasis of the archons. vader does this when he throws the emperor in the hole.
check this out, father and son with checkerboard floors, aka solomon's temple. the son is "moving on the waters" like in genesis. look at the father's robe for jb, jachin and boaz. you can see this stuff in almost any movie.
just try it the next time you watch something, just for fun think that the bad guy represents God, and the good guy represents jesus. you will see throwaway lines in a whole new light.
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no, i took great pains to explain that this is gnosticism, not satanism. in gnosticism God is satan and jesus came to save us. not my worldview, but it is very relevant to just about anything going on today oddly enough.
>1. Although Christ appeared to be human, his humanity was merely an illusion.

>2. Christ appeared to die, but did not really die. The Crucifixion was really a crucifiction.

>3. Christ was not truly God, the second Person of the Trinity. He was merely a created being who was the lowest of the aeons, a group of semi-divine beings between God and man. Each lower aeon was given power by a higher aeon. Christ, the aeon furthest removed from God, created the world because God was too pure to dirty himself with matter.

>4. Matter is evil, so one can do anything one wants with one’s body, including killing it to release the soul from its imprisonment.

>5. The God of the Old Testament is evil, as evidenced by the fact that he created the material universe. He is not the same as the God of the New Testament, who is the God of Love, as Jesus and his apostles taught (1 Jn 4:8, 16).

>6. People are saved by acquiring secret knowledge (gnosis), which is imparted only to the initiated.
I was talking about Harry Potter being Satanic propaganda. You said you've only seen minutes of these movies, something tells me if you sat down to watch one you'd pick up on a lot more of the bad messages.
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Now more games.
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Sir this is a Wendy’s

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satanist or not it's pedo shit
the fact they only target christianity tells you everything
With COVID it was closer to only 25% of people playing along the first month, then dropped to 1% after 2 months where I live.
I work in a major corporation and involve in frequent regional travel.
Sure a majority of the population is terminally retarded and scheduled for genocide,
but when it comes to these TV programs, and media circus operations, noone is really watching anymore.
The "NEWS" still uses the internet and phones as a background force to flash images of a world that does not exist anymore.
But its a dead internet.
The people you are talking to here are mostly bots.
I hope you escape from the matrix soon.
Evening kikes. My community is nigger free and fine. I can't say the same for the idiots in Rotherham or elsewhere. By the way, Rotherham even when it was 100% white was a scumfilled shithole so it's fate isn't surprising. Let's hear you solution then lads, I suppose you think it's wise to ignore your own community to go out on a limb like a spastic over happenings hundreds or thousands of miles away huh? Let ZOG rile you up to go get fucked over for them. Fuck off. The best way people can reject Jewish influence and globohomo is at a local level.
Correction: There originally were no sandniggers in the middle east. At least not any who were able to write.

The sandniggers are the children of the arabs who killed and raped the white people of the middle east during their countless invasions over history.

Yes there are falsehoods in it as it was rewritten over and over but the stories are much older and part of our ancient heritage.

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see >>475792910
there's no iconography for them to make the target of their mockery.
They'll be dead
> Allah will not be mocked

He's mocked every time some arab blows him/herself up and with every video of radicals stabbing and shooting each other. Islam is it's own worst enemy and is not going to survive the next decade.
Tranny grooming gayop
Chuds we have a lot in common.
They are oppressed by the jew. So are we.
We want to throw fag's off a roof. They do.
I propose we give them Ukraine as a token of goodwill.

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We British are stinky and smelly and stupid
We don't have many teeth by the age of 16
The romans expanded into Engerland and the only reason they stopped and didn't try to conquer Scotland was because Britons were disgusting enough. When they peered their heads over Hadrian's wall, all they seen was a people TWICE as fowl and smelly, and stupid, running around in bog in the nip painted in blue. Nothing but feral savages and bog. And so they said "fuck that, this was all a mistake". And they eventually just packed up and left

Our language, our accent's, our slang, our customs, our culture, it is repulsive and disgusting. When I think of Britain, I think of a poverty stricken housing estate footpath plastered with chewinggum and cigarette butts with a used condom laying on it. With a forever grey sky that reflects the misery of the land. That's Britain. That's our country. That's all you need to know innit
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I like watching the clouds and the rain pass by in the distance. It is beautiful. And the sound of the rain, and dull days. I hate the sun. I actually agree but it wouldn't had been an authentic british post if I didn't complain about the whether
Why do most Brit’s look like rats? They look very similar to Jews
>anglo kike
Of course a kike is mad, anglos are like their masters.
You’re also a pajeet projecting.
Norf FC memes are an accurate depiction of Britain. That's the sad, bitter truth behind the memes. They are funny, yes. The roman ones are probably my favourite

Nope! Oi'm Bretesh Oi am!

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