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>Australia’s social media ban for minors: Has this worked elsewhere?

>‘Woke’: Concerns over ‘far-left’ shift in Aus
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I only microwave
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Fixed it. Pride is a sin regardless of your creed.
Amen, brother
Which gods do you pray to?
specism (the proper term) isn't about pride (which, indeed, is the most abject sin)
specism is about the defense of all that is true, beautiful, civilized and natural; of all that is actually Human
it has nothing to do with pride: it has to do with goodness against savagery

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but ignoring the elephant in the room which is goat girlfriends?
>inb4 bestiality
you know who also practices bestiality? JD Vance. But he doesn't get a fraction of the criticism this goat would get for wanting to find herself /pol/

WTF is wrong with you Americans? Stop grooming here.

Seven Americans previously convicted of sex crimes in their country have been barred from entering the country, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said Thursday.

Dustin Patrick Auvil, 57, who arrived at the NAIA Terminal 3, Pasay City from San Francisco, California in the US was intercepted last Aug. 22.

He was convicted in 2006 for sexually assaulting a four-year-old girl.

On the same day, Daniel Russell Eoff, 34, was excluded also at the NAIA 3 after he arrived from Tokyo. He was convicted in 2013 of second degree sexual assault against a six-year-old child.

On Aug. 23 at the NAIA, Francisco Javier Alvarado, 39, was also denied entry. He was convicted in 2017 of child pornography for possessing obscene material depicting a minor in sexual conduct.

Michael Allen Turner, 41, who arrived from Hong Kong last Aug. 24 at the Mactan airport in Cebu was also denied entry. He was convicted in 2003 of sexual assault of a child in the second degree.

Intercepted on Aug. 29 was Matthew Thorin Wall, 46, who arrived at the NAIA last Aug. 28 from Taiwan. He was convicted in 1999 for having sex with an 18-year-old victim.

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Lil Filipina bitches should stop being so sexy and acting so slutty then. They literally beg for Big White Cock.
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>Intercepted on Aug. 29 was Matthew Thorin Wall, 46, who arrived at the NAIA last Aug. 28 from Taiwan. He was convicted in 1999 for having sex with an 18-year-old victim

Do Amerocattle really?!
All this does is legimitize real pedophilia by lessening its severity trough watering down the definition from kids to literal adults
>She was 18 years old you sick fuck
Fucking hell....
Art pumped out 2 or 3 kids with his teen toy Filipina after Art murdered Ramona Bell.
>What country are you dual citizenship with?
>Did you become a dual citizen before or after the crime?
>I'm currently being framed
Having dual citizenship is a necessity if you have US citizenship.
They should admit them, and then do with them like drug dealers. Basically, shoot them.

So is everything post like 1900 a lie?
>eat steak and eggs.
>don't get vaccines
>Homeschool your kids

Society really hasnt progressed in the past 100 years. Regressed. Cell phones and computers are more trouble than they are worth
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unironically weak blood leaded to other problems normal people would not get
vax status?
She needed a blood transfusion for some rare immune disorder. The hospital refused unless she got vaxxed. Family told hospital she can't, due to immune system problems.
Hospital told her to do it anyway.
So she did and got an immediate adverse reaction that is now killing her.
True. I don't even have a trolling comment.
Pretty much.

My grandma lived to be 100 and was mentally sharp into her late 90s.
She said there really isn't such a thing as progress as she'd seen a lot of things go backwards. Especially to do with quality of life.
And this was more than 20 years ago.

Immigration and cheap labour is the best thing ever happened to society.
Imagine being so weak depending on a government protecting you.
In every natural state of Nietzsche the rich and powerful will immediately take over the government and use it to their advantage to exploit the masses. Which forces the truly strong to overcome this parental dependence and become truly independent to rise above limitations as borders and languages.
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Slavery is based and natural.
Based kikes are doing eugenics on us!
Please give me more obstacles to jump through, Shlomo!
Kids got groomed into trannies? Survival of the fittest goyim!
>Contractual slavery is based
Longevity will definitely increase their productivity.
I like to call the entry barriers

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>go inside cockpit
>see this
>"Yo cracka. We're finna take off. You ready?"

What do you do?
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cock pit
getting off the plane, god only allows white men to guide us through the heavens

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Nah cuz It is not the Jews who rule the Western hemisphere, but an astronomical number of brown bulls which Totally happening right now as you knoe

Alpha Males and Alpha Females make fun of loser males and loser females.
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saar I know its you ranjeesh no need for memeflag
I mean sometimes but typically they just get their shit done and avoid you jealous little faggots.
O irmão do eduardo campos tem 20 anos e já é o CEO da compainha elétrica recifense, KEK
se vc acredita em trabalho duro, vc tem QI vazando pelo ouvido, agora cala a boca e acorda cedo pra pegar o buzão lotado sem ar condicionado
I've never seen alpha males make fun of lesser males. That is a beta male thing. Alphas do not need to tear down others like that to show dominance. They just shut their mouths and look and other men duck and cower like children.
Post it

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What’s the deal with niggers?
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Snakes, jackals, hyenas, cockroaches, rats, raccoons, etc. Obviously they aren't doves or sheep.
Bumping to find that gif comparing the skull shapes which this image is from
Different types of dogs, different types of humans. Some dogs are smart and sociable and some are violent and dumb as fuck. I guess its obvious which type of human the nigger is. This is so painfully obvious. That people are still mystified by nigger failiure amazes me. It all comes down to genetics, period. How could anyone fool themselves on this. If there is any reason the Marxist liberals want to promote mixed race relationships it's to breed the nigger out of existence. But the result is as bad as what was put in, the nigger blood. Mostly docile, dumbass halfbreeds. The left loves the docile side of the equation. Resist more!
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What’s with crackers? Stop copying us, stupid cracker
I have a freckle on my left arm, but not in that location

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>He will have to do this on a nightly basis at age 30
>He has no other choice
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Gracias compañero groypero.
>he makes millions!
>He has no other choice
uhh whut?
fuckin lost right off the bat at top left hahahaha same energy as ayooo nigga which shoe lace u tie first da right one or da left one ??!
nigger he makes thousands of dollars in superchats alone (not subscriptions) for doing a 1.5 hour monologue and then half an hour of superchats, and by sitting in front of a green screen ranting. he might put in a bit of prep time, but for some people extemporaneous speaking comes naturally, so reading the news, having a rough idea of a topic, and just going for it.

his expenses are what now? taxes and... what else? he probably doesn't even pay rent.
mossad wont need to do anything, the chats will kill him before long

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Daily example of what 65 IQ niggerbrains actually means in practice
>niglet dies
>nigger dad thinks if he prays hard enough the niglet will magically ressurect
>niglet is dead for months lying in its bed and decomposes

original link: https://www.hln.be/binnenland/jairon-14-lag-twee-maanden-dood-in-bed-hij-zou-verrijzen-als-we-maar-lang-genoeg-zouden-bidden~a8e8be04/
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now the nigger mother will churn out another dozen niglets
I don't see a problem with this
(((>>482176163))) <- bot
100% this
Mungo Jerry the band, not the singer. His name is Ray Dorset. While he definitely LARPed as a nigger, I don’t know if he is jewish
>During the course of the proceedings Dorset denied harassing his ex-manager by singing in an "antisemitic" video entitled "Nail that Snail."

You had really high hopes on these losers coming into this board.

Someone in here is planning a mass shooting as we speak.

Trump lost the debate, and you're coping.
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OP is eating dicks.
is that my future wife evalion? <3
i feel if trump lost the debate they wouldnt have tried to shoot him like last time when his opponent literally shit himself on a hot mic
>Why not kill kikes instead?
truly the question of our times
What is she doing these days?
I remember she was mildly popular in 2016.

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Turanic Bros Forever (Stop kissing Western Boot, Finns)!
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no more brother wars
I live on Urals, but I'm not Uraloid.
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While it's true we do have Indo-European roots, we shouldn't let it subsume our superstrates.
I live in English Midlands, but I'm Uraloid, strange that!
True... North Eurasian Unity!

People have you killed on jew juice too many shit skins on pol for it to be zero. Generalize no hard details

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>say nigger online
>be polite to black men in real life

Why are /pol/ chuds like this?
What causes this mentality?
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>“Let’s go Champ!”
Nigga lost to a whiteboy and made all kinds of excuses, schizo tier ones as well. Too bad knowing you are not the "superior black race".
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There are black men.
Then there are Nigers.
Black men are men.
Nigers are apes that kill black men.
How hard is this to understand?
80% of blacks are niggers, anon. Chimps. Fuck the idiots that decided it was a good idea to bring these vile idiots to White lands.
I'm polite to everyone IRL unless they're rude or niggerish

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All Trump could have hoped for is market crash before the election. Now it's not happening. It's over for him.
they just cut 50 basis points, but do you understand the consequences of that?
one consequence is that interest rates on mortgage will temporarily lower.
Brings down mortgage repayment costs and apparently it's a bad thing. Literally deflation.
>All Trump could have hoped for is market crash before the election. Now it's not happening. It's over for him.

'The market'? Most Americans don't care about 'the market' because it does nothing for them.
>raise interest rates 4%+
>drop them .5%
your faggotry is is higher than inflation
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>hoping for a market crash
>refusing a border agreement to own da libs
>assaulting strangers with animal gore
Why are republicans like this?

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Why is this not more popular?
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not really. customized software but the drones themselves are all standard parts.
>Guy in jail told me years ago the feds can read drug dealers minds
No, they can just hack into your phone and spy on everything you're doing including the mic and camera.
Oh it's magic then, duuuurr.
Western nations have drone security. Its not the best but it's good enough that your average assassin wouldnt be able to circumvent it. I think i could do it if i tried but i'm nonviolent.
A drone was used against Nicolas Maduro but the jammers stopped it when it got somewhat close. Probably need something like a laser aiming or optical signaling or internal AI. Big taboo to break

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>Stupid liberal white bitch
Ironically white men (not jews) were the ones who pushed feminism into women because they wanted to fuck them without needing to marry them.
Your ancestors fucked up bigly
Women had short hair for decades, even going back to flappers 100 year ago. She's not some tranny. This was an excuse to be a pervert.
Is she some kind of Scandinavian? She actually looks like my dad's sister. I'd probably have no problem telling it was a woman, but those in the middle east and
..Egypt sees things differently. She wasn't being considerate is all I'm saying
Her crime is going to muzzy land and expecting them to not act like muzzies.
More of this please.
>meme flag
kike opinion rejected

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>trump is currently the top 1shabbos goyim in the world
>10-20 threads about assassination attempts by democrats
Is /pol/ really this stupid now? It'd make perfect logical sense if he was to be killed by a disillusioned republican supporter or even unaffiliated patriot
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Trump likes to keep his friends close...
There has been more leftist Palestinian supporter terrorist acts this year than National Socialist ones since they started keeping track.
Why doesn't Israel just blow up Trump's cellphone?
trump was pissed at him because netanyahu was on bidens site after the election fraud 2020. later trump became best buddies again with netanyahu and the betrayal was just forgotten. Trump is a jewish slut.
>"assassination attempts"
fake and gay kike kayfabe for political kabuki theatre to bedazzle the gullible goy, the HEAVY involvement of glowniggerrock in both of those niggers lives is all you need to know in order to know that it's staged hoax glownigger bullshit, faker than sandy hoax and the moon landing and the magic bullet, faker than a troon's axe wound, wake the fuck up retard

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Previous: >>482144283
Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Pager attack done prematurely due to Hezbollah members finding out
>Rumors of random iPhones exploding all around Lebanon
>Air France, Lufthansa, and British Airways have cancelled all flights into Israel until tomorrow
>Lebanon invasion Soon(tm)


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around women, never relax
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its shill posting time?
You lost in your own country mehmet, that's why you came to germoney.
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she will sell some pagers on bulk, no questions asked

her website

her pinterest

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