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I need to fill up my jeet hate folder, post some jeets getting hit by trains, street shitting, disgusting sights of india, etc. No AI pls, only real pics/webms.
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did he dieded
They do it on a regular with Asian women at least, not sure about niggers.
Go back.
Oh, yes of course, how could I have been so absent minded!
Found the pajeet.

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why are they so enamored with each other?
mexicacos hate russia for some reason
maybe mexishits. Latin Americans love Russia and so do I
And only globohomo faggots support ukraine, we've had better relationship with them since established diplomatic relations in 1890

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Polish MEP just opposed EU plans to "vaccinate" Africa with mRNA bioweapon the way it was done to developed countries inhabited mostly by whites. His microphone was switched off.

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Based Poles are based. Respek and Godspeed
based Polack
Is he the next Hitler material?

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remember when there was hope in the world?
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Refrigeration is awesome and yes the 90s were awesome too.
Talks about "hope".
>Posts a pic of shitty goyslop.
Fucking retard.
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Clearly you dont know just how awful pre kfc merger taco bell was.
>muh chicken nuggets of Hope

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why do italians look like mexicans? if italians and iberians can be called white than i think we should let mexicans be called white too
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A crowd of mexicans don't look that white, don't flatter yourself ese
Then the Romans weren't either. Go scribble some runes since you don't want to do anything to do with Romance language and culture.
What is white?
South is mixed with Arabs and North Africans, north is mixed with Germans.
seethe, we are taking over and fucking your women lol
not true

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What's he going to say?
>Fmr. Pres. Trump Remarks at Israeli American Council Conference
>Will Air:
Sep 19, 2024 | 7:00pm EDT | C-SPAN.org
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How's he going to crush antikike-ism his first day in office?
Sounds like he'll try to violate free speech. Just when I started to think maybe I should vote.

This is depressing
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MIGA is an official Trump slogan
Gif inbound I hope

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To start america controls israel and has since the 1970s, yoav gallant acting defense minister dose not even hide being an a american plant he has made visits to dc without consulting bibi during the course of the war, he said at the start of the anti judicial reform code name kaplan force protest(this whole movement is itself non organic a western funded attempt at a color revolutions to over throw a democraticly elected goverment) that air force pilots should refuse to report when called up for duty, any were else in the world he would fired and facing charges of treason and atempted mutiny but he is still here as defence minister, it's also known that hochstein the american foreign afairs leizan has shared details pertaining to our war plan for lebanon with hezbola becuase we are so cucked all our major military operations are presented to and pre approved by the american, the biden administration has also imposed sanctions on private israeli citezens for idealogical reasons every one of the recipients is a right wing religouse so called hill top youth our own local banks have enforced these foreign ordered sanctions locking israeli citizens out of their own demosticly located bank accounts on Israeli soile just this last thing proves we are not truly a sovreighn nation, but a completely cucked vessel state, and this is just small examples of witch their are many more over the course of many decades, previous semi related thread here
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based leafbro. you say nothing but the truth
I don't care I want to live my life without you fucks involveing yourselves do you know how much money ey countries give terrorist were I live to construct illegal buildings it's insane
Just trying to learn your schedule so I know the best time to give your phone a ring, and this is more projection from the heathens I'm not exaggerating as recently as 600 years ago your ancestors were regualrly rapeing livestock
Mizrahim deserve to get pushed back into Egypt. Retake the Sinai already Levi.
>do you know how much money ey countries give terrorist were I live to construct illegal buildings it's insane
you talk like I like giving away money to foreigners (that includes israel btw) or like I have an actual choice
HaShem wants a nation of self sufficiency, not reliance, and especially not subservience. The kibbutz will set you free.

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Are you actually voting for Trump or is it a Jewish psyop?
There's a lot of burgers who love arguing for Trump so much that it genuinely seems like (((they))) have tricked you masterfully into voting for someone so pro-Israel.
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Not a single anti-Trump poster can give a single reason to vote for Kamala
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The Left and Right are 2 buns on the same Jewish ass.
I just want to see major cities burn to the ground.
Yeah but its you
Except the right didnt build a tiny homes and subsidized commie blocks in my city or force vaccinate my children

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US withdrawal from Afghanistan
Russian invasion of Ukraine
Israeli invasion of Palestine
I can't decide which was the most retarded

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Are Jews based? They seem based. Jews are based.


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Not as based as Hindu nationalists making Christians beg for their lives in India.

What a fuckin horrid voice, I would still fuck that kike whore and roman salute while I cum inside her though.
and her hair starts halfway back her nosferatu skull.
Her voice is so fucking annoying if I was near you I would punch you in your faggot face

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>Electronics are assembled in Asia.
>Machine tools are made in Asia
>Materials are also made in Asia
>Parts are also made in Asia
>Supply chain is completed in Asia

I'm sorry But why do ypipo think they should be allowed to jew money here when they have produced nothing in this process?
No we don't need you in this industry Asians should get all the money which absolutely rightfully belong to us
We developed all that shit, Jews just shipped the manufacturing to Asia.
Jap cars are designed by Americans in California. Otherwise they'd be shit and would only fit slanty-eyed umpalumpa nips.
Nah It is made primarily by a complex supply chain of local Asian companies
Apple and Microsoft may make software, but they cannot make a computer from scratch

Most of you are basically little retards in Plato's cave. You unironically have no concept of reality, what is real, or what is the point of anything. Instead you get your answers from kikes. You're essentially an animal at that point. You're their cattle. How can you be anything more than that when you rely on them to shape your view of reality, of what is science, what is math, what is history, what is truth?
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Wow man. You're so deep.
Like, in a I'm in high school and just took my first philosophy class kinda way.
You fucking shallow grabastic retarded faggot. Eat shit and die.
dude fuck off
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>Victim blaming
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your schemes are on full display, we are fully aware of who you are and what you intend to do.

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No refunds
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>meme flag
>no one wants to hear
hahaha ok sure vaxbuddy
The rich eugenics folks wanted to reduce the population so a lot of people have to get neutered and then die. You trusted them when the knowledge of who was pushing it and what they said in their prior ted talks was publicly available. You don't deserve to reproduce or survive if you value your life and health so little.
post link also faggot

Vance is gonna do all of THAT? Well fuck he has my vote now.
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He has a face for comedy
End the 19th amendment? Hot damn, it's about time!
And Vance's
>Racism is bad
Make up your mind

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>I also noticed the less you fap, the more you crave to get fucked in the ass, no anyone doing that no-fap shit is a kike.
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sometimes in order to be a focused programmer, i will literally just crank one during the work day and get back to work. hard to focus on numbers etc with that shit in your body.
Yeah after I go to the doctor and he tells me my or is is permanently destroyed I'll have to tell my girlfriend and she'll probably leave me.
What's this kike?
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I can't wait for Elon Musk to directly transmit porn into my brain 24/7.

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>If there WAS a Covid virus, it came from a lab, likely in Wuhan China where they were doing gain of function research that would be illegal in the US.
>This was during a heavy Flu season and in almost every case the Flu was replaced with Covid.
>Hospitals GOT PAID with various Covid funds through the government, per Covid patient, hospitalized, ventilator, and even "Covid" deaths large sums of money.
>People died in hospitals and nursing homes, this is for 2 reasons, first they were testing positive on a PCR test that should have NEVER been used as a test in this manner, not to mention the actual PCR test cycles were ramped up to ridiculous amounts like 44, when they should have been around 14. At 44 you'll likely get a positive test always, this is why you saw videos of people getting positive tests on water, fruit, cola, etc.
>The second reason for the deaths is because the hospitals had a BOGUS protocol of putting these people in a COMA and sticking a vent in their mouth, another large contributing factor was that caretakers during Covid had a policy of neglect, many patients died due to neglect alone.
>This was likely a test for the real thing, it also may have just been a test run to see if everyone would comply, what it wasn't was a dangerous viral outbreak, this is simple to determine as there were no sick people about.
>The numbers were hugely inflated (remember hospitals getting paid) so they were jotting down Covid on everything. Car crashes, gun shot wounds etc.
>The virus was never isolated ever anywhere in the world and hasn't been to this day.
Normies need to get this through their heads. These are all FACTS
Pretty sure it was a real virus that only harmed white people.
*white boomers, which was great. They screeched for the young to shoot up for herd immunity, but arent giving their kids anything.
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Okay Goyim
DARPA did COVID, specifically one poopjeet who shouldn't be in the country

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You claim you hate isreal, yet you’re voting for Trump. Curious
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its the only reason I want Trump period. If he wins they cry for YEARS about how its unfair and how he cheated and abused the perfect system they trusted last year (part of me thinks it will happen just to get normies to distrust voting more and more until we reach a point of demanding a new electoral system completely brought to you by McDonalds) and if he loses they go on ranting raving tirades about how it isn't enough and he needs to die or something. Their derangement syndrome gives them no rest and I am glad I got to skip whatever genes or programming did this to them.
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Deception and the Art of War
Supporting Israel + BLM + hyperinflation + LGBT + erosion of Constitutional rights + unfettered illegal "immigration" + feminism + DEI + cabinets, including the department of homeland security, occupied by NGO Jews + Haitian niggers all over Everytown, America + rich getting richer > Supporting Israel

I am very smart
Perhaps they are just being agreeable so you shut up and move on... explain why I shouldn't vote Trump for the umpteenth time please. Blah, blah, blah, democracy, blah, blah, blah, grabs pussies, blah, blah, Hunter Biden laptop is fake, blah, blah he's racist, all whites should die or serve pocs, blah, blah, authoritarian, freedom of speech and other rights are ruining democracy, blah, blah, we need more time to deliver more inadequate results, please more time, please more, please, I don't want to die... take that up with God because He has decided you do die. Care to argue with Him more? I think He's done trying to explain to a stubborn and rebellious people.
TLDR; Time is up.
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Thank you for at least providing your logic. You’re the only one capable of doing so.

Stinky liberals BTFO by facts
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Happiness expert here. That's not true. Women happiness is based on how many kids they have before 30, when measured by asking them when they are 45.
Dentistry expert here. 9/10 dentists recommend colgate, which must mean it is scientifically the best toothpaste available

Jews big mad! They will send five or six assassins to every rally from now on.
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Same, u haven't had a credit card in over 10 years. Want to buy a house next year though and my credit score is only 600, so I'll have to figure that out.
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she's not drumpf, that was the only reason to vote for biden
I've literally never had one because I paid attention when taught how to calculate interest IN MIDDLE SCHOOL.
I laughed my way off the phone when my credit union gave me the 30% rate as their best offeril
I tried to get one recently, they said it was activated. I tried to order a fucking pizza with it and wound up getting declined. The pizza went unsold and I had night to eat that day.
I called them 3 times to get them to activate it, and they kept drilling me for personal questions building up their goy portfolio on every detail of my life.
I eventually told them they are the sign asking too much, then they sent a letter closing my account.

I'm never paying bills again. Companies keep turning me over to collections and threatening me, I just have me a giggle and call it free money!
I'm actually now actively taking steps to prevent stores from getting my dox to sell my shit off as well. Even pizzas are ordered under a fake name. With AI cameras, I'll be wearing a full face mask as my religious freedom

My advice to you would be to do some side work on your own, fix cars or sometime and save up some money. Surely you have some marketable skill. If you're on gibs, get a hud house.
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Imagine everything getting expensive while no money is to be had anywhere. This is price controls on money.

The Bedeviled® motherfucker!

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cumskins are you guys doing okay?

years and year of bashing indians only to come crumbling down when a man with a turban puts two white boys in check and makes them mumble like bitches.


It's amazing how brown ooga boogas think that yelling like a retard is a winning argument.

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you could just say niggers

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