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> Arrived in Delhi for diwali.
> Airbnb in a relatively posh place. 60 usd a night.
> Go outside to explore in the winter sun, Notice 3 men working on an open manhole.
> one man is shoveling the waste from the manhole onto the road.
> I call him and ask why is he not shoveling the toxic poison into a truck or a container.
> He says its so that it dries up first in the sun.
> I am horrified. My anxiety shoots up from 0 to 9000 in a second. This guy thinks its completely ok to dump toxic sewage by the roadside for days on end.
> I ask him who he works for. Its for the municipal corporation of delhi.
> I am even more horrified. I decide to leave before I faint and they dump me in the manhole.
> There is something deeply wrong with India. Lovercraftian levels of horror.
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I vowed to never eat indian food at any capacity. I don't care if it's made by a westoid indian, maxicans employed at the place, or even a frozen type deal from a factory. I simply do not trust anything indian.
If you weren't a retarded street-shitter, you'd know my point was that hating India and Indians is a good thing, no need to feel any shame for hatign you because you are a nation of shitty people who fuck each other over like rats.

Simple as, anon!
You know what? On any other places, the one at bottom of barrels will revolt and kill the elites, even the dumb African
Jeets are not only dumb, but also pathetic and weak. Jeets are fine with being treated like that, lmao.
I assure you, there is absolutely nowhere on earth, that the oppressed are fine with being oppress and do nothing about it. NOWHERE. FUCKING JEET LAND IS SOMETHING ELSE
Sure it happened, chinkoid faggot.
Never been to India, but the episodes of Seinfeld where they went to India for a wedding taught me everything I need to know about India.

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As succinctly as possible, why is this the most hated man in human history?
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Refusal to accept cultural marxism

Because he is sleazy and untrustworthy, only retards fall for populists
How is a segregationist less racist than someone who wasnt?
Fake news. The people love him. He will be president.
He was a black swan event.
He barged in on their game and they didn't expect it.
They thought they had already achieved total control and he shattered their delusions.
Bear in mind they still have 99% control. But that isn't enough for these people. They need the 100%. And they hate that he took that 1% away from them.

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Holy shit Cenk just endorsed Trump
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I still lean toward more evil than stupid, because I know a lot of otherwise very intelligent people who will engage in these kinds of mental gymnastics, but when you confront them on them, will just get denigrating. They don't argue the point, really. They just call you an idiot in some fashion, suggest that you "can't be taken seriously," and so on. They don't engage with the point, they just brush it off and insult you.

But these are people who can get through advanced mathematics courses on a whim that most of the population would struggle with. It's not simple stupidity. It's maybe some mixture of brainwashing and outright evil, but it's not stupidity.
I'm very skeptical that it will have a similar impact this time, for a number of reasons, but I hope you're right.
Hm, might also be true.
Either way, it changes little for me. If they want to drag me down into the well of destruction because they are retarded or because they are evil would not change anything about the end result.
The response needs to be the same.
Sort of. I think the difference between responses is an issue of underestimation; if you assume they're dumb, you can from there conclude that simple strategies will work. If you assume they're smart, but evil, that makes things more difficult, and requires more care in one's strategizing. In either case I want to be rid of them just as badly as you do, so there's that.
DERANGED. the word is "Deranged", Cenk.

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With the death of 4chan and /pol/ inching closer each day, and no replacement in sight what will happen once it dies?
There are dozens of other image boards to migrate if this shitty one shuts down.
yeah well which one
i really only know the country specific ones
X is better than /pol/. And over there I can say söÿböÿ without censorship.
There is a list with dozens of them somewhere. 16chan for example was pooped all over but the user interface was great.
i just hope one will get popular enough that a large part of the userbase migrates there

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Do people seriously expect me to consider women as equals? I don't get it.
I don't get it either. I never really did, even when I pretended to.
Women dont really want to be equal. They want to submit to a strong man.
Thats how they control woman votes. Insistent equality in workplaces to make them think their opinions matter.
Someone was harassing me about this but there is a lot in common that was never discussed before and (jewish) feminists pretended to care about it in the past, and there are differences (related to narcissism, manipulative behavior, different interests, ...) which overlap censored topics such as occultism or sociopathy.

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The end of civilization has dawned upon mankind. The final day, the last age. The dawn of a new beginning, so pure, and clean. Rivers and lakes will dry up. The sun will not give her light nor the moon and stars at night. Birds will sing their songs no more, and the clouds will stop giving rain.
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It will be still, for a flickering of a flicker, much like always, except, every observer will notice the stilness that always was and the ilussion will carry on!
It never fucking ends.
I, declare, bancrupcyyyyyy, and war! lol
Something you never had nor will have, or a government even.
Our creator, evil.
>the jews have all the characteristics of Satan.

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Is she wearing... booty shorts?
so why dont you fly a plane?
wypippo don season dey planes
Exactly this.
Sunk-cost fallacy in its full glory. They will push LGBT ultrafeminist anti-white racism until the system colapses.

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>Koreans living in japan = more than 80 millions including Zainichi
>Japanese living in Korea =40.000

Considering that the Japanese population size is more than double than the korean one, the Japaense are indifferent to Korea and Korea doesn't look attractive to the japanese in general. your opinion about it?
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>4/5s of weeb land is Korean
math doesn't check out
ofc 800.000
I will give this phrase to you. To err is human. keep it in your mind

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Republicans - Social Justice Warriors
Democrats - Social Justice Warriors

Have you seen Lisa?

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Whats going on in israel? Did they take any land in gaza or lebenon yet?
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By now you would expect israel to capture most of the middle east. What went so wrong?
Israel instead of doing normal colonialism they go through every person man, woman, child, elderly, sick, whoever is in their way and kill them to demoralize the arabs, they basically have an infinite budget for this and doing so makes them look all the more powerful, it makes sense as in this day and age all the colonial empires seem ancient, israel being new has to prove itself by stuff like breaking international law and genociding millions just to prove a point
He was making a move. Guy had to get it on.

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why is MSM so angry about this show? everywhere you go they do nothing but chimp out and call this dude a pseudo conspiracy theorist when he seem genuinely curious and is pointing out compelling facts for alternative hypotheses?
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youd think theyd be propping up a pseud talking about climate change
Character maximum required some creativity as I did not wish to make multiple posts. I am sorry that you didn't understand.
Nobody is going to flush their 401k down the toilet if they find Atlantis or something. The system will do what it always does. This new knowledge will be coopted and spun into something to it's benefit. You don't need historical revelations to see that there is something profoundly wrong with our culture, especially in the US. All you have to do is look at the anti-social lunatics pissing in the street and butchering each other every night.
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>oh god we're midgets
>oh god we're the monkey version of chickens & dinosaur devolution

Eldritch cosmic horror, and begs the question as to whether we got Cortez & Pizarro'd by not so distant space cousins. Phoenician Space Navy-- now you understand the fear in the average normalfaggot retard at the Vedic enormity of the timescales involved: what the fuck happened in 10k years of our continuity could be recapitulated God knows how many times.

Then we'd have to think about a total world mobilization of resources to get back to Atlantean level of technology if and when Ayys ever returned with the marginal hope of having an uninvadable space Switzerland of a planetary defense by then, or world-killing Sampson Option to spook them off.
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Yeah no shit that's why it's on some Goyflix series with a literal who and Keanu Reeves. I wasn't saying this knowledge is anything new or profound on it's own. Simply that it's villification is integral to the NWO.
>Nobody is going to flush their 401k down the toilet if they find Atlantis or something
Stating obvious things when you don't understand is just cringe Anon. Just say you don't get it.

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The Trump/McDonald's stunt has had way more positive impact for his campaign than anyone regardless of political affiliation could have predicted. For better or worse, this is yet another example of Trump changing the game when it comes to politics. This is going to be talked about and studied for decades if not even centuries. Hate it or love it, this is the future of American politics.
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Disregarding the fact that it’s a photo op, it’s the most genuine least fake one that’s come out in recent memory.
perhaps only jews were armed
You doubt? At this point?
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stay positive
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What really is going on here? What I reckon:
>Biden didn't want to run in 2020 because he knew about his mental condition. Party made him run because they couldn't get Michelle Obama
>Party chose Harris to solidify the Far-Left vote
>Democrats mass-printed ballots and woke poll workers hid Trump votes on their own volition
>Biden is convinced that he won by his party and takes the Oath of Office
>Biden was told he wouldn't need to do much given his condition and that his party would take care of everything.
>Harris is famously lazy and tried her best to do nothing
>Fastforward to July 2024, Democrats lose confidence in Biden's condition, want him to have a debate early while he's still with it in case he deteriorates further
>Biden has difficulty at debate because he's more used to reading lines rather than hearing them in his earpiece, has to whisper so he can hear his team, and bungles when he tries to fill in the blanks (We beat Medicare).
>Biden therefore appears weak. Donors threaten to pull out unless he saves himself.
>Biden fumbles NATO, introducing Zelensky as "Putin"
>Nancy Pelosi covers for him as a loyal partisan, Donors contact her directly and she changes her tune
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>FindAGrave as a primary source
Doesn't show up on the website.
>>Biden didn't want to run in 2020 because he knew about his mental condition
i don't buy that. He was a career politician running for president for the third time. He desperately wanted to be president even if he knew he was in cognitive decline.
Anyway, not reading all that.
He saw what happened to Hillary and he knew he had his own baggage with Hunter. It was easier in the old days when you ran against McCain or Bush who would keep quiet about it. If you think about it, Biden hasn't really won anything for himself after all of this except for the title.
>be pedo
>have senile dementia
>doctors tell you
>you now know
no wonder you have this political circus that you have. murrican audience deserve what they get

Why did groypers memoryhole this?
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>Responding to Darren Beattie

>Most Banned Man In America | Jake Shield's Fight Back Ep.9

>I am VINDICATED on Dave Smith

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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being in an relationship or even sex reduces t levels, nature prepares you for familiy life by turning you less aggressive and more docile, women are traps. marriage turns many men into shells of their former selves.
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Do ypu think that Ye made Nick watch porn with him?

>Former Yeezy and Adidas staffers and creative collaborators claim that he played pornography to Yeezy staff in meetings; discussed porn and showed an intimate photograph of Kim Kardashian in job interviews; and showed an explicit video and photos of Kardashian as well as his own sex tapes to Yeezy team members.
>Instead of anything resembling work, however, the collaborator claims West had hardcore pornography on the screen. “He showed me a video of Francesca Le with a strap-on dildo fucking another girl in the ass,” the former collaborator tells Rolling Stone. “He’s like, ‘What do you think of it?’ Not laughing at all.” Two other creatives, including one associated with Yeezy’s early years, claim West had also shown them pornographic videos — including homemade sex tapes of West engaging in sexual activities with women. The former collaborator who visited West’s home says they initially found the encounter amusing and recalls West appreciating their response that porn stars are entertainers, too.
>The senior employee says West did, indeed, catch Yeezy staff by surprise. “He would be in a meeting and he’d be talking to you, and he’d rattle off on his laptop to play a porn video”, the employee tells Rolling Stone. “And he’s like, ‘I know it’s uncomfortable, but I kind of need this in the background to keep me focused’.”
>The senior footwear designer was presenting a portfolio on her laptop across the table from West, recalls the employee, when West interrupted to give the designer similar advice to what the employee says West told the Yeezy staff on more than one occasion: “If you ever get stuck creatively, just watch porn for 10 minutes.”
>“He had pulled up MILF porn and was like, ‘See this feeling? This feeling that you get when you watch this? This is what I want people to feel when they put on our shoes'.”
>sex reduces t levels
>marriage turns many men into shells
Why do you think married people have more sex?
Israel will lose.

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Has anyone become better after all the push for body positivity or body acceptance? They keep pushing fat women, old hags and other undesirable women down everyones throat, but did it do anything for society?
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How old are you?
redeem your stink, bhenchod
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frog looking girls
porn literally hires both girls
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flatties win once again

So who knows where to find all of her leaks and was this politically motivated to ruin someone close to her?
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100%. /b/ was obsessed with her at one point because she would do live streams wearing see-through shirts when she was like 15. Kat Dennings also leaked her own topless pics
I also don't get why chicks take photos like that. It's not a good look.
A queen is a woman from a royal family who has gone through a coronation to serve as a nations monarch.
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>I wouldn't even google her.

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Kirk got asked about how he can support Trump's mass immigration policy of stapling green cards to diplomas, and his only answer was:
>uhhh kamala might be worse

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no amount of logical arguments will change the fact that trump is the republican candidate so
Damn guess I better vote for Trump twice as hard now
I really wish when Charlie said "it's the lesser of two evils" the Asian kid would have replied "That's why I'm not voting now, I'm tired of voting for evils". Only response Kirk would have is to basically try to convince the kid to vote for evil, which I'm sure Kirk knows that if he's doing that, he's really lost the argument/picture.

Wish the kid would have also talked more about how you don't reward bad policies, you constantly admonish and threaten not to vote for them instead, so they DO change those policies publicly. Why isn't Kirk out there every single day bringing attention to how stapling green cards to diploma's is a BAD idea? Why have such a loud voice but you just use it to felate Trump? Tell Trump that policy of his is fucking shit.
There is no logic argument in favor of supporting Israel.
lol this is groyping? pathetic.

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Normies are finding out what hitler was actually saying with AI translations
>The mad ramblings of an Austrian painter as taught by the federal curriculum
>Translated to english
>Suddenly most people agree to the point media articles have to be written to even try to goad normies away
Is the judeo-pedocrat chokehold over the normies over?
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Apologies kraut sama, though they are pedocrats aswell since the left always against hierarchies they would likely try to force the youngest for elderly wisdom
Danes are too pessimistic, this is why you were conquered in 6 hours anon
One of the first things he says in Mein Kampf, is people don't really read books and that the message is better conveyed orally.
So lose hope then. Pussy.
Hitler was a massive faggot
Hitler was a satanist I'm not even kidding. Read about his favorite book, ernst schertel wrote it, it's satanic. Hitler was a satanic agent.

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Why is Armenia so fucking retarded?

The entire world watched as Azerbaijan (of course heavily backed by Turkey) attacked and annexed Artsakh in Nagorno-Karabakh. Nobody fucking cared about Armenia then, and only regional power Russia cared to invite both leaders for an intervention.
Russia is clearly Armenia's only path away from total fucking annexation and annihiliation by turkroaches, so why the fuck are they pivoting towards the west? What the fuck is wrong with them?
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This. As a japanese, i can easily tell their similarity to the korean, the jews of Asia.

Jews = Armenians = Koreans, all Victimhood masters
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The dilemma is not between Armenia choosing the West or Russia, but the dilemma of a schizophrenic Democracy incapable of long-term planning competing with a dictatorship, whose ruler followed decades of careful planning to have better relationships with Armenia‘s allies than Armenia itself, have a superior military, while Armenia neglected to invest in modernization from Soviet equipment and better leadership, which doesn’t flip-flop between being pro-Russia and pro-West every couple of elections. Result was obvious. Armenia lost their territory like a retard, because they were a Democratic country. They didn’t even follow a Libertarian economic plan to get international businesses to come to their country or have a sane anti-feminist social policy, where men don’t get divorce-raped and thus had a much lower birth rate and low social cohesion.
>have a sane anti-feminist social policy
you have no idea how traditional armenia is, clearly
Isn’t it super easy to get citizenship there?
Are you saying that Armenia is a good trad country? I thought Sakartvelo was too. You are both Christian which are 2 big wins for me

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