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Lmao a mutt telling me to get mad while his country is a degenerate shit hole full of Arabs destroying and converting it to USA Islam edition

Chad Israel is thriving with white Jewish women and men while you sit on your basement posting like a faggot about how Jews are degenerate while living in mutt land lmao cope hard
>There are no hot girl metal bands anymore.

false. Kittie is back. Try also Plush. There are plenty others but I dunno their names.

There are dead bodies getting mass buried in Gaza, and this kike is kvetching about a billboard that is not even in "his" country?
>hating Jews is no longer cool

false, it's now necessary. Hey let me go ask my AIPAC guy about that.

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Will the libtards burn down their shitty urban wastelands again when Trump beats sleepy Joe in November?

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Probably even for Halloween too
I wear one everyday just to own the libs. in my shitter right now with a mask on, suck it adams!!
just ban blacks.
problems solved.
It's all about the surveillance dystopia
Is this true?

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Why do 99% of "Catholic Trad Conquistadors" look like this?

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The real ones maybe
>Why do 99% of "Catholic Trad Conquistadors" look like this?
Having been to two different "Trad" catholic parishes, I can confirm that Op is a lying sack of eaten tacos.
Based blue pill zombie
Because spics and flips are about all they have
Bice cope. You are not normal. Stop trying to self-insert among people who are normal. Nobody you associate with in real life in normal. Nobody on this website is normal. Lol

Have sex and touch grass

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We need to raid and save our fellow Aspies and Aspie chans from the Globo Homo Troons. I found this server, and they are very mean. They banned me for saying 'sperg' despite the fact that I'm a retard.

The server owner is a legit 5'5" manlet, age 40. He is fat and balding, hes a very bad aspie bad man.

The server is named Bastion of Neurodiversity on disboard.

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No one here or on the far right probably have any faith in anything improving. Given that, it's hard to believe many on the right think anything in the project 2025 has any chance whatsoever of ever being implemented. Yet liberals talk about this as if it Trump is giving hidden nazi turbo hitler 2.0 speeches in beerhalls. What gives? Are we retarded? Are they retarded? Are we all retarded? How do the jews make us all feel retarded, bros I'm sick of this

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That's unironically my point - no one but the retard left seems to even mention this. It gets brought up briefly in MSM but so insignificantly you'd miss if it you weren't consooming 24/7. I also have zero faith in any right wing group doing 5% of what reddit tier liberals think is going to happen. If it was a huge issue, you'd think liberal politicians or pundits would bring it up, or if Trump were basing his administration off of this, you'd think he'd mention it.
You mean ZION
> reddit head fantasy
go back.
A democrat from 1990 would literally be accused of being a Nazi today. The Overton window really sucks.
I pray every day that Project 2025 commences.

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TLDR: Iran is getting glassed


>Founding and Mission
The Heritage Foundation was founded by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and Joseph Coors. Its mission was to counteract the liberal policies of the era and to provide a coherent conservative policy agenda. Unlike other think tanks at the time, Heritage focused on delivering concise and accessible policy recommendations to lawmakers.
Influence on Reagan's Administration
The Heritage Foundation played a pivotal role in Ronald Reagan's presidency (1981-1989). Its "Mandate for Leadership" policy guide served as a blueprint for many of Reagan's initiatives, including tax cuts, deregulation, and a strong anti-communist foreign policy.

Role During Bush Presidencies

George H.W. Bush: The foundation influenced Bush’s foreign policy, supporting his handling of the Gulf War and the Soviet Union's dissolution.
George W. Bush: Heritage backed major policies like the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Iraq War.

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BACKFIRES HORRIBLY , these 20 fuckfaces did a rap song about being against the alt right , got ratioed on youtube , adding god knows how much votes for the alt right , this is clown world prime time guys , at this rythme the 6th republic will be the return of the reich , these sand niggers shot themselves in the foot , sunday is the "coup de grace " for these fuckfaces

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Pendez Les Blancs [hang the white people]
Lyrics of the song include (in original and then translated):[5]

Je rentre dans des crèches, je tue des bébés blancs, attrapez-les vite et pendez leurs parents, écartelez-les pour passer le temps divertir les enfants noirs de tout âge petits et grands. Fouettez-les fort faites-le franchement, que ça pue la mort que ça pisse le sang

I go into nurseries, I kill white babies, grab them quickly and hang their parents, pull them apart to pass the time to entertain black children of all ages, big and small. Whip them hard, whip them well, so they stink of death and piss blood
In March 2019, Conrad went on trial, was convicted and fined €5,000 and made to pay €1,000 damages to the anti-racist group LICRA (jewish group against anti-semitism) and the Catholic group AGRIF. He announced an appeal and defended his work as art that was made to shock.[5]
>In September 2021, his sentence was quashed on appeal

"Doux pays"
In May 2019, after his initial conviction, Conrad released another song and video "Doux pays" (Sweet Country). The lyrics include "Je baise la France jusqu'à l'agonie" ("I fuck France to the point of agony"), while the video portrays him strangling a white woman to death. The minister of the interior, Christophe Castaner, called for prosecution and for the removal of the video.[2] According to Conrad, the video is a work of fiction about "strangling the French mentality".[3]

AGRIF called for Conrad to be prosecuted for this second video.
>He was acquitted in June 2021
>french rappers

make it stop
oh i wish man i wiiiiiish
these mother fuckers are mimicking us niggers rappers , it s just embarassing lol

>We will secure the existence of our hive and a future for reptilian children.
The Holocaust didn't happen and that's a good thing.
>Gender is a social construct. There should be 3 genders, Male, Female, and Other.
Stop funding plastic surgeons who offer to amputate sex organs.
>Bleach and subvert the Middle Eastern ethnocultural heritage.
Spread Northern European genes and Northeast Asian genes as far and wide as possible without violence. Start an anti-condom movement for men. Shame the scabs
>Legalize prostitution worldwide
Legalize all drugs worldwide
>Lower the age of adulthood to 16 worldwide.
Give all adults handguns and body armor as a rite of citizenship.
>Close all borders now
Open all borders, but only to people with a 100+ IQ

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It's all yours
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this is just a schizo aggregation of various right coded stuff
I'm changing my major to MANNEQUIN ACTING!


Bro took "Who ever moves first is gay” to a whole other level.

If someone tries to rob him, just turn into a mannequin.
This guy got so pissed over his L that he made Reddit.

Slavic woman berated for romantic involvement with an Indian man. Now with slightly improved video.
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Happy ending
And then the albanian mob drives past.
The fate of all NATO countries
Also the same guy. He’s a leaf going by as AryanBacon. Guy used to make hundreds of these back in the good ol’ days.

>tfw when I’m indian and dating a blonde aussie women
>whole country collectively shit their pants but doesn’t do shit about it

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Capitalism rewards whores and punish hard working men
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>a clueless mutt still thinks Adolf Hitler shot himself
For White men only, then agreed.
Wont happen. You're literally sporting a flag of a failed nation outlived by fast food joints. Toss the manifesto in the trash and join the real world Aiden.
Dude on the bottom makes more than a lawyer in LA.
Indians definitely play a part, but those shitbathers don't have the financial pull to keep all of this going, even with scamming. Everyday blue collar white guys are most definitely subscribing to these whores, all while they chug it down with their favorite monster energy drink(tm).

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Wagner Group
>Putin creates fake army "Wagner Group" to recruit right wingers using higher pay, prestige, more expensive gear, and strict right wing values. Subsequently, Putin executes their leader and integrates soldiers from group into regular army with regular pay.
Vozrozhdeniya Island
>Secret guarded island where massive amounts of bioweapons research was conducted
>may have been where Covid-19 and the "vaccines" came from
Foundations of Geopolitics
>Russian playbook of how to take down the west
>includes references to chaos magick, such as the star on the cover
>Written by Dugin, highly influential Russian thinker
>Russia has communist wizards practicing magick against the West

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>chaos magick
Delete this.
Do you have the one with the shart ?
Yes those that left the united states of israel became part of God’s army and serve God’s country, Russia.
Not all americans are evil, they are lots of good people, and those already left america.
thats a cool looking turd
>God's army
>witched blessing Putin officially sponsored by state
>50% of Rusians believe in witch craft
More like Dumbledore's army.

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First post best post. You know a post is good when you force a memeflaggot OP to respond with
>t-this is a legitimate political thread!
Yeah I am half Norwegian too, my jawline is more angular then his though.
Ya haven't had a proper shower in a week. Still wearing the same pants I bathed in. Anons don't know the freedom of the outdoors.
I can't really grow a beard at 29. My father whomst I don't know didn't have shit for a beard either
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Beards are literally a coping mechanism of weak emasculated males, trying to re-capture some sense of manhood.

I shaved mine, as soon as the modern nu-male started growing one.

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I have never voted for anyone since I was 18. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
I also was pure vote until the last election where I chose some of the shabbos candidates.
I still regret that.
I feel like politics is just full of drama and arguing. Nothing ever gets done. I just watch all the chaos unfold.vdah
>no need for a talk
>instant standing ovation

Since I'm coming off of a three day ban for SOL posting and being "offtopic" when discussing the political aspects of Modern Monolatrist SOL worship...

I live in the US. As I'm sure most of you do. On one side, we have the GoP and "right" Influenced HEAVILY by Abrahamic religion and tradition, even in current year. Therefore, Abrahamic religion is currently relevant, politically, right? And on the other, the "progressive left" whos ideology and opinion of religion and history to be entirely based around mockery and repudiation of the traditional religion mentioned above. Atheism as applied becomes an "anti religion" religion in practice. Therefore, when discussing leftist politics, Atheism and anti-religious ideals ARE relevant to the political discussion. Right?

So. If both of those facts are true, why would discussion of politics or philosophy based on Solar Appreciation on a basic level be "off topic?" Especially when EVERY human being alive relies on the sun to practice civilization and politics to begin with?

Are you just scared of SOL, or what? How can the literal Sun itself be "off topic" more than the dichotomy mentioned above? Especially when discussed with calmness and practicality? How can life and light and order be "off topic?"
SOL? As in Sol Invictus? Mithraism? Tell me about this, it intrigues me
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SOL is for gay jews. How does it make you feel some Wall Street kikes took your concept of God and made it into a Jewish pump and dump?
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Related to the Roman example, sure, but specifically dropping the acceptance of imagined personification as true divinity, and presenting a third option diverging away from the current polarized dichotomy.

SOL is the star that gives freely. The God of order, light and life in THIS plane of existence. Our sun itself, under a common name. The provider of our environment and enabler of our lives and existence continued.

We enjoy the idea or visualizations of Helios or Apollo or Invictus, sure, but understand that the star that gives freely has no voice or face or human mind, nor does it change its works based on the opinion of mortal human beings. Neo-Paganism doesn't really describe it fully, desu. But feel free to ask any specifics and I'll answer asap!

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A sodomy project of global torture, has been presented, by the USA.

This project, includes the following:
>Remote torture of the genitalia.
>Teleportation of chemicals.
>Telepathic torturing.
>Dream state torture.
>Omnipresent radio surveillance.

You are being watched. Listen to.
Memory may be altered, terribly.
You can forget important things.

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You should listen.

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Maybe if they didnt chimp out wrecking every store and stop shoplifting people wont take their business elsewhere.
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basically repuhrationz but in perpetuity for all time until the last white guy dies
>it's yet ANOTHER herp-diddly-erp ITZ NIGGURZ FAWLT thread
Kindly get cancer and die horribly.
>every hole
wouldn't "each hole" be more correct?
They can’t comprehend the problem. Chimping out is the norm to them. The fact that White people don’t do it does not occur to them.
so make a post about Malaysia's niggers, retard. every country has them from some kinda ethnic group.

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They're stuck with Kamala. hahahahahahah!
>Mutts will actually vote for a 11th hour swap
Truthfully I wish for nothing but the end of the empire the enuchs are retarded it's subjects are braindead
This is their way out desu. Sucks if it happens. They are rigging their third primary cycle in a row. They sabotoged a legitimate presidency for four years, then spent the next four years propping up a corpse while things rapidly got materially worse for virtually the entire world. At least a decade straight of cheating just to be derailed by their own agent gone rogue with dementia. They really deserve to take their lickings on this one but they won't, as long as they nominate somebody who white women feel obligated to vote for lest they feel racist or fascist. (You will still have to explain to your girlfriend why weaponizing the courts against political opponents is a bad thing.)
big mike 2024
So the presidential race will be man-to-man after all.

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