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Is monastic life the solution for males like him? Racism aside, for a moment please. He is just an extreme example of a portion of this board and of a large number of males.
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of course they are, but so are men. everyone hates ugly people, its not a bad thing, it's just how it is
dude will never be liked or accepted so it's pretty much either asceticism or suicide
so there is literally nothing in normal life for us? this is sad.
i really don't know anon. i'm basically in the same situation, not as ugly as the dude you posted but ugly enough to have been treated like dogshit throughout my entire life. i think people like us have to live for things other than human connection, whether thats hobbies or religious asceticism or whatever. i don't think theres anything else to be done
I'll do a monastic life but when I'm old and spent all my money in hookers
That's really unfortunate and while I'm not a big fan of the blackpill there are some cases where it's 100% true
The only way this guy is going to get anything is by being exploited by some woman for money

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Why cant ukraine stop the Russian advance and why does this make nafo trannies seethe so hard?
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ROFL. Map shows everything around it is getting pushed. They didn't send a few guys there.
Cute pp
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>we don't need those villages
oh yeah Russia is totally losing
convicts with shovels are pushing your shit in for months now, everyday 2 villages are being liberated
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"PooBreaker" Owen Benjamin has dedicated 40 years of his life to exposing the many lies of pajeets and is on twitter everyday slam dunking their shitty existence into the trash compactor.

The Poos are mad at Owen, the sight of Owen makes Poos seethe.
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retard owen thinks pandas are fake
this is owne benjamins wife
Watching him get redpilled on the Jew like five years ago was funny but if you're still watching his streams you are likely even more of a pathetic faggot than a streetshitter lmao bugchaserbear
I wish I could say this in a way that Indians would hear me, but...
Please be like everyone else in the world and stop shitting in the streets.

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negro lost!
it happened slovenia
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He relaxed
This is true here



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Ask not what your country can do for you.

Ask what you can do for your country.
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Stop turning America into North Mexico
u work for the tsa...

fucking faggots like u is the reason we have chris hanson.
>We want more Americans to die for Israel... AGAIN.
Fuck off. We spent 8 trillion and lost 7,077 soldiers the last time we got involved in a Middle Eastern war.
I'm fucking 36. I'm old enough to be a new recruits dad.
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Viva la raza

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I'm a grad student at Columbia and I made this poster to put on the pro-Palestine encampment.

I want to spread a based message because there are reporters here and countless news outlets focused on us; for the first time in a long time, it feels like we're the most important Ivy (Go Lions!)

Anyway, that's beside the point. I want to make another poster that redpills people on the Dancing Israelis, though I won't use the words "Dancing Israelis" (because it pulls up a bunch of ADL articles when you Google it). Here's one idea I had:

Paulie Walnuts "Ay Tone" meme format with the text:
And then show a picture of the Israelis in NJ and the ABC headline from June 2002 (both of which I'll post below).

I'm open to other formats, the point is showing people the pictures and telling them the facts in a way that resonates and allows them to draw the conclusion themselves (those are always the most devastating redpills).

Please post some pictures or ideas below! Anything with words either has to be very brief or a brief part that I can highlight; it's all about making fast impressions.

Last thing, optics are of the utmost importance. Not only is this a private university that can expel anyone it wants, but I'm surrounded by dox-hounds (on both sides) and ZOGbots who want to smear the protests as anti-Semitic (they're genuinely not). Therefore, absolutely NO fed-posting, or anything that seems edgy, or even anything that's necessarily "right-wing". We're there to protest the US government's support of Israel in its genocide of Gaza. That is the reason. As such, my sign must support that cause in a way that's readily apparent.

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>IDF and Mossad are a bunch of beta cucks
>Bombs your entire community
>Do nothing other than make that sign to show on college campus
Who is really the beta cucks here?
i don't. OP is just going there to redpill the golems (((they))) created. you know. Unite the Goyim!
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I'm not reading all that college boy.
don't focus on the brutality of anything. always and only focus on the lack of consent or ability to give consent of the victim.
These days I just outright call it barbarism, but then I didn't pursue a career in that field.

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>if you support palestine that means your pro-hamas
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I support Hamas
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>if you support palestine that means your pro-hamas
I understand
But I support Hamas anyway
Thank you for noticing

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There is entirely no hope for western women. They're too far gone to kike feminist propaganda.
There is hope. We just need to meme harder.
There is no fucking hope, I built up the courage to ask this cute waitress for her number and she was giving out all the signs. Sat right next to me to take my order, made deep eye contact with her pupils enlarging when staring at me, body language, etc
So I go to ask her and then she waits a second and says… um sorry but I have a girlfriend.

I fucking lost my cool and will forever hate American women.

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Tate haters down bad!
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renters BTFO with fake photoshop.
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people grow old quick anon. thats what the internet is for though, so we can immortalize our young prime selves
Why does anyone on /pol/ pay these niggers any mind?

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there are zero McDonalds in Gaza.
all the McDonalds in Israel have been bought back by the company.
zero McDonalds in Yemen.
zero in Iran or Syria.
Saudi Arabia however, still has around 248 McDonalds.
Russia also zero McDonalds, and France has more McDonalds than Texas.
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You're an utter fucking moron. Even for a Dane. Hitler declared war on the USA.
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Average Jew face
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from Islam
Do Jews really wanna start with the physiognomy? Really....? 0 mf self awareness is not a meme holy shit

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I used to think they were based, but now I'm starting to think that sherman didn't go far enough.
It's a fucking border. Set up some machine guns and keep the shitskins out you dumb cunts
our (((government))) will arrest us if we attempt to protect the border

the (((government))) is the enemy of the people
The only area that should be red is DC. With out FED illegals would be shot on sight.

VAXXIES YOU OK???? ( you're not )

A medical industry whistleblower has come forward with explosive allegations to warn the public that Covid mRNA shots are causing people to “die so horrifically” and “so quickly” after they received the injections.

The hospital whistleblower, known only as “Zoe,” revealed that doctors have been euthanizing patients due to the severity of the side effects from the injections.

Zoe, a hospital medical coder, said the health issues caused by the Covid shots were so “horrific” that the Covid-vaccinated patients “kind had to be put down” by doctors.

In a whistleblowing interview with the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense (CHD), Zoe revealed that hospitals and medical professionals were simply not prepared for the wave of sudden deaths, heart attacks, organ failure, and now cancers among the vaccinated population that followed since the Covid shots were rolled out to the public in early 2021.

As a medical coder, Zoe transfers the information included in patient medical records into a database for insurance purposes.

“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections,” Zoe revealed.

“It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that.

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can't stop progress
This is the guy who posts the "why do you need a truck threads"
>Thinks he knows what I mean because he's an idiot and instead of asking assumes he knows wtf he's talking about.
Who owns the publishing houses? It is actually a conspiracy, factually. Simpleton.

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Why do conspiracy theorists keep saying Jews are taking away tiktok? I thought it was because the CCP was stealing American data. What does Israel have to do with it?
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By Yair Rosenberg....

Every fucking time holy shit im developing kike fatigue, what annoying fucking creatures they are, holy shit...........
>The youth just likes tik tok propaganda more than Instagram propaganda and Jews mad they can’t buy a cut.
They're mad because they can't control it. It's not about money.
Zucks a jew. Why would they want one of their largest media platforms to have a competitor?
All memeflags are kikes. What do you expect?
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Correct. The Jews are buying it from China so they can be the ones who sexualize children. Jews rape kids.

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Fuck off back to India Visajeet
Based digits
Kek, not wasted.
Nah, they are here to be a fresh batch of victims during the economic decline... they are all in student debt, have brand new car loans, and deliver food, work in drive thrus, and load groceries. They are in school for the same 3 things, completely oversaturating the market, all 3 of which are being taken over by AI.

This is the Cloward & Piven strategy. They are being used. Their purpose is to suffer and provide the government with yet another "most affected" group to use as political pawns, wrestling even more money and freedom from the populace.

Nothing is going to "backfire". These people are not here to prosper, they are here to make everyone suffer.
>At least Mexicans over here make bomb ass food.
>Lol imagine eating Indian slop during a night out with the family LOL.
Imagine being White and bashing other Whites whose shitskins aren't as "quality" as yours.

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Only Whites are allowed to post in this thread. Your ancestors must be from within the red circle to count as White.

Now that we are safe, why the fuck are so many shitskins taking over this board?
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You act like I just drew a random circle. That red circle includes hours of my anthropology research.
Whiter than you, José Garcia
>Benin and Togo
Explain this, Anon
Italians and spaniards are "whiter" than fuckign Pollacks
I should add that the part of Russia to the North from what you have encircled - Kolsky District - is white too, because it is inhabited by those who were thrown there away by the Soviets. There are no local tribes like in Siberia. Also Mari people are white too, and they live on the North part of Russia that is not encircled by you too.

In a nutshell, I hope the Northern part of Russia gets a chance to get freedom in the future and build our own society here.
My 10x great grandmother back in 1600s england burned coal anon im sorry. She fucked the only nigger in england at that time. What a coincidence, right?
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What does /pol/ think of jews like Max Blumenthal and John Mearsheimer who are critical of Israel and jewish power?
Do you think there's something wrong with people who don't support their own group, are they based for speaking out, or are they containment?
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You clearly aren't familiar with his arguments because he says outright that the Israeli lobby is detrimental to the US
Esau Gambit
Half of this is retarded, half of this is accurate.
The accurate part starts after
>He also believes...

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Of you find enjoyment without drinking? Life is fucking boring sober! I am speaking in political terms of course.
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yes mex-bro
in case you want to stop.
1. count what your on.
2. messure it out on daily
3. reduce underline concesness
4. repeat 4
5. get sober

>still not doing it FUALL

>I enjoy inhaling poison instead of drinking it
you know you can eat it without any sideeffects and last 5 times longer!!
Jesus Christ Marie
Interesting. I have a myriad of creative hobbies but what would be a good mental or physical hobby to introduce?

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calm down kike. it will accelerate tkd if u do that.
Why? Are you Jewish?
the patince of people are expiring and reach the limits. covid day 3 was enough to understand jews are demons anon.
I hope my dick gets bigger
Nothing will happen as usual. The semester will be over soon. Everyone who protested instead of studying for their finals will fail. They will all end up taking another semester to redo their courses which means more money for the Jews that run the campuses. Palestine will be old news by mid-May.

>clock hits 8 oclock
>board suddenly flooded with interracial porn and antichrist threads at the same time
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>I believe that judaism comes from Satan
retard alert
>the evil wizard did it

juda"ism" is jew behaviour that has been refined and codified. it doesn't come from magical spirits or evil demons. it's all-natural
>nowhere near judea
>literally a day's trek away
sweden is nowhere near judea
france is nowhere near judea
china is seriously nowhere near judea

galilee is in the same zip code
the circumcision was in the temple by priests per the law of moses
this means it took place in jerusalem
no one above 90 IQ buys the pagan larp shit
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Post your rare redpills
>No flat earth
>No retarded shit
>No atomics are fake
>no retarded shit.
Actual redpills
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Obviously rotating your IP u stupid nigger when u refer to
as yourself

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There are 3 kinds of heat
Sensible heat is what you measure with a thermometer. Youre measuring a potential of heat to flow from one body to another.
Then there's latent heat. Its harder to measure. It is the absplute quantity of heat energy in a system.
When you apply a heat source to a mass the latent and sensible hest grow together. That is until the matter changes state. At that point the additional heat energy does not increase the sensible heat. You can put a pot of water on to boil with a thermometer in it. The temperature will rise till boiling and then stop. The whole pot will boil i to vapor before the temperature increases.
Combustible material does not combust until it reaches a certain sensible temperature. If you try to burn a mass full of water, the boiling of the water will keep the whole mass's tempersture from reaching combustion until all of the water is boiled away. Given a constant heat source the amount of time this prpcess takes is proportional to the mass of the water. Also, the boiling of water consumes an absolute amount of hest energy.

Putting multiple bodies into a crematoria CANNOT cremste the bodies faster than doing them one at a time, and boiling the enormous amount of water in a human body consumes an enourmous amount of energy.
Jesus christ
2 kinds!
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What's more, if you follow Christian doctrine to a tee - you are immune to all forms of jewry that would be used to subvert you as any kind of a hedonist.

Problem is, we don't do that. We live in a society.

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