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I thought she was supposed to be better than Biden?
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Yes I'm sure mandatory gun buyback, fracking ban, and green new deal Kamala will poll excellently in AZ, NV, PA, and WI once the attack ads start showing them all the fantastically stupid shit she's said over the years.
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>Why isn't Kamala winning?
She started campaigning 5 days ago. She's already rising in the polls. If you cope this hard so early on, one can only imagine what your mental state will be when she wins in November due to moderate support.
>when she wins in November due to moderate support.
She's down with indepedents 12-20 points depending on the poll.
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Normies don't care about the election until October

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He’s right. Dr Shiva is the only person who can stop Israel

Please rope

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The Prophet Muhammad was a merchant from Yathrib, and he made whitoids SUBMIT like little bitches. Islam literally means SUBMIT.
Joel Davis? Is that you?
>Islam literally means SUBMIT.
to the will of Allah
op is a doublenigger

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I’ve barely paid attention to Trump and Vance, but even I can see all the heat going the VP hopeful’s way lol
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You're the tourist if you think voting for some big tech-cia aligned closeted homo is a good idea.
better than a woman lmao. kys nigger
couch > vaccines
ok kike
says the nato memeflaggot.

i would have died for the glory of france
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>>475790010 That's a very nice image indeed.
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>i would have died
got that part right
The original jewish slave

Thank yew for cawlling the amazun refund deapaatment this is mike wilson speaking how may i help you today?
Sar can yew please conform me do yew have a laptop or dekstop in your house.
Sar yew need to buy me google play gift card or yew will go behind the bar the police and the fbi are on their way sarcit is only i who can keep yew out of the bar go right now and buy me twenty five hundred gift card.
Sar now give me each and every numba amd letter of the card.
Sar do not redeem it
Fuck you motherfucker son of bitch i fuck your mother in sleep one tousand time I fuck your mother ten tousand time
Teri maki lori madarchode lauda
im going to fuck your sister im going to fuck your mother im going to fuck your daughter im going to fuck each amd everyone ok? you dont need worry about this becouse im gonna put my dick in your mouth you know?
Israel shot Trump

Previous >>475730838

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon


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>the jews forced all of each-other into suicide

Conscripts are hostages.
Viva PhilistinaZZ
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sandniggers get gibs from the government they cant afford a vpn you dumb mutt

Democracy is the worst form of government humanity has come up with. It's all theater for the elites to give to the ignorant masses. No one cares about or understands policies they just care about "vibes" that the politician puts out or whatever "message" that resonates with their confirmation bias, in truth whoever controls the media establishment decides who leads the country, elections get reduced to popularity contests. In short Democracy is fake and gay.
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Great thanks for sharing with the class. You failed and had the most disappointing presentation all day
Nah. You're wrong.
The United States hold elections, therefore it is a Democratic Republic. You fucking midwits keep conflating a veey broad term, Democracy, with Direct Democracy.
democracy is good and works................ in a high trust society with ethnically similar people with common macro-scale goals for society.
democracy is a total shitshow in a kike-controlled dystopian forced-diversity police-state.
That is too fragile to last for very long especially if the state is too large. Might be stable for a tiny principality (whos existence is guaranteed by its more militarily powerful neighbors) or a city state but not any bigger state.

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preens. Not sure why autocorrect is pretend
Checks out. 10 year UST minus 2 year UST is about to univert over 0.0%.
So do I get CERB again or what?
kek. unironically they kind of are. crows are known to give gifts (shiny stuff, rocks, sticks, peanuts) to people in exchange for food. according to scientism they have similar intelligence to a 7-year-old child
>Tyrants & Dictators only Fuck freedom
Wow calm down there champ relax & take your meds

There is absolutely no-proof or evidence "Jews are convincing the lowest simpletons goys,
to become co-conspirators in it all & ushering in a GRT so it can genocide White nuclear family's
that will lead to the collapse of society, thus creating a New World Order lead by WEF oligarchs & elected world leaders yada yadda yadda"

Anyway, a little bit of the West collapsing & millions of Whites dying never hurt or killed no-body
Humans should just allow the Satanic-Occult & it's Demonic sacrifice rituals to procced...All planned
>Read your Talmud *(Pentateuch-Torah-Tanakh-Midrash)* Only Jews are permitted though
Just try to think of all the sacrifices as payment
>A little bit of Satan & the Elite ruling class sacrificing people never hurt or killed no-body.

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Help me out, bros.
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Kunts for Kamala
Kamala completely ended her own bloodline to raise adopted Jews.
A very powerful blood sacrifice.
how exactly can you tell that this woman is jewish you chud?
Lmao she's somehow even uglier in motion

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Let us reflect on what that means. Webm related was America under a White """"Christian"""" president. Now imagine what it's gonna be like after 8 years under a half-breed, directionless, current-thing, empty-suit neoliberal abomination like Kamala. America literally won't live to see 2035 (the year when China colonizes Mars and bans troons on that planet), and it's a fucking beautiful thing.
I mean, obviously America should ideally be nuked off the map just to be sure, but unfortunately that can't be done without destroying much of the world and killing actual humans, so we have to settle for the next best thing - The Slow Rot.
Whichever way you turn it, the future is bright for liberty-loving, troon-hating people everywhere. Long live the Free World. Death to America.
it means the abandoonment of isreal and europe and the death of the great satan
Honestly Drumpf should be TERRIFIED

I was over at my dad’s acreage today helping with his canola and flax fields. He lives in a rural municipality of a very tory province. At the end of the harvest we goosed’er down the grids to one of the nearby offsales. It’s the kind of place that farmers, potash miners, legit watermelon wearing rider fans and the working class go to unwind with a two four of Pil.

Premier Harris was on the TV and the local grader driver said to his auto mechanic (friends since Craven ’98)

“Frig bud. Truth is she ain’t so bad eh. The nuisance ground is operational, the annual Kaiser tournament went smoothly and the curling rink’s been pebbled properly. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’Tisdale Kam’s got my vote this year”.

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Fuck yeah bud” and “I’ll hack a dart to that” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely bunnyhug wearing treaty six status Indian in the corner raise his Texas mickey with a nod.
I'd fuck that tranny. That's all.
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Sounds good to me.

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What will Trump Harris graph look like?
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Bruh there will not even be an election. They are going to try and stop Trump without an election. They know they cannot go to election with what they got.
Additionally, 2020 claimed voter turnout has not been seen since the 1890s.
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Let's be more realistic.
kek, this is what im guessing.

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Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword. -MATTHEW 10:34
Satanism is controlled opposition. They think if they push degenerate shit and conspicuous satanic imagery enough that the christian prophecy will be fulfilled. It's literally so stupid and you're stupid too if you can't see through that.

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How close are we to getting a pajeet President in the U.S.? We already have pajeet Vice President and a possible Vice President with a pajeet wife and kids. At first I did not think it possible, but...
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The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
Tulsi or Vivek
Vivek loves Jews so much he got circumcised as an adult
That faggot is getting shot in the head before he gets anywhere near White House.
He's a cringe poojet that forgot that he's a poojet.

What goes on in his shitskin skull when he looks himself in the mirror?

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admit it

You miss him

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That kid should be doing his homework, not hanging around with drag queens and a braphog.
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Bump a government investigation should take place, this is really is beyond a joke ffs like...

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library

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No stalling.
Neos thread
New thread

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Lucifer and Baphomet
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>i'm over
yes. you made that choice a while ago, even if you blame others for it. Even if you tell yourself you can't handle any other sexual relationships.

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Does Trump have the balls to flush this kike-worshiping turd?
Israel shot Trump
> Trump to flush
> Kike-worshipping turd
Anon I-

listen jack, im gonna beat trump a second time this november and there's nothing you can do about it
Israel shot Trump
Is it because jews rape kids?

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60%+ of marrying age males worldwide now single
Number much higher (likely close to 90% now) for males under marrying age as well.

Males will revoke women's rights and force them to marry and give children to every single male in less than 5 years.

Males will not accept working for nothing.
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Roastie shill detected
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it is not feminism, it is just women being women, they destroyed every single civilization there ever was, they're the sole reason why every empire falls.

men create civilizations, women destroy them, it has been this way since the beggining of times
it is not kikes even tho they're bad
it is not niggers even tho they're bad
it is not faggots even tho they're bad.

it is biblical, humanity is suffering for eternity because of Eva, even Adam the son of god the first men get wrekt because of a women, if even him could win while dealing with women I am not trying either... same goes for every single chad/king/conquer etc etc that ever played this game

Men are followers of god
Women are followers of the devil
First, we need to get rid of videogames
polish Lithuanian commonwealth. 15th century. poland had womens suffrage first in the world by about 400 years. serfs had no voting power obviously. noblewomen had more rights than male serfs. they could own properties and all the amenities that came with nobility. that was a hundred year golden age for poland. they had tradition hence why its called traditional women. they knew how to act because they were educated by proper men. ethnic purity and unification. camaraderie and nationalism. there was tranquility.

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