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Last month my mom called me crying about it how there are no trick or treaters outside and she only got three the entire night apparently she called her friends and they said because their kids parents having kids and despite what she thought I was not an anomaly. She was baffled asked me why I or any of my peers don’t want to have kids despite me telling her repeatedly for ten years now which is the primary ones, everything is expensive, woman are whores, shit parenting, society sucks, life keeps getting worse, circumcism, vaccines, mass migration. She of course then ignored everything I said and started rambling about how great children are and they’re a blessing no matter what even if they have a harder future apparently. I didn’t want to waste my time with another pointless conversation so I just hung up. So how is the gen x generation members you know reacting to no more kids?
She's right retard. You'll find out on your deathbed
having kids is based, you're a pussy who's bloodline is over
byeeeeee your family lost for nothing
Imagine living in this world and making children
This thread has been made at least 100 times
Stop being a coward.
Wtf did you run this through Google translate or some shit?
Conservatives are having lots of sex. Literally misogynistic conservatives are three times more reproductive than the rest of the public, probably because they're lustful opponents of contraceptives, family planning, or non-reproductive sex acts. Women reward this pattern with sexual access. They vote left, but they fuck right.

Misogynistic conservatives also abuse kids more often than the general public. It's pedo season! With non-pedophilic leftist populations successfully scapegoated, right-wing pedophiles are given liberty to start families.
This. It’s selfish to bring kids into this. Everyone is fucking miserable.
reading your punctuation makes me glad you didn't reproduce
I'm sorry to tell you this but there are lots of people who are genuinely happy for the majority of their day
I'm not one of those people but it's true
Not everyone I guess rich people have a good enough system in place to take care of their kids. Anyone else is a fucking souless egoistical npc retard.
Keep coping
I do not accept that whatsoever. Majority in my country are angry and unhappy.
>This. It’s selfish to bring kids into this.
What a fucking idiot.
If you believed that, you'd have already killed yourself. You're so full of shit.
the white middle class had a couple good decades. since the early 2000s the squeeze is on, however. mass immigration raises housing costs and their value; it floods thr market with cheap workers thereby forcing workers to find other jobs. combined with outsourcing for decades and on top of it all DEI. and you can see why white formerly middle class people dont think its fair to have kids

browns have no issies with reproducing under any circumstances, but whites who have seen things go to hell in the past 25 years cant afford kids. they dont think its OK to have mom and dad working for less than $30 per hour , being at work all the time, having these kids in a bad situation
This Halloween, no joke, I had the most truck or treaters the last 10 years I've lived in my neighborhood. I've actually seen way more children now
the 90s were the peak of kids and having families.
I’m still young and there’s hedonistic things I’ve yet to experience. Death comes for everyone. Why rush it?
>flood nation with foreigners
>they dont celebrate american holidays
>be as just as much at fault as boomers for fucking up the world
>waaah muh kids
lol gen cuX
Yeah. Exactly. You're full of shit.
Cool story OP. The gf and I went to my grandma’s house and saw a bunch of the family kids in costume, getting ready to go out. We spent some time with them for a bit, and all had a great time.

We’re excited for our child to be born.
>having children le based cause it just is ok?

Good goy, keep breeding loosh cattle for the demiurge
kill yourself
>She of course then ignored everything I said and started rambling about how great children are and they’re a blessing no matter what even if they have a harder future apparently.
Point out the only reason she wants them around is for superficial reasons like trick or treating, and that's vile if you don't care about their welfare the rest of the time. She's right that they are a blessing, but why would you bring them into the world before you've made sure you can treat that blessing with the respect and care they deserve?
I have kids and there's kids in my neighborhood but it's poor and unsafe do nobody really does truck ir treating
You’re like a parrot, repeating yourself and saying nothing of any significant meaning.
did everyone forget what happened 4 years ago followed by all the niggerfaggots fear mongering about killing grandma?
fuck you nobody gets candy now.
You are going to have a Stillbirth you stupid fuck
I want like 4 or 5 kids.
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
>have kids
>just pretend collapse isn’t happening
>your kid gets raped by a Somalian
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It's almost 2:30 AM, it's a glownigger shill pulling the graveyard shift
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The real reason is everyone has vaids and stillborn deaths are at an all time high. You are all coping as the depopulation agenda is carried out. Kids that survive the 80 vaccine "wellness visit" are all heavily autistic.
Well maybe it if was affordable I'd pump out more tricker treaters to make your mom happy, too bad her kind sold our future and now society as we know it will die.
I was terrified the first time I found out she was pregnant, but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
Yeah, it's not part of their culture to go door to door for free shit, they expect the US government to do that for them.
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>anon discovers the concept of a general
boomers want me to have kids yet want to charge me 1800 plus tip for a shitty apartment
He's a guy, you moron. He can father children well into his 70's if he stays in shape.

It's the WOMEN that need to get their fucking act together in a hurry, or end up foreveralone cat ladies.
Sounds just like my mother
>have multiple kids
>they look out for each other
>nothing happens
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It's too small to read you fucking toothpaste-flagged moron
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If you find out moments before your death then it's not that much of a loss. In reality he'll find out when he's 50, bald and can't get an erection.
I already called it out but when you see it chronologically like this it's crazy to realize how mentally ill these kike shills actually are
There are no white children. Only 22% of white millenial women had children and their fertility window is just about closed. Gen Z might have it worse with their girls refusing to breed with anyone not 6'7" with a below 80 IQ.
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Seems like someone, or something, has an anti-Boomer, anti-shitty parent, anti-mother/anti-woman, anti-Wasian, Manosphere-organizing & dare I say Androcentric agenda. Hmmm.
This so much my brother let the doctor give his son all the vaccines the doctor recommended ie all of them and he told the doctor not to space them out because he didn’t want to visit often so his son got a rushed special and now his son is 5 and can’t even crawl.
>killed yourself
Humans don't have free will. Some people will, but they are generally programmed to not do so, even if they wish it.
lol what makes you think it’s the same person?
Based. Fuck NPCs
Wypipo outnumber the locals here. Its over for us.
I wanna call bullshit on this but I see with my own eyes my old childhood neighborhood is totally brown and the few white children of there are any aren’t allowed to leave the house
They know that this stuff keeps mentally ill zoomers trapped in amygdala hijack seethe mode instead of having actual conversations about politics and bouncing ideas back and forth
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Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.
>be me
>work full time
>office wagie so I'm drained mentally and spiritually
>come home
>no energy
>spend weekends lying in bed
I have zero energy most days. I don't think I could even get it up to have sex with a woman to procreate anyway. I'm chronically exhausted.
>So how is the gen x generation members you know reacting to no more kids?
I'm gen X. I have two children (one of each), age 16 and 12. Both tell me they want children, like talking about it. They were homeschooled, so they weren't indoctrinated into your death cult. If anything, I've had to moderate my daughter's ambitions... when she was 4 she was certain 12 was the correct number of children, but now her ideal is 6 but she says it should be at least 3.
>shit parenting, society sucks, life keeps getting worse, circumcism, vaccines
So you don't want kids because you'd be a shit parent, cut off your sons' dicks, and pump them full of vaccines? That sounds nigger-brained if you ask me. So don't do those.
You're both technically correct. Kids are great and people should have them, but we are also living in the least child friendly society to ever exist.
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I wonder what kind of parasite could be behind this thread?
Why are you working
So I can have money to live like most normalfaggots.
she is ultimately correct, and instead of arguing with her in that way you should have asked her what her solution was to a woman taking everything and the children through divorce because she found a better richer dick to suck. put the ball in her court instead of overwealming her retarded femoid brain
"The Jews did this"
More antisemitic lies coming from 4chan.
>So how is the gen x generation members you know reacting to no more kids?
Most I know literally don't care.
I'm a zoom zoom and virgin at 24. Never had a chance with girls, so I just sort of gave up trying with family shit, and now I'm busy with bed rotting when I'm not coding like a slave. Life is amazing.
I don't want to be a jew, please get kids. But really I don't get why life should continue.
I’m autistic, it’s probably not a good idea
>but we are also living in the least child friendly society to ever exist.
This seems like the truth to you, but it's not even close. If you ignore public school, you'd soon discover the opposite. The people you're going to be around have kids of their own, and are trying to provide a good life and start for their kids. Back to public schools, they're pretty fucking horrible... but they're optional. They're the machine that is used to ruin children. Yours, mine, anyone else stupid enough to send theirs there.
Now you're basically talking about creating a parallel society which is a good idea but not the most practical.
My deathbed will be my RX7 FD's seat.

I'm gonna crack a case of beer and let the sleepy gas do its thing in the garage when I turn 60 or so.

You don't get any kids out of me, and I'm doing the least I can to support this system with taxes.

You get nothing but niggers (to beat you in nursing homes) and you'll be happy.
Ok but you're obviously not living
You can tell this guy is a real parent because of how much effort goes into his cope.

Your children will be beaten down slaves and a hated minority in their own homeland
Make more kids so i will have more 18 year olds to have sex with dammit
Anon, even if I wanted to? I don't know how anymore. I sleep like shit, I'm tired.
>inb4 blog post
Long story short, I've not a clue how to fix this shit. Can't bring kids into the world when I'm tired and exhausted all of the time.
Same. I secretly hope I don't wake up the next day. I don't even give a shit about relationships, that ship has sailed and I'm too used to being by myself.
Daily reminder these are psy op threads.

Children are wonderful and are well worth it.
Explain exactly and logically why that is the case when you hate the world.
>my mom called me crying
your mom is a bitch lol
You're very obvious weak minded people you know, I think it began when you started believing your own lies
The end game of feminism desu
Unless you literally grab a sex slave, women have 100% control over reproduction, BC, abortions and too busy having fun and a (((career))) as an evil witch in an HR department.
I've been wanting kids since my early 20s, been with the same girl the whole time slaving away, and now 20 years later I'm on the precipice of not being able to have any because of the jew system.
My old man instead of asking how he could help flat out told me he don't care if I do or not, it was his way of consoling me.
Wait just...

Am I retarded?

>she called her friends
The mom called her friends
>and they said
The friends in question are about to speak
>because their kids parents having kids

This. The future is bleak: a deindustrialized and AI-driven dystopia of oligarchic anarcho-tyranny, feminism, and majority nonwhites.
I am 31, I feel to old. No thanks.
>I've been wanting kids since my early 20s, been with the same girl the whole time slaving away, and now 20 years later I'm on the precipice of not being able to have any because of the jew system.
On the precipice? Nigger, unless you pulled a Hikaru Genji, that egg cartoon is not just empty but covered in dust and cobwebs.

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