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Why no plagues?
The people there are the plague.
>Another poo thread
kys, no one thinks about India.
yeah sure enough
but with as dense and dirty as it is over there.
You'd think like....they would be bubonic plague city
Immune system strength. They live in such awful fucking conditions that their immune systems are indestructible.
I reccomend you look into the life of picrel, he was a hermit in Iran who never bathed and literally smoked shit out of a pipe and lived to the age of 96, only to die a few months after being cleaned by locals.
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>Why no plagues?
Plagues like the black death and the justinian plague are usually caused by swift and sudden changes in the climate which leads to famine that weakens people's immune systems and an alteration of parasites normal life cycles that allow them to become more dangerous disease vectors.
Both of those plagues have been linked to mini-ice ages caused by volcanic activity near the equator.
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They are the Children of Nurgle.
India had nonstop plagues. They just breed like rats above the death rate.
Aren't there old diseases there that the rest of the world doesn't even have anymore?
Could a woman survive like this without cleaning her pussy?
Indians are scum
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and that's a hard /thread right there, no coming back from this
Yeah, as long as she tokes the holy shit pipe with her pussy and asshole every day
They eat a lot of tumeric
First thought in my head
100k years of living this way. Say whag you want about jeets but evolutionarily their immune systems have become powerful. They can live like that forever and be fine, but anyone else that has 1 meal or drink of water there almost always gets sick
The Indians make the viruses sick and unwary bacteria go missing
so, here's the deal
most of the world has a death rate (per 1000, per year) between 6 and 9
the death rate goes up drastically as the population gets older, for example germany and japan, both fairly healthy societies, have death rates of over 12 (and median ages above 50), whereas ghana, a very unhealthy society, has a death rate of 7 (with a median age of 21)
india has a median age of 29, which is fairly young, and a death rate of 9.0
that means, with 1,450 million people, approximately 13 million people die every year in india
contrast this with 2.5 million per year in the us (or even 11 million in china)
china and the US are both about 3x the size of india
india has about the same amount of death as china and the US put together, in one sixth of the area
if you don't think there's plagues, it's because they're dying too fast to spread them around
Some black dude posted an India video on Instagram and Indians are seething in the comments. Most white people and black people are mocking and making fun of the Indians in the comments. India hate has gone fully mainstream now

that time some poos went to some poo embassy in haiti and spread literal POO disease through the waterways
Even though it disgusts me, his death makes me sad.
His gigacharged immune system beat back any cancerous cells, the layer of filth protected him from excessive sun damage, and smoke baths would keep some of the flies away. How did he stand the itching though? If I go longer than 3 days without a shower the itching is unbearable
They are the plague
What are you talking about? They CONSTANTLY have plagues.
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>How did he stand the itching though?
He probably wallowed in the dirt.
same reason jews have no more plagues. they ARE the plagues
how do you think all those native americans died?
They do now for fucks sakes. Try finding a douche at the corner store.
Isn't leprosy from India?
They get hit pretty badly when major diseases roll through. India had some of the world's worst outcomes from covid-19.
Typhoid, cholera and dysentery are pretty much endemic across the country. Even cases of rabies hit close to 20 million/year.

All those fancy exotic plagues don't have a chance to incubate before their host dies from some other disease or a train.
This. Screw them for blaming the Raj on whites. They were your own.
My fat ass thought it was a picture of cheese pizza
I though it was a dorito chip
Because Indian food is unbelievably healthy. It's got a metric fuckton of spices and seasonings that have been shown in studies to modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, protect against and repair DNA damage, and inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungi and cancerous cells.

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