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Trannyism is being pushed hard - deliberately or not. A massive shift happend, especially in porn. There is an attempt to make trannies "normal", to blur the lines of terms, to make hten "the new normal".

Ever searched for futa (on female) porn/hentai? It used to be that that's what you found. Just normal futa (without balls in 90% of cases - a proper futa) with female.

But now, there's TONS of tranies/shemales or futa on male. Not only that, but a lot of futa now is big, muscled, manly-looking with gigating big balls (which is gay). Can't even see if there's a vagina behind it, further conditioning stupid poeple into trannyism. There's also a lot more anal (which is gay) ,
and when you point it out you get retards claiming that that is also futa. That's its always been like that. That the term futa was never clearly defined.
And I've also started seeing traps pushed under "female" tags. Not to metnion a lot of sissification/gender-bending.

It disgust me.
Armor yourself in disgust and contempt towards anal, gender-bending, trannnies and scrotums.
It is the only way.
/pol/ has really degraded in quality.

Tons of pointless treads about things that do no not matter, nor have any real poilitical implications (like e-celeb BS, or Musk playing Diablo), or some absolutely pointles/fake "happening" somewhere, or some random accident or criminal act that doesn't matter at all.

It is painful to watch how this place has degraded.
If you click on that crap you were already a faggot

A proper futa is female with a clit-dick. Nothing gay about that, females already have a micro-penis (it's called a clit).
Regular female, female with a big clit, female with a strap-on, female with a clit-dick. All fine by me. As long as it's female.

Balls are gay tough.
And anal is ultra gay in ANY shape, way or form. Giving or taking, regardless whos asshole.
And lusting after a big, mucled amazon with giant balls and dick to pound your "boypussy" (whoever uses that term should be burned alive) is ultra gay.
Futa isn't a real thing you idiot. It's like a chimera. I saged your thread because you're an idiot. Don't bump
Bro comes to the politics board to tell us how jews subverted his hentai and explain the definition of a futa
yeah, all the niche sub genre stuff has gotten weird.
and the women have invaded it all too. with brutality, degredation, humiliation, pain, real fucked up shit. creep out the weirdos. thats hard to do.
Porn is just getting more extreme as people get more addicted and society keeps degenerating. You can argue that some of it's a psyop, but more than you'd think is natural. For example, it's actually natural for heterosexual men to be aroused by trannies/traps/futas because the penis triggers their mate protection instinct thus increasing their sexual arousal.
>But now, there's TONS of tranies/shemales or futa on male
Anon, futa on male has been around for fucking ages. Holy shit how young are you?
Trash threads are a constant. Just gotta dredge through for the opportunities to win hearts and minds.
The only people that watch tranny porn are those obsessed with trannies. It’s the same thing as the most anti gay people being closeted fags.
No one claimed it is real.
But it has real world implications. Your kids (assuming you wil lever have offspring) will get exposed to the internet and porn. You should be concerned about who and what is moulding their vocabulary and sexual tastes.
I remember being 15 and looking for piss drinking porn, bukkakes, deepthroats, JAV lesbian rape etc...
I'm 31 now and I never felt the slightest homosexual attraction whatsoever. Or any auto erotic feelings either for that matter.
The idea that one would will inveitably get into more extreme s** is a lie.

In 40+ years my tastes haven't moved even one micromilimiter towards the gay/tranny camp. If anything, I hate them even more now.

A man should never be aroused by a tranny. If you look at the mans crotch and feel aroused, you are gay.
I'm pushing 50, so probably older than you, sonny.

And stop twisting my words, it was never "X has never existed" since there were ALWAYS degenerates and faggots around, but "X was an insignificant minority that you barely ever encountered"
trans isn't gay,
a man fucking a trans is much like fucking a woman except they got a dick. everything about them apart from the dick says woman, its a novelty that they have something else down there because its like a different kind of woman. most people that view trans porn are straight males, gays dont watch trans porn.
>The idea that one would will inveitably get into more extreme s** is a lie.
The prevalence of gooning as well as all the other degenerate fetishes that are commonplace now disproves this.
>X was an insignificant minority that you barely ever encountered
And that part is still a fucking lie.
>bro the chicks with dicks animes i watch
>what do they think im fucking gay or something
>im armoring myself with disgust next time the dickgirl i jerk off to has balls
good on you bro hitler and jesus are smiling down on you from heaven truly a victory for righteousness and the white race
You may not be a faggot but you're definitely another breed of degenerate retard
You can cope and say you're not gay but we all know you're gay.
doesn't matter much to me what you call me, but you should let people enjoy themselves, just because you refuse to let yourself doesn't mean we won't.
Yeah. But I mean I always was, sadly.
It never really was a slippery slope, in fact I even calmed down on my degeneracy.
If it has a dick, its gay.
There is zero discussion to be had about this.

You are in denial.

Trans is as gay as gay can get, since you're fucking a man in a wig who claims he is female.
you KNOW he is male. You still put your penis in his anus.
You know he has no vagina. And if he is post-op that is just a stinking, puss-filled hole.
You ain't fooling nature.
>The prevalence of gooning as well as all the other degenerate fetishes that are commonplace now disproves this.

Again, prove the inveitable part. You can't.
society in general has become more crazy and degenrate, but that doesn't mean everyone has or will.
>Ever searched for futa (on female) porn/hentai?
No, I'm not gay.
>>im armoring myself with disgust next time the dickgirl i jerk off to has balls

I don't jerk off to dickgilrs at all.
I have standards. You are american. the birthplace of degeneracy and the main exporter or the cancer that has infected the west.
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- Futa has always been gay; in fact, it's gayer than traps because at least people fapping to traps don't pretend they don't like dicks;
- Japan had to deal with male trannies prostituting themselves during their cultural boom (Edo) a couple centuries ago, that's where the tradition of men having to shave the front of their heads came from, it was to make even small males unattractive/manly-looking so that burly high-T men wouldn't want to fuck them.

This was only a problem, however, because female prostitution was also banned.
Also it didn't work that well, men started wearing little headscarves and the headscarf itself became an item of fetishiziation.

You just gotta stop masturbating OP.
Take the wormpill, and practice seed retention.
All of this degeneracy will disappear from your life.
There are worms inside of your asshole, and their role is to degenerate.
Remove worms = remove degeneracy.
Trans is DOUBLE gay. You're putting up with a faggot and the bullshit of a woman.
the people that fap to trans are normal straight males that dont watch regular gay porn.. unless the trans looks like a guy its not gay.
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Deworming = removes all LGBT thoughts
After deworming, all gay/trans/whatever porn becomes disgusting and horrdenous
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What retarded logic.

"I like fuckign men, that makes me less gay than people who fuck females!"

A man is a man. You are fapping to it. You are gay. Period.
A futa isn't a man. It is a woman in every way that matters. Nothing is substracted from her womanhood.
Besides, even if your retarded logic was correct (it is not), people who enjoy futa don't necessarily want to fuck them. I personally like seeing futas fucking females. Or females fucking females. Pretty much anything with women that doesn't involve anal or scat or guro or some other crap.
You keep saying "straight" as if self proclaiming is 100percent fact. It's not. If you're not engaging in heterosexual relationships then you're not straight. If you choose the penis behind the panties then you're GAAAAYYY
You just have a terrible grasp on reality or even English words. Probably an abbo mutt baby
I understand you, but you are simply wrong.
If you think the vast majority of people that masturbate to trans porn, would masturbate to gay porn too of man on man, you are wrong.
Attraction to an apperence isn't a sexuality. That's just preference. You have a preference for a guy in drag. Still technically gay
a guy in drag doesn't look like this at all
a guy in drag wouldn't even pass

but this, "pic related" looks completely passable and beautiful, if you don't agree you are literally gay.
That's just a whore! That's not a natural look. You're a porn obsessed loser.
that is a trans, and you thought it was a biological woman, because thats literally how well they pass. No its not gay, its straight.
Whore isn't synonymous with woman

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