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>isolationist ethnostate for thousands of years
>commits civilizational suicide by mass importing Indian Hindu rapejeets in the last 5 years

What went so wrong for the holy land /pol/?
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Over status?
Bet not one single poltard has been directly affected by an Indian
Live and let live
the holyland of what?
my holyland is Germany, you monkey
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Shut the fuck up ranjeet.
Some black dude posted an India video on Instagram and Indians are seething in the comments. Most white people and black people are mocking and making fun of the Indians in the comments. India hate has gone fully mainstream now

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They lost the war. And they held out for a long time even after losing but eventually the Jews took over and wherever Jews go the poos follow.
I have work alongside a few and holy shit you cunts smell like shit. Even when I tell one of you cunts to have a shower or use deodorant you cunts still can't.
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You're not wrong. This is the US ambassador to Japan. The Jew responsible for imposing American will on them and making them hold LGBT parades and import Indians.
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Based, but hate doesn't stop the Indians from flowing. Rapejeets are born in India hating each other and seething 24/7 in between gang raping, hate is nothing for them. They enjoy the attention and tell themselves its because you are mad they are conquering you and raping your women. We need ACTION.

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The fact that you inbred stinky Hindu pedophiles exist and breathe our oxygen and infest on our planet is enough of a reason to genocide every last one of you, ignoring the rest of your subhuman behavior. You are a plague to both the digital and natural worlds. Your very existence is a crime against humanity and total eradication is the only defense against the Indian/Hindu vermin rape hordes.
You're a punkass, scared little faggot who can only complain on some anime website.
Your women dream about Big White Cock and all you do is seethe online currycel
There's plenty to go around, go ahead and have your fill of Indian women
Asians can enjoy their fellow POC
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That guy isn't a Japanese tho
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Asians don't deserve this, they even assassinated Abe for not being right wing enough.

They voted for it

No matter how bad Hindus are, we will never be as bad as crackers who dropped 2 nuclear bombs on poor japs.
LMAO the faggy zipperheads fell for the diversity and DEI agenda hard, those yellowed slants trust western news media like no other.
What a fucking cucked nation.
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They didn't, Americans voted for that. What Amerimutt shitskins vote for is what gets imposed on the rest of the world. Every evil the kikes are able to do to Japan and every other country is because of you!
The only good jeet is a dead jeet
Japan recovered very quickly from that. India never recovered from having indians.
As always when this comes up:
I am very happy those slant eyed faggots destroy their own country by following their mutt master's example
Fuck the Japanese
>isolationist ethnostate for thousands of years
>allies with westoids
>commits civilizational suicide by mass importing Indian Hindu rapejeets in the last 5 years
Gee I wonder what the cause was
Your stench directly offends everyone's olfactory sensibilities from a mile away
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What did Japan did to you bro? Japan is the holy land of /pol/, they were the chosen one who was going to remain pure and be an example to us when the west was jeeted and blacked beyond recognition. Anyway don't pretend like we are any better. At least the Asians don't fuck around once they've had enough of invaders.
To be fair, they got puppeted by the JewSA after WWII.
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They were taken over 80 years ago. They managed to avoid importing foreigners for nearly all that time. It's only in the last 10 years that whites started migrating to Japan, and in the last 3 years Japan has been flooded with Indians all of a sudden. Whatever changed, it's a very recent problem

I don’t want moral judgements from people who invented interracial cuck porn, swingers clubs & unleashed aids on earth.
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jigger please, everyone on earth has the right to shit on you
Based on my own experience, most of the whites you see in Japan are tourists. It's crazy how many Indians there are, though. Every convenience store and fast food restaurant has Indians working there.
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He's probably a kike.
meant for >>489109951
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I wouldn't want judgement from a jeet, it always ends with rape
Every time I open a tutorial with an English title, it's actually some Hindi gibberish.
That is enough for me, wipe them out.
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My friend was there last summer in Shibuya. He said before they were mostly hidden out of sight working the convenience stores. Now they are taking over the tech jobs (Rakuten is almost completely Indian), waiters in restaurants, and a lot of hotel positions. It's crazy how Indians go from unknown to swarming everywhere whenever they migrate to a new country.
doing the needful
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Welcome to the club. You belong here, Kenjisan.
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When I see this in white countries, it doesn't bother me as much for some reason. But seeing it in Japan is incredibly demoralizing. If Japan can't save itself from the rapejeet menace, there is no hope for the rest of us.
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New Zealand is jeeted too? Fug, is there any country that is still free of Indians now?
I like how they never mention that they import jeets to keep the shitty system and an economy afloat, they say population decline, but do nothing to make their own people be incentivize to produce the offspring. They don't, 'cause 20 years needed for children to grow up is too long, just import jeets that'll solve it. Europe is already seeing the consequences of working for the bank jew to keep his grift alive.
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No. No country is safe. Well, those who block Jeets are.
It's just against their disgusting religion. They literally believe eating cow dung and mud is good for you.
As a leaf living among many jeets Japan deserves it for being arrogant colonialist rapist abusive slavers to the Asian peninsula. 2 nukes was just the beginning and the remainder will be just like the fall of Europe. Beware Jeets breed quite fast.
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Those numbers are terrifying, why aren't we doing something about this? Do they expect the world to absorb endless billions of fighting age Indian male rapecels while they keep breeding like rats and killing off the female children?
idk you are smart enough to understand why this is happening.
I don't think you are trained to recognize the pattern.
You are a German after all. I don't blame you. But it is a sad thing. Most critical life lesson has been robbed from you by your masters.
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Just because we can't talk about it in public doesn't mean we don't know what is happening. Behind closed doors we all know (((who))) is responsible
And I hope you also know WHY they are doing this.
This anon has posted a hint. >>489112073
He is a bot. You're not talking to a real person.
You (your people) is being used by kikes as a tool, a weapon to destroy other people's countries.
If you guys have any dignity and self respect you should not allow yourselves to be used. You should all return to India. Develop your own country.
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Doubt. Has there ever been a time when they weren't trying to invade everywhere and spread like locusts?

Dunno if OP is a Vatnik or Chink using VPN. He literally obessesed with nips, probably have cuck fetish too.

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>mass import Indians to "save" a country
>it ends up destroying the country and turns them into India

Canada, UK, INDIA, Japan....why are we so bad at recognizing this pattern?
The last time a communist was elected they stabbed him on stage with a samurai sword
>communist bad
He says this as capitalists are literally importing millions of pajeets, niggers and arabs to white countries to keep selling their products and make profit.
No basedog my head don't hurt anymore

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That just makes their lack of action here all the more demoralizing. Japan has been paying most of India's foreign aid for decades, while Japanese girls are selling their asses to gajin because of economic hardship.
Japanese are actually based though, they genuinely don't deserve it.
>is because of you!
You do realize we hate kikes controlling our country right? Maybe we should try to kick them out violently like you did, that sure worked out greeeaat.
I have, I saw them on the street once. Twice actually, so ugly and brown.
Kikes, obviously. This is the result of (((western))) influence.

Actually it would have worked out perfectly if you hadn't taken those kikes in. Every evil that affects the world now is because you took them in after we kicked them out. You larp about MUH GUNS to fight tyranny, but you tolerate jews controlling your speech, your actions, even what you're allowed to think and see. Maybe try using them or stop larping about freedom.
You are disgusting. Living next to you is hell. Go back to your shithole.
Why did japanese accept american lordship? In russia, when germany invaded, we had many partisans fucking up their supply routes and killing them. Yet, japan was occupied with no resistance.
They deserve it for being such cucks.
Dung beetle would be a more apt comparison.
Russia is free from jeets. For some reason they don’t want to go here.
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Did you really think you could make any kind of alliance with India without them demanding you take in endless billions of their rapecels in return?
We actually opened recruitment for jeets in India but they still don’t come
I think jeets are the great filter. If a species puts down or at least isolates its' jeets, it will advance and prosper.
If it doesn't, it will forever stew in its own filth never advancing further than 20th century earth.

That's actually a based idea. Both sides should recruit those endless hordes of Indian males and have them fight each other to the death. Just make sure you ship the survivors straight back to India or kill them. No more brother wars and the world gets rid of Indian rapecels. Why aren't you doing this?
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I am in my country. I would never go live among beef eating mlecchas, let alone work under them. The only way to reverse this Indian emigration is by making India a Hindu Rashtra. Hindus used to be Hindu supremacists and isolationists, because they thought they were so superior to the rest of the world that they considered it to be beneath them to travel to other countries and mingle with foreigners.
So if the world wants to solve the Indian immigration "crisis", then they should help Hindus make Bharat a Hindu Rashtra again and restore its original culture, instead of trying to push muh secular democracy onto us by subverting India and destroying its culture using golobhomo kike cults like Islam, Christianity and communism/liberalism.
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Ah yes Ramjeet, if only India was a Hindu country (and it's 90% Hindu as it is), then Hindu male rapecels would stop lusting over white women and travel as far as Estonia and Latvia just for the chance to take one. It's everyone else's fault but your pedo rape cult that you can't produce any kind of civilization for thousands of years that people don't just want to flee from and live literally anywhere else
As I said, we are trying, but they don’t want to come
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How did you convince North Koreans to come? There are Indians in Russia though. Just make it mandatory for them to serve in the military or they get imprisoned. They all scattered like rats from Ukraine when that was announced even though they were happy to infest Ukraine before and fuck their children
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Now denounce Muhammad and quran, muzkike.
the japanese have some reverence and delusions of what india is and indians are, because the very beginning of japanese state started in nara when a nomadic indian buddhist monk decided to start a temple there because he decided japan had good vibes or whatever

everything about japanese culture, religion and government can trace back to this founding moment in japanese history, and the japanese are very aware of this fact. this period is highly focused on in japanese schools. in more recent history, revered monks from india have come to work in japanese temples and vice versa, further creating this delusion of cultural brotherhood among the locals, who are entirely oblivious to the world outside of japan and honestly probably think mumbai probably isn't any different than tokyo.

this "shared history" delusion actually has the japanese believing wholeheartedly that they are MORE culturally compatible with indians than a civilized race like europeans. this is why these retarded zipperheads are so oblivious to the problem. even when they see some rapejeet being disgusting and destroying a famimart bathroom by shitting in the sink, they just assume it's a bad apple and are too bug-brained to even consider the idea that these people aren't like them
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I denounce the child rapist Shiva, Krisha, and all of your pedophile false idols. I denounce the Hindu religion as a religion of rape, pedophilia, and savagery that needs to be exterminated. I denounce the Hindu as a walking bioweapon in human shape that exists only to invade and destroy human civilization wherever we tolerate you animals. I denounce Muslims for not continuing to kill the Hindu rapists under their aryan dominion in the Delhi Sultanate, and allowing them to breed like rats to 2 billion, for which we are all paying the price now. How was that, Hindroach?
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Yeah I've heard something similar but after all the videos of Japanese women going to India for their demonic Hindu rapejeet festivals and getting gang raped and murdered, they should know better.



Bosnia and Serbia(I think they have niggers instead)
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Not so fast!
They larped as European colonial powers in WW2. They're still larping as European nations today.
Don't cry for Japan. Nothing of value will be lost.
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They recognized the need to modernize Japan and wanted to learn from Europeans. They turned Japan into a powerful country by doing that. They didn't need to learn from our cultural suicide.
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LMAO cope, seethe and dilate, goatfucking turkroach. How does it feel having your dick mutilated and your foreskin sacrificed to a jew god?
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Why do you keep projecting Hindroach? You are an inbred goatfucker, raping animals is as important to your Hindu pedo cult as the rape of children.
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Cope, goatfucker. How many goat wives do you have? Does pisslam set a limit on goatwives or can you have unlimited number of them?
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>inbred 50 IQ Hindrat can't read or write English

Muslims are your superiors, you stinky ugly short dark Hindu rape rat. Cry and scream about it, but it's just the facts and it will never change. You are a slave, inbred to be a slave, that is your place in this world. Ugly Hindrat rapenigger lmao
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>Hey you know those Hindus who made India an unimaginable hell on earth of rape and pedophilia? Let's import them into civilization instead of the Chinese who actually build civilization

Jews are cancer, no one except a kike would do this
>Chinese who actually build civilization
Lol, Lmao even.
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Look at Beijing now and 20 years ago.
Then look at Delhi or any part of India. In fact cherry pick the richest part of India.

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