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Ursula Haverbeck passed away ate the age of 96.
Another Valkyrie in Valhalla
F the only white woman who didn't vote for this mess
thats not her on the left
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they couldnt break her
she was a real G
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Explain to me, the Germans lost 8 million white people, hated Jews but killed 0 of them?
Are you really in Russia? Wow that's crazy. Good luck blowing up the hohols!
They killed some, mainly in Poland but it was done the old fashion way with death squads and executions. It’s the gas chambers that’s disputed it’s totally made up
We bombed Germany to hell, killing off all supplies, and then you mongoloid drunks raped and killed everything whilst putting up fake chimneys. Then the Zionists made up lies of planned extermination, and inflated 270k (mostly to typhus and starvation/dehydration) to 6 million
Smoking kills
So the Third Reich had the goal of organizing genocide of white people, and preserving the black lives of Jews and other Niggers?
Germans betrayed Russians you retard. Russians had every right being pissed off with those krauts. It's not like russia was on America's side, they just weren't on germanys side either. Hitler fucked up with that and the japs fucked up with pearl harbor. The axis were just a bunch of fucking morons
They both planned to betray each other when the time was right. Hitler just got the drop on Stalin.
Peak retard. Nazism was humanity's immunse system kicking in to destroy judaism and its offspring communism.
Yeah sure sure
I'm so sure
So easy to say such bullshit AFTER the fact. Face it. Germany fucked up and they got what they deserved. It's been almost a hundred years ans anti semitsim is on the rise. If you find your enemies are on your side against the jew, betray them AFTER jews are exterminated
No, it's only the faggots who have anti-Semitism on the rise, the enemy of the Jews are Muslims, we must stand on the side of the Jews and destroy these faggots of which there are 2 billion, I remind you of only 20 million Jews
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>have supply lines to “safe internment camps with swimming pools and children playgrounds” destroyed from allied bombing
>”noooo you need to stay here and starve to death even though we’re clearly losing the war! It’s very important to keep you here! N-no that is not on us!”
Do you retards actually believe this?
She was secretly cremated in the prison incinerator and ashes were thrown away. They didn't want there to be any shrines.
Muslims arnt a threat to anyone
They still use pagers
You're not going to convince me that jews who bring Muslims into my country are not the problem. Muslims in the middle east have no impact on my life and would never be able to find a way to America without help
Dam... for real?
Was she still in jail?
I wrote her in jail the first time

Zamn ok maybe whites are the master race

>Muslims arnt a threat to anyone

THESE Jews do not threaten anyone, I have never seen news that a gang of armed Jews raped, killed, forced anyone to convert to Judaism...
Hey dumbfuck, are you unironically referring to NS Germany as friends of the USSR solely because of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?
because they are cowardly poisoners and liars not warriors. its like comparing the danger of a lion to that of a parasitic mosquito who harbors malaria
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Wignat ideology is centered around roasties. They have rallies for roasties. They have a 14 word slogan for roasties. They worship pagan idols of fat roasties. They post pics of roasties in wheat fields. They watch propaganda movies made by roasties. They build lebensborn camps for bulls to impregnate their favorite roasties. Their idolize the nazis who were cucked by the millions when their trad roasties opened their legs for Russian cock. When you say "White Race" they're not thinking of the men who built civilization. They're thinking of roasties. Their stormfront forums are completely overrun with roasties crying about asian women. Their men sit around posting about how great roasties are while their "reformed" tradwives sit around watching nigger tiktoks. They worship "based" roastie e-celebs while attacking the misogynists who actually built their country before roasties took over. They watch roastie feminists whine about trannies and celebrate when the roasties win because those roasties are true red blooded trad roasties. They will tell you how much they hate roasties and how the wignat simp meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love roasties but the evidence speaks for itself in that wignats have always been and will be a group of roastie loving roasties
Prisons don't let criminals go if there's a food or fuel shortage, Anon.
no one is reading all this kike bullshit we are all sick to death of your yapping
srbe na vrbe
Bruh I'm not gonna spoon feed you. You're obviously not paying enough attention.
>So the Third Reich had the goal of organizing genocide of white people
nope, but your kikeyness just got revealed
What we have, a lion needs to be killed, but you can't cut a mosquito with a sword, so you need to be friends with a mosquito that will help kill a lion.

you are stretching the metaphor, if we as the human race were finally rid of these particular mosquitos the lion and the lamb would lay down together in friendship
I’m part Ashkenazi and my paternal side is decedent from a National Socialist officer. In all my being I suspect the Jews were making a lot of stuff up. It’s not a coincidence schizophrenia is prevalent in that community.
I will never hide it, I fully support the Jews in the fight against the Muslim plague
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RIP Ursula, your work is being realized as we speak.
all white people nearly at this point wish you were dead, you and your entire mongrel race, i kill every kike baby to spare one muslim senior citizen and i dont particularly like muslims
> lion and the lamb would lay down together in friendship

yeah, as in Germany, France, Britain... very good friendship between palestinians and residents
if every muslim accross the world suddenly died we would wake up in largely the same hell and kikes would import blacks or jeets to replace the muslims that were lost in europe, if all kikes died wed wake up in paradise in our own ethnostates
>>489108120 (You)
>Haverbeck remained at large until her death, and there was a dispute about her suitability for detention

Thank fuck, she didnt yet start her recent sentence, so she didnt die in jail.

Jail a granny for questioning your LIES.
You deserve a real holocaust you cunts.
F, sorry we failed you granny.
Probably you brown faggot can still be seen at pro-Palestinian rallies, you faggot need to be crucified, Did the Jews commit September 11th too? You're a fucking cuck
And I fully support everyone against the jews and their anglo golems
So it’s a prison then? Then they basically let hundred thousands of jews starve to death, and then claim “we didn’t try to kill them atleast!”
And actually, there have been numerous cases where prisoners have been freed due to the prison’s inability to accommodate them, making your argument not very strong either.
>Probably you brown

eat a bag of shit mongrel kike
apparently Brenton didn't finish her job,
this fucking RETARD believes in the holocaust!

there wasnt even 6 million jews in ALL of German occupied Europe. The holocaust is a total fucking lie.
cuck, your father will be killed for Allah, his head will be cut off, your mother will be raped and you will still support Muslims, you done
Rest in heaven you lovely woman
kike, first i was brown i proved you to be factually wrong now im a cuck, whatever it takes right?

we are DONE with kike yapping. i tried to warn you fucking idiots
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lol, he did such a sloppy job even the local muslims called Mossad out on it. It all got memoryholed VERY quickly after that. HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Tell me you have a poor grasp of history without saying you have a poor grasp of history
Have you already done prayer for allah, cuck ?
im a christian man, you suck any baby dick today kike? suck the blood right out?

>"mmm nummy baby dick blood!"
You are retarded dumb fuck.
At the END of the war, when the allies blew up all the supply lines and RAIL, supplies count even get to the camps to feed them. Allies even strafed the planes trying to move the jews in trains away from the front, killing many.

The REAL GENOCIDE is after the war finished, the million + German PoW the allies had in camps, that they let starve to death, despite having the food.
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Let's summarize, IT's ABSOLUTELY OBVIOUS that any faggot who is against Jews in 2024 is a brown pro-Islamic faggot, cocksucker, cunt, whore.
>And actually, there have been numerous cases where prisoners have been freed due to the prison’s inability to accommodate them, making your argument not very strong either.
Willing to consider, but you're gonna need very strong list of citations of subversive elements, outright enemies, being freed during wartime, chief. Note that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_column was very popular as a concept for everyone at the time. Jews had everything to gain for working for the USSR, where they were still influential. Even if someone was outright a normal Jew, it was the right thing to do for him to work against NS Germany. There was no other way. Allies blocked supplies and other means of deporting them safely.
>Let's summarize, IT's ABSOLUTELY OBVIOUS that any faggot who is against Jews in 2024 is a brown pro-Islamic faggot, cocksucker, cunt, whore.



this is what you are reduced to you KIKE DUMMY

wheres the fucking sticky?
sticky, mods. now.
The nazis couldnt go collect jews in areas they didnt control now could they.
The areas Germans did control had LESS than 6 million jews.
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>im a christian man

I see bro, cuck is in your blood, drink soyy milk and play computer, brown faggot.
Do Mutts really think they won the war?
fucking American education
you're just as retarded if you believe there were people that survived in Auschwitz for years when the entire purpose was to massacre them on an industrial scale
STFU you dumb fucking JEW.

The Jewish COMMUNIST Russians were already planning their MASSIVE invasion of Europe. Hitler tried to stop them before they were ready. All of Europe would be Russian communist control if Hitler didnt act when he did.
>brown faggot.
Luke 19:27 says, "Now as for those enemies of mine who did not want me as their king, bring them here and slay them before me
Pipe down tard
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you retarded?
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you worship a jew idiot, you aren't kidding anyone you are antisemitic
he was racially white as were all the original jews modern kikes are racemixed imposters and the synagogue of satan

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

7. [1] After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. [2]
It was a labor camp, you lying fucking jew. Just like the labor camps the allies had.

You dont just let enemys go in the midst of a war.
yeeeah mister "luke" right then in fucking Palestinian desert 2000 years ago
its a quote from jesus christ himself certain mongrelized people would rather we forget

Luke 19:27 says, "Now as for those enemies of mine who did not want me as their king, bring them here and slay them before me
>It was a labor camp
Mmhmm, sure, that's why everybody calls it a "death camp" and they somehow managed to truck in, murder, and burn 600+ people a day every day for their entire term of operation. Forget the fact the satellite sites didn't open up until 1944.
So jesus was a brown beggar Jew, if you hate them so much, why do you pray?
jesus was a white man, literally the new adam, and adam means to show blood in the cheek to be rosy cheeked or ruddy, to be white

Strong's #119: 'adam (pronounced aw-dam')

to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:--be (dyed, made) red (ruddyUsage:

This word is used 10 times:

Exodus 25:5: "And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood,"
Exodus 26:14: "of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering above of badgers'"
Exodus 35:7: "And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood,"
Exodus 35:23: "and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers'"
Exodus 36:19: "of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering of badgers' skins above"
Exodus 39:34: "And the covering of rams' dyed red, and the covering of badgers' skins, and the veil"
Proverbs 23:31: "not when it is red, when it giveth his color in the cup,"
Isaiah 1:18: "they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
>Lamentations 4:7: "they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies,"
Nahum 2:3: "The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming"

>, betray them AFTER jews are exterminated
There were jews in the Soviet Union, historylet
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These guys were slaughtering muslims and were not friends with them like you are a traitor to white people.
those guys were smart enough to know that when YOUR enemy is locked in battle with the ENEMY OF MANKIND they are not your enemy anymore but your ally at least for now

14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men

those guys also would have killed you for being antichrist
>We bombed
Damit. How old are you? What is your secret?

Why the fuck are you and so fucking many people are STILL identifiing and affiliate with a criminal government which wants you enslaved and dead basically. Just look up operation sea spray.

Why the fuck are so fucking mamy people so fucking brainwashed. DO not, never ever affiliate with the criminals. Why would you do that?
Still beleiving the false sense of responsibility because of MUH (((democracy))). How many shots did you all get the last 4 years??
Which more evidence do you need?? FUCK!
Stop pretending you're in Russia lol.
Look, according to your logic, I should go out on the street right now and start being friends with Muhammad, who killed a couple of Russians, raped a child, and together with Muhammad we should hate Jews, whom I have never fucking seen in my city?
that is not my logic but a blatant strawman you memeflagging kike dummy
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are you? Germany never occupied all of France. your map is shit. Your data is shit.

Isnt it funny that ONLY the camps inspected by the JEWISH COMMUNISTS remain to be called "death camps", when the allies found all the other camps to be just normal labor camps.

>imagine believing lying Jewish communists
Fucking brown pro muslim faggot, answer the question
>Fucking brown

you are knowingly lying >>489109206

im not gonna entertain your strawman you memeflagging kike dumbass
You don't have an answer, but I have one correct solution in my situation: a Jew is an ally, an enemy is a Muslim.
>a Jew is an ally
kike dumbass
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>that's why communist JEWS call it a "death camp"
Fixed that for you.
Youve been LIED TO your entire life.

Like the Lampshades and Soap made of Jews. You heard of those right?
Well they DNA tested them, and the lampshades were just cow hides, and the soap was regular soap.

That entire display was setup by the Pre CIA outfit called the OSS, as a propaganda display, to LIE to the German people to convince Germans that Hitler was EVIL, and they deserved to be bombed. They called this "de-nazification".
Don't worry faggot, an Israeli rocket will destroy you too Muslim go to the hospital with the other pro muslim kids right now and they'll do their job.
your strawman is basically but i deal with muslim populations in my city (the city of memeflagville i suppose) but i dont see kikes often so the muslims who do terrorism are my enemy

the response to that is for the vast majority of people they are only living around muslims/jeets/africans because kikes brought them there specifically so we would be in conflict with each other and not the kikes who brought them and do more to ruin our social cohesion and economic prosperity, kikes are the ROOT of the problem
>Don't worry faggot, an Israeli rocket will destroy you too Muslim go to the hospital with the other pro muslim kids right now and they'll do their job.

i am a white christian man who lives in michigan you kike dumbass
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>Let's summarize, IT's ABSOLUTELY OBVIOUS that anyone who is against Jews in 2024 is a high IQ Aryan CHAD

Fixed that for you JEW.
We KNOW its the JEWS bringing the Muslims into Europe.
You want chaos, so white christian fight enemies of the JEW.

WE KNOW JEWS control our governments, and media, and banks, and push feminism, and cultural Marxism, and PORN, and ANTI WHITE propaganda.

I'm a white man who lives in the Urals and here we kill pro-Muslim faggots like you
>Like the Lampshades and Soap made of Jews. You heard of those right?
You want to know the truly dumb shit they used to tell people over here? They told people the SS would go door to door checking family pictures to see which kids had blonde hair and blue eyes so they could kill anyone that didn't have those traits at some point in their lives. That's the grade of ignorant shit they try to pass off in the US.
you are a kike dumbass telling lies with a memeflag, i posted my white face because im not a mamzer mongrelized coward like every last kike dumbass plainly is you are just asserting you are not a kike but your flag and behavior show you out every time >>489110299
F <3
>I'm a white man who lives in the Urals and here we kill pro-Muslim faggots like you

>i just came to this thread about a recently fallen antikike hero to talk about le what about mislims?

kike dumbass
Jews were a convenient minority to rally against. Their relevance to historical and current events is greatly exaggerated on this board. Your life would have been a living hell under Nazi rule. They literally enslaved white children
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based whitey
>getting dementia to forget all those people you baked

>i believe the holocaust and i come to /pol/ hello fellow kids

kike dumbass
If you were a real Ursula Stan you'd post her nudes.
kikes are perverts, because of their nigger blood from cain they all have the libido of a thirteen year old hispanic boy and cant stop edging and cooming long enough to have political discussion
Yeah because they already wormed their way into all of our governments and major corporations. Crazy how we all have Hebrew names and Americans are circumcized.
>Like the Lampshades and Soap made of Jews. You heard of those right?
you are not up to date, I researched where the soap thing came from its bong recycled WWI anti german propaganda
he is implying it was a lie, and yes they told lies about germany in world war 1 as well such as the corpse factory lie you linked, dum dum rounds, bayoneting infants etc. kikes lie like they breathe (obnoxiously loud)
You're way more likely to be a jew given you're posting under their flag lol, also the Nazi obsession. Jews whack their little cut dicks over the Nazis hard for some fucked up reason
im jacob anthony mcqueen and your sole reasoning that i am a kike dumbass like yourself is that i live in the united states along with three hundred million other white people and will not abide kike lies about nazis? heres my white face kike>>489109206

now lets see yours
Along with millions more jews than ever set foot here, Moishe.
again you are calling me moishe because i live in america and dont abide kike lies against nazis even though i gave you my full name and three pictures of my white face here. >>489111309

The official story is no bodies were recovered from the Holocaust because they were all incinerated, so I did the math. A standard cremation takes 2-3 hours at a temperature of 1400° Fahrenheit. This would require at least 12lbs of charcoal briquettes. Charcoal is made using a 3:1 ratio with wood (36lbs of wood) and a standard lolblolly pine harvests 470lbs of usable wood. (48 per day.) There were 6 million jews killed in the Holocaust across 4 years (1941-1945) averaging 1.5 million a year across 6 camps. Given the number of hours in a day, the time to heat and cool and other factors such as breaks, each oven reasonably cremated a max of 4 bodies per day.

That means each camp had approximately 1,028 ovens averaging 171.3 ovens per camp burning a total 49,344lbs of charcoal per day per camp, equalling 18,010,560 per year, and 72,042,240 across the entire four years totaling 432,253,440lbs for all camps. This is would have been created from the equivalent of 1,296,760,320lbs of wood harvested from approximately 2,759,064.6 trees. A little over 500,000 more trees than compromise the entirety of the Atlantic forest in Brazil (2.2 million)
Didnt the kikes have her thrown into prison when she was like 90?
>so I did the math.

thats antisemitic
Americans are just fat jews tho
well thats a very interesting theory why dont you start your own thread about it kike dumbass
Half of the "first family" in the USA is Jewish.
The only bipartisan policy USA has is support for Israel.
No other minority has even remotely close similar presence.
Go ahead, tell me its a meritocracy and coincidence.
World history they don't want you to know
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>Americans are just fat jews tho
Do you guys have a right to bear arms?
heres the first kike crime ever reported

8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

>12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
It's not a theory
Everything you project onto your sin chicken, you do

Thanks for the saved Grindr pic from your phone but I have no use for this kikel

Nazis were kikels, look at the sheer panic when you point this out. It was a scam and you fell hard lol
you said americans were fat jews, i posted visual proof i am neither fat nor jewish you kike dumbass, >>489111759
>hanks for the saved Grindr pic from your phone but I have no use for this kikel

it illustrates im actaully quite lean and not jewish if you would clean the kike out of your eyes

>it illustrates im actaully quite lean and not jewish if you would clean the kike out of your eyes

it also illustrates every utterance that passes through your mongrelized nigger lips is a lie
But you're Amerigolem, the literal weapon of Zion
>synagogue of satan
hallmark of a retard. john the kike sees jesus in a dream. directors cut of the kike book by the stein brothers. sort yourself out you get on like a woman. emotions only matched by your ignorance
>But you're Amerigolem, the literal weapon of Zion
>Nazis were kikels

i know i know, hitler was a kike, jesus was a kike, I'M a kike, it would seem anyone who goes against the kikes in the name of the lord finds themselves being called a kike. im not surprised nor particularly interested lol
that was very uninteresting you kike dumbass, your lies are always very boring.
Someone liked someone else tits

The basada engine at full horsepower
Do people not die anymore? They only pass away. Well, that psyop's been terminated in any case.
>implying islam is not the enemy of mankind
a thousand years of jihad against europe and you just turn a blind eye to it
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no i just refuse to turn a blind eye to the kikes who let them into white christian lands both in the present day and in history

see the gates of gibralter in spain and the kikes handing over sicily to the caliphate

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