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I’m running 2 miles a week and lifting weights. Better prepare now then die of slowness when you get drafted

expecting war by fall next year
I’ve been trying to run 1.5 miles in 13 minutes but haven’t gotten there yet. I want to join US marine infantry.
>when you get drafted
I have intention of ever being drafted
Eating my way to morbid obesity so I won’t be able to fight even if drafted.
Jacking off and doing nothing until I inevitably die by a heat seeking drone
My plan is to go to jail for refusing the draft.
Freudian slip, soldier boy?
are you sure you're getting enough calories? may need some more, that's pretty enduring, anon
coffee and antisemitism mainly
Remember these.

They started it

I'm nearly 40 and I jack off at least three times daily.
No* just tired as fuck
Yeah, I'm trying to lose some weight so I can drink more faster.
I'm sleeping and eating a lot so I can be rested and not depleted
im edging for 2-3 hours at a time and eating icecream
>Left Wing schizos say there will be war because of DRUMPF

>Right wing schizos say they will be ww3 because ofd Biden supporting Ukraine

What are they putting in the us-american drinkwater?
i'm going to learn how to say "don't shoot, i surrender" in chinese and russian
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You cannot draft what you cannot find. I am the hide and go seek world champ.
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I prepooped all my pants. Now no matter what time the conscription officers come over I am ready to fling and screech.
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I have no reason to fight for a system that places a virgin wife forever outside my reach. Good luck and fuck you, I'm out.
Why do you write propaganda for a meager wage?
Enjoy being in the soup.
This but unironically
is this metaphorical or is there a literal soup? i would not be surprised with the chinese
>2 miles per week
You should probably up that by at least 10x. I dont want to shit on you because its better than nothing, but 2 miles is the point in a run where your endorphins (runners high) just begins to kick in and actual improvement happens. Its barely enough for a single day's run, let alone for a week.
the friction alone will be visible in a 50km radius
you have to become a skeletor.
What air force base are you posting out of?
lol cool story kike
>expecting war when the Don takes over in January
How? Trump’s the most peaceful POTUS we’ve ever had.
Buy a mountain bike you retard.
>2 miles a week
the invading forces won't be your average 400lb westoid who gets out of breath climbing the stairs
How are you planning to dodge a 60mph explosive drone being flown into you?

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