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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>Pres Trump Final Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 11/4/2024
https://rumble.com/v5liy9n-live-president-trump-holds-final-2024-campaign-rally-in-grand-rapids-mi-114.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Last Day Rally, Pittsburgh, PA 11/4/2024
https://rumble.com/v5lzwu1-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-pittsburgh-pa-11424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Last Day Rally, Raleigh, NC 11/4/2024
https://rumble.com/v5lynh5-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-raleigh-nc-11424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at Macon, GA 11/3/2024
https://rumble.com/v5lrkne-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-macon-ga-11324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally, Kinston, NC 11/3/2024
https://rumble.com/v5lqz2q-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-kinston-nc.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump in Lititz, PA 11/3/2024
https://rumble.com/v5loynn-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-lititz-pa-11324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rallies in Greensboro, NC 11/2/2024
https://rumble.com/v5lj4i8-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-greensboro-nc-11224.html (RSBN)
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>489099463
Make America Gay Again
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Hey guys lets check in on magaville-
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downright peculiar
I like when Trump says Alphonse Capone. I don't know why but it amuses me.
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>be Chud
>do nothing

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wow that's a little egregious D:
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How is the White Man so strong bros?
He even beat Mike Tyson....
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Good Burrsday morning, /ptg/...
>it's a 'We Wuz' edition in the early A.M. hours
I'll let baker slide this time, but this shit would and will not be acceptable on a Caturday...absolutely no nigger-related breads on a Caturday morning
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Let's check in on groyper twitte-
Top kek
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Everyone knows if you fill the swamp up to the very top it will overflow and drain it...kind of...maybe...
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I absolutely love that CommieQ has become a thing.
Financial transparency for elected representatives is a good thing, you know.
dude that's totally normal what do you mean? everyone buys underage hookers from Israeli spies
>by whites
to jews
everybody calm down
And who was the consumer of the products made by slaves, hmmm?
Why is a jewish nose always paired with stupid round glasses?
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I fingered Sandra Bullock in Pantana Bob's bathroom in Greenville on Halloween night in 1986. No, she didn't have a penis. Yes, she had a fairly large clitty. She was super wet. Very hairy, but it was the 80's. Yes, I'm old. She was dressed up as a Genie. I was dressed up as me. She wasn't exactly what you would call 'hot' back then, just average. She was a bitch though.
The only way to make India great is for white men to impregnate Pajeet women en mass.
That would be great and all if poojeetas weren't disgusting 98% of the time
hey remember when you said trump would lose lol
>gaetz is a simp
Lock him up.
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Nothing wrong with prostitution
It's a necessary profession
>the straightest black man speaks to the gayest white
You lost, lmao
>She was a bitch though.
Ahh that's a shame. I liked her charming autistic girl persona.
> Both women were over the age of 18 years old at the time of the payments, ABC reported.
so uhhh he gave some roasties money? literally who gives a fuck lmao.
Is there a video of the niggerbitch booning?
Support your local sex workers, chud
Why was Wisconsin closer than Michigan?
They had a bigger 5 AM ballot dump in Wisconsin
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i do it for the block, but if u ever step to god, I'll put your sister mother father uncle cousin in a lock
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ballot printers go brrrrrrr
>in b4 muh split ticket
That shit started happening after the riggers went after trump: https://www.270towin.com/states/Arizona
Dem as in democrat or dem as in them? I don't speak ebonics
Nothing is ever enough for the MAGA mob.
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Dem as in Democrat.
You mock this but give Southern slang a pass?
Is that pic from katekyo hitman reborn?
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They never finished it, right?
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A lot of retards here really love Tim Walz for some reason.
Rubio’s campaign slogan was “A New American Century.” Mike Waltz worked for Rumsfeld, then as an advisor to Cheney; Stefanik worked for Bush, and Hegseth ran a lobbying group for McCain. Hegseth is also an Evangelical-Zionist nutter.
All of these guys had direct relationships with the Bush-era generation of neocons, and they all fought tooth and nail against Trump in 2016, but things are different now, and they don't believe any of the things they've said they believed their entire careers. There are some parallels to the Harris campaign here. It's "what can be” unburdened by “what has been”. The people are the same, but they'll be different somehow.
>The people are the same, but they'll be different somehow.
yes that's correct!
I know next to nothing about this, but i actually find this plausible. Something like a quarter million voters went red for president only. If kari is contentious then it kinda makes sense.
I'm just some random though
no worries
More details
4b status?
yeah there was a very big campaign, lots of people had
signs. it's unMAGA but the faggots in arizona just do not like lake
How can a man deny something that is right in front of him? I admire your strength.
bro what even is
This man scares me
I was born in 86 maybe you are my father
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uh what?
>you guys think X
>yes i do think X
If the DOE is going to get axed, why even appoint a Secretary in the first place?
She is being appointed to tear it the fuck down.
I'm in love with ana
that's based
I never knew my parents but whispers and rumors that my mother was finger banged by an anon in a sports bar washroom
To oversee that whatever useful shit they used to do still gets done somewhere else
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I never fucked an Eskimo before.
She and Cenk are 100% fucking.
DOE is the heel and Linda is the Face in this angle
Are they sure it was a chud and not Russian hackers?
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They could get it
I thought she is married
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That's a man
The economy is doing great if any of you had any semblance of intelligence. It's the best economy ever as long as you knew what you're doing.This was the easiest decade to make $$$ in history. If you don't have stocks then you don't get to complain. You're not smart enough to participate in the economy so why should you have a voice?
just because you're gay and exclusively fuck dogs doesn't make everything a man
Dhe egonomy is doing gread if any of you had any semblange of indelligenge. Id's dhe besd egonomy ever as long as you gnew whad you're doing.Dhis was dhe easiesd degade do mage $$$ in hisdory. If you don'd have sdoggs dhen you don'd ged :DD do gomblain. You're nod smard enough do bardigibade in dhe egonomy so why should you have a voige?
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Just a nub, but probably about the width of a gummy worm with a hood made for hurricanes. We never messed around again. She was pretty weird, a theater nerd. She didn't stand out at all.
You need to grow some thicker skin and not get offended when someone shows you the truth. If you're hurting in this economy, that's a you problem. Conservatives are so stupid they basically need fascism to be average. In the US you get what you deserve, tons of us are very wealthy due to this economy.
Who gives a fuck about gas or grocery prices when investments went up if you were halfway smart?
You need :DD do grow some dhigger sgin and nod ged :DD offended :DD when someone shows you dhe drudh. If you're hurding in dhis egonomy, dhad's a you broblem. Gonservadives are so sdubid dhey basigally need :DD fasgism do be average. In dhe us you ged :DD whad you deserve, dons of us are very wealdhy due do dhis egonomy.
people who don't invest but there are alternative economies
Dude's genociding her ass like you wouldn't believe
>Dude's genociding her ass like you wouldn't believe
that's intense, continue-
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AWOO and helo frens! How's things?
If you're not investing you are poor or going to be. Don't waste your time with anything else.
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No, I am not your Father. If I was I would have ghetto lobstered you a long time ago.
Me too, thanks
If you don't have a 401k or stocks then obviously the economy would look bad to you. you're nothing more than a wage slave. This country shouldn't cater to people who can't help themselves. Most Americans have healthy investment portfolios that blew up in value the past decade. Very few are actually hurting, unless they made poor financial decisions or live in a shithole with no job opportunities. If you didn't catch that $$$ train, that's a you problem. the economy has never been stronger.
we can catch up :)
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after the nose job.
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hey how much money did you make off the election?
Traffic in cities is bad enough with cars holding an average of 1.x people per car. Imagine how bad this will get if that number goes below 1, the inevitable result of AVs circling blocks to avoid parking fees or to be the closest car to a customer requesting a ride.
Anon, I hate to break it to you - you are a retarded nigger faggot. That is all.
Disprove of something I have said then. It should be easy if your claim is right.
Anyone who ever told you women are hornier than men was lying btw. It's just a different type of horny.
I know Trump chose Gaetz as the AG because Gaetz said he would start cutting heads immediately, but Gaetz meant that figuratively.
I mean it literally.
Point the finger at me to deal with people like this and I will slit throats in front of everyone in that room.
Let me be clear.
I will cut the throats of trash like this with a rusty hacksaw in front of hundreds of people, during the chimpout.
It's easy. Just appoint me the executor of DOGE decisions with Presidential immunity.
The people who act like this nigger aren't human anyway.
Mitch McConnell, Adam Kinzinger, Nancy Pelosi...
I'd start by cleaning the Rs.
Traitors die first. I mean, walking up and murdering them is a federal crime, and once Trump takes power, he can pardon federal crimes.
The only question is whether he can stomach the things I would do to clean up politics.
Also, I strongly support the return of dueling to settle disagreements in politics.
For too long, politicians have lived with no repercussions for their stupid ass decisions.
Pretty sure I can shoot a chimping out sheboon in the face before she can land a killing shot on me.
Hell, on equal terms, one on one, I'm pretty sure I could kill a lot of politicians.
People tend to stop being fucking retarded if their life is on the line.
Except niggers. They don't have the intelligence or foresight to recognize when they are in danger. Which is a positive thing for politics. Less niggers in politics this way.
hey why didn't you respond to me?
Some man just texted me
we all gone be good ass post
I don't gamble.
Is it done, Yuri?
Is this post legal
uh what?
>you are stupid if you didn't make money in this economy
were you too scared to bet on harris lol
Buck broken
Arizona stop running that stupid bitch I beg you
Why don't the poor just invest?
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ICBMs, kids
Read the post.
I clearly stated that if a post was created by the President with federal immunity for my actions, I would happily slit the throats of politicians that act like this nigger in front of all of their friends.
I did not encourage any actions outside of the law.
I posited that if such a position was created by the President, backed by his ability to pardon federal crimes, I'd happily take that position.
Which makes everything I said legal.
I won't do it otherwise.
It's a conditional argument, not a threat.
Love how she is the only accused of being a bad candidate but every other race was cheating. McCain drones working over time.
uh what? it would have been near instant money someone from france made over 47 million dollars because of his bets
thank you for your interpretation
It's called "bein' on the down low". It's a thing these young black boys are doin' nowadays.
>Russia says new US base in Poland raises overall nuclear danger
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>Went on tirades trashing her for years
>Oh now buddy buddy
Yeah that's not suspicious...
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Ya think..?
>Except niggers. They don't have the intelligence or foresight to recognize when they are in danger. Which is a positive thing for politics. Less niggers in politics this way.
There was some Twitter post I read a while back that explained niggers literally never developed object permanence. This is why they're always so confused when dealing with cops. In their mind, that wasn't them chimping out a few seconds ago, shooting at police, and running over a grandma in a stolen car. That was some other nigger that existed in a different temporal plane, and since they are now displaced in time by a few seconds and aren't currently doing that thing, they are completely different person whose past actions don't exist.
that's why we need more nigger immigrants, to reclaim their property
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pee moar!
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Bros. I'm kind of sad we didn't get VA.
I am worried about Keith's mental health. He seems increasingly unhinged and divorced from reality. It's troubling.
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will they be fired as a couple?
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>salty yellow tears of being cratered by us before
Poor guy.
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gud band
Yeah, me, too. New Hampshire as well.
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Send all niggers to Haiti, only thrn can try be truly free.
do not post this
yeah i think they would both go but morning joe is probably more insulated because its a morning show
pay cuts should be in order
Where's the Earth shattering kaboom?
Weeks status?
donald trump is the anti christ
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Did this actually happen?
What was the payload?
A non-nuclear ICBM strike as a warning?
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>not maga official sleepy
>Did this actually happen?
>What was the payload?
>A non-nuclear ICBM strike as a warning?
just stretching the muscles out
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NH hurts cause it was ridiculously close in the end too
Only state with voter ID that trump lost lol
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All aboard the PeePeePooPoo, let's go!!!
Chugging through memes like a dank cargo show.
Stops at stations like UwU and LOL,
This train’s got no brakes; it’s outta control.

Whistle goes “REEEEEE!”, conductor’s a Chad,
Karen in the back screaming, “This train’s so bad!”
Sigma grindset in the first-class seat,
While NPCs chant, “PeePoo can’t be beat!”

Through the Tunnel of Cringe, over Bridge of the Dank,
Fueled by Mountain Dew and a gamer’s rank.
No refunds, no rules, just vibes and regret,
A shitpost on wheels you’ll never forget.

PeePeePooPoo: where dreams go to die,
But you’ll laugh so hard, you’ll still say goodbye.
So hop on board, let the nonsense reign,
This cursed choo-choo is the meme domain.
fucking pigs are going to wake the bear up
NH was a weird one. I sort of expected to win it after it being 348,526 to 345,790 for Hillary in 2016.
SOMEHOW the worst candidate in US history won it 418,496 to 395,531.
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The sabre rattling continues and such.
Now it will be a good nap, especially with my pillow.
Mike has the sale through Christmas and promo code JOY!
Just attacking civies again like the last few weeks because Putin is a retard. While the Ukies are killing their generals like a few days and just yesterday a few North Koreans generals and platoons.
>Only state with voter ID that trump lost lol
Voter ID is unfortunately not a catch all, there's still a lot of ways to commit fraud.
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Maybe NH will keep nooticing...
Straightest black man
So nothing new, can't wait for the new tranny to be outed during a vote in the House.
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Zesty Buck
Eh NH actually counted fast too so I think shenanigans could only come from outright ballot machine fuckery
Yes, we've all read the studies.
I'm well aware that niggers have excessively high levels of estrogen, which explains their attraction to shiny shit and shoes, it also explains why niggers feel that they should not be held accountable for their actions.
Just like women.
I also know that my policy, if approved, would lead to a lot less women in politics.
Once women learn to act like adults, understanding that their actions have consequences, something non nigger males learn before they reach six years old, women would be okay.
Again, the amount of women or niggers capable of learning this lesson is quite small.
About the same as competent niggers, or women who can physically compete with males.
In other words, about 2% of women or niggers would be accepted as capable of thinking or acting on the level of the average white guy.
The rest should find other employment outside of thinking that they are worthy to have input on the future of the US.
Or their families get to watch them bleed out at the podium after they say some retarded shit.
Again, I want this position created, to make everything legal.
Don't they have the MA bussing problem?
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>"we were stolen"

give the ape a free one-way ticket back to Africa
>first ICBM ever used in actual war

is this true?
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Proxy war perhaps, kek.
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WHO'S ready to get replaced by Pajeets (legally)?????
That's right, YOU are!!!
No but its first time a manlet used it like a retard.
sorry i'm too valuable for that lol
you guys are both faggots, arent you?
hey anon do you know where it landed?
wow, thats nice hair spacing

almost hypnotic
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you're right, not even the jeets want to take over your job of being a jewish neet and shilling for the GOP (for free)
i dont know shit, its why i was asking

but they faggy voice i heard in my head was from you
>Husband is a white guy from Europe
Don't see the problem
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hope we get better video than this
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Because it's a trojan horse for idiots.
Europe doesn't have a high enough birthrate to send people to the US and they have a high standard of living. You aren't getting White people to immigrate to the US en masse.
The reality is that the vast majority (80%+) of legal immigrants to the US are from South America, India, China, and Africa. For every White person that moves to the US (legally), you're getting 10 jeets / chinks / spics.
i don't ever do this (well i did once but he ran away like a coward), but do you want to compare bank accounts
i'll wait lol
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Luxembourg has a lower GDP than Mississippi. Does this prove that GDP is a meme, or are euros really that poor?
Europoors are taxed to an even more ridiculous rate by both their own governments and Brussels.
In most cases for social services that are professionally awful tier because the workers get paid flat rates, and take MONTHS to queue through.
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hey if you are still awake, look pretty
this is going to get a lot of people talking about DEATH DESPAIR AHHHHHH
voting is not doing nothing
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>this is the new grift same as the ol' grift
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Trump should buy MSNBC for the laffs. It's probably cheap as shit, too.
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imagine they are nukes and spread out over a few miles from each other

That buck's getting a bit too zesty, he hasn't been buckbroke in a while and seem to be in desperate need
A family member or associate would have to do it, it could be viewed as a conflict of interest for a sitting President now.
Partner it with X and Rumble, THAT would be hilarious.
Because they think those stupid jew goggles hide how big their noses are. Same reason that jewesses often wear those goofy giant librarian glasses.
Average black man.
That's why I make them shower thoroughly before I fuck them.
we are now all going to die because of trump and his incoming security advisor :(

nuclear maga
>but the faggots in arizona just do not like lake
It's because she exposed the GOP for bribery and rigging hand in hand with the democrats.
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why doesn't elon just buy russia
oh sorry i've been dozing
very pretty
She's being appointed for 2 reasons
>to try to clean it the fuck up
>to tear it all down and start fresh
American Literacy rates have tanked since the formation of the Department of Education, and it hasn't been a linear decline matching the immigration rate.

Before the DoE the American literacy rate was over 95% including blacks and rez natives. Now it's in the low to mid 80's IIRC.
>16 posts by this yidd
Investing is just gambling with extra steps you fucking dipshit jew.
>inb4 bUt mUh SpReAdShEeTs
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ukrops say ICBMs and that would be fun but some western sources pushing back
whatever the case as the sun rises in america we will know a lot more
Rather have 10 million educated legal immigrants than 100 uneducated illegals.
This is a good read

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>10 million educated legal immigrants
from non-shithole countries.
you work in some low end garbage job and it shows

you aren't the one deciding where the immigrants come from
Pays the bills that’s all that counts.
What’s the yearly income for a shill?
why not?
theres a process that you can use to weed out those from shitholes.
or do you mean refugees?
Isn’t the point Trump is stapling green cards to college degrees? I don’t think a college student from India came here for lesbian dance studies.
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sorry according to the most trusted site for information the most important thing right now is bathrooms
(they're calling him a fucking quisling lmfao)
>Pays the bills that’s all that counts.
Enjoy being ruled over by indians and having your kid's jobs stolen by chinese
basically you cant let these animals into your cities because all they do is cry and whine and without a white bleach upgrade theyre completely useless retards.
Narc Feduentes was a planned parent hood employee before larping as hitler and becoming a fed informant. The ADL helps him fake video’s to win your trust.
>Remember the 6,000,000
>ribs broken by pepper spray
>but somehow not really on video which captured nothing
>other than how narc lives 24/7 like a trap door spider behind his front door like a big fed jack in the box
>just incase
>he needs to jump out
>and snitch
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if it`s like here they tend to do hospitality and tech courses.
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>congress to install a gender neutral portapotty out on the lawn
trannies won
think joe remembers saying this?
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I just dont know if orange man can whip those useless fucks in Congress hard enough to actually get tax cuts, reg cuts, housing changes, and healthcare reform all done in just the first few months. It would have to be the fastest the federal government has moved in almost 100 years
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i'm very excited for the red lines that are definitely this time for sure but i did say i was oriented mostly for meta nonsense and this is MY bombing gaza or kiyyyv or cambodia or w/e
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henlo. I just got up and drinking the coffee
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don't much see the point of enabling mp4 when for most purposes it's just as much work to strip the audio as it is to make a webm. but maybe they'll allow audio eventually
>think joe remembers

when did that happen?
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Which flavor?
enabled tonight but that's what the downtime the other day was about
here a lot of them are crossposting on twitter because they're whores for updoots scroll this fag's account
very nice
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no thanks.
Are there cringe codec restrictions like webm had (VP9 was not allowed).
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so is this the death of webms?
They'd fucking better. Hiro's got no excuse not to enable audio.
>if you read the labels closely you'll notice it doesn't actually mention any holidays by name
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>VP9 was not allowed
vp9 has been allowed for a while
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but we still remember the dark days
Not really. Not unless audio's enabled. As it is, too many people have made too many silent webms, and thanks to webm for retards it takes more effort to remove the audio from an mp4 than it does to make a webm.
/ptg/ is about to become /mjg/
What are the restrictions then? AVC only?
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>Wake up early
>Ukraine gave up and is ready to talk to Russia/Trump over this attack

Lol lmao, good job Putin.
Now we can talk about peace.
Interesting, I remember trying to make webms using VP9 a year or two ago and they failed upload.

>it takes more effort to remove the audio from an mp4
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -an output.mp4
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that's right chud. trust the experts.
I like how they do the Asia trick so you think of Nips and Koreans coming instead of 98% pajeets and the rest is chink corpo spys.
This is just a bunch of trannies role playing on the internet.
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only h264 I believe
>enabling audio
People have been asking for that since Webms first got introduced 10 years ago
in basedworld, this exact same headline would be written and published by trump's administration
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MSNBC is openly calling for Ukraine to attack Russia's oil refineries, and calling on Biden to send them even more weapons before Trump gets in.
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what does the N necklace stand for
How likely is reindustrialization of the USA? Let's say everything goes well for Trump, and his second term is a resounding political success. I think with even high tariffs it might be more beneficial to manufacture stuff overseas, and I feel corporate influences will try to stop any meaningful, long-term economic changes.Maybe I'm missing something crucial
>I need the seed oils to live!
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umm i don`t think it`s nigger.
but i could be wrong.
It's that hebrew kike letter, shocking I know! kek
Is Hagerty gonna be in Trump's admin? He's been traveling with him lately. Would prolly get us that former wrestler in the senate if it happens
Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe! Morning Joe!
New Hampshire has the problem a lot of New England states do where it's so rich, white, and geographically distant from the southern border that it doesn't really have to deal with the negative consequences of voting for Dems the way everyone else does.
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Mika didn't show up today
>ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -an output.mp4
>open webm for retards
>drag and drop mp4
>set size to 3.9mb
>make sure enable audio is unchecked
>click start
Easier than both: enable the fucking audio sitewide.
It's only gay if balls touch
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>Easier than both: enable the fucking audio sitewide.
Probably would be nice, but it's obviously been a decision not to do so, it's not a technical limitation.
If you desperately need sound, dump it in a /wsg/ thread then link the webm here directly and people can expand the embed.
reminder that i am still baking
>it's obviously been a decision not to do so
It's a goddamned stupid decision, just like not enabling mp4 and not enabling vp9.
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They should just print their own money if ratings are tanking.
Americans, what does the phrase "shake & bake" mean?
It means there's going to be some shaking and also likely some baking
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Got no kids.
Not my problem.
Hod willing I will be with him because this is not my home.
I thought it was slang for something. I remember Starcraft 1 had some signs that said something like "Mar Sara: Shake & Bake Administration"
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sorry nigger but i have already said nigger in this thread so....morning.
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I swear some of you anons are way too uncomfortable in your sexuality probably scared to kiss your bros.
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again proving niggers are violent for no reason.
>A method of making crystal meth in small batches without a heat source
Or mostly an exclamation like let's go etc.
Fine, I'll end the fucking stall
>Woman claims she won't sleep with a random man unless he buys her at least three drinks.
>Man does this and it's normal.
>Woman claims she won't sleep with a random man unless he gives her $3.50.
>Man does this and people lose their fucking minds.
It really doesn't make any sense.
Next thread now



If I'm being honest I onlycare that the Trump economy will be a quick recession in 2025 and back to hiring in 2026, with me joining ICE for a few years and then leaving the country in 2029.

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