Even with 96 years she never backed down.The german-jewish liar media still try to smear her name but she will always be remembered as the most based woman. They couldnt break her and they never will
>>489109667Who is she?
>>489109667based and granny pilled.
>>489109667Who? Can't you find English papers you heathen. What sort of 3rd world holds onto their language for muh culture
>>489109749.I assume she is a straight white Far Right National Socialist girl who has worked with Hitler before.
>>489109667She lived through the lies. Was probably raped by Russians to survive.
Rip, sorry we failed you granny.
>>489109819buncha ppls that used to rule the world. and now... don't.
>>489109667>ist totI don't like German language
>>489109667RIP to the last white person on earth. I'm glad you won't live to see this future
>>489109819Old woman that the (((german government))) continually arrested and imprisoned for the 'crime' of denying the holocaust. They'd recently sentenced her to another 18 months for said 'crime', but she has now died.One of her 'crimes', was saying that it wasn't 6 million jews. A number that even retard giga kikes have accepted is bullshit, they had to, when the individual camp 'kill counts' kept getting shrunken until it would be impossible to add up.
>>489109667Sie is kaputt
>>489109667That's a man.
Every time a holocaust survivor dies it's like two more pop into existence. You'd think the number would decline, not increase
She was a good woman who deserved better.
>>489109667Huuuh... I'm confused, she looks way too much like my old grandmother...Eeww Wtf... Please don't tell me i'm a fucking jew...
>>489110736>>489110750>>489110918t. metzitzah b'peh victims
>>489110918Last days...Last days of the big lie!
>>489111207Sorry I offended your crossdressing grandpa.
>>489111279be less inbred next life mohel
>>489111279Sorry you were mutilated and gay raped.
>>489110751I'm a second generation holocaust denier.By the time I was in grade 7 (age 12) I knew about the red cross records.Also, if you take kids who are abused their whole lives and show them those videos of the lads marching in unison, pretty good chance you've created a nat.soc,
>>489109667F.Shes in Heaven now with Uncle Hitler.
>>489109749A Germany granny who investigated the holocaust by examining germanys own records and found it doesnt add up. So she started asking Questions, and writing those questions to all levels of government.They put her in jail for "holocaust denial"
>>489110751I guarantee that there will still be "survivors" in 2050. They might even have the audacity to stretch it out to 2080. At some point they'll just transition to some schizo shit about the holohoax being so bad, that it actually created a genetic imprint so that they can keep the grift going for another couple thousand years.>Year is 3056>Goymoney still forced to pay reparations to now 8 billion jews that all have holohoax survivor genes.
Thanks for her service.Kikes are seething because we all know the truth. Denial of a made up story is not ilegal. Fuck them. More Germans and Europeans died than Jews but yet we keep peddling for those forever victim Jews.
>>489111756>Her husband was Werner Georg Haverbeck who during the Nazi period was temporarily engaged in the national leadership of the Nazi Party.
>>489112051>Well before Germany's reunification in 1990, Haverbeck-Wetzel cultivated connections to neo-Nazi political groups like the NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany) with the aim of a major national collective movement in Germany. This orientation intensified in the years following. It was probably via this path that around 2000 she became acquainted with the neo-Nazi lawyer Horst Mahler. Horst Mahler! Lol, as in the Red Army Faction terrorist lolWeirdoes attract weirdoes And you liedYou always, always lie
>>489112011A based bong.Unfortunately so many bongs are still brainwashed on ww2.
This jewish rat will also be exterminated >>489112135>you liedeverything i said about Ursula is factual. There was a great English speaking interview on youtube of her explaining her questioning, but seems the jews took it down. RATS cant bare the truth.
>>489111893Dont worry brother, the Jewish rats will be exterminated before 2050
>>489112012>ywn marry a NSDAP leaderWhy even live?
>>489109667disgusting what we did to her
>>489111756I think she actually worked for the party
>>489111893They’ve already used that line about generational trauma for the holocaust. They claim it hurts children and grandchildren, ect. of ‘survivors’
>>489109667What's German prison like? Was it worth it what she did?
>>489111756>When something is so true and well documented it's illegal to question itJust jewish things.
>>489113383>generational traumayep, they've tried and tested it here in Australia with the abos. massive campaign about it. Best bit is an abo senator we have called it bullshit and said 'if it is real every human on the planet would have it'.
>>489109667Rest peacefully, sweet oma. o/
>>489110918Get the fuck out of my country, kike. Ursula Haverbeck was a hero and stets in heaven now.
>>489109667rip Queen
>>489109667>haverbeck ist THOTgood one germany
>>489109667Oh no, she was so young, just a baby.
>>489109749she's tot
>>489109749a heroic grandma who refused to cuck to juden until her last breath and was ready to die in prison for her convictions
>>489109667Now she’s a martyr
>>489112011>Denial of a made up story is not ilegalDenial of ANY story, event or belief should NOT be illigal.It is an affront to common sense and truth.
>>489119296Yep. Well done jewtards
>>489117436Wat nou?
RIP frau Haverbeck.It's on us to carry your flame forward into the future.