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Why now? Why didn't they come out 10 years ago?
Wow white people are a racist, what shocking news.
sign tapping
also dei has been implemented across every sector of the economy. Too late, complain in hindu.
>a liability under the incoming Trump administration.

They're wrong, they have always been a liability.
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Can you guys stop posting this pic. They are scaling back DEI stuff because they are looking out for white people not so they can throw white people in a meatgrinder. How people believe these ridiculous conspiracy theories is beyond me.
>short company stock
>open the throttle and go full DEI to tank the company
these people will cannibalize each other for fat margins while a bunch of fat, blue and pink haired swarthoids are driven before them, only to lament and seethe
>because Trump won I now want to go die for Israel
do you not understand how retarded you sound? You know since you won't acknowledge what I say.
i feel like this is only posted by zoomers that have never seen the pendulum swing in their lifetimes
it generally take a few years for an established business to go downhill when they start replacing people with diversity hires. just like immigration; it takes a little to ramp up, but it hits you quickly when you hit critical.
This. DO NOT trust this, white men! The serpent is still not defeated!
How's the weather out in Valparaiso?
Yes, the people who want to genocide white people for 2000 years suddenly have our back. Nothing suspicious happening here.
You can feel however you want. I'm not a zoomer. I was born into a world that no longer exists. I've seen the pendulum swing further than you can really imagine and I know what the run-up to a stupid fucking war looks like.
The pendulum swings back and forth, but it never goes perpendicular towards a good target.
you deny observable reality
This. I'm 28, and I don't trust this rollback what so fucking ever. The timing is way too convenient, with nukes being used now against Russia, Israel wanting to go full crazy. They obviously want white men to fight WW3 but know we are so beyond checked out of the system. Dear Lord please let us not be so fucking retarded and fall for it.
Remember people, they said elections and voting doesn't matter. Trump isn't even in office yet and look at what you've done
I am not disagreeing that should a war take place people should remain uninvolved. I am disagreeing with the idea that any victories or change in attitudes is all manufactured. The tap meme proposes that this is all allowed when what is actually happening is that (((they))) are desperately reacting to a population slowly spiraling out of their control; the real psyop is making you believe that this is all according to plan. Remain vigilant, but stop being a doomer cheated out of satisfaction for a battle won.
That's what your nonsense is. Trump won and I have no desire to die for Israel and military sign ups are still down. Your empty meme is meaningless.
>Retarded newfag doesn't understand what sign tapping means
You're agreeing with him you fucking moron.
>Trump won and I have no desire to die for Israel and military sign ups are still down.
>Your empty meme is meaningless.
the "meme" just explains what is happening currently and that you shouldn't fall for it.
There is no returning from DEI, companies which adopted it can never go back. Never. They will have to go out of business.
this too anons
bro sisters… we won. that was a close one.
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White people should be as schizo as humanly possible moving forward. The fact we let things get this bad proves how fucking lax we were. I'm not letting up one inch until Europe is 100% white again, and anti-white racists cower before opening their mouths everywhere on earth. Getting ethnically cleansed "legally" instead of illegally and dying for Israel is not based, and the ancient rivalries riddled throughout thousands of years of our history is not something to be shunned.
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Genuinely hope you die
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I remember back in the early 2010s there was a lot of talk about Quantitative Easing and Zombie companies and "malinvestment".

That decade it was all "BTFD" cause the market only moved up and it was because of QE. Companies doing poorly were hidden by this market movement and investors just thought everything was OK, but QE was doing all of it.

Why does this matter? Because none of the supposed go woke go broke shit ever actually happened. If you make something and no one buys it, but the market still moves up then investors are happy no matter.

Therefore it seems like the entire Culture chaos of the last decade was enabled by this QE and the FED. The "malinvestment" was exactly the point.
Tapping meme means since Trump won I will now go die for Israel which is retarded and not based in reality. It's another thing retards spam here because it makes them sound smarter than they are when in reality it's bullshit. The draft has been down since like the late 80's when we didn't have anti white movies.
As I understand it, investor calls with Disney have not been going well for a while now. Investors are noticing.
The bias for orcs and foreign invaders goes back way further.
Before it was so big they had to brand it as dei.
My buddy's wife worked in HR and said they would hired any mouth wash drinkers so long as he didn't have a criminal record.
I saw the bias myself first hand having to overcome the no experience and eternal recession bullshit to get a job.
Then I see plenty of foreign invaders fresh off the boat with no experience, and I am expected to help them (at the same job level of course) and help clueless boomers.
It's never to late jewy jewington. Just watch as Russia nukes kike-rael and orcexico
When have you seen mass deportations, shillbot? Also what airforce base are you at?
>Tapping meme means since Trump won I will now go die for Israel which is retarded and not based in reality
It literally is happening as we speak. War escalations are happening in Israel and now against Russia. They are becoming extremely desperate, and there's nothing more dangerous than a desperate Jew. They want white men to fight yet another global Jewish war project, for the third time. I don't trust these rollbacks for one second!
Not only the economy every institution and government. Including every institution where safety is critical (for example, air traffic controllers). Enjoy your next flight.
the only time I smile is when kikes die, complain in hindu is directed to kikes and the us government
its what the kikes want to happen dummy, you should not accept any of it.
Draft dodging will be so based.
All our enemies will go on in their delusional bubbles while we dodge and the first waves get fucked.
Then they start drafting glowies, stronk wyman, orcs and foreign invaders.
Oh noes!!! It will bring tears of joy to watch my enemies imperious attitude get it's karmetic end.
Also we don't have the manufacturing base anymore. Once the planes, tanks and ships get scrapped, we can't really replace them
>a few woke issues
>democrats literally lose everything
They need to do more if they want our support.
You can start by kicking out all orcs and foreign invaders
It's not. War recruitment is still down. This is not a popular war in America at all that people want to die for. Leave your basements and talk to people.

The kikes wanted Kamala to win (she had the most kike vote) and she didn't so what you think they want is not based in reality it's just a black pill campaign.
Based. Put that hook nose in his place
>I'm not letting up one inch until Europe is 100% white again, and anti-white racists cower before opening their mouths everywhere on earth.

Based. Keep up the good fight fren.
That's why it's so important that white men stay focused. This spiritual war against the Jews is NOT over just because they have taken losses recently. The second they start the war propaganda we need to be insanely aggressively based against it, like 2016 pepe level based. The biggest thing I fear is white men getting comfortable thinking we won before the war is over, and before we've reclaimed anything.
mossad was openly campaigning for trump. kikes in america want america destroyed, kikes in israel want americans to die fighting for them. Just dont accept any of the pandering, simple as.
>kikes in israel want americans to die fighting for them.
cool and recruitment in this country is still way down. No one is buying it. Trump won but everyone is still miserable and struggling. Your tapping mean is not based in reality.
>The kikes wanted Kamala to win
We know. But the war is not over. Kikes still control globalists like Marco Rubio and even Trump honestly. Let's not forget Republicans still support Israel and "legal" immigration. Kikes are humiliated and much weaker than they were a decade ago, but we must remain on our toes. Need I remind you the West is basically minority white already, we haven't even undone any of that yet. I'll relax once we have a white ethnostate.
you can't lose money forever EVENTUALLY you HAVE to make money, and liberals only know how to spend money and waste what little you might have, its a worthless ideology that is about compelling speech and actions from people and thats it, the left isn't about making money or having viable business strategies and i knew it was only a matter of time before corporations cut the shit and turned back to a time where they were driven by profit its over for the libs
it is observable reality, you already agree with the "meme".
>Quantitative Easing

Wait till you learn about inflation calculation manipulation in the late eighties and early nineties.
They stopped comparing prices for the same items. Allowed ((replacement)) options and ((core)) spending to have a different weight.
Surprise twenty years of 1 to 2 percent inflation like clockwork. Meanwhile the real inflation was between 5 to 10 percent. So our economy didn't do better than inflation in those years.
It's basically been a perpetual depression for millennials and zoomers
I thought liberals use cartel money from the southern criminal countries
Cool my point still is the tapping meme is a baseless black pill meme.

How when recruitment is down? Your whole basis of that meme is that since Trump won and Disney makes less anti white shit people will die for Israel and the Ukraine but that isn't happening.
>Why now? Why didn't they come out 10 years ago?

Because they were the ones recommending it to companies, and collecting big fat paychecks to implement it.

Now that they've fucked the economy up, they'll say you have to get rid of DEI, but of course you'll need to pay them big fat paychecks to help you do that without ending up in court losing your shirt for "discrimination" when you try to fire your DEI hires and replace them with competent (White and Asian) workers.
>he tapping meme is a baseless black pill meme
I disagree, I think keeps white men on their toes instead of being complacent with empty, purely symbolic "victories"
do you not realize we are already at war with russia? Or the threads of kikes saying how america needs a new 911? All the brainwashed trump supporters would sing up if the kikes false flagged us. They are openly genociding the white race either way.
oh im sure certain people on the left definitely take money from ill gotten places no doubt about it look at the hunter biden ukraine shit that has dirty money all over it, the left is all about wasteful spending and "feels economics" where they are only interested in the economy of things that actively work towards their ideology like evangelists they don't care about yours or anyone elses financially successes they want you to call men "ma'am" and let trannies into the bathroom with your daughters and wives.
Damn I need shades for all this glow
>hands the same color as maple syrup typed this post
go figure

lol is sign tapping peak 4chan schizo?
I’m not even talking about genuine schizos in real life, I’m talking about the hare brained, lunatic schizos that peruse this board.

I mean, have these guys never heard of the draft? If they want your taut, porcelain like booty and body to fight in a foreign war, they’re getting it through the draft with or without Trump

Trump was a genuinely good thing and the result of patriots/Christians getting politically involved
>I am disagreeing with the idea that any victories or change in attitudes is all manufactured.
Then you're still a naive idiot.
You don't understand the sign tapping. It's not that we haven't made genuine victories. The fact that Jews feel necessitated to make concessions to white people is great progress. It's certainly preferable to the previous overt hostility. But I'm not unseeing 2000 years of Jewish subversion just because of 2 years of "muh woke" pandering. Jews should make Europe 100% white again, then we'll talk about "genuinely good things"
The thing that changed is that DEI unexpectedly failed for them because they are also being categorized as White and are being targeted as well. Regardless of whether they claim they aren't White, and White people claim they aren't white that's what the DEI hordes have decided. They suddenly have white people's backs because they don't want to get genocided along with them. It's messed up, though also kind of funny in a way but I think the turn around is legit, just not because they suddenly decided they love white people now. It's all a matter of their own survival and they'd rather have whites as their host than people who won't see them as a fellow oppressed minority.
It's just a complete coincidence that military advertising features white men again isn't it?
99% of men on this planet never seen that meme and are still not joining. You were wrong.

What does this have to do with the meme being wrong and people aren't running to join the military like you retards kept pushing?
When was the last time the pendulum swung right, grandpa?
Yeah, like I always told the kikes on this board; when the angry hoards of shitskins they stirred up come to genocide the whites they aren't goin to give a fuck if you hold up a star of david and claim to be Jewish, they'll kill you too.
The era of the inclusive white is fading. Whites are losing the moral advantage of high outgroup opinion.

Hey, stalker set. This is me losing. I was inclusive all along. Is this the loss you wanted me to have when you said you wanted me to learn to lose? Were you anti-inclusive all along?

Or did you throw yourselves in hatred at someone who never betrayed you? Because if you were pro-inclusivity, I never betrayed you. Everyone knew OP was a faggot. Did you splinter your groups with dangerous whispers? Did you learn too slowly not to trust the panopticon?

Or is the ascension of bad dad Elon Musk the victory you were after when you cried out in frustration, "God wants to be treated like an abused child!"

I called you God yourselves, you who seek omniscience and omnipotence. You whose panopticon can shatter and rebuild society's consensus according to your will, surely thou art God. So this is me opening the door to ask, "Are you winning, God?"
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we have women twerking at west point, we have servicement with years of service retiring with dog masks on, we have full on gay orgies 10 men deep with the gayest queerest faggots the world has ever seen, we get made fun of by every military on the planet no one wants to be caught dead wearing the uniform that is led by a tranny admiral, i could go on and on and on and on and on as you can imagine.

>pic related
>Overwhelmingly reject ID pol
No whites were just starting to embrace it, so it had to be shut down.
It's been a long while since it has, the 90's I would say but IMO the only thing that will get it to shift back is a miserable economy to the point where the bread and circuses don't work anymore and with how many DEI Disney movies and games are failing, I think we are almost there.
You are unironically and unfortunately retarded, and have been browsing this board for less than a year. You probably post frogs thinking it's a nazi symbol because you are a retard.
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>That's what your nonsense is. Trump won and I have no desire to die for Israel and military sign ups are still down. Your empty meme is meaningless.

WHILE THE MUSCLEMEN IN UNDERWEAR PRETEND BEAT ON EACH OTHER... it's all a show and the only true outcome that matters is who schedules the performances and who profits from those schemes.


Assume that anyone pretending to help you is an actor playing a role. Trump, Biden, Kamala, Bush, UNATTRACTIVE ACTORS PAID TO PLAY A ROLE.

They might do something in your favor, but they always do everything to favor the Jews that trained them and boosted them for public approval.

Princeton University study: Public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law.
Does public opinion affect the political process? Gilens & Page found that the number of Americans for or against any idea has no impact on the likelihood that Congress will make it law.

“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”
Gilens & Page, Perspectives in Politics
One thing that does have an influence? Money. While the opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in America have a “statistically non-significant impact,” economic elites, business interests, and people who can afford lobbyists still carry major influence.

Moneyed interests get what they want, and the rest of us pay the price.

They spend billions influencing America’s government. We give them trillions in return.

In the last 5 years alone, the 200 most politically active companies in the U.S. spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions.

Those same companies got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support — earning a return of 750 times their investment.
Those points you made literally make the argument that the tap meme is bullshit since the worst people are joining the military, not the ones the kikes want. It's a baseless meme that sounds good anon it's ok to admit it. Reminds me of net neutrality and all the things schizos swore were going to happen that didn't
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you are jewish
Everything you said was wrong.

Recruitment numbers are still down. You were wrong.
I agree completely, that's part of why I insist white men remain schizo towards Jews. They were perfectly content scrubbing us completely off the earth, and only went against their plan when they felt it clawing their own leg. The only thing that is for us is a victory over our anti-white enemy. I too shared quite the giggles over the brown golems turning on their puppet-master during the Palestine protests. The second we lift up pressure, they will go right back to justifying white erasure in media and politics. We need to be careful!
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>just going to pilpul any answer it gets
you already support the "meme", which isn't a meme but observable reality. Do not accept the the lies kikes and the government tell you. When we get false flagged and they start up the draft, shoot any agent that shows up to your house.
That image has nothing to do with what I have been saying.

>any rebuttal I don't like is pilpul
I thought I was arguing with a kike but now this confirms it. Recruitment is down. Your blackpill bullshit isn't working kike. People can celebrate victories and you can't stop it.
listen like haha im just like not going lmaooo i know i know russia bad, americas enemies sweetie go recruit at gay bars thats where you are getting americas warrirors from now on.
Capped, that was beautiful, you should write
>pretending it isn't focusing on just a single aspect
>pretending that just because recruiting is down now we wont get false flagged and drafted
>call someone a kike because they are calling out the kikes
if you have nothing to say, why post?
No one is recruiting though, Recruitment is down kike. Your blackpill meme is not based on reality.

I am not pretending anything. The whole meme is "kikes will make whites think things are getting better thus whites will join the military" but none of that is happening. You were wrong.
It’s being shilled by chink operatives and useful idiots as demoralisation propaganda. Ask yourself why anyone would promote DEI woke rubbish that literally drove out the people they claim they now want to recruit? It makes zero fucking sense.
It makes perfect sense, however, when you look at it through the lens of the elites of the United States selling out to China:
>Weaken the industrial base of the west and make all critical minerals used for weaponry like antimony and rare earths dependent on China
>Promote DEI programs to weaken military and education that push discord between subgroups
>Push for a continual conflict in places like Ukraine and Israel and deplete munitions reserves that, while considered obsolete, still reduce the threat profile of the United States and its allies
>Continually send out shills that will claim that the US will lose every war they have with China but never work to actually winning
>Create a fatigue for the appetite for war in defence of allies across the American public and pretend that any reset to a state of patriotism or the industrial base returning to the west is nefarious and everyone should just check out and let China do what they want
Tap this fucking sign, it’s more accurate
This sounds 10000000 times more plausible than what these kikes are spamming about the sign meme
you know i was just talking to the boys about this the other day in real life, i don't think the military really realizes just how much damage the democrats did to them, i mean its going to take decades and decades to repair the damage, come knocking on my door for a draft and you are either going to have to kill me, or take me to jail but i no way shape or form will i fight to defend this gay circus against russia of all countries least of all.
the pandering to whites currently happening, you just want to deny observable reality. Just wait until trump gets in.
Why are you so hardline on arguing this? White people are just distrusting, especially white men, and for good fucking reason. Jews, (you probably are one), have been pushing nothing but demonization and a total lust for the extermination of white people in media for the last 10 years, as well as created indoctrination (CRT), policy (DEI), and ethnic cleansing (open border) against white people. Now we are paranoid about fighting their wars, so what? If you care about white people you'll let us be distrusting and completely understand why we are.
My brother in law is a brainwashed neocon and said he would never fight for this country as it stands now. These people are the same idiots who spammed schizo nonsense that never came to be when they removed Net Neutrality.

Recruitment is still down as was down in the 80's when they were still pandering to us.

>why do you care so much
You lost the argument when you go to this tactic. This is what the thread is about so I am discussing it.
Too late, companies have damaged their brand too hard, they also need to nuke their staff from top to bottom, danger hairs and mystery meats won't create appealing content for red hat white people.
Also tapping the sign, I believe it when it is done, all the promises and forecasts. If democrats win in 28 it will all be reversed again...
Not why do you care so much, why are you so hellbent on removing our distrust of Jews? The motive seems really Jewish.

Jews turning into brown people is just a marketing campaign away.
What happened to recruitment after 911?
im really the canary in the coal mine even if you don't know it, in real life i live in a military area with tons of people that have always served and im going to be frank with you, EVERYONE tells their kids to tell the recruiters to fuck off you aren't going find a real job, you guys are fucked you did so much damage to the people who had generations of people serve, i really hope washington isn't gearing up for a real war because we have never been weaker and more divided we will lose, and the people you need to win like me will just watch it happen and i won't piss you out if you were on fire and i really truly honestly mean that.
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>removing our distrust of Jews?
quote me where I did this?

911 isn't the scenario your meme describes.
I agree 100%. I think we could have another 9/11 today and more people would cheer than get pissed and demand revenge.
They have always been a liability, but previously they were covered up. It was all a corrupt scam to provide cushy political posts.
I accept your concession kike
and of course the democrats are never going to own up to the fact that maybe a tranny admiral was too far, or maybe we shouldn't have let that one guy upload a video of himself in a barracks shoving a dildo up his ass in front of all the other guys, i have examples for days and days and days of why especially white men who have historically always been the fighting bread and butter of the united states has decided "yeah this isn't the country my grandfathers died defending any longer"
sign tapping intensifies
it's not enough that DEI is destroyed, the jews that created it must die
Diversity Inclusion Equity is unfair to minorities
People are not commodities
The socialism lefty millennials are creating is not the open society, it's the open hole turkish prison society.
Care to answer? Or you will just continue with pilpul?
There are too many people mostly kikes and shitskins that profit due to us being divided and that will be our undoing. They failed to get that under control and it spread to many different industries and the military. People in this thread are so naive and sheltered thinking this would change if Trump wins or Disney stops making anti white films it just shows their priorities are not in reality.
cry about it, cumala lost fag
I really miss eight chan.
again here is your meme
it says nothing about a false flag just that kikes will change tactics and stop being woke.
But to humor you kike I think we are at the lowest this country has ever been that a disaster wouldn't change anything. You have leftists laughing and cheering when a hurricane destroys the south and people on the right cheer when California gets its latest wild fire and drought. People cheered at Trump's assassination attempt, both of them. Again, you don't live in reality
This is not new.
The soviet's called it active measures.
Yuri, the curry cunt loving black girl appreciator, (no that's seriously why he defeated, to fuck indians and black chicks)
Here he is full interview
Cut down juice
And then retard mode
Yea I think what we are going through is the end game of some KGB plan set in motion like 60 years ago and it could have been all avoided if we didn't surrender higher education
Well have you tried being around white people it's awful
You are a silly person
Nigger you haven't fucking won shit. Kikes are still in control of the west and as long as that is the case the fate of all people of European descent is udner threat because kikes hold genocidal hatred towards all of us.
everything I said was correct
At no point did I say that the meme said these things genius. I wrongfully assumed we were having a conversation. I have been calling out kikes the whole thread, because you want to pilpul on a specific point, which now makes me a kike lmao.
>recruitment didn't increase after 911
>the antiwhite kike government wouldn't draft whites to die
People are bringing up the sign meme, but DEI actually does kill businesses and the Black Rock money is starting to run dry.

I just answered your 9/11 question and you completely ignored it kike. We don't have the patriotism in this country anymore that we had back them and hate each other now. Now address that kike.
No you didn't kike
You kikes will draft
>No you didn't kike
Yes I did kike even though a false flag was never part of your meme I still humored you. 50% of this country cheered that someone tried to kill a presidential candidate they don't like. There is no patriotism anymore which is what you need for a situation like that.
This guy knows what’s up.
Who do you think posts all the demoralization threads on /pol/?

Chinese, Russian, Iranian shills that want westerners demoralized, disengaged, and blackpilled to the point they actively cheer for said hostile states that would see them buried in the same mass grave as those they claim to hate.

USSR wrote the playbook on this, see: every communist revolution ever. The useful idiots that sold their country out were always the first to be rounded up and shot.

If you don’t like how shit is in your country, go out and make it better. Do something about it, no matter how small. Dooming and telling yourself it’s all over is just a cope to excuse yourself for not even trying.
The desperation of you kike cocksuckers to gasslight /pol/ into being a bunch of "patriots" again is fucking laughable. Nigger, nobody here has forgotten the fact that jews still hold the reigns over our nations and the policies of our nations are engineered to ensure the erasure of our entire race from our own lands.
No amout of rhetoric about muh china and russia changes the fact that our own supposed leaders are actively engaged in a campaign of demographically displacing us in our own lands.
These are the same shills that try to gaslight you into thinking skyking, a guy that killed himself because life was too hard, is a hero. Same with that soldier that burned himself for Palestine. Same with how the "do nothing and you win" meme or the "no work no pussy" meme gets spammed here. A bunch of black pilling kikes that are normalizing removing yourself from society so you are not a threat to them and any victory is actually not a victory so don't bother trying. This tap the sign meme is another extension of that shit.
I never said it was kike.
And no you didn't.
Don't need patriotism when you kikes are still in charge you will just use false flag and the draft.
Not a single thing he wrote was pushing anyone to be a patriot you disinfo kike
>I too shared quite the giggles over the brown golems turning on their puppet-master during the Palestine protests

Egypt only has peace with kike-rael because of USA bribes. When trump cuts all foreign aid, that will fuck kike-rael s budget and Egypt will be free to attack.
Also Russia is a ally of Syria. Russia knows Jews are behind jewkraine.
They will nuke kike-rael.
I hate the anti-christ
>Don't need patriotism
Yes you do when the topic is manipulating people to join the military kike and you bring up 9/11 as an example.
Based. Our enemies are here at home. Our economic interests are for victories over the foreign invaders at home.
Russia is not my enemy
The whole narrative you retards try to spew that it is "blackpilling" to disregard the empty pandering to whites you label "victories" is a blatant attempt of deradicalization, you retard.

What you call "demoralization" is nothing more than insistence of actual /pol/ posters to remain radical, and not give any fucking inch or accept the empty gestures of concessions the kikes are trying to dripfeed us. As long as jews have money and influence in the west, we haven't won anything, you retard.

Jews still control your nation, there is no point celebrating empty and pointless "victories" because you haven't won anything.
So what are you doing about it, faggot?
You get it.
>yes goy, just sit in your Mom’s basement and do nothing, don’t run for office, don’t reproduce, don’t start a business, just lie down and rot because it’s all rigged against you!
It’s awful how pervasive this narrative has become as well, the dark places it leads people.
If even 1% of /pol/ got off its ass and decided to do something constructive, it would be earthshaking.
>False flag
>caused recruitment to rise
>add draft to equation
The topic is kikes pulling back on all the antiwhite shit to make whites feel like we have won, only to throw us directly into war. Kiketard.
>chink operatives
No such thing shillbot. Say which airbase are you posting from? If your such a toughie, why hide like a little bitch in cargo shorts
Remaining radical, and disregarding the system we live in as fake and gay as long as jews hold power in the west.

Your attempts at deradicalizing this board will fail.
>Sign tapping:
>Basically you declaring that you winning at anything every is impossible
You kikes are the one constantly saying "oh by the way any win you have is a loss so don't bother trying". You just want goys to shut up and don't bother trying and accept defeat and I won't kike but that also doesn't mean I will love my country or join the military.

911 was 23 years ago kike when this country was less divided. Bush had an unheard of 90% approval rating after 9/11. Fast forward to today and half this country cheered Trump getting shot at. You will keep ignoring this kike because it destroys your argument and I will keep repeating it
>Remaining radical, and disregarding the system we live in as fake and gay as long as jews hold power in the west.
How though? Be specific like what are your actions? I have a feeling you will dodge this
>ignores draft again
Good one kike
In the current order it is. You really think taking a step back is going to change anything when kikes have been sprinting for the last hundred years?
>You kikes are the one constantly saying "oh by the way any win you have is a loss so don't bother trying"

Answer this.
Are you so retarded that you actually think that Trump's presidency is some sort of win for white people?
But can you actually prove any of that?
The most straightforward explanation is that wokeshit is just as unpopular among normies as it is on /pol/ and political realities are adjusting to reflect that.
So your answer is to do nothing, and let your enemies win?
How does that help anything?
Is there some proof that the draft would disproportionately affect whites?
How do you get through doors with a nose that long.
I'm not a finance advising Chad, but I've always known DEI was fucking retarded, and will lose someone a fuck tonne of money. Presumably that someone won't be jews, but it will be someone.
I do wonder if actual financing advising Chads ever believed in DEI. Bet they didn't. They merely played along, took the salary, and lied to all their clients, which is kind of skirting close to fraud, and homosexual bumming communism. Sad.
>come knocking on my door for a draft and you are either going to have to kill me, or take me to jail but i no way shape or form will i fight to defend this gay circus against russia of all countries least of all
If you don't own a home, just move. They likely won't find you and they have to waste war time resources to find you.
Move to a sanctuary city, where the foreign invaders live and they will never find you.
Move to the woods and they will never find you.
Beat up a boomer and take his boomer RV around the country and they won't find you
Steal a houseboat and they won't find you
Move into a vacant house and they won't find you

Draft dodge boys
>comparing today with 23 years ago ignoring all the political and demographic changes because it kills his argument
People cheered a candidates assassination attempt. People cheer the destruction of states they disagree with politically. Another 9/11 which again is not at all what the tap the sign meme is about an was you moving the goalposts, it would never galvanize people here
I am saying any win no matter how tiny it is. No let me flip it on you what wins can we cheer?
>Are you so retarded that you actually think that Trump's presidency is some sort of win for white people?
Yeah, it is?
Trump is opposed to the policies of mass immigration that have contributed to the browning of the west. By showing he can succeed, other countries will be encouraged to follow suite. More importantly, Trump winning moves the Overton window to the right.
That’s pretty significant if you’re white, right?
Rejecting the “good enough” in pursuit of the unattainable perfect just means you’ll never accomplish anything.
Kikes have been dedicated to the genocide of the white race, and now we see white people in commercials again, military ones.
>I agree 100%. I think we could have another 9/11 today and more people would cheer than get pissed and demand revenge

I concur. In the Russia nuke thread we were discussing how all cities are blue; full of hook noses and foreign invaders.

If Russia just nuked the cities and the traitor leadership, the rest of the country would cheer.
I hope hook noses are glad they broke down ties of loyalty in families, friendship, communities and the nation
Blackrock is where dei comes from. They own majority of us companies through stocks. Companies are allowed to bypass the constitution.
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I focus on my own hobbies, live frugally, help my own family and friends and study shit that interests me, while taking whatever I can take from the govermnent in the form of benefits in order to burden it. Basically, I refuse to put more into the system than I take, because I do not wish to contribute to a system I see as illegitimate and hostile to the interests of my people.
At the moment for example, I am studying 3d modelling to support my drawing hobby, because I find the whole thing pretty interesting. In practice it means that I get government gibs to fuel my studies and I have no intention of acutally working or paying taxes with these skills. I do it in service of my own autistic interests, not in some retarded notion of participating in this society or building a career that would further tie me to this system.

My family owns land on the countryside, and I actively participate in maintaining it and keeping it up every summer as I spend most of my summers there helping with the upkeep of it, and should shit hit the fan, I will have a place to go as the land we have has fields for farming, tractors, and fresh water lake right next to it. Again, I do this because of my love for my family as well as out of a sense of caution of becoming to attached to this modern system that is destined to fail.

What you retards are trying to do is shame people back into deradicalizing, contributing and caring about the western political and economic system, when this entire system is designed to benefit our racial enemies at the expense of our peoples. I advocate for only hostile and parasitic engagement with the system in order to speed up it's own collapse. Any notion of non violent ways of salvaging our situation is naive delusion at best, and hostile deradicalization attempts at worst.
>ignore draft again
Once again I never said 911 was part of sign tapping you braindead kike.
Maybe because the military’s previous commercials were getting shit on for being woke, and now they’re trying to fix it?
I get your point, and it’s not impossible it’s a conspiracy - but it’s extremely unlikely, especially when there’s a more rational explanation close to hand.
Feel free to present your proof otherwise, if you have it.
>I am a NEET who does nothing and thus I am winning
Yup the brit was right
in the hebrew bible, the priest class (levites) were not allotted their own territories but instead were given cities in the territories of all the other tribes - it is these cities where criminals would be given protection until they could be properly judged, essentially making them "sanctuary" cities
when judgment comes around again, it will be by fire
>So your answer is to do nothing, and let your enemies win?
Our enemies won in 1945, retard. We live under the occupation of a hostile race that intends to erase our race from existence.
I repeat myself, but as long as jews have power and influence in the west, we haven't won fucking anything.

> No let me flip it on you what wins can we cheer?
Jews losing power and influence. Which they haven't lost btw. In fact, if anything, they have gained it given that a lot of murrican states intend to make antisemitism illegal like it is in most of Europe already.

You are a fucking retard. Trump is all for legal mass immigration. He doesn't give a single shit about the displacement of white people. He fucking married his own kids to kikes.
I tried making a banner for my profile on LinkedIn and it was just a fucking enormous wall of “Stop Asian Hate!”, “Black Lives Matter!”, a row of
Like five different lgbt flags, statements like “I self id for equity”, “I’m for equity because who I am matters!”, “celebrate black voices!”, “celebrate Hispanic voices!”, “black owned business”, “stand for justice!”, “be an ally!l, “in it together!”..not one of each but multiples of each, altogether it was like 20 social justice banners and only like two regular background. Kek. It’s literally crazy how the left has taken over so many corporations are are stomping these political views into our faces.
Or maybe the kike controlled governments, yours included, have been openly genociding us, and instead of ever changing course have only doubled down to the point of ww3. Biden is guilty of this, and uk government is too.
Now that ww3 is about to begin, they care about whites in the military again. It's too obvious, you want to pretend it isn't happening.
Nigger how can I be a neet if I am fucking studying shit as I speak. I am enrolled in a school and shit. Learn the meaning of the words you use, you braindead fatass.
>ignores the 23 years and cultural changes that have happened
>the divide that the internet and social media have been pushing
>the fact that an ex president was shot at and almost dies and people cheered where as Bush had a 90% approval rating after 911
>how during Covid, the closest thing we had to a modern 9/11 where a foreign power unleashed a virus on us that 50% of the country tried to use it to enslave the other 50%
It's not 2001 anymore. The sign tapping meme was the topic you kike.
>Chinese, Russian, Iranian shills

Lmao. We have Iranian agents posting among us?!?! That's a new one. Hahaha.
The only shills here push jewish Caucasophobia.
Which airforce base are you posting out of shillbot?
Exactly. Russia, china, and Iran are not my enemies.
It's foreign invaders here at home and those that aid this invasion
>pilpul to avoid the draft
Go read the screenshot kiketard
>Jews losing power and influence
Yes but we have to do things to get to that point so what things can we do to that point to cheer tell me?
Your entire argument was you stay at home and are a drain and your parents who have money and power take care of you. This is what you NEETs never understand. You may not be working but your parents are and they are still supporting the system. Big bad Fin is just stealing his parents taxpayer money lol
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>this modern system that is destined to fail.
And there it is.
Anon, “the collapse” is just the Rapture for atheists: always just two more weeks away.
Accelerationism is a discredited ideology because it rests on the assumption that your enemies will magically get tired of winning,
Is a collapse possible? Sure - but very, very unlikely.
Furthermore, if it happened, who would be the primary beneficiaries? Russia and China, mostly, coincidentally the very same countries who love to spread anti-western narratives.
If you’re upset at the possibility that things can get better, to the extent you want to tear others down for delaying “the collapse”, are you really an enlightened rebel?
Or are you a useful idiot who’s been trained to hate his own nation?
Give me a hypothetical of a 9/11 that would happen today that would cause Americans to become patriotic and sign up for the draft kike
How about...no?
The sign gets tapped until our fingers are but nubs of flesh. Until the virulent parasite is removed and all of its ilk and bio-weapons brought to heel, all this is is nothing more than words and words are wind.
We have competition laws in this country. Monopolies and cartel oligopolies are illegal.
These big corps need to be broken up like sprint in the 80s
Which white people?
men who are 18-25 years old and live in the United States must register for Selective Service. Immigrants are exempt.
Based. Just draft dodge and wait it out boys.
They will be forced to draft glowies, foreign invaders, and stronk wyman.
We only fight for our own interests
Kike owned, not happening until we kill them all
>hypothetical of a 9/11 that would happen today
A North Korean surface to air missile attack on Taylor Swifts personal jet?
What if you’re wrong?
What if your core idea of “don’t participate and crash the system!” is just a cope?
If you tell yourself it’s all over and everything’s finished, there’s nothing you can do, it relieves you of any responsibility to actually do something constructive, right?
I’m sure you can see how this comes across as a belief not grounded in political reality, but personal convenience.
Actually demoralized people don’t typically try to convince others desperately to give up as well, by the way.
I forgot to add they will draft boomers. If a boomer refuses service, they will take their house and 401k. And no one will care
this never happened retard
No what is an example of a modern 911 that would push people to voluntarily join the military? Give me an example of something happening to this country where people would sign up voluntarily like during 911 since you referenced 911 kike? If you dodge again this is you admitting you are a disinfo kike
He said he is in school if that is true he may be 18 years old and you are wasting your time
If they deport every shitskin who showed up past 1965, I will believe they are looking out for white people.
>nuclear attack
How's that kike? There's your hypothetical false flag example. Now go respond with pointless pilpul.
>Yes but we have to do things to get to that point so what things can we do to that point to cheer tell me?
For one, not simping for open kike lovers like trump would be a start.

>Your entire argument was you stay at home and are a drain and your parents who have money and power take care of you.
Nice strawman, but no. I never advocated for being a burden on your family. I advocated for being a burden on the state. Protip, everyone who works would get taxed regardless of how many people were leeching on the system or not because the entire system of taxation exists to instill compliance in the populace chiefly, the notion that taxes pay for muh services and what not is basically gasslighting.

You are a colossal retard if you think that the modern western system has any future besides collapse. It is built on the fundamentally flawed idea of human racial equality, which means that instead of trying to promote the maintenance and growth of it's actually capable populations like Europeans, western leaders are busy importing shitskins by the millions to our lands which will bring the system down because those subhumans can't maintain the system.

And no, I wasn't trained to hate my nation, I grew to hate it, and the entire value system it, and the entire western world at large held, because the world view of the west is fucking false. There is no racial equality, humans are not blank slates, we are animals shaped by nature's laws and there is no equality in nature.
>Give me an example
Cyber attack from Iran knocking out OnlyFans for 48hours.
Ok. Like I said before the Chinese unleashed a virus that killed over a million of us. Disrupted our lives for 2+ years. Caused the government to take more rights from us. Punished anyone that questioned it or their methods. Half the country wanted the other half locked up for daring to speak out oh and by the way, we never punished the Chinese for this attack and the draft never went up. So in what world kike are you living in where you think this country has any patriotism left when the Chinese killed a million of us and got away with it and half the country cheered the people who didn't get the blood clot and wished death on them?
So, you don’t have any actual proof?
IRGC actively shill here and elsewhere. It’s especially noticeable whenever something happens in the Middle East.
There are two types of accelerationist cucks:
1) Anti-western shills that want to demoralize the populace to the extent it welcomes foreign invasion, ie: to create useful idiots. Nick Fuentes and his grifter ilk count as well, as they spread this to make money off it.
2) The useful idiots in question that actually believe they can crash the system. They usually grow out of this when it becomes apparent that “the collapse” isn’t happening any time soon, and that they’re just coping.
>Based mad lads dodge the draft
>((Exemption)) for foreign invaders is found to violate discrimination laws suddenly
>Foreign invaders are forced to fight or lose their assets and be forced back to orcexico
like I said before, you don't need patriotism. The vaxx killed people, the flu killed seniors.
>For one, not simping for open kike lovers like trump would be a start.
You dodged my question answer it. Start giving me examples of things to cheer about? There are a lot of steps between where we are and getting rid of the kikes.
>Nice strawman, but no. I never advocated for being a burden on your family.
You are some 18/19 year old kid leaching off his well off parents trying to tell us how to live.
any actual proof of observable reality?
Russia will nuke kike-rael.
My very large tech company literally just changed all the single-toilet bathrooms in my building from gendered to all-gender last week. This shit isn't going away.
You do need patriotism. That's why people voluntarily sign up for the military.
>The vaxx killed people, the flu killed seniors.
Yup and 50% of the population made it political and cheered those deaths as ignorant anti vaxxors
Even if I am wrong, at least I won't spend my life contributing my labor and efforts to a system that is actively hostile to the continuation of my people, unlike you retards insist we ought to keep doing.
The deterioration of the western system however, is inevetable in my view, because it is based on just blatantly wrong assumptions about the nature of humanity. There's a reason why birth rates have collapsed in all industrialized aka westernized systems including china and russia, because they too share the dehumanized world view of the west in key aspects, chiefly the modernist and anti historical idea that humans are essentially just economic units that can be interchanced. The collapse of the west would not leave chinks and ruskies unharmed as it would in actuality be a wholesale collapse of the entire modern world, which I would welcome.
>Don't strike until management meets your demands got
>Just go back to work and surely jewy jewington will appreciate your hard work and reward you
Gee sounds like you understand proletariat walk out, jewy jewington
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Endless pilpul

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