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but why?
>psycho jew goes to kill innocent people
Israel did 9/11.



Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks against us.

>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists"...

And let's not forget the USS Liberty:



Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame it on the Egyptians so that the U.S. would bomb Cairo and send in troops. Fortunately, the Liberty survived (but with 34 dead and 171 wounded). Unfortunately, shabbos goy President Lyndon Johnson (whose mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a Mossad agent) made sure the entire incident was swept under the rug, and the crew of the Liberty was threatened with court martial if they spoke to the press about what happened.

Here are some of the people who helped plan the 9/11 false-flag operation and carry it out: Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Ehud Olmert, Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush, along with the scores of Israeli operatives arrested by the FBI but ordered released by Chertoff and returned to Israel where they were lionized.

Nuke Tel Aviv as payback for 9/11 and give what's left of "Israel" back to the Palestinians.
He was probably happy to take the place of a younger would be casualty.
All boomers should be this way.
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So the only kike with a legitimate excuse to wear depends gets made good?
rest in piss
You thought Ukraine "recruitment" videos were bad?
This "grandpa" is an archaeologist who was armed and in IDF uniform.
I'm not sure if archaeologists in the U.S. are armed and in army uniform.

"The chief of staff of the Golani Brigade, Colonel Yoav Yarom, allowed Israeli researcher Zeev Erlich, 71, to enter southern Lebanon to examine an archaeological site, the shrine of the Prophet Simon Peter near the town of Chamaa.
Erlich and a soldier, who was identified as Sargent Gur Kehati, 20, of the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion, were killed in the clash. Meanwhile, Col. Yarom was moderately wounded. A company commander from the 13th Battalion also sustained serious wounds, the IDF said."
Ill say the same thing i said about Ukraine. These people have no business being in a warzone.
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>You want a piece of me?
>it's not actually John Bolton

Kike controlled Reddit be like
>Innocent Jewish civilian brutally murdered while sunbathing by Muslims, the west must send 6 trillion more aid to Israel
one kike less
how many more left?
Redditt is a cancer. They were banning people for suggesting they may vote for Trump.

The CEO of Reddit needs to be jailed for Treason and Election interference. Wire fraud and Publisher / Censorship breaches may or may not be something else they can nail him on.
oh no another death camp survive!
reddit is a goldmine for non political content unlike this shithole
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Kikes own Reddit, and they outsourced the moderation to India. So the two religions you can't mention in a bad way is Hindus and Jews. If you say anything about Indian migration you'll get banned right away, but it's fine if you say the exact same thing about pakis or anyone other than Indians. How has that shithole not been raided yet?
because they are evil
he was there to look and study ancient ruins
He was literally a grave robber who came to steal ancient artifacts. They did in Syria when they unleashed ISIS. They attacked museums and archeological sites to sell stuff to the jews. I remember seeing footage on Liveleak of ISIS rampaging through an ancient mosque and there was a literall rabbi with them, with the yarmulke and black and white clothes, in Syria to steal ancient artifacts. The jews recently bombed thousands years old shrines of prophets in southern Lebanon and i'm poretty sure he was going there to steal the gold and artifacts.
Last year when there was an earthquake in Turkey, the israeli rescue team they sent stole an ancient Bible
>study ruins
Right. He just had to kill a few people before he meets satan
You must be talking about a different reddit, because nowadays those niggas seethe at us as much as the average mudslim in /chip/
>After joining IDF
Pick one.
Also there's no such thing as an Israeli civilian.
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>wearing IDF fatigues
>entering IDF vehicle
>he was there to look and study ancient ruins
>retarded German who larps as a jew thinks he can just waltz to another country and study their land
Glad he's dead. I hope hitler is fucking his ass right now, YWNBAW
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He was a grave robber sent to loot up archeoligical sites

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