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Trump's gonna shut this one down so hard isn't he, especially with Elon leaping all around the White House.
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No, he won't, also this is just the crew that orbits the moon in a capsule. Not the landing crew
his first plan is to criminalise anti zionism in all the ivy league you are free to delude yourself otherwise
I hope he doesn’t scrap it, I wanna see this dei mission get blowed up in n it’s way to the moon
Never mind the woman and the black guy, what's with the fucking leaf?
They should make space missions with all black crews and then blow them up on purpose
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Yes, you are retarded.
Sickening isn’t it.
They needed a gay
A nigger, a woman, a faggot and a canadian walk into a nasa spacecraft...
*checks article*
AI images?
I don't see a pajeet... where are you seeing him?
your standards have really fallen
Every astronaut in the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs absolutely mogs the fuck out of all modern astronauts in every way.

The Olympians blazed the trail and now it's all safe, tested, automated, remote controlled, and thoroughly proven over 60 years, they're letting the regional college competitors have a go.
I'd rather we focus on how shit their uniforms are.
What the fuck is with the armpit bags?
Letting black people into space is a demoralization campaign.
Niggers, pajeets, and spics can have earth, but they have to stay there.
wait a second...
>design rocket
>seats 1 billion
>tell indians it has no toilets
>1 billion indians arrive to shit inside it
>(idrk how that works, but it does)
>fill rocket with deadly gas
>boom climate change solved
anon you are a genius
>haha all those mud people can have the earth and all of its varied life and comfy environments.
>this cold dark hellscape of suffering and pain belongs to the white man!
that's where the pee is stored
>The woman takes selfies and complains
>The nigger fucks up at everything and has to be supervised by the Canadian
>The faggots rapes the Canadian while the nigger is doing maintenance on the airlock and everyone gets blown out into space
>coming this fall to Fox
Are those two astronauts still stuck on the space station?
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MOSCOW, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Russia plans to send cosmonauts to land on the Moon next decade for the first time in its history and intends to build a moon base from 2031, according to the Russian corporation responsible for manned space flights, state news agency TASS reported.
A draft plan presented by Vladimir Solovyov of RKK Energia said that Russia was planning manned missions to the moon, including the first Russian human moon landing, along with a moon base, TASS said on Wednesday.
"Preparations for the deployment of a lunar base - 2031-2040," TASS quoted the draft plan as saying. The plan also spoke of exploiting the moon's resources.
In August, Russia's first moon mission in 47 years failed when its Luna-25 space craft spun out of control and crashed into the moon, underscoring the post-Soviet problems experienced by a once mighty space programme.
U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong gained renown in 1969 for becoming the first person to walk on the moon, but the Soviet Union's Luna-2 mission was the first spacecraft to reach the moon's surface in 1959, and the Luna-9 mission in 1966 was the first to make a soft landing there.
Yuri Gagarin became the first human in outer space on April 12, 1961, but Soviet cosmonauts never did a human landing on the moon.
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They built some stupid crane game arm that somehow survived the shuttle and ended up on the ISS, now they think they get a seat on every NASA mission
Haha uh
cool another batch of faggot actors faking space
Pee is stored in the balls.
DOGE will make sure that everyone has to reduce spendings except NASA because NASA gives money to SpaceX
>Half crew is token dei
Blow it up on launch with drone bombs
Nah, Alabama is a red state and they have enough left over hardware for 3-4 flights trying to put the first sheboon on the lunar surface.
It's not going anywhere.
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shits automated now so...
>exploiting the moon's resources
There’s fucking nothing there. It’s a desert hellscape.
isnt there some natty ice?
Just leave a hand gun in the galley. They'll do it them selves.
okay retard
Why isn't only NASA astronauts are allowed fly on missions? And elon thinks he's going to create a self sectioning colony on Mars? BAHAHAHAHAHA
Inflatable bladders like the g-suits fighter pilots wear.
Have a apace race and if NASA loses to SpaceX then they get afueraed.
That's what the niggers said about their land. And then we mined it's resources. Then they bitched about how we stole their wealth.
No nigger. We told you it was valuable and you said "nah nigga, der ant nuttin der dawg gnomeslayin?!"
kek theyll make the white guys go last
So are the drones
>First unmanned mission was pushed back a decade.
>Second unmanned mission has already been pushed back another year.
>Manned mission isn't happening earlier than 2027
Maybe if NASA hadn't been up it's own ass trying to make niggers, trannies, and muslims feel good about themselves instead of building shit to go into space they wouldn't be this far behind.
Modern Power Rangers lineup
Space is fake and gay, all astronauts are freemasons.
>the galaxies belong to the white man
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes.
There is nothing out there. You are a retarded fag who thinks Jewish movies are real.

Earth belongs to the white man, you can leave with all the shitskins.
Needed a second white man to do the actual mission.
This looks like the cast of a B-list 90s sci-fi.

It just might work.
Drones aren't as capable at doing menial tasks quickly
lol ESL af
Nevertheless, they are going to fail hard if the criteria for selecting them is something other besides aptitude and skills. The journey to Mars is long af and if anything suddenly goes wrong they will only have themselves to solve it as they won't have zero delay assistance from Nasa like all the Lunar missions did.
NASA trying to hog all the space money..
Math is related to science
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I don't know. Deporting the leaf to the moon is pretty based.
There's value in letting both NASA and SpaceX operate their own programs
And they work together whenever they need to

Artemis shouldn't be scrapped, nor should the SLS, just let them keep doing what they're doing and let Musk do what he's doing. They have vastly different goals. NASA cares more about scientific observation and exploration while SpaceX is centered more around practical infrastructure for eventual colonization and expansion of human activity.

Musk isn't planning probes to Europa, for example
Let NASA cook
>Let NASA cook
When you put it like that, NASA probably does deserve a decent amount of space money.
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>Artemis shouldn't be scrapped, nor should the SLS
No SLS should be scrapped the second we have a human rated vehicle to get people to lunar orbit
Their budget is tiny anyway
25 billion?
We piss that away to Ukraine every month
Big Chin on the right there is alright, my money's on him being the important one
Even if he is a leaf
Pol doesn’t want to hear it but the black guy is legit. Look him up he earned that spot for real.
Yeah that space station is mighty expensive though
Post his stats then. Is he a good enough actor though?
I don't think you can skate by being an Astronaut on DEI, man
it's way too important the cost of failure is way too high for that shit
they all have to have earned it on some level
One Valhalla mission of one brave astronaut could save billions
I'll give you 1000 bong dollars if one of the white guys is first to walk on the moon
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One of them... Yes at least one! I can feel it! They know what to do!
like the insane woman who drilled holes in the ISS and made drill bit walking lines on soft aluminum with super sharp NASA bits
kek I hadn't heard about that
>lady on the right
I remember way back from when she did that long tour of the ISS that everyone called CGI

isn't she still trapped up there?
she's gonna end up like Davy Jones at this rate
part of the crew part of the ship

People are so tough when they can poke you from what they thought was an unreachable place...
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What happened to her? It looks like something sucked the Life out of her! I know...
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In space, no one can hear you SEETHE LOL
Do you think the woman and nigger know they only made the cut because of their race or gender? Deep down you think they would have to. Allegedly these are some of the smartest and most capable humans we have. I just don't understand how they would lack the self awareness to know that no matter how good they are, there's a whole fuckton of white guys out there who are far superior.
Athlete of the year in HS
BS in engineering from cal poly
Master of science in flight test engineering, systems engineering and military operational art
F18 Pilot in OIF, flew as a test pilot
3000 flight hours in over 40 aircraft, 400 clean carrier landings and 24 combat missions
Astronaut for ISS expeditions 64 and 65
Several successful space walks

The man is the real deal and is probably top 0.1% of men in this country black or white
This better be real
>The man is the real deal and is probably top 0.1% of men in this country black or white
Yeah pilots especially have to be peak.
Why is there a nigger in the crew? This has now turned into a gang
You can program a drone to fly into a rocket on a launchpad

I've seen them programmed to fly into people based on facial recognition
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>Elon the singing shark
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she whored herself up there too, then it went bad so she tried to force and emergency so she could go home
He won't need to. Nasa can't hardly get into orbit these days. The only thing the could send to the moon would be 4 dead bodies.
I heard you can't even get a boner in space because of how zero gravity effects bloodflow
could be BS
badly weakens the heart
I must be in a space every time i look at Taylor Swift
This one did:

Psycho bitch who had everything handed to her destroyed her career by assaulting and attempting to kidnap her ex's new gf.
Respect, easily.
lmao another one. She was a psycho


Our former governor general, I remember CBC pimping her so hard for months before we started hearing rumors of what a monster she was at the office. Resigned like a bitch instead of facing an formal inquiry and disciplinary hearing.
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I like your thinking, zoomers probably see a polycule and wonder who goes first.
Average 30 years old woman on Tinder.
right, the landing crew is all women
if the moon was truly a piece of Earth at one point, and there's plenty of resources on Earth under the crust, what do you think is on the moon? Hint: It's not nothing.
Would be hilarious if a moon mission found dinosaur skeletons there...
This kills the chiropractor jew
Artemis has been a failure, is overbudget, has no real advantageous goal for the US, and doesn't advance the other goal of NASA which is to privatize space launches. The years of NASA being an effective scientific organization is behind. It's not just a grift for public money to be used to pay for contract work of start ups. Let private venture capitalists take those risks, we have bigger things to deal with and have taken on enough debt to pay for things with no real benefit to Americans First.
They're not going to the moon. Just watch.
NASA's suicidal hubris will be historical.
They've been operating on Apollo fumes since the 60s.
They have nothing.
Is Boeing going to build the rocket?
>Exploiting the moons resources.

Now, that's the important thing.
Why are global powers eyeing the moon?
What could the moon POSSIBLY offer that earth doesn't already have in droves?
Well, turns out, we've squandered one of the most important resources humanity ever had, using it to fill clown balloons and make belches sound hilarious.


Once we realized the importance of helium in the medical industry, it was already too late and that was decades ago.
Now it's just a depressing long march to the end, unless we find new sources.

There are implications for power generation too, but my brain isn't rough enough to explain that much.
I see two pilots and two passengers
This guy gets it
It's also the perfect pit-stop for further exploration because of the low gravity
You couldn't ask for a more perfect little gas station
Intergalactic coon
Shitting on the moon
Just like in the new Dune
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>tfw you notice all the freemasonic image and rituals in open view

They are laughing at you so hard.
>Nobody said the N word
Some dark energy little reek
>two white men
w-what's happening anons?
is one of them gay, and the other one a tranny male?
that impossible otherwise
>Trump's gonna shut this one down so hard isn't he, especially with Elon leaping all around the White House.
they will die in Van Allen belts, just like Russian's dogs & monkey.
Okay, so thats the first crew member. What about the rest?

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